At the end of hongluan's star field, Yi Xuanmiao leads the way, and the ghost clan team goes away quickly. They dare not stay for a moment.

Rear, Zhiming, mu qianshang left behind, figure hidden, waiting for the rabbit.

"Will the demons of the royal family really come after them?"

In the dark, mu qianshang opens his mouth and doesn't understand.

"It's 90 percent possible."

Ning Chen looked at the sky in front of him and said coldly, "the human race has been weak for a long time. This time, there are so many Wang Jingxiu. The demon royal family will send someone to follow and check. We can wait here patiently."

Mu Qian Shang Wen Yan, slightly nodded, reasonable.

Half an hour later, in the starry sky, a faint fragrance filled the air, and the figures of qiandabo and kaluro showed up. Looking at the direction of the ghost troops leaving in front of them, they didn't stop any longer and chased quickly.

"Do it!"

Dark place, rather Chen cold voice said a, immediately the figure flashed, toward the front sweep.

Mu qianshang keeps up. The snow sword comes out of its sheath and the cold light shines on his eyes.

Star space, less than the reaction of an instant, two sword light break into the air, a black and a white, killing four days.


Qiandabo and challouluo felt that they all changed their looks. In a hurry, they stopped their moves.

With a roar, the sword blows. Qiandapu steps back at her feet, and her mouth turns red.

The black figure has a familiar face, but its breath is quite different. It is full of powerful evil spirit, which makes people crazy.

Once the master and servant for the first time, Ning Chen strong against the eight on the Qianda woman, the killing machine silk in the eyes did not hide.

"Qiandaba, meet again!"

The sword points to the yellow spring, and the ghost is as fierce as a wave. Ning Chen's voice is cold, and his figure flashes by, and the killing game opens.

A hundred paces away, Qian Da Po steadied her figure, poured yuan na Qi into her body, filled with red fog, and used poison as a weapon to meet her opponent.

Keng ran drama shock, two figures crisscross, sword light vertical and horizontal, fog filled.

Not far away, mu qianshang opens the landscape sword realm again, with high mountains and big rivers.

Gallow cold hum, war halberd start, sweep the army.


The sword and halberd fight each other again. As soon as they fight, they become white hot. The sound of the sword is loud and amazing.

"Since you have escaped, why come back to die? It's stupid!"

With a sneer, the halberd broke through the air, and the demon yuan was furious.

A sink and a fast, peak intersection, the sound of war, resounding through the landscape sword.

"Sword and ink, Huxiao mountain forest!"

There is ink on the sword. The white tiger roars in the forest. In the landscape of the sword, but the white tiger's shadow rushes past and rushes to the king of the demons.

The sword, which has never been seen before, startles the world of mortals. Kaluro concentrates on it. The halberd is waved and the demon yuan runs through the air.

At the peak of the king's realm, he broke through all kinds of methods, and gallow showed an overwhelming advantage in cultivation. He broke the sky and the sea with halberd, and his power became more and more amazing.

Double attack, white tiger collapse, sword scattered, continue to move forward.

Jialouluo whirling halberd can block one sword after another. It has amazing fighting power and is sure to be fully displayed.

In the mountains and rivers, the figure of Mu qianshang disappears and melts into the sword realm. The body moves and the sword is invisible.


He turned back and turned his halberd to block the light of the sword. His consciousness was released and his whole mind was on guard.

Just when mu qianshang tried his best to hold down the challouluo, the other side of the war, knowing his fate and fighting power, moved mercilessly and killed qiandabo.

In the face of the old master, qiandabo did not dare to be careless. She tried her best to fight against the old master.

In front of the familiar and unfamiliar opponent, the strength is far beyond imagination, a move in one form, shocking.


Fast sword vertical and horizontal, potential sink like a mountain, Ning Chen holding a ghost sword, a sword lead to kill, move fierce.

After more than ten moves of fighting, Qianda's mother-in-law fell into an all-round downwind. She was so poisoned that she didn't work at all.

"How could that be?"

The longer the battle lasted, the more shocked Qianda was. Even the demons could not resist his poison. Why did he have no effect on him.

"Surprised? Have I ever taught you that only by knowing yourself and the other can you win a hundred battles? How much do you know about your master after you have been with me for so long? "

Indifferent words, without the slightest human feelings, Ning Chen calm body, Teng Jian, a sword shining, the sword opened the way to the yellow spring.

The sound of the sword resounds through the starry sky. The extreme state of the sword is unparalleled in the world.

In the war situation that was completely suppressed, qiandabo gradually turned red, and her bright eyes showed a touch of fear.

The red fog is full of air, but it can't break the law of the God forbidding the whole body. The God forbidding the yellow spring protects the body, and all kinds of poisons can't invade.

When the poison skill fails, qiandapa is in charge of hegemony. She wants to reverse the war situation by suppressing her accomplishments.

However, the speed of the close hand is silent and slow down by three points. As time goes by, the attack speed of the former will be changed.

Close at hand, Ning Chen slightly side of the body, raised his hand to grasp the former's hand, hand ghost sword cut down, Yila, Qianda Po left arm should be broken, blood gushing all over the sky, red starry sky."Eh!"

After a heavy injury, Qianda snorted and took several steps back. Under the pain, she felt more fear.

"I'll give you a chance to live, to surrender and to spare you from death."

Ning Chen looking at the front female phase of eight public, eyes congealed if the abyss, cold way.

