After sunset, under the cover of night, a thousand imperial guards went far around the city of Quran and towards the territory of Manchuria.

Standing in front of the barracks, looking at more than a thousand figures leaving, she felt extremely heavy.

She can't go with her. Now, the abbot of duer temple is still in the city of Qur'an. She is the only one who can fight with him. She must stay here to contain him.

The task of destroying the foundation of the Buddhist kingdom can only be done by Ning Chen himself. No one can predict what kind of crisis he will encounter during this period.

Ning Chen's side, the strongest person is a nine grade late imperial leader, another person stayed in the camp, help lime defend the last line of defense.

Before leaving, Xiao Mingyue's leaving and staying became the biggest problem. It was too dangerous to follow him, and it was also inappropriate to stay.

Mingyue refuses to stay. She must go with her. She only believes in ningchen. No one but him.

Ning Chen thought for a long time, and finally brought the little girl, since the moon is not afraid, he also grinds a fart.

They set out as soon as it was dark. They first went east, then went south and headed for ManChao.

The kingdom of Buddhism borders on the Manchu Dynasty, and the quickest way is to borrow from the Manchu Dynasty.

The remaining four thousand imperial guards stayed thirty miles outside the South Lijiang River, still waiting for the news of the Buddhist disciples. The time of summer is too precious. It's a day to last one more day.

Before Ning Chen left, he explained everything in detail, and didn't let go of any details.

Lime and another leader of the Imperial Army nodded. At this critical moment, they didn't dare to listen to anything.

Under the night, the eastward team walked faster and faster, and did not stop for half a moment. It was planned to step into the territory of ManChao before dawn.

After midnight, Ning Chen and his team quickly went south. Before long, they stepped into the land of man Chao.

There was a keepsake given by the king of man. After entering the man Dynasty, the journey was smooth without any obstacles.

It can be seen that manwang has given an account, which has saved him a lot of trouble.

Ning Chen specially wrote a letter of thanks, and apologized for his previous impoliteness, hoping that man Wang would not quarrel with his younger generation.

For all this nonsense, manwang didn't believe a single punctuation mark, and he didn't even have the interest to reply.

However, half an hour later, Xinying flew out from mangong, leaving manwang's depressed expression.

When aman came to say hello, he happened to see the letter on the table, so whether he answered it or not was up to the king.

When Ning Chen received the letter, it was half a day later. When he saw the letter, there was some fog in the clouds.

There were only six words on the letter, "how many products are you now?"

The font is beautiful. At first glance, it's not written by manwang. Aman doesn't like to practice martial arts and doesn't write much. Ning Chen doesn't recognize it at first sight.

However, he is not a fool, and his toes also want to come out. In the man palace, only a man can seize the right to speak from the man king.

Seeing the words in aman's letter, Ning Chen thought carefully for a long time, but he still didn't see the profound meaning of the words. In fact, he was used to it. It wasn't a matter of two times.

Of course, the reply can't be as simple as aman's. at least, the main idea should be clear. Ning Chen tells aman with his own practical actions that the other party must be able to understand the letter.

One day later, when another letter came back, he had to give up his unrealistic idea completely.

The reply is even simpler. There are only two words: "come on"

these two words were taught by him to aman, but now he feels that they are slapping him in the face.

At this time, the group stopped and finally arrived at the border between man Chao and the Buddhist kingdom.

Ning Chen's look also then gradually dignified down, danger from this moment, really began.

Strictly speaking, the Buddhist kingdom is not a country. It is a large Buddhist kingdom with duer temple as its center.

A thousand imperial guards set foot in the Buddhist kingdom and traveled all the way to the West. Their destination was duer temple, the center of the country.

The flames of war burned through every inch of the land along the way, and the weak resistance of the Buddhist kingdom quickly disintegrated under the butcher's knife of a thousand forbidden troops.

The kingdom of Buddha is not a country with strict discipline. All the resistance is scattered. In addition, the strong of the kingdom of Buddha have gone north. How can they stop the most elite Imperial Army in the summer.

Three days later, at the foot of a majestic mountain, a group of people came slowly.

On the mountain, a huge Buddhist temple stands. Under it, large and small temples arch and guard, which make the Buddhist temple more sacred.

Maijie mountain, the Holy Land in the heart of Buddhists, is finally close at hand today.

At the same time, in the city of qulan in the southwest of Daxia, the gate was opened, and ten thousand Buddhist disciples came out in a mighty way.

"Back up!"

When the two armies were 200 miles apart, the leader of the Imperial Army immediately withdrew. Then, the 4000 imperial army quickly pulled out their camp and retreated towards the south Li River.

Before long, the troops retreated to the other side of the bridge. At the same time, Ling Ling and 500 strong soldiers came to the dam and practiced their martial arts. Suddenly, heaven and earth trembled. A huge silver gun fell from the sky, and the Nanli dam fell apart.The torrent, like the Tianhe River, destroyed the rest of the obstacles and quickly swept downstream.

The terrible torrent roars and roars, which is unavoidable and unstoppable. From a distance, there is no heaven and earth.

