Purple Osmunda star field, chariots across the sky, GUI nationality, Ju nationality migration, running for months, finally came to a safe place.

In the rear, ningchen, muqianshang and luoxingchen catch up and gather in time.

"What are you going to do with them?" Mu thousand Shang open mouth, coagulate a voice to ask a way.

"Take it back to hell." Ning Chen answers a way.

"Back to hell?"

On one side, the star heard the words, almost did not fall from the air, unbelievably looking at the people around, said, "your head is not broken, it is our home, now these people are not sure whether reliable, so take back, is not to expose our whereabouts?"

"What's the advantage of exposing us?"

Ning Chen light way, "will the ghost clan put under our eyes to watch, not good?"

"I usually feel that you are so smart, but now you suddenly become so stupid."

The setting star hates the iron and says, "if the ghost clan is the spy of the heaven demon royal clan, then our every move will be exposed. Are you stupid in fighting? I can't think of anything so obvious? "

"Not necessarily. What Zhiming said may be reasonable."

Next to him, mu qianshang suddenly opened his mouth and said, "don't say whether the GUI people are really spies now. Even if they are, as long as the GUI people are still in our control, they dare not act rashly. What's more, the divine prohibition around the hell can only be controlled by knowing one's fate. It's impossible for others to go in and out freely. As soon as there's a change, we are the first to find it. Compared with the GUI people, we are more free Out of our sight, this arrangement can better monitor every move of the ghost clan. "

The setting star hears speech, thought carefully, it seems that there is some truth.

"Since you don't have any objection, let's arrange it like this. You can help, too."

Ning Chen said a, the figure flashed over, toward the ghost clan troops in front of sweep.

At the front of the ghost troop, on the huge chariot, the ghost king saw the people coming and said, "how is your highness going to arrange our family?"

"The GUI people follow me from the original demon kingdom. Naturally, I want to give them a satisfactory explanation."

Ning Chen looks calm way, "in a short time, we will arrive at the hell, this time all come to support the ghost clan's strong people, also are from there."

The ghost King's eyes narrowed slightly. After a long time, he saluted and said, "thank you, your highness."

"You're welcome."

Ning Chen nodded, eyes looking at the front, congealed if the eyes of the abyss can not see a trace of emotional fluctuations, deep and cold.

In the rear, the ghost king is silent. Somehow, she always has a feeling that the thirteen Prince of heaven devil seems to have changed.

Is it because you no longer need to hide yourself?

In the field of purple Osmunda, ancient chariots sped by, blocking the sky. A few days later, the team stopped between two huge stars.

In front of the chariot, Ning Chen steps out and gently raises his right hand. Suddenly, the sky is full of strange light. Around the hell, the God's prohibition is temporarily released, and the hell is fully revealed in front of everyone.

In front, on the big star of primitive life, the ten halls of hell stand in the air, majestic and majestic, which is amazing.

"Let's go."

Ning Chen turns around, light said a, immediately the figure falls from the sky, toward the big star below.

Over the earth, the army of ghosts followed and came to the life star.

The ten halls of Yama and the two halls of impermanence, a king of the human race has a feeling. He looks at the ancient chariots falling from the sky on the void, and his eyes flash by.

Is this the ghost clan?

On the chariot at the front of the GUI troop, the ghost king also felt the strong breath of the human race in the twelve halls below, and his face was slightly condensed.

In addition, the four Terran kings and the twelve palace masters are all masters of the kingdom.

The strength of the Terran is not as weak as expected.

On the big star of life, the chariot falls down. Ning Chen looks at the earth in front of him, drinks softly, and makes a seal with both hands to reproduce the secret arts of the Qihuang clan.

In a flash, on the original star, the heaven and the earth were shaking, the shape of the earth was changing, and a huge abyss appeared out of thin air. From the appearance, it looked very similar to the ancestral land of the GUI nationality in the original demon realm, and could hardly see any difference.

In a shocking scene, every move has the power to change the appearance of heaven and earth, the art of Qihuang, showing amazing power.

In the rear, thousands of people of the GUI nationality look shocked at this amazing scene, and the waves in their hearts are hard to calm for a long time.

"From then on, the hell will be your hometown. The GUI and the Terran will be both prosperous and harmful."

