After the return of Zhiming, the situation became more complicated, and the two kings took over the throne, which became more and more fierce.

Seven princes died in longhuangshan, the situation of tripartite imbalance, the contradiction between the big prince and the three princes directly put on the table, so that the forces of all parties in the imperial city had to stand in line as soon as possible.

The three evil emperors have always been indifferent to the crown prince's capture of the royal family. As long as they do not act against the fundamental interests of the royal family, who can win the grand unification depends on their own ability.

It was unexpected that the seventh prince had an accident in longhuang mountain, which directly led to the fierce fight for imperial power. What the 13th prince, who was not qualified to inherit the royal family, did not make any choice. On the contrary, it would directly affect the final result.

After several years of return, all the Royal relatives and nobles have seen how powerful the Jiuyou demon emperor is. Even compared with the Kunyi demon emperor, who is the head of the three demon emperors, he doesn't give up much. As the only disciple of the Jiuyou demon emperor, the 13th Prince's status has become very important.

In front of the third prince's palace and the king's palace, a mysterious and quiet man in white clothes stood, and his thoughts flashed in his eyes.

Today, Lao shisan came to borrow troops from him, which was a rare opportunity for him. However, the identity of xuanluo was also extraordinary. The spies sent by him returned that xuanluo was now the leader of the southwest King's territory, and his strength was unfathomable. Even the previous southwest king was defeated by him.

It is said that the southwest king of the previous dynasty had the strength of the late Kingdom, and xuanluo could defeat him. If he had a stronger strength, he would have a card that no one else knew.

No matter what the reason is, this xuanluo will not be easy to deal with. If he wants to help Lao shisan get rid of him, he must use his hidden power.

He must seriously consider whether it's worth it or not.

The sky, the night gradually dark, night comes, thirteen Prince Mansion, Ning Chen sitting in the hall, in front of the lights carefully wipe the hand black knife.

Not far away, Shi Yu and Shi Qing look at the former's action and feel a little chilly.

They know that the cultivation of his Highness's sword is very extraordinary, even those so-called proud sons can't match, but it's the first time that they see his highness using a sword.

Outside the hall, the night gradually deepened, the whole imperial city was completely dark, the moon was dark and the wind was high at night, when people were killed and set on fire.

Inside the main hall, Ning Chen gets up and goes out with Crazy Bones.

"Your Highness"

Shi Qing opened her mouth, worried, and said, "be careful."

Ning Chen looks back, smile on the face, way, "do a little thing just, you tired to rest, don't wait here."

Finish saying, rather Chen continues to go forward, not long, disappear in the night.

In the hall, Shi Yu and Shi Qing look at each other, worried.

Three imperial city, dark clouds gradually cover the cold moon, the whole night appears more dark, suddenly, a roar, a thunder across the night sky, illuminate the imperial city.

On the street, the figure in plain clothes, holding a black knife, without covering his face or changing his clothes, walked step by step towards the northwest of the imperial city.

Qingyuan Marquis's house, the lights are on. Qingyuan Marquis, one of the former royal meritorious elders, is now old, and his life is withered. He lives in the house for the rest of his life.

Although Qingyuan Marquis's mansion is no longer as brilliant as it was in those days, today Qingyuan Marquis has a very high generation and a very special position in the royal family.

Qingyuan Marquis's house, as early as a hundred years ago, has made it clear to stand on the side of the Grand Prince, which is well known in the city of three emperors.

In front of the Qingyuan Marquis's house, the figure in plain clothes came forward with a murderous body.

"Who are you?"

In front of Qingyuan Marquis's house, two bodyguards saw someone coming and blocked the way.

However, as the words fell, the black light cut through the darkness and brought out a striking scene of residual red.

There was no time to shout out, plain clothes passed by, behind them, two figures fell to the ground, blood spilled over, dyed the earth red.

Ning Chen walks into Qingyuan Marquis's house and turns to close the door.

Roaring, thunder came down, the night sky was bright, before the door of the mansion was closed, the thunder reflected a pair of cold eyes, just like Shura, can no longer see the past gentleness.

When the door of the mansion is closed, the figure passing by in an instant turns into the God of death. The bodyguard on patrol in the mansion has not yet had time to respond. He just feels sweet in his mouth and his consciousness is quickly blurred.

Nine days above, dark clouds rolling, dark night to cover all the dark and evil, it is difficult to see.

At night, the extremely fast sword brings out a dazzling waterfall of blood. From the front hall to the backyard, there is a river of blood everywhere.


All of a sudden, a piercing cry rang through the Qingyuan Marquis's house. A young woman fell a lantern in her hand and looked at the corpses lying on the ground in front of her. She was frightened.

Before she could make a sound again, she was swept by the figure in plain clothes behind her. She was stunned by the knife.

"Who is it?"

The woman's cry of surprise attracted more guards in the house. A large number of guards came quickly, but the people were fast and the sword was fast.

The plain clothes pass by. Within a short distance, the black knife seals the throat, and a waterfall gushes with blood. At the end of my eyes, I can only see the poignant red."Presumptuous!"

At this moment, in the depth of Qingyuan Marquis's house, an old rage came out, and the king's authority swept out.

Ning Chen stops and turns back, looking at the powerful pressure in front, the cool color in the eyes flashes.

