Thirteen Prince's mansion, xuanque leads the troops to come, encircles the mansion to search, the atmosphere is tense, lets the human breathless.

Yin Ji looks down, ready to come forward, but is stopped by Ning Chen.

"Brother Jiuhuang, please help yourself."

Ning Chen smile on the face, way.

Xuanque nodded and waved his right hand. The soldiers behind him immediately entered the mansion and began to search carefully.

"Last night, did you go out of the house?"

Xuanque looked at the person in front of him and asked.

Ning Chen shakes his head and says, "never."

"What happened last night? Isn't brother thirteen curious?" Xuanque sneered, with an aggressive tone.

"I went to bed early last night and didn't hear anything. I didn't know there was an accident in the imperial city until this morning." Ning Chen smiles a way.

Xuanque smell speech, eyes cold, way, "Thirteen younger brother sleep really safe."

Ning Chen smiles and says, "these days I've been worried about the war ahead. I had a good sleep last night. I didn't expect that so many things happened in the imperial city."

The armory was burned, several royal palaces were affected, and no less than ten secret places of the demon royal family were attacked. The loss of skills and Xianyu was not small. It can be seen that these actions were planned for a long time.

The demon royal family has ruled the original demon realm for a long time. Similarly, there are countless enemies. As long as the time comes, many long hidden dark forces will never miss this opportunity.

What he did was to make things bigger, to force these dark forces out, and to hold all the attention of the demon royal family.

Just when the two of them had a tit for tat talk with each other, teams of officers and soldiers from all sides of the prince's mansion came one after another and searched for a long time without finding anything.

"Your Highness, nothing suspicious has been found." The chief General saluted respectfully.

Xuanque frowned and said, "can you find out?"

"Report to your highness, we have searched all the places that should be searched, and there is really nothing suspicious." The general said.

Ning Chen light a smile, way, "Nine Emperor elder brother if don't trust, can send a person to continue to search, anyway emperor younger brother today is also all right, accompany emperor elder brother to say to talk also can."

Xuanque's face sank and said, "no, I have something else to do. Goodbye."

With that, xuanque didn't stay any longer, ordered to withdraw, and immediately turned to walk outside the prince's mansion.

Behind Ning Chen, Yin Ji looks at the back of the ninth Prince and a group of soldiers, and asks, "Your Highness, what did the ninth Prince find?"

Ning Chen chuckles and says, "what evidence did your action last night leave?"

Yin Ji shook her head and said, "No."

"Since there is no evidence left, there is nothing to worry about. It's not us who should worry about, but the real conspirators last night."

Ning Chen's eyes looked out of the mansion and said, "the things of the demon royal family are not so easy to take. It's really a pity if they are robbed and killed."

Speak, rather Chen facial expression is more and more cold, although say regret in the words, the tone is chilly, let a person shiver all over.

Yin Ji's body was slightly shocked. She looked at the thirteen princes in front of her. For some reason, there was always an indescribable chill in her heart.

The purpose of the GUI clan's loyalty to her royal highness is to fight for a bright future for her. However, to tell the truth, the longer she gets along with her, the more terrifying and cruel she feels about her royal highness, and even the more ruthless the demons are.

She didn't know whether the choice of the GUI was right or wrong. She even had the illusion that the future of the GUI might be completely ruined by the man in front of her.

"What are you thinking?"

Yin Ji's ear, quiet voice rings out, ask a way.

Yin Ji returned to her senses and looked at the young man who was not angry before her eyes. She immediately restrained her mind and did not dare to think any more.

Since the GUI nationality has made a choice, they have no way back. They can only believe in their own choice.

"Let your people hide their tracks and don't expose them. Remember, don't touch anything of the demons." Ning Chen reminds a way.

"Yes Yin Ji responds softly.

"Arrange it. Come back before sunset." Ning Chen said.

"My subordinates are leaving."

Yin Ji saluted and left immediately.

Looking at Yin Ji leaving, Ning Chen turns around and walks towards the backyard.

In the backyard wing room, the space sealed by God's prohibition, Gu Shengtian sits in silence to heal his wounds. Beside him, an ancient sword is gathered in the scabbard, and his edge is all over.

In the forbidden space, Ning Chen steps forward and looks at the eastern master who is healing in front of him. He stops and waits.

I don't know how long after that, Gu Shengtian slowly opened his eyes and said, "it seems that it's my turn."

Ning Chen nodded and said, "when the Imperial Army goes out, the xuanmo commander leaves, and the guard power of the three imperial cities is greatly reduced. At this time, he has the most control."

Gu Shengtian nodded and said calmly, "I understand. Tonight, I will do it.""Thank you."

Ning Chen politely a gift, turn round to leave, don't disturb again.

In the crown prince's mansion and the palace, XuanZhen, who had been seriously injured for the first time, sat on the throne with a pale look.

Below, a spy half kneels in the palace and tells all the details of what happened in the imperial city.

