Ning Chen follows two Buddhist vajras into the chamber of secrets. The imperial guards are all surprised. They haven't found anything yet. How did the Marquis come.

"Hou" all officers and men salute, respectful way.

"En, you all get out of the way" rather Chen put a way.

"Yes" the soldiers got up and immediately gave way to the room.

"Where is the slate? Let's talk about it." Ning Chen glanced at two people and said plainly.

The two Buddhist vajras went to the stone platform where the wooden niche was placed before, and then said, "just below here"

Ning Chen stepped forward and pushed the stone platform, but he still didn't move. He could not help frowning and said, "is there any mechanism"

"No." they shook their heads and said.

Ning Chen nodded, want to open smash again, very good, what he is good at most is this.

Keng to a, ink sword scabbard, immediately a loud noise, stone broken, scattered all over the ground.

The stone platform collapsed, and then it was dug down half a foot. Sure enough, a broken stone slab appeared. The pictures and characters engraved on it were a little blurred. It was something of a certain age.

Ning Chen stares at the stone slab for a long time, and his brow is more and more wrinkled. The leader of the forbidden army not far away comes over. When he sees the content on the stone slab, he can't help but look different.

"Hou" said the leader of the Imperial Guard with a worried face.

"Needless to say, I have my own discretion." Ning Chen waved his hand and interrupted the former.

On the stone slab, the origin of the golden short sword is written. It is really not a Buddhist thing, but a heavy weapon with magical nature. Long ago, the owner of the sword had a big grudge with Buddhism. He used the sword to kill countless Buddhists and disciples, which was covered with endless blood.

In the end, the first abbot of duer Temple couldn't bear it. He devoted the whole power of Buddhism to kill the owner of the sword after a bloody battle for two days. Finally, he put the sword under the temple for three hundred years and sealed the resentment in the sword with great Buddhism.

This sword is full of the hatred of the master of the sword for Buddhism and the resentment of the 100000 Buddhist disciples and Buddhists who were killed when they were dying. It can be said that it is a very evil resentful weapon.

When Buddha talks about the afterlife, his greatest fear is the idea of resentment. This period of history has always been a taboo of Buddhism. It is deeply buried in the dark underground and never sees the sun.

After the seal of the Great Buddha Dharma, the resentful soldiers have lost their original appearance and become the golden holy soldiers of Buddhism, but it does not mean that the resentful thoughts inside have disappeared.

There is no way to remove the seal, and Buddhism is not stupid. We absolutely don't want this magic weapon to be born again.

However, the first half of the stone slab has already explained that this is a resentful soldier cast by the blood of Buddhist disciples and Buddhists. Now it has become a holy soldier of Buddhism, but it has been sealed.

In other words, as long as the power of resentment is stronger than that of Buddhism, the sword will be unsealed again.

Since Buddhism can suppress resentment, resentment can also suppress Buddhism. Buddhism and demons can conquer each other, and vice versa.

Soon, they will have to deal with a natural Buddha in the three calamities. Any suppression will be of great use.

"Hou, there are Buddhists gathering at the foot of the mountain, and they are about to come to the mountain." just then, a soldier rushed to the mountain and told him.

"Hou!" The leader of the imperial guards changed a little and said in a hurry.

"No more!"

Ning Chen raised his hand to stop it, and immediately looked at the soldiers around him. He said in a cold voice, "everyone go out with me"

"yes" all the soldiers respectfully take orders.

The Buddha in the kingdom of Buddha should have received the news. On the way back, he can't hesitate any more.

At the foot of the mountain, the dark Buddhists came from all directions. Just in front of them, there were tens of thousands of them.

Ning Chen took three hundred imperial soldiers down the mountain. Seeing more and more figures gathered at the foot of the mountain, the coldness in his eyes became more and more intense.

There are more and more Buddhists from afar. Three hundred soldiers stand behind Ning Chen, silent and waiting for orders.

"You devils, get out of Foshan!" In the hustle and bustle of the crowd, a Buddhist, relying on the large number of people, roared.

"Get out of Foshan!" The other Buddhists also scolded angrily.

Tens of thousands of people's voices, like thunder on a sunny day in the fading night sky, are deafening and resounding for hundreds of miles.

Ning Chen coldly looks at the Buddha who falls into madness in front of him. He has no anger, no pity, but is as calm as ever.

Stupid and heartless people are not worth any pity. Compared with the soldiers who are still fighting in the summer, they are worthless.

The voice of the crowd from strong to weak, watching the front of the devil is still indifferent, ear shaking voice gradually weakened.

At this time, Ning Chen opened his mouth and said sarcastically, "in the eyes of your Buddha, you are a bunch of stupid people. Of course, in the eyes of my Lord, you are not as stupid as stupid people!"

Hearing this, the crowd suddenly burst into a frying pan, and their anger was instantly catalysed to the extreme. They rushed up the mountain.

When the conflict starts, Ning Chen moves, and the golden dagger in his hand runs across a terrible sword. Suddenly, the broken limbs and arms fly all over the sky, and the blood gushes like rain.

