Over the sea, the white tiger soared into the sky. After flying over the clouds, its speed gradually slowed down.

On the back of the white tiger, Ning Chen stood still, looking at the four iron ropes, his face became more dignified.

Never see the end of the high altitude, the temperature has been terrible low, white tiger wings have even frosted.

The little gourd was so cold that he hid in the God's prohibition and didn't dare to come out again.

"Stop it."

Seeing that the white tiger has reached the limit, Ning Chen calmly said, "you wait here, I'll go up by myself."

White tiger smell speech, stop body shape, no longer forced forward.

Ning Chen steps, jump up, both hands to grasp a sky iron rope, swing by, fly to another iron rope again.

The cold iron rope, cold, Ning Chen touch the moment, hands will form frost, however, after the moment, the frost melts, it is difficult to hurt the original body of Shenshu.

The mortal ascends to the sky, step by step is difficult, Ning Chen figure crisscross four iron ropes, with the physical body can forcibly plunder to the cloud sea nine heavy sky.

Below, white tiger vibration wings, waiting in place, tiger eyes looking at the sky, light nervous color.

In the sky, the figure in plain clothes moved rapidly. In a short time, it had risen thousands of miles away.

At the end of his eyes, the starry sky seemed to be in front of him. At the end of the four iron ropes, his true appearance finally appeared.

Ning Chen stares at his eyes. His body shuttles faster and sweeps toward jiuzhong sky.

From above, the sea area and the earth are invisible. A lot of clouds block the view, making people not know where they are.

Nine heavy sky, floating clouds appear again, four Tiesuo deep into the clouds, gradually invisible.

Ning Chen swept to the body, standing on the clouds, eyes slightly squint.

It's like a floating cloud in essence. Walking on it is like standing in a fairyland. The whole person is much more relaxed.

Qihuang people are really incredible.

The Wonderland is shrouded in clouds. There is no earth at the foot, but there is a destiny without any cultivation. The magical cloud is like a nine fold heaven. It's beautiful and intoxicating.

Ning Chen walks on the clouds and looks around for the whereabouts of Tianfu.

In the East, the sun rises. A day later, in the west, the sun sets. Above the clouds, Ning Chen still patiently looks for it and never leaves.

He was sure that Tianfu must be here.

In the west, the setting sun goes down, the cold moon rises, the height is extremely cold, and the cold moon is within reach.

Ning Chen walks among the clouds, searching for Tianfu again and again.

It's about midnight, the cold moon is hanging high in the sky, the temperature is getting lower and lower, the dripping water becomes ice, and even breathing becomes difficult.

At this time, on the clouds, illusory figures appeared, and the road was engraved, reappearing the scene of tens of thousands of years ago.

Many Qihuang people fell into a pool of blood, from the powerful to the women, children and children.

In the fierce World War I, all the royal families and several royal families, except the witch family, took part in the war. However, even so, the death and injury of the hundred families were still extremely heavy.

In the dreamland, the nine elders of the Qihuang clan at the top of the king's realm use the incantation as the guide and the aura of heaven and earth as the power to summon a terrible God to destroy heaven and earth.


the scene of tens of thousands of years is as if it is right in front of us. At the time of the heavy damage of all the ethnic groups, the emperors of the five royal families joined hands to kill the gods and severely hurt the nine elders of the Qihuang family.

In the end, I can't see them. The shadows fade away and disappear in the wind.

"How do you feel when you see the same kind of Terran being slaughtered?"

In the void, an old voice sounded out of thin air and asked.


Ning Chen looks back, looking at the old man with fuzzy figure in the void, and responds.

"You can find it here. You are the fourth in 70000 years." The old man sighed.

Ning Chen didn't care. Looking at the old man, he said calmly, "is Qihuang a human race? Why is there a Terran in the original demon world

The old man once again sighed and said, "in ancient times, there was a war between the two kingdoms. The hundred tribes of the original demon Kingdom invaded Tianwaitian. In order to resist the invasion, the Terrans also sent the strong into the original demon Kingdom and disturbed the hundred tribes' bases, and the Qihuang people were the descendants of those strong at the beginning."

Ning Chen hears the words and is silent. So it is. Later, he knows something. The queen mother of the West sealed the channel between the original demon realm and the outer heaven. Those strong human beings who had gone deep into the original demon realm could not go out again.

"Young man, why are you here?" Asked the old man.


Ning Chen did not hide, truthfully said, "now the channel between the original demonic realm and Tianwaitian has been opened again. It's only a matter of time for the original demonic realm to invade the Terran. I need to be able to fight against the emperor of the hundred tribes."

