The first Pavilion in the world, the night comes, the cold moon falls on the ground, the waterfall is cold, in the pavilion, the glow is diffuse, the night Master goes out, heaven and earth salute together.


the pavilions vibrated, the doors of the pavilions were wide open, and a figure with a high crown in black came out. He was cool and noble, and his temperament was outstanding.

The Lord of the night, the Lord of the night who frightens people all over the world, comes to the world again after a hundred years.

Step forward, space distortion, night master figure out of thin air, disappear.

The third Imperial City, the thirteen Prince's residence, is brightly lit, making the whole residence as bright as day.

Inside the palace, the tea is boiling and fragrant. In front of the palace, the young man in plain clothes cooks tea quietly, with a concentrated and peaceful look.

Outside the hall, the void moved, and the night Lord appeared. He looked at the young people in the hall without any worry.

Tea ceremony, I haven't seen such a flowing tea art for a long time.

In the primitive magic world, it's not easy for the Terran to survive. There's no mood to study the way of Camellia, Qin and chess. Many lost techniques are almost invisible today.

After a long time, inside the hall, tea poured into the cup, clear and bright, tea fragrance, refreshing.

"Night Lord, please."

Ning Chen opens his mouth and calms down.

Outside the hall, the night Master heard the words, nodded gently and said, "thank you very much."

The night master stepped into the hall and knelt down in front of the tea table.

Tea placed in front of the table, fragrance diffuse, tea water, three or two green tea ups and downs, slender full.

The night master brings up the tea, smells the fragrance of the tea, and takes a sip. The fragrance of the tea enters the throat. After tasting it carefully, it has a sweet and bitter aftertaste. It lasts for a long time and makes people intoxicated.

"Good tea"

the night master expressed his appreciation and exclaimed, "Your Highness, the way of tea art can be called a master. It's really extraordinary."

"I don't dare to be a great master."

Ning Chen said calmly, "the tea in the prince's mansion is the best in the world. It doesn't need too high tea art to make tea. In my hundred years of experience, there is only one person who can get the name of a great master. Unfortunately, she has passed away. "

"That's a pity."

The night Master said with emotion, "those who can be respected by your highness must be rare talents in the world."

"Yicai is light."

Ning Chen picked up the tea cup, tasted a mouthful, silently said two words, way.

Her existence, like the brightest meteor, is short and brilliant. The only thing worthy of her evaluation is that she is the first person in the world.

At least, no one can deny it in her time.

Even if you know your destiny, it will be inferior.

Tea into the throat, long aftertaste, Ning Chen put down the hands of the cup, thoughts will return.

Is he old? Why do you always think of the past?

With a smile of self mockery, Ning Chen converged and looked at the Lord of the first cabinet in the world. He said calmly, "I'm sorry, I think of some past events. I'm a bit out of my temper."

"It's not a bad thing to have unforgettable memories."

The night Lord didn't care. The color of vicissitudes flashed in his eyes and said, "Thirteen highness, to tell you the truth, before I came here, my Lord still had doubts. However, when I saw his highness, my doubts were all dispelled."


Ning Chen hears speech, Mou son tiny MI, way, "night Lord's meaning is can trust this Prince now?"

"Your Highness, I don't deny that." The night Lord picked up the tea cup and replied.

"The night Lord is really a person who is easy to trust others."

Ning Chen smile, tone indifference way, "night Lord can lead the Terran difficult survival so far, I admire, however, admire belong to admire, cooperation belong to cooperation, if the world's first Pavilion can bring me not help, but trouble, that can only say sorry."

"Can't the first cabinet in the world, as a human power, be trusted by your highness more than a hundred people?" The night Lord asked suspiciously.


Ning Chen directly denied that "the hearts of the hundred ethnic groups are different, but the human race is also fickle. I would rather use the hundred ethnic groups to do things than be bound by the so-called same race. In the end, I'm tired of them. If I meet a person with a different heart, I have to bear the nausea and clean up the door and get into trouble."

The night Lord's eyes, the thirteen Prince's words, is not without reason, if it is him, I'm afraid he will also choose like this.

"Since the night Lord came here in person today, I have a word to say."

Ning Chen looked at the man in front of him and said calmly, "cooperating with the first Pavilion in the world will do more harm than good. Once the two demon emperors know that I have a deep relationship with the Terran forces, all the help I get today will immediately become resistance. Do you understand?"

Night Lord hears speech, silent come down, after a long time, open mouth way, "I understand, disturb."

With that, the night master put down his tea cup and got up to walk out of the hall.

In front of the tea table, Ning Chen looked at the back of the former and said, "since the world's first Pavilion is a killer organization, it must be better than anyone to collect money and buy lives. The prince just has a business. I don't know if the world's first Pavilion dares to accept it."Night Lord hears speech, footstep pause, look back to the young man in the temple, opening a way, "the first Pavilion in the world, there is no business that dare not accept."


Ning Chen got up and said calmly, "I want a person's life. In the west, it's enough to have two princes in the imperial city. I don't want that one to come back."

It's a big deal to hear who is in the former.

"It's a deposit."