"Kill, a don't stay" rather Chen icy cold way."Yes"

the three hundred imperial guards took orders, went out with the light of the sword and entered the crowd in a twinkling of an eye.

In a flash, under the holy land, the voice of fear came one after another, but it could not stop the merciless sword light.

It's hard to imagine that there is a big gap between ordinary people without discipline and martial people. In front of the mountain, there are only killing, red naked naked killing.

The blood flowed, and the soil was washed out of gullies by the blood, and spread to ten miles away.

Standing on the stone steps in front of the mountain, Ning Chen offered a golden dagger. Between turning his hands, the blood below kept flying, and immediately turned into a golden dagger rushing into the air.

The dagger in the sky is full of golden light, constantly resisting the erosion of blood waterfall.

The killing continued, and the blood also flowed. The atmosphere of anger, fear, hatred and despair continued to spread, condensing in the blood and bursting out with strong resentment.

The light of the Buddha in the sword is more and more prosperous, and the resentment in the blood waterfall is more and more strong. When they collide, the piercing sound of bareness constantly rings out.

At this time, the most miserable night of the Buddha Kingdom, the Buddha can not walk, only to watch the Buddha at the foot of the mountain being slaughtered by the devil of the summer.

Daxia soldiers have the most strict discipline in the world, and the belief of absolute obedience has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. From the moment they received the order, there was no doubt and hesitation.

The blood waterfall in the air is more and more majestic, and the Buddha light is gradually submerged by the blood waterfall, and it is difficult to show any more brilliance.

Three hundred miles away, the abbot of duer temple and the Three Dharma protectors all changed their looks. They were shocked by the strong resentment in the distance.

At the same time, farther away, a thick color of worry flashed on the face of lime, and her figure passed by, and she rushed to the direction of Mijie mountain.

Under the holy mountain, the sad cry is getting smaller and smaller, and there are few people who can still stand. The golden dagger in the blood waterfall begins to tremble, which is obviously the critical moment to break the seal.


the next moment, the surface of the golden sword erupts the last brilliance, and then it bursts into pieces. At the same time, on the body of the sword, resentment surges into the sky, rolling the surrounding blood waterfall, forming a huge blood column running through the heaven and earth.

Resentment soldiers now, blood rain came to the world, as if heaven also cried for the human catastrophe, shed blood and tears.

In the bloody rain, the resentful soldiers gradually took shape. The appearance of the sword changed greatly. A three foot long sword appeared. The blood lines spread and the demons circulated, which made people feel chilly.

At the foot of Mijie mountain, three hundred soldiers are bathed in blood. There is no one standing around them. They know that from now on, they will be the most evil people in the world.

Ning Chen didn't say much, and didn't apologize, standing in the blood rain, quietly waiting for the Buddha in the future.

Half an hour later, four powerful figures came slowly. With each step, the earth would tremble. These are the four most powerful Buddhas in Buddhism.


as the four approached, all the corpses in the way were blown out, and the Buddha's clothes were bloodless and holy.

"You block in them three people" rather Chen holds blood grain sword, swept one eye forbidden army leader, opening a way.

"Yes" the officers and men of the forbidden army respectfully took orders.

This is the last battle. No one knows the result, but they have no choice.

The three Buddhist Dharma protectors at the top of the nine grades are the most powerful people in the world. Just standing there gives people a terrible pressure that is hard to shake.

In contrast, the abbot of duer temple is more ordinary, calm and introverted.

However, everyone present knows that this is just a kind of illusion. The Buddha in the world has proved his strength countless times.

Ning Chen stood in front of the human Buddha, without hesitation.

"Evil and heresy, heinous crimes, the Buddha can not tolerate, Amitabha!"

The abbot of du'e Temple put his hands together and called the Buddha's name. Immediately, his whole body was shining with gold, and he started the battle of killing demons.

"There is no Buddha in this world, there are only you hypocritical bald donkeys. My sins are punished by heaven, but not by you bald donkeys"

the words are heard. Ning Chen's blood is shining in his hand. Within ten li, he turns blood to cover the clouds and close the moon, which makes people fear.

At this moment, the Three Dharma protectors only felt that their inner breath was stagnant, and the Buddhist power was blocked, which made it difficult to exert.

"Providence The abbot of du'e Temple sighed and stepped forward. He didn't cover up the murder in his eyes.

Just then, in the distance, a beautiful blue shadow came and fell between them.

"I'm sorry I'm late," she apologized.

"It's not too late, enough to send him to the West tianmian Buddha." Ning Chen looks the same and says in a cold voice.

As soon as the abbot of duer Temple stepped on his feet, he turned into King Kong and was captured by the Buddha.

When the silver spear swings by, the lime takes a few steps back and looks different.

The abbot of duer temple is slow, and the power of moves is much weaker.

Although it is still powerful, it is not the absolute suppression that can not be matched before.

Ning Chen urged three parts of the body, and said, "don't think about it. This bloody sword used to be owned by a very strong man in the innate world. It collected countless complaints and restrained the Dharma of these bald donkeys. However, I can't last long. I want to make a quick decision. In addition, the flaw of Vajra's good body is in Tanzhong.""I understand!" The lime dew is dignified and responds.

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