"Eight men, only to die in battle!"

Qiandaba suppressed her fear and said in a hoarse voice.

"I will help you!"

Words sound falls, rather Chen step by step forward, in the hand ghost sword Guanghua rise again, cold kill machine, more and more piercing.

"Gallus, retreat!"

When the opportunity came to kill her, Qianda did not dare fight any more. She drank deeply and wanted to flee quickly.

In the landscape sword realm, when he heard the words, he frowned slightly, but he also felt the disadvantageous situation in the distance. He no longer felt like fighting. He retreated his opponent with a halberd and was about to retreat.


At this time, in the distance, two blue arrows came through the air and swept towards the two sides.


After that, the cold arrow in the back is still silent, which makes people unable to defend. The seriously injured qiandaba can't react well, and she is immediately hit again.

In the territory of Shanshui sword, kaluro waved his halberd and scattered the light of the arrow. His eyes looked at the direction of the cold arrow, and his eyes were full of murders.

It's this person again. It's really hateful!

"The people, who always boast to be aboveboard and aboveboard, should have done such mean things as stabbing people in the back!" Gallow opened his mouth and sneered in a cold voice.

"In addition to demons, there is no need to be aboveboard."

Starspace, the voice of the falling stars, responds.

"I found you!"

With a look of condensation, he turned his hand to the yuan and made a strong counterattack.

The vast palms are swept out, withered and decayed, and where they pass, the void is broken and full of scars.

"Bird man with wings, do you really think I am as stupid as you?"

Palm force broke through the air, but like a stone sinking into the sea, failed to make waves, in the starry sky, the voice of ridicule came, sneering.

Chaluro's face sank, and his divine sense spread, hoping to find the trace of the former.

"Did you forget that you still have an opponent in front of you?"

In the sword realm, the ink sword Qi breaks through the air, the ink color is rendered, and the landscape changes.

When the sword comes, Gallo comes back, and the halberd blocks the sword. The killing in his eyes is more intense.

These Terran strongmen are really in trouble!

The falling star takes part in the war, and the retreat of the two demons is blocked. In the distant war situation, Ning Chen's step forward is locked in qiandaba's heart, just like death's coming.


The figure of qiandabo is staggering, and the blood is spilling from the corner of her mouth. She has reached the limit of support.

Unwilling to be put to death, qiandaba mentions her last body again. Red fog enters her body and feeds back on her own meridians.

This is the blessing of poison skill. The blood around is exploding. Qianda will drink it for a long time, and the demon yuan will rush into the night, and the long hair will dance wildly.

The front, rather Chen see shape, the facial expression does not see the slightest change, the pace of the front is still unswerving.

"Even if you die, I will take you to hell with me!"

Give up one's life, qiandaba explodes in anger, and all her accomplishments explode in one day, shocking the world and the earth.

In the final move, Qianda's blood is surging all over her body, her green silk is dyed red, and she is as crazy as a devil.

Startle a palm, potential swallow heaven and earth, Qian Da Po figure swept out, rushed to the former.

"I'm the king of hell. I'm not afraid to go to hell again."

The former comes, Ning Chen cold voice said a, in the hand ghost sword burst out the most dazzling brilliance, a sword to meet, swallow the sky to destroy the earth.

It's the best way to fight. But I heard a big bang. In the war, qiandabo flew out and crashed into a meteorite in the distance.

Blood stained female phase, the vitality of the whole body scattered, light look at the world at the last glance, regret hard to hide.

In the aftermath of the fury, Ning Chen steps out, the ghost sword in his hand, and the blood drops continuously.

Qiandabo died in battle. In the void, the setting star appeared. She looked at the woman in front of her and smacked her lips. "Zhiming Hou, you are really cruel. You are willing to kill such a beautiful woman."

Ning Chen coldly swept a person in front of him, and turned to the other side of the war.

"He's a man!"

Star space, the cold voice reverberates, the meaning of irony is not hidden.

The star falls to smell speech, the facial expression is a Zheng at first, immediately in the heart a burst of chilly, the man???

As if disgusted by something, the setting star immediately stepped back for fear of being too close.

"If you two have nothing to do, can you come and help?"

In the distant war, mu qianshang fought with Jia louluo alone, and the situation gradually fell to the bottom.

The gap of cultivation can only be made up by moves. As the top three of the eight sects, chalura's fighting power is far beyond the reach of ordinary kings.

So far, mu qianshang has been under more and more pressure. His sword hand is dyed red, and he is showing signs of no support."I've kept you waiting."

After counting the interest, Ning Chen's figure swept into the war situation, sword from the edge, join hands to kill the demon king.

In the distance, the falling stars also return to the mind, the stars are full of bows, and the arrows lock the demon king in front.

When the two swords joined hands, the pressure doubled, and Gallo immediately became red and stepped back.


The king retreated first, the arrow came, cold and merciless, chasing souls and taking lives.

"You really make people angry!"

Gallow was angry and drank deeply. The demon yuan broke out in his body, and the halberd lifted the sky. The endless evil spirit swept out.


The fierce vibration sounded, the three men's offensive was blocked, and the landscape sword realm collapsed.

Amazing scene, under the crisis of life, the king of the demon makes a breakthrough again, and the black airflow rolls around him, faintly, a golden light appears.

"Half step emperor way?"

Ning Chen fixed step, eyes looking at the front, eyes slightly narrowed.

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