At the junction of Yaoguang, hongluan and Xingyu, there is a debate about the king. The first game that everyone is looking forward to is about to begin.

In the middle of the two camps, six small worlds are constantly turning. Water, fire, wind, thunder, light and dark, six worlds with different properties, turn into reincarnation, unpredictable and unpredictable.

The night Lord and challouluo enter the game, and the brilliance disappears. In a flash, in the small world where the wind blows, they appear at the same time.

"Wind world?"

The original magic camp, Xuanqi see, eyes slightly narrowed.

Good luck. It depends on whether challouro can seize the chance.

"It's not a good situation."

In the Terran camp, the looks of the kings changed slightly and the mood sank.

Kaluro is the incarnation of Jinpeng. The speed was amazing. Now, the wind power bonus will undoubtedly be more difficult to deal with.

At a bad start, the Terran kings felt more and more heavy. They looked at the situation ahead and did not dare to be distracted for a moment.

"Zhiming, how does the night master win this battle?" On one side, Xia Ziyi opens his mouth and asks in a voice.

"Ten percent."

Ning Chen looks at front, calm way.

Wind world, wind howling, rolling sand into waves, thousands of miles, wild sand such as waterfall, earth shaking.

In the first round of the debate between the two realms, the time and place are favorable, and the Terran first meets the situation of Dake. Before the war, they have lost three points of opportunity.

"The night Lord? It's your misfortune to meet me

With a wild sneer on his face and a false grip on his right hand, the demon yuan Dasheng came out of thin air.

The demon halberd appears, the rolling demon yuan sweeps the world, the war situation opens, and the world changes color.

"The same is what I want to say to you!"

Night master light said a, both hands open and close, suddenly, dark force Chongxiao, nine days storm.

The black air is constantly spreading, filling the whole wind world. The leader of the first Pavilion in the world reappears the amazing accomplishments.

"What's this?"

Primitive magic camp, Luojia concentration, deep voice way, "half step emperor way."

"It seems that gallow has met a great opponent."

Not far away, Asura opened his mouth and said slowly.

"It's not that challouro has no chance of winning in the game of Dakar. It depends on whether he can make good use of this advantage." Mysterious strange light way.

In the world of wind, the two powers are magic soldiers. The war starts. In a flash, two streamers rush by and crash into each other.

The demon yuan and the dark force collide with each other to the extreme. In the strong wind, the figure of kaluro retreats for several feet, and his wings open behind him. With the blessing of the wind, the figure disappears instantly.

Extremely fast speed, infinitely close to the extreme speed of heaven and earth, less than blink of an eye, the killing is behind.

An instant killing move, the demon halberd passes through the air, killing Qi everywhere.

The night master hummed coldly. His dark power gathered in his hand, and a black halberd whirled out. With a thump, he blocked the demon halberd behind him.

The two halberds fight each other, and the strong impact is violent. The night master holds the halberd, turns back, and the dark force urges him again, and shakes back his opponent.

Ten feet away, kaluro steadied his figure, took advantage of the opportunity to step on his feet, and his wings vibrated in the wind.

Garuro's body shape is like electricity, and the demon halberd can sink the mountain.

Night Lord cold hum, black god halberd up, dark yuan rolling, powerful as waves.

Half step emperor Road, the world's first Pavilion of the Lord show amazing ability, Yunlong halberd break the sky and sea, invincible.

In the small world, the unshakable monarch of the night, even though he is absolutely inferior in the right time and place, still dominates karuro with his amazing accomplishments.

Outside the war situation, the primitive demons and the kings of the Terrans all look at the amazing battle ahead, with dignified color on their faces.

"Why is chaluro in the wrong Xuanlie frowned and said.

The situation of Dake was suppressed. He really lost his face.

"That night Lord is no less powerful than us. It's not surprising that chaluro has fallen into a disadvantage." Xuanqi calms down.

"There are still some reserves in the strength of gallow. Keep looking." Asura watched the battle ahead and said.

The kings of the demon Kingdom nodded, converged and continued to watch the battle.

In the wind world, the battle between the two powers is getting hotter and hotter. In the strong wind, the figure of kaluro is getting faster and faster, and the demon halberd is like thunder, constantly trying to break through the dark force around the night Lord.


The magic halberd breaks the sea. Around the night master, the dark power rises sharply. The cloud dragon halberd breaks the sky and shakes the magic halberd.

The next moment, the rumble of the drama reverberated through the wind, the aftershocks roared, and the surrounding rolling wind stopped in a moment.


In a flash of opportunity, the light in the night master's eyes flashed, turned the palm and tilted the yuan, and then urged three points of dark force.

"A broken halberd."

One step out, the figure quickly swept out, night master hands holding halberd, pour nine days of dark power, collect eight wasteland of extreme yuan.

One halberd breaks through the sky, one halberd breaks through the sky, but above the nine sky, the black halberd cuts through the void, huge black cracks appear, and quickly spread to thousands of miles away.

Below, kaluro shrinks in his eyes. He does not dare to leave any more moves. He drinks with a deep voice. The huge virtual shadow of Jinpeng appears behind him. He is blessed with visions, and his Gongti reaches the top again.At that moment, the two magical soldiers collided with each other, swallowing the sky and destroying the earth with endless dark power, and suppressing the power of Jinpeng demon king.