Ning Chen raises his hand. In the turbulent aura, a bunch of fairy jade like hills appear. The amazing number makes people gape.

The night Lord fixed his eyes. After a moment, he turned and continued to walk out of the hall.

"If your Highness's reputation can be trusted by my Lord, the deposit will be free. When the task is completed, I will collect money from your highness according to the collection standard of the first Pavilion in the world."

In front of the king's hall, the void shakes, and the figure of the night Lord walks into it. In a flash, it disappears.

Night Lord leaves, the king temple restores tranquility again, rather Chen looks at the fire that beats in front of the body, in the heart a sigh lightly.

It's not that he is unkind, but that the world is heartless. If he is affectionate, how can he fight against the heartless world.

Outside the hall, the night is getting deeper and deeper. In the quiet Prince's house, almost no sound can be heard. In the hall, the figure who has never fallen asleep, as usual, meditates day and night, with white hair and dazzling eyes.


Tianwaitian, worshiping the moon and ancient earth, double swords reflect the sun and the moon, the heavenly language moves the world, the slender hands dance, one person shakes the double swords.

Outside the battle, lime quietly watched the three men's fight, looking attentive and not turning her eyes.

In the war situation, the blue sword light is pressing forward step by step. The sword of the original intention is expected to be the first. It has no time for the heart of the sword and no flaws.

On the other side, white clothes are like electricity. The sword is so fast that it's hard to recognize. With a sword, it's even better than a peerless weapon.

Between them, it seems that they are only two or eight years old. Their looks are dignified. Their accomplishments are all open, and the Phoenix flame is coiled around them. They do everything they can, and heaven and earth are ordered.

The source of the heavenly language and the body of the Phoenix gather together the most powerful inherited sound in the world. Their fighting power is advancing by leaps and bounds. They meet the double swords without fear.


fight again with the sword, the heaven and the earth move together, the aftershocks, the holy land, the rune rising, endless, to block the impact of the war.

After the beginning of the heart, the speed of the sword swept to the moment, is fast, or fast.

The sound calms the mind, turns the palm, the heaven and earth nimbus compresses heavily, meets the sword.

The palm moves forward, the white clothes flash, the eyes can't move, and then to the girl's back.

At the same time, in the hands of aman, the initial intention turned. Before the Phoenix called out, he expected the enemy to come first.

"Heaven's punishment"

one move is restrained, and one move is revived. When the sound is sweet, the whole body is surging, heaven and earth are ordered, and ten thousand thunder are present.


the earth shaking earthquake sounded. In the ten thousand heavy thunder sea, the white clothes flashed and the body was still calm in the thunder.

On the other side, in the hands of aman, Zixiao is in this world. His two swords move together, and the light of the sword cuts the wind and thunder.

After a move, the figure of aman bullies him again, Zixiao disappears, and his original heart rises again.

On the void, the white clothes take up the sword wings, absolute speed, instantly tear space-time, sword to the war situation.

The absolute strength, the pure heart and the fast sword are as strong as the two inheritors of Tianyu and Fenghuang. They are also in a bad situation. They are hard to display their strength.

Boom, I heard that the double swords shook the sky. At the moment when I first wanted to defeat the enemy, all the swords went into the air and stabbed the girl's heart.

An inch in front of the heart, where the sword convergence front, fighting instant stop.

In the war, the two figures show up. Aman and mu Chengxue look at the girl in front of them and say nothing.

Yin'er recovered from the shock and said, "I lost."

This is the third time. Every time, she insisted on no more than ten moves.

She has been passed on by Tianyu and Shifu, but she has never been able to exert all her strength.

Aman came forward, patted the girl's head, and said in a soft voice, "progress, no hurry."

On one side, dusk Chengxue waves her sword and turns to leave.

Talent can never be equated with strength. If she has the same strength and cultivation, her master, one person, will be enough to block everyone present.

"Hard work."

Wrong body moment, lime mouth, calm way.

"She's doing well, but it's not enough."

Mu Chengxue said calmly, "she should have more strength than that. She got her master's Phoenix origin, but her strength was less than half that of her master."

"Wait a little longer."

Lime sighed, "you also know how much suffering her master suffered because of her incomparable fighting power."

Mu Chengxue was silent. After a moment, she nodded and said, "I know that aman and I will continue to train her until she can stimulate all her potential."

With that, dusk into snow no more words, step forward to continue.

Lime takes back her eyes and looks at the girl ahead. Her eyes become very complicated.Yin'er, the time left for you may not be much.

At the same time, in the northwest of the original demon Kingdom, Yangguan peak, the first Pavilion in the world, and the pavilion under the cold moon, the first people in the East and the four mysteries sit still. In front of them, the incense burner blows smoke and fogs their faces.

See the shadow of the sword, biting cold, covered with lead, even more elegant.

When the cold wind blows, the solitary lamp jumps gently, reflecting a person's cold body. I don't know where the dark sand is, the light black and white decoration, the sage's golden scroll, reflecting the world's purity.

The void moves, and the night comes. I see the sword in the fog for a long time without disturbing.

After the solitary lamp, the red brocade wipes the sword, gentle as water. The sword has been on for thousands of years.

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