One step out, the figure instantly disappeared, reappeared, had reached the depth of Qingyuan Marquis's house, cold forbidden area, plain clothes appeared.

Make a seal with both hands, forbid the spring to open, forbid the space to seal the war situation, and cut off all the retreats.

"Prince thirteen, it's you!"

Seeing the young man with white hair in front of him, Qingyuan Hou's eyes flashed with shock. After a moment, he gathered his mind and killed.

No more words, rather Chen body move, black knife cut down, merciless.

Qingyuan Hou see this, a left hand grip, a magic knife appears, double knife confrontation, rock breaking.

Dao and Dao, fast and strong, tit for tat, head to head.

The gap of cultivation, speed to fill, ningchen foot strange step, body movement, fast knife like lightning, knife force.

"It turns out that you still have such extraordinary attainments on the sword. Prince 13, what are your plans for hiding so deeply?"

After several fighting moves, the Duke of Qingyuan was angry and asked in a deep voice.

"Under the yellow spring, there will be the king of hell to answer for you."

Ning Chen steps, avoids the magic knife, the body shape is instantaneous behind the former, the heavy fist gathers strength, roars to the king after the heart.


with a dull hum, the Marquis of Qingyuan staggered forward for several steps, turned around and waved his sword to break through the critical situation.

"Marquis Qingyuan, you are old!"

Before the words were heard, the figure in plain clothes came to the king again, and with the same startling blow, he roared to the king's heart.

Blood splashed, Qingyuan Hou even back a few steps, eyes to the front, surprised and angry.

What's the matter? Isn't this cultivation useless? How can it be so fast only by physical strength?

As soon as Su Yi arrived, the Marquis of Qingyuan turned pale and waved his magic knife again. However, seeing Su Yi's figure passing by, he turned away from the blade again.


Heavy fist bombardment, fist strength through the body, Qingyuan Hou mouth vomit red, stagger back.

Shocked eyes, this moment, finally understand the reason, not in front of people too fast, he is slow!

Just now, when his knife was close to it, its speed slowed down obviously, just like the confusion of time and speed, which was hard to detect.

"Did you find out? But it's too late. "

Speaking, Ning Chen figure again swept to the former body, heavy blow out, add advantage.

Stagger a few steps, blood flow, Qingyuan Hou severe cough a few, withered blood gas, more difficult to hold for a long time.

Once brave and good at fighting, has long been worn out in the years, Qingyuan Hou covers his heart, half a foot into the body of loess, more and more clearly feel the breath of death.


Knowing that the situation was not favorable, the evil spirit in the Marquis of Qingyuan was raised secretly, deliberately delaying the time.

Seeing through the plan of the king's procrastination, Ning Chen ignores it. His body passes by, with heavy fists and sharp knives in parallel.

The Marquis of Qingyuan waved his sword to meet the attack, and the attack was slowed down due to the restriction of God.


with a heavy fist, the king retreats. Before he can stop, the figure in plain clothes passes by again and comes to the king's back. He holds the black knife back and cuts through the body.


Over the nine days, the thunder broke the sky and lit up the night.

Through the heart out of the crazy bone, blood is constantly flowing, Qingyuan Hou looking at the heart of the black knife, eyes gradually dim.


Unwilling to ask, Qingyuan Hou hard look back, weak way.

"Because I'm human and you're demon!"

The black sword slowly drew out, bringing out a waterfall of dazzling blood. Ning Chen waved his sword to disperse the evil blood on the sword. Looking at the king in front of him, he said faintly, "I'll tell you one more thing. Your death is just the beginning of the chaos of the demon Royal family. If you don't worry, you can wait on the way to huangquan. Next, there will be many people to accompany you, including your emperor!"


The Duke of Qingyuan was shocked and angry. He hated the fire. Blood gushed out from the wound.

The next moment, the king's body straight down, eyes angry open, death.


Nine days up, the rain is pouring down, Ning Chen wave away God forbid, step away.

Qingyuan Marquis's house, rain washed the earth, red everywhere, dazzling.

Thirteen Prince Mansion, Ning Chen step forward, rain wet plain clothes, washing a crime of killing industry.

"Your Highness!"

In the front hall, Shiyu Shiqing, who had been waiting patiently, saw the figure coming in the rain. She looked surprised and immediately took the oil paper umbrella to meet her.

The oil paper umbrella blocks the heavy rain, but it can't cover the pungent blood. Ning Chen looks at the two women outside the umbrella, with a gentle smile on her face and says, "don't you want to wait?"

When Shiyu and Shiqing smell the blood of the former, they are all surprised. What did your highness go out to do?

"Take shelter from the rain."Did not wait for two people to answer, rather Chen whispered to say a, immediately step toward front main hall to walk.

Inside the hall, the candle is beating, so bright. Shiyu and Shiqing quickly walk to the back of the hall, take new clothes, and serve the former to change into wet plain clothes.

"Well, you can go down and change your clothes, too. Your clothes were quite wet when you went out just now." Ning Chen laughs.

Shi Yu and Shi Qing looked at each other, and then they went back.


Outside the main hall, the thunder broke through the dark night. Under the thunder, the distant eyes folded their smile and became extremely cold.

Domestic and foreign troubles will only really begin from now on.

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