Heavy dull hum sounded, the afterwave whistling, the figure of gallow flying out, pounding into the distant mountains, rocks splashing, falling like rain.

The king of the night, with absolute strength, oppressed challoura. The war came to an end, and the victory was divided.

In the void, the figure of the night master comes down from the sky and goes to the distant mountains step by step.

In the collapse of the mountain, gallow coughed up a mouthful of blood, miserable appearance, let a person sigh.

"The gap is too big. It's settled."

The original magic camp, Xuanqi light way.

"It's a pity, but we don't expect much from him. Let's prepare for the next war." Xuanlie calms down.

"Gallow, stand up. As a member of the eight tribes, if you lose, you should lose with dignity!"

Not far away, the demon God of war Asura's face sank and yelled.

In the wind world, on the peak of collapse, Asura's voice came, and Gallo coughed up a mouthful of blood again, and a flash of incomprehensible brilliance flashed in his eyes.

He didn't care about the glory of the eight sects, but he didn't want to. He didn't want to fail!


Gradually crazy mind, constantly impact the heart of the demon, the whole body of Gallo demon surge, bring out a waterfall of red blood.

When he was in a desperate situation, kaluro thrust against the meridians, and his body rose sharply. The terrifying demon yuan ran through the heaven and the earth, shaking the stars.

"Fight for life?"

In front of him, the night master looked at the scene calmly, and his expression did not change.


A moment later, but heard a earth shaking roar sounded, the shape of Gallo changed, half of the beast, the whole body gave birth to golden Peng feather.

The image of atavism shocked all the people present. In the primitive demon world and the human race, a king looked surprised. No one expected such a change.

In the original magic camp, a few of the Royal peerless strongmen looked at the war situation, and there was a trace of expectation in their eyes.

Maybe galuro will give them some surprises.

In the wind world, Gallo changes his half beast state. His wings vibrate behind him. He holds a demon halberd in his hand. In his sharp mouth, the beast roars.

"Atavism is just closer to the instinct of wild animals. It's hard to defeat me by it."

In front of him, the night Master said faintly that the cloud dragon halberd in his hand urged the dark force again, and the black air diffused, just like a mire, imprisoning heaven and earth.


At the same time, he heard the roar of the beast. In front of the mountain, kaluro moved. With more terrifying speed, he swept to the night Lord in a flash.

The demon halberd from the sky, with the power of heaven, splits the void and smashes the night Lord in front.

"Beasts, no matter how strong, are just beasts, stupid and ignorant."

Three steps ago, the night Lord raised his hand and directly grasped the demon halberd. The black dark force dissolved the attack and dissipated the remaining strength.

Close at hand, in the hands of the night master, the cloud dragon halberd holds the sky. Suddenly, the wind roars and thunders, and the dark force shakes the sky.

A halberd cut off, flying all over the sky blood feather, Gallo pain of dull hum, a wing directly cut off.

"The human race is not the food of the hundred ethnic groups. These years, the blood debts owed by the hundred ethnic groups should also be paid back."

With the sound of the words, the halberd in the night master's hand was chopped again, and the other wing of Gallo was torn, and the blood gushed and dyed the void red.


Gallow roared bitterly, his eyes scarlet, and his animal state was astonishing.

"Do you know the difference between man and beast?"

Night Lord raised his hand, dark power diffuse, directly lock the former body, light way, "is human nature, so, my torture to you, also stop here."

With that, the night master shook his left hand hard, and suddenly, the violent dark force poured directly into the body of chaluro, destroying the demon's martial pulse.

At the end of the battle, the remains of challouro fell from the sky and fell on the earth.

After several breath, in the wind world, Jin Guangliang rises, and the two families' emperors take the hand to send them out of the war.

"The decision on halberd, the human race wins!"

On the void, the voice of majesty rings out, reverberates in the star space, and is also introduced into everyone's heart here.

"A disappointing battle."

Xuanlie glanced at the stupor not far away and said faintly, "Asura, it's time for the eight tribes to regroup."

"The prince will not worry about the internal affairs of the eight departments." Asura said quietly.

The Terran camp, night Lord return, the Terran kings look at the return of the world's first cabinet of the Lord, have a voice to congratulate.

The night master responded one by one with a smile. He looked at the young man in black who was silent and meditative not far away, and said, "I know my destiny, but I'm glad I can live up to it."

Ning Chen returned to God and nodded, "the night Lord has worked hard. Next, please have a rest here and watch the other four wars."


The night master nodded and went to one side to concentrate on breathing first.In the battle between the two realms, the Terrans took the next game first, and the unexpected result was that in the camp of the original demon realm, several of the most powerful demons did not panic.

A few faces, cold and calm look, calm and creepy, for their absolute self-confidence in strength, so that a few demon kings do not worry about the outcome of the next battle.

"Now, let's invite the representatives of the two territories to draw the martial arts category of the second scene!"

The majestic voice rose again, and then the lime and dark moon queen flew into the void, reaching out and pressing on the wheel.

All of a sudden, the wheel of gold flourished. With the changing words, the category of the second debate appeared in front of everyone.


The simple word startled the hearts of the kings of the two kingdoms.

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