Foshan was robbed. With the collapse of the Great Buddha, the eternal glory completely dissipated between heaven and earth. This is the darkest day in the Buddhist kingdom. Thousands of Buddhists look at the direction of the holy mountain and kneel down to cry.

In this world of demons, Buddha can't do it. In this pure land of Buddhism, will it fall into a terrible night.

Why hasn't their Buddha come back yet?

The Buddhists who support the false Buddhas have already lost their heart and can't stand the slightest blow. They fell into despair and panic on the night when the Buddha died.

On the mountain, beside the collapsed stone statues, three hundred imperial guards sit on the ground to adjust their breath. Their bloody faces are as determined as ever. Even if their future is bumpy, even if they are dying, they still do not give up. As always, they trust their Marquis and the empress in the distance.

In the Tianyu hall, the eldest grandson sat on the side seat beside the Dragon chair. He had been sleeping for several days. Under the Phoenix crown, a pair of beautiful eyes are now full of blood, but still persevere.

The folds on the table have piled up one after another, especially the war reports from the southwest of Daxia, which will be sent every half day.

She ruthlessly sent him to that battlefield, how can she not feel guilty, how can she not worry, she is not hard hearted, but, compared with thousands of civilians in the southwest of summer, her personal emotion is so small, she can only sacrifice him, sacrifice her most trusted people.

More than half a month later, he did a good job. The bald donkeys in the Buddhist kingdom didn't go any further, so Da Xia got a short breath.

These days, the northern Mongolian army in front of beichui city has stopped. Since the defeat of the Buddhist disciples, fanlingyue has converged. The negotiations between the two dynasties are still going on, and it seems that there is no chance to ease up.

It seems that everything is going in a favorable direction for the summer.

Now, the most important thing is to choose a new emperor, so that the situation in summer can be stabilized as soon as possible.

Half an hour later, a letter was sent out from Tianyu hall and quickly flew to the direction of Buddha.

Maijie mountain and duer temple are the most mysterious and sacred places in the Buddhist kingdom. Today, those who violate Buddhism step in to destroy the foundation of Buddhism.

Ning Chen leads xiaomingyue into the temple. The Buddha looks solemn and the golden body shines.

It's hard to imagine that the temple is so big. It's hard to believe how such a huge temple was built on the mountain. It's almost impossible for later generations to do it.

In the main hall, there are relics for the powerful Buddhists of the past dynasties. They are golden and look extraordinary.

Ning Chen came forward and looked at the thirteen relics. He stretched out his hand and looked at them for a long time, but he didn't find anything strange. He could not help but frown and put them away with a wave of his hand.

"What's the use of this stone?" Mingyue asked, puzzled.

"I don't know. I don't care. Take it first." Ning Chen shook his head and replied.

It is said that Buddhism is different from the ordinary martial arts. After the cultivation, the golden body will not die out. Even after the cultivation, the body can be injected into the relic.

However, it's just a legend. He doesn't know whether it's true or not.

These monks were too hard to chop when they were alive, and the stone formed after their death was also extremely hard. They didn't know what the use was.

They tossed in the hall for a long time, but they didn't find anything to take away. Xiao Mingyue took a small mallet in front of the Buddha. Ning Chen saw that the mallet had been taken away, so he put the wooden fish in it.

After the front hall was turned over, they went to the back hall, where the Buddhists rested. After a simple turn, they found some pills and put them away.

The last place they went was the residence of the abbot of duer temple. However, before they entered, they were blocked by a powerful force and could not get close to half a step.

"If I can't get in, what can I do?" Mingyue reaches out her little hand and touches the invisible obstacle in front of her. She is not happy.

Ning Chen also stretched out his hand to feel for a while, immediately some depressed, the intensity of this prohibition, at least is congenital above can break.

Although he is in the middle of the ninth grade, he is still a long way from being born. It is estimated that it will be difficult to break the ban for a while.

"Mingyue, you step back, I'll try"

Ning Chen asks xiaomingyue to step back, then draws out the ink sword and prepares to smash it with brute force.

Mingyue obediently walked back more than ten meters, and said in a crisp voice, "OK, you can start"

Ning Chen prepared for a while, and immediately cut up with a sword.

The next moment, however, there was a loud noise, the golden light was booming, and the earth was shaking. All the officers and soldiers on the Mijie mountain were startled by the sudden noise, and they looked at the back of duer temple one by one, what their Marquis was doing.

The ban shook, then quickly calmed down, nothing happened.

Ning Chen shakes the arm that is shaken hemp, this thing so bear to smash, some not easy to do.

It's not that he doesn't have the way to break the ban. The sand sword given to him by the elder must break the shell. However, it's a gift for the old bald donkey. How can it be wasted here.