On one side, in front of the guest, xuanluo listened to the report of the spy, and his cold look covered all the mood fluctuations.

On the throne, XuanZhen frowned and the imperial army went out to battle. As expected, it had a great influence on the imperial city. It is estimated that these disturbances are just the beginning.

In addition, xuanque took the opportunity to encircle the thirteen Prince's residence, which was obviously revenge for the public and private. The alliance in the past deteriorated so quickly that it was a pity that it was not far from being completely torn apart.

Opposite xuanluo, a king's house worshiper heard the spy's report, pondered for a long time, and said, "Your Highness, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. The power of the ninth prince can't be underestimated. Your highness can try to win over."

"It's not necessary."

XuanZhen shook his head and said, "before xuanque, there were signs of taking refuge with Laosan. Now xuanque's position is not clear. If he pulls in rashly, it is likely to bury hidden dangers for himself."

After hearing the words, he nodded thoughtfully. It's true. A prince with an unknown position can't be trusted.

Just as they were talking, a bodyguard outside the Royal Palace came quickly and said respectfully, "Your Highness, the thirteen princes are out to see you."

On the throne, XuanZhen hears the words, the cold idea in the eyes flashed by, how did he come.



the bodyguard took the order and turned to leave.

Not long after, outside the king's hall, a figure in plain clothes walked forward, with a calm and peaceful look, making people unable to see any hostility.

Ning Chen enters a temple, looking at the big prince on the temple, politely salute a way, "see big emperor elder brother."

"Don't be too polite."

XuanZhen opened his mouth and said indifferently, "how do you think of my palace today?"

"I heard that the eldest brother's injury has improved, so I came to visit him." Ning Chen smiles a way.

"Please worry about it. I'm fine." Xuan really light way.

"In this way, the emperor's younger brother will be relieved."

Ning Chen's mouth corners slightly bend, the vision sees to the Xuan Luo on the guest seat, smile a way, "Xuan Luo, long time no see, don't come all right."

"The thirteen princes still remember me. I'm really flattered." Xuanluo sneered.

"You're welcome."

Ning Chen chuckles. His eyes move again. He looks at the crown prince on the throne and says, "the imperial city is not peaceful these days. The eldest brother had better not go out of the palace. That's all. If there's something else in the palace, I won't disturb you."

Finish saying, rather Chen toward the man on the temple again a gift, immediately turn round to leave.

Opposite xuanluo, the king's house worshipped Lao shisan. Looking at his back, he frowned and said, "what does Prince shisan mean by these words? Is it a threat?"

On the throne, XuanZhen nodded and said, "if I have not guessed wrong, old shisan should have participated in the turmoil that happened yesterday."

"If this is the case, the ninth Prince's encirclement of the thirteen Prince's mansion is not aimless. However, looking at this situation, we can find nothing." The palace worships Leng Shengdao.

"All along, we look down on old thirteen."

XuanZhen said, "since old shisan came to the royal family, he has become stronger and stronger step by step. Now he has the qualification to fight against Xuanqing and me. If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, who can believe that a demon from a human family can come to this stage."

At the guest table, xuanluo sneers, and Daxia knows his destiny. His deep mind is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Regardless of his personal grudges, he has some appreciation for this son. It is precisely because he understands the horror of this son that he does not want to act rashly before he is sure to get rid of this son at one stroke.

He is very clear that the magistrate will never give him a second chance. Once he fails, it will be a stormy counterattack waiting for him.

Three imperial city, night, as scheduled, the sky is still cloudy, Imperial City parties, but more quiet than usual.

In the 13th Prince's mansion, Gu Shengtian walked out of the backyard room and step by step to the front hall.

The black ancient sword is introverted. It's the first person on the Terran sword. Tonight, the edge reappears.

The front hall, rather Chen looking at to walk of east boundary Lord, polite way, "thank you."

"It's my job."

Gu Sheng Ping Ping answered quietly and continued to walk outside the mansion.

"Next to the prince, there is a devil in dark red armor. If he interferes, you will say..." Rear, rather Chen openings, exhort a way.

"I remember."

Gu Shengtian nodded, and his steps did not stop. After a few steps, he disappeared into the night.

The East Territory Lord leaves, rather Chen turns round to see the woman behind him, calm way, "an hour later, let your person all hand."


Yin Ji takes orders, her figure melts into the night and disappears.

In the mansion, Ning Chen stands still in the night, looking at the cloudy sky, and his look is getting colder.Waiting so long, tonight, it's time to harvest.

In the Imperial City, a figure in silver came out, holding an ancient black sword. He was born in this dark world. His heart and sword should be black.

The prince's mansion is guarded by bodyguards. Suddenly, the wind blows and the sword rises, and one bodyguard falls silent.

Wang Dianzhong, XuanZhen, who was thinking about things, felt cold all over him and got up immediately.

Inside the hall, I don't know when the figure in silver appears. The sword moves and the killing machine shines.

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