When the old man heard the words, his eyes were filled with emotion, and he said, "I've been waiting for the descendants of the human race for tens of thousands of years. Unfortunately, there are only a few people who can find here for so many years, and every time they are from a hundred ethnic groups. Today, I've finally arrived, just"At this point, the old man's tone was straight and said, "Tianfu is different from Renfu and Difu. It's not a great master of Qihuang's skill. It's hard to give full play to its power. If you want to use it, you must cultivate Qihuang's skill to a very high level. This skill is different from any skill and martial arts. No matter how amazing your talent is, it doesn't have any effect. The key to learn Qihuang's skill is patience and savvy You can't do without one, understand? "

Ning Chen nodded and bowed himself to a student ceremony. He said respectfully, "please teach me."

The old man raised his hand, and his face became dignified. Strange runes appeared, engraved with the wisdom of the Qihuang people for tens of thousands of years, and continuously disappeared into the former's divine consciousness.

There are endless runes and incantations. There is no power in them. The only way to practice them is to master them.

For a quarter of an hour, all the inheritance of the Qihuang clan was lost in ningchen's divine consciousness. They were as strong as knowing their fate. For a moment, they also felt the general pain of exploding their heads.

"You're good."

Looking at the former's cold sweat, the old man's face showed the color of satisfaction.

Even the most outstanding descendants of the Qihuang clan did not dare to teach their skills in this way.

It's the best way to be gradual, but he has no time. He can only cram everything into the human and divine consciousness at one time.

After getting Qi Huang's skill, Ning Chen's mind turns quickly. Previously, many people don't understand it, but now it's gradually clear.

Ning Chen raised his hand, and the incantations were looming. Around, the clouds gathered to form a cloud dragon more than Zhang long, circling into the air.

When the old man saw this, he was shocked in his eyes. It was so fast!

After a short shock, the old man looked back at the young man in front of him and said, "it seems that my worry is superfluous. It's hard for the young people of my family to master the method of attaching spirit. You have learned it so quickly. It seems that you are not only smart, but also have the same savvy."

"Savvy is really one of the few advantages of the younger generation." Ning Chen's face shows the color of modesty.

"Tianfu comes from the law of heaven and earth. When you master Qihuang, you can really control this power."

The old man raised his hand. Suddenly, there was a storm between heaven and earth. Around them, the clouds and fog surged, and heaven and earth changed dramatically.

Ning Chen looks at the changing world around, and his eyes feel thoughtful.

It turned out that the talisman he had been looking for was under his feet.

"Remember, foreign things are only foreign things after all. To fight against the emperor of a hundred ethnic groups, you still need to be strong. The human race is never inferior to any race. It was the same in ancient times and today."

The old man's unreal figure gradually disappeared, and disappeared completely in the twinkling of an eye.

Looking at the elder Qihuang who passed away with the wind, Ning CHENGONG went to see off the ancestors of the human race.

A moment later, Ning Chen gets up and makes a seal with both hands to urge Tianfu.

"Hua La"

at this moment, the floating clouds under the body vibrated violently, the four iron ropes swayed, and in the twinkling of an eye, they burst into pieces.

The next moment, on the clouds, on the mantra, crisscross, endless.

The clouds engraved with the laws of heaven and earth form a world of their own. Ning Chen stands on it and becomes the only controller.

Below, waiting for a day of white tiger heard above the movement, eyes flash shock.

Not long after, the sky, clouds down, plain figure standing still, looking at the front of the white tiger, said, "go back."

Words sound down, Ning Chen clouds away, disappear in the distance.

The white tiger recovered from the shock and flapped his wings to follow him.

"Immortal, you can fly in the clouds."

Ning Chen shoulder, small gourd fly out, excited way.

"Don't you know how to fly, what's your curiosity?" Ning Chen light smile way.

"It's not the same."

The little gourd danced and said, "you see, the big tiger behind can also fly, but only the immortal can fly in the clouds, and the immortal is the immortal."

Ning Chen smiles, without refuting the childish words of little gourd.

In the rear, the white tiger enviously looks at the little gourd rolling on the cloud excitedly in front of him. When can it be so valued by the owner as the little gourd.

One day, at the end of the sea, the central mainland appeared, and Ning Chen looked serious. Next, it was time for a real war.

Seeing the change of the immortal's face, the little gourd flew up from the clouds and fell on the former's shoulder. He cleverly concealed his body without disturbing.

Over the central mainland, Ning Chen came down from the sky, raised his right hand, and the rune loomed. Suddenly, the clouds and fog quickly gathered and disappeared.

The white tiger fell to one side, looking at the cloud that disappeared out of thin air, the tiger's eyes were full of incomprehension.


Ning Chen said a, continue to walk toward the front.

The white tiger followed and drove to the northwest together.

At the time of Zhiming's return, on the five battlefields of the original demon Kingdom, the flames of war spread rapidly, and the flames of war spread all over the sky.In the East and southeast of the demon Kingdom, the war was extremely fierce. Xuanlie, the world's first leader and Xuanqi, the world's first sword, were the two most powerful princes of the demon family. The leaders of the two royal families were constantly injured and defeated.

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