Ning Chen turns around and looks at all the elders and thousands of people in front of the GUI clan, calming down.

"Thank you, my Lord."

All the elders of the GUI clan came back from the shock. They were all polite and respectful.

"Falling stars, I'll give you the safety of the ghosts in the future, understand?"

Ning Chen's vision moves over, looking at not far young body front, opening a way.

"Well? What? "

Falling star heard, the color of repulsion on the face immediately, just want to refuse, then be rather Chen one eye to stare back.In the following time, the GUI people, up and down, entered the abyss one after another. The GUI people, who were used to the darkness, returned to the familiar environment again.

After Ning Chen has arranged for the ghost family, he goes back to the palace of hell. There is no need for him to worry about the ghost family. Next, he has more important things to do.

If the Terrans want to compete with all the other races, they must strengthen themselves as soon as possible, especially the fighting power in the kingdom. Now there is still a long way to go. This is the biggest problem of the Terrans.

Rome wasn't built in a day. The human race has been weak for a long time. It's not easy to solve this problem.

In the quiet palace of the king, Ning Chen sits on the throne and meditates quietly. I don't know how long later, five colors of light appear out of thin air in the void. A touch of illusory figure comes out. Looking at the figure on the throne, he says, "Zhiming Hou, can I borrow something from you?"

On the throne, Ning Chen returns to God, looking at the figure on the void, calm way, "what?"

"Dragon imperial sword."

The peacock incarnated in a voice.

"The dragon imperial sword can only be handed over after I verify the identity of young master Xiaobai. I should have told you about this." Ning Chen light way.

"It's urgent. There's no time to verify it. I promise that elder martial brother is definitely the son of the Dragon Emperor. Now, elder martial brother's life is at stake. He needs the help of the Dragon Emperor's sword to reshape the keel. I hope Zhiming hou can agree." The peacock's face was a bit anxious and said.

Ning Chen frowns, thinks for a moment, and holds it with his right hand. But in the palace, the Dragon howls, and an ancient magic sword appears. The sword is restrained, but it has an indescribable noble temperament.

"I hope that young master Xiaobai can come to the hell to prove his identity after he recovers. Take it."

The words sound falls, rather Chen right hand once waved, the dragon imperial sword breaks out of the air, flies to the front woman.

"Thank you very much."

Peacock serious a gift, no longer delay, shadow fade, disappear.

Peacock just left soon. In the palace of the king of hell, a figure in purple came forward, looked curiously at the five colors of light left in the void, and said, "peacock has come back?"

"Well." Ning Chen nods and answers.

"Come back and leave in a hurry. What's the matter?" The setting stars don't understand.

"Borrow the sword." Ning Chen light way.

"Dragon sword?" The setting star was surprised.

"Well." Ning Chen responds.

"What's the situation? What's the use of her dragon sword?" The setting Star asked suspiciously.

"Healing." Ning Chen calm way.

"Sword can heal? You think I'm stupid. "

Luo Xingchen's face is full of disbelief. He has lived for so many years, and has never heard that sword can heal.

Ning Chen also didn't explain much, the vision looks at the former, the facial expression indifference way, "have what matter to say straight."

In front of him, he knew better than anyone that he would not go to the temple of three treasures. If he had nothing to do, he would never step into the palace of Yama.

"Hey, hey."

The setting star laughs sheepishly and says, "it's no big deal. It's said that you got some poisonous thorns in the burial of the immortal Jedi. How about giving me some?"

Ning Chen hears speech, eyebrow light wrinkly, way, "what do you want it to do?"

Words sound square falls, rather Chen Mou son Mi rises, in the heart seem to guess a few minutes, open mouth way, "you want to use it to quench poison on the arrow?"

"Experiment, experiment, experiment." The setting star shakes his head and denies.

"If it's just an experiment and there are so many poisons in the world, don't ask me for them. They're of great use." Ning Chen mercilessly refuses a way.

"No, No

The setting star hears speech, immediately flustered, way, "don't be so stingy, I admit it, you cut so much, share me a little."

"It's not a glorious thing for a warrior to poison an arrow. You have to think about it." Ning Chen light way.

"If I'm afraid of disgrace, will I have a chance to stand here and talk to you?"