The Buddhist disciple was shocked, and immediately turned around and ran. However, it was too late. Within a hundred miles, the flood had already arrived. In an instant, all the ten thousand Buddhist disciples and ten thousand hectares of fertile land were submerged by the flood.

The struggle before death is extremely miserable. There is a big gap between the accomplishments of ten thousand Buddhists. Under the terrible power of heaven, the weak have nothing but fear and death.

On the other side of the South Lijiang River, the lime Ling stands in the void, looking at the tragic image of the flood indifferently, without any pity and sadness on his face.

Ning Chen once said that these false Buddhas in the Buddhist kingdom are the most false people in the world and should not exist for a long time.

Since Buddhists don't want to practice Buddhism in the world, they should go to hell.

The flood is surging down the south, swallowing everything around. Before the natural disaster, any obstacles are in vain.

"The will of heaven"

the abbot of duer Temple looked at the tragedy in front of him and sighed. There was a touch of compassion on his old face. He immediately put his hands together, and a great force of Buddhism swayed away, to fight against the power of heaven with human power.

At this time, a silver spear came at a high speed, crashing into the Buddha's light.

Lime came, holding a silver spear, Lingli in the void, waist length hair flying in the wind, like a female martial god.

The abbot of duer temple looks cold, and compassion turns into murder.

"It's unforgivable to kill evil people who are treacherous and evil"

suddenly, the abbot of duer temple is full of Buddha light. Suddenly, the Sanskrit sounds and thousands of golden mansions gather. A Buddha's words appear in the sky and vow to spend evil in front of him.

When you step on the foot of lime, you will not retreat but advance. The silver spear will stick to one point and stab the eyes of the Buddha in the world.


with a light drink, the abbot of duer Temple raised his hand, and the * print on the palm appeared. With a loud sound, he stopped the long gun.

The Buddha's body is stronger than gold and stone. It is as strong as nature and can't hurt anything. The silver gun in Lime's hand turns back and quickly retreats.

At the same time, the Buddha's saying seems to open the Buddha's mouth, and in the golden light of the sky, six words of truth appear.

"Zhe, Ma, Ni, Ba, MI, Hong"

according to the Buddha, the six golden words of truth, Du Er, condense the supreme power of Buddhism and suppress it.

As soon as the lime retreats, its body is fast. However, the Buddha's words are fast and fast approaching.

After a real fight, she knows how terrible the strong in the three calamities are. Seeing that the Buddha's words are locked, she can't keep away from them. With her heart, she rushes to the front of the human Buddha with the momentum of burning jade and stone.

Congenital, is the fastest person in the world, between thunder, two figures already overlap.

At the next moment, the six word truth came and hit them.


after a loud noise, the cyan figure flew out, blood spilled all over, and was seriously injured.

The power of Buddha's words is so powerful that the abbot of duer temple can't bear it completely. With a shock at his feet, he stepped back.

Only one move, the victory has been divided, the terrible human Buddha, powerful to despair.

Lime covered his mouth, blood constantly spilled, once ten moves of promise, but today become a joke.

The flood under her body has already drowned the waist of the Buddha in the human world. Qingling finds out that the abbot of duer temple is so tall, much higher than ordinary people.

In the flood, the sad cry for help gradually weakened, and was drowned by the torrent of water.

Seeing that the goal has been achieved, the lime makes a quick decision and immediately retreats.

In a short period of confrontation, the Buddhist disciples were engulfed by the flood. The Buddhist disciples who have the body of Vajra can see their weaknesses in the torrent.

Four Dharma protectors and more than 100 strong Buddhists of seven grades opened up a path of Buddhism for the disciples of Buddhism with the great power of Buddhism, trying to save the living.

The abbot of duer Temple twists the finger of Buddha, and the lotus of Buddha spreads all over the void, shining infinite light of Buddha, quickly dispersing the flood.

The surviving disciples were pale and frightened by the terrible natural disaster. Then they found that the Buddha they had been cultivating all their lives was still as small as a mole ant in front of the power of heaven and earth.

Half a day later, under the protection of the abbot of duer temple and many powerful Buddhists, 7000 surviving Buddhists returned to the city of Gulan in a dilemma, and the remaining 3000 were buried in the torrent forever.

Looking at the lower reaches of hell, the four thousand imperial guards unconsciously felt the cold wind on their back. They had also killed people, but they were the first to see such a killing.

Flood has always been a difficult problem to solve in summer. Unexpectedly, this time, it helped them a lot.

Although most of the Buddhists survived, they would not be able to fight again in a short period of time. The sea of water they went to would not retreat in a short time.

After returning to the camp, she immediately closed her eyes and adjusted her breath. She knew that news would come from ningchen soon, and she had to help.This time, she realized the power of the Buddha in the world. With her current strength, there is no room to compete.

Although the abbot of duer temple is not happy, she is really too strong. If she blocks it hard, she can't even stop it.

This war has just begun. How to deal with the Buddha in the world will become the biggest problem in front of them.

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