"Can you open it?" Xiao Mingyue called and asked.

"No problem, you wait a little longer"

Ning Chen adds strength to himself, and Xiao Mingyue is still watching, so it can't be shameful.Isn't it just a ban breaking system? He can't beat it. He can't even beat a ban set by nature.

A moment later, there was a loud bang on the mountain. Many of the wounded soldiers in the forbidden army had some curiosity and unconsciously looked at the leader of the forbidden army who was still healing.

"If you want to go, go," the leader of the Imperial Guard said calmly without opening his eyes.

When they got the consent, they immediately stood up and ran in the direction of the noise.

Before long, a large number of soldiers stood in front of the old monk's residence in the back hall, watching their Marquis slashing a faint golden light in front of them.

Mingyue pinches a piece of dried beef from a soldier's hand and puts it into her mouth. She is bored and chews it. How long is it going to be cut.

The soldiers around them are curious and wait around xiaomingyue. They are not unfamiliar with the little emperor of northern Mongolia. After all, the war between the two dynasties can't be blamed on a child. If a child can decide the affairs of the Royal Court of northern Mongolia, Daxia won't fight so hard.

In front of the old monk's residence, the roaring voice continued. People were tired of watching it. They sat with Xiao Mingyue, eating the dry food they had with them while waiting.

"How long will it take?" after a while, Mingyue was a little sleepy, but she couldn't sleep because of the loud noise, so she called impatiently and urged.


Ning Chen turns round to return a way, after waiting to see a pile of people sitting behind him, can't help but frighten a jump, these guys how all came.

"Hou, can I help you?" A soldier bravely asked, but his body didn't move at all.

"Yes, marquis, if you need help, don't be polite." seeing someone leading, the rest of the officers and soldiers also began to coax.

Ning Chen despised to see these guys one eye, know to blow to say big words, have ability really come.

"You sit and see, the Marquis must open it." Ning Chen feels dignified and frustrated. Even these guys dare to laugh at him. Today, he has to break the turtle shell to find face.

Rumbling sound again, Ning Chen made up his mind, no matter how can not lose face in front of subordinates, a sword and a sword hit more violent.

Two hours later, it was almost dawn, and a general of the imperial guards came over and yelled: "Hou, the letter from the Imperial Palace"

Ning Chen took a look at the dim light of the forbidden system, took the letter, turned to xiaomingyue, sat down and looked at it carefully.

All the officers and men were quiet. They didn't know what news the empress of the palace had sent.

"The rescue will take about ten days to arrive, and the empress will let us hold on." Ning Chen looks at the first half of the letter and raises her head to inform the public.

The letter was written the day before yesterday. It took more than a day to get it here. Counting the days, they really need to wait about ten days.

There was no joy or depression among the soldiers. Ten days was a bit long for them, but they survived.

In the second half of the letter, Chang sun focused on the situation in the imperial city and northern Mongolia.

The situation of the imperial city has not changed much. The contest between the two princes has reached a white hot point. The three princes have argued for more than once and failed to reach a consensus.

What made him most concerned was the excessive calm of the northern Mongolian army. Although the negotiations between the two dynasties were still going on, he did not believe it at all. In this world, he was the most understanding person who listened to the moon. He knew very well that it was absolutely impossible for the northern Mongolian army to retreat.

There is no doubt that the situation of gradual easing is an illusion. Fanlingyue seems to be imperceptibly conveying an attitude to everyone in Daxia.

There is a possibility of negotiation between the two Koreas!

He is now far away in the Buddhist kingdom, and he is not sure what fanlingyue is thinking, but this illusion is definitely a hidden danger for Daxia.

"Come on, get the ink." thinking of this, Ning Chen says.

"Yes" the soldiers waiting on one side saluted respectfully and immediately turned to walk towards the main hall.

There was no lack of articles in the hall. In a short time, the pen and ink were taken.

Ning Chen took over the pen and immediately wrote down his suggestion. In the letter, he repeatedly stressed that he should be careful to deal with the affairs of the Imperial City, especially for fan Lingyue, and never believe in any illusion of peace.

At the end of the letter, he gave a brief account of what happened, so that his eldest son would not have to worry about it. He could still support it.

"Immediately ~ send the letter back to the palace" rather Chen fold good letter, handed to the side of the imperial guards, zhengse way.

"Yes" the soldiers took orders and left immediately.

After such a toss, everyone was not in the mood of making fun in pain. Ning Chen was also unwilling to delay any longer. When he reached the top of the ban, his kung fu was promoted. The snow was surging all over the sky, and the ink sword was trembling, and the frost was quickly frozen.

The light of the sword fell down and chopped heavily on the forbidden system. The golden light, which had already been extremely dark, could not bear the strong power and broke apart with a bang.

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