Luo Xingchen looked contemptuous and said, "know your fate, cold sword behind your back, sneak attack and poison. Don't tell me that you haven't done it. In an extraordinary period, I'm not going to fight with others in an extraordinary way. Why should I be aboveboard?"

"Your impudence is beyond remedy."

Ning Chen waves, the green tripod flies out, and falls in front.

"But I appreciate it."

Ning Chen calm way, "this Ding is what you want, enough for you to use, take it."

"That's interesting."

Seeing this, the star's face changed immediately. He said with a smile, "if you have something to call me later, you can kill people, set fire to them, rob and smuggle goods, and come on call."

With that, the setting star picked up the green tripod and walked out of the hall without looking back.

Crape myrtle's divine realm is a rugged floating island. In the clouds all over the sky, a peak rises straight into the sky. On the peak, the Lord of the divine realm stands still, with his old face and the mercilessness of years.

Behind the old man, there is an ice coffin lying on the mountain. In the coffin, the man in white, stained with blood, is still unconscious. The keel is destroyed and the wound is very serious.

Waiting for a long time, on the peak, five colors of light gather, peacock incarnation returns, in the rolling space, the dragon imperial sword flies out, sword power looms, extraordinary.In order to save the dragon's life, across endless time and space, the peacock returns with a sword, covered with wind and frost, tired in her eyes.


With the return of divine consciousness, peacock looks at the old man in front of him, salutes him respectfully and says, "please help me to save my elder martial brother's life."

Before the peak, the old man looked back and looked at the magic sword floating in the void. A touch of emotion flashed in his old eyes. The Dragon Royal sword finally came to the world.

A moment later, the old man came forward and pressed his right hand on the ice coffin. Suddenly, the ice coffin cracked and disappeared between heaven and earth.


At the beginning of healing, the Lord of the divine realm drinks lightly, and the supreme imperial power appears. In a moment, the endless golden splendor rushes into the sky, and a strong and unparalleled pressure fills every corner of the whole crape myrtle divine realm.

At this moment, on floating islands in crape myrtle's divine realm, there are many people in the fourth realm. The strong people in the fourth realm look at the distant peaks, and their faces are shocked.

Even though they already know that the Lord of crape myrtle's divine realm is the supreme emperor, it's still hard for them to suppress the vibration in their hearts to personally experience this kind of heavenly breath today.

"The emperor's way is supreme, a realm that people yearn for."

In one of the many floating islands, Gu Yao, who used to be the strongest man in the sky, looked at the scene ahead, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart was restless.

The attention of all parties, the peak, the emperor's hand, changeable, earth shaking power, the world's first see.

Between heaven and earth, the emperor's law comes, and the golden light shines on the world. Under the golden light, the injury of young master Xiaobai heals quickly with the speed visible to the naked eye, which is shocking.

In the void, the Dragon Royal sword rises and falls. With the blessing of the emperor's law, the Dragon holy sword gradually recovers. A little bit of dragon power permeates the sky, and the Dragon chants and resounds through the divine realm.

In front of him, the peacock looks more and more dignified. He looks at the dragon imperial sword of the former and holds it tightly. He does not dare to breathe for a moment.

The master said that the dragon imperial sword could save the elder martial brother's life. However, she also checked the elder martial brother's injury. The keel on his back was broken. Generally speaking, there was almost no possibility of recovery.

The keel on the back is the most important part of the human body, no matter the human or the dragon. If the keel is destroyed, there will be no way for Hua Tuo to survive.

"Crape myrtle fighting."

At the critical moment of the recovery of the dragon imperial sword, the old man mentioned the origin of the emperor's way again. The supreme law of the emperor's way soared up into the sky. He felt the stars all over the sky. He immediately moved his position and arranged them in a complicated way.

The shaking star has been used. With the help of the stars all over the sky, the endless power of the stars falls down and flows into the body of young master Xiaobai.

"Dragon Emperor sword spirit, your master has appeared, don't you wake up?"

The old man drank deeply and looked at the sword in front of him. The light in his eyes soared, and his whole body's prestige rose several times, pressing towards the sword in front of him.

The emperor's power is suppressed, and the dragon's sword is constantly trembling. The spirit in the sword slowly recovers. In a moment, the Dragon howls nine days, and the sky trembles.

In the starry sky, a five clawed Golden Dragon roars out. The giant dragon eyes look at the young man Xiaobai below, and a touch of yearning flashed by. A moment later, the Golden Dragon scattered and disappeared into the magic sword.

The dragon imperial sword revives completely, the strong and unusual sword pressure diffuses, the formidable is shocking.


The dragon song in the sword rings again. In the shocking scene, the magic sword falls down and runs directly through childe Xiaobai's chest. The whole sword body is dyed red with blood.

Gradually, the sword began to disintegrate, and turned into a little golden light, which was integrated into the body of young master Xiaobai. The man and the sword were united, but the only one.


In a flash, nine days of chaos, golden cloud crazy gathering, unparalleled terror came, even if the emperor is supreme, also dare not careless.

"It's not a place for robbery. Let's go."

The old man looked at the figure of the former and said hoarsely.

"Thank you very much."

In the body of young master Xiaobai, a strange and dignified voice rang out. The words fell, and the golden light filled the air. The body of young master Xiaobai gradually became empty, merged into the void, and disappeared.

Underground, Yama palace, golden Dasheng, an illusory figure appeared, saluting the young people on the throne to show their gratitude.

"It seems that you have found your real master."

On the throne, Ning Chen looks at the Dragon Emperor sword spirit on the void and says.

"Your grace will be rewarded some day."

The sword spirit of the Dragon Emperor saluted again without saying more. His figure dispersed and disappeared from the hall.

At this moment, on the starry sky, a white dragon full of golden light swept by quickly. Without stopping for a moment, it quickly swept towards the deep part of the starry sky.

Over the white dragon, the plundering clouds are gathering, and the power is more and more terrible.

In hongluan Xingyu, a king of a hundred ethnic groups felt that he looked into the distance one after another, and his face was startled.

This breath is, the emperor is supreme!

Is there a new royal power in the Terran?

The primitive demon Kingdom, the ancestral land of the heaven and the devil, the king of heaven and the devil, looked at the East and flashed by.

As expected, the dragon imperial sword brought shisanzi back to the Terran.Jiuyou's disciple really surprised them again and again.

It seems that in a short time, there will be another emperor in the Terran.

"We can't wait any longer."

Not far away, the seven Yao devil emperor opened his mouth and said with a gloomy look, "the strength of the human race is getting stronger and stronger. If you wait, I'm afraid there will be variables."

Kun a demon emperor nodded and said, "immediately summon the four royal families of the emperor, a comprehensive expedition Terran."


The seven Yao devil emperor took orders, and his figure flashed by and left from the heaven devil ancestral place.

Qi Yao left, and Kun Yi looked at the three imperial cities in the distance. After counting the breath, his figure faded away and disappeared.

Three imperial city, Jiuyou palace, on this day, the magic power is diffuse, Kun and one magic emperor walk out, step by step to the front palace.

Kun a demon emperor personally, the whole Jiuyou palace up and down, all silent, no one dares to talk half a sentence.

"Jiuyou, brother, are you still here?"

In the palace, a demon emperor of Kun opened his mouth and said in a deep voice.

"I'm sorry to meet you in person, brother."

The words sound, in the king's palace, the evil spirit is surging, a not lower than Kun a evil emperor's terror prestige appears, Xuan Jiuyou appears, look indifferent way.

"Jiuyou, after so many years, can't you let go of what happened?" Kun a demon Huang Ning voice way.

"Unforgettable, dare not forget." Xuan nine you cold voice way.

Kun one demon emperor hears speech, cold idea flashed in the eye, way, "you are the pride of the demon royal family, how can you combine with the woman of the human race, the human race, hypocritical and dirty, until today, you still can't see it!"

"At least, they do."

Xuanjiuyou said in a cold voice, "where does the pride of my demon royal family come from, just because of this powerful power?"

"What's wrong with being powerful? In this world, the strong are respected. My heavenly demons have the power to change the world, so they should be the masters of the world!" Kun a demon emperor sink a voice way.

Xuanjiuyou sneered and said, "it seems that the emperor has forgotten how miserable our family was defeated in the first World War in ancient times. Only the leader of the eastern fairyland has dealt a heavy blow to the ten demon lords of our family. Does the emperor think that the same thing will happen again?"

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