In Biancheng palace, ningchen and Qingling look at each other. They have been through ups and downs all the way. Today, they are the last warmth in their hearts.

"You always come and go in a hurry, aren't you tired?"

Lime came forward, reached out to wipe away the frost from the young man's face, and whispered.

"I always thought that I could stop and have a rest after solving the problems in front of me. I didn't expect that this toss would be more than 100 years." Ning Chen helpless way.

"When the war between the Terran and the original demon kingdom is over, let it go."

"There are too many troubles in the world to deal with. In fact, you don't have to worry too much about us. Even if the world is occupied by a foreign race, we can still save ourselves," she said gently

Ning Chen on the face peeps out a smile, way, "well, regardless."

He wanted to create a peaceful and prosperous age for them, hoping that after the disaster of the devil's land, the world could really restore peace.

"What about Cheng Xue? These days, I haven't had time to ask. Cheng Xue is a good girl. Don't let her down. " The lime whispered.

Ning Chen is silent, gently shook his head and said, "since she left last time, there is no news any more. I have sent the ghost people to look for it, but they have never found anything."

Lime sighs, eyes moved, looking forward to the impermanence hall, eyes flashed the color of emotion, and the girl, has been waiting.

In the impermanence hall, aman seems to have a feeling. He looks back and smiles.

Inside the palace, lime takes back her eyes and looks at the young man in front of her. She looks serious and says, "I don't force you to be emotional, but don't let yourself regret it."


Ning Chen nodded and said, "I understand that in two days, I may have to leave for some days. I'll trouble sister Qingling to deal with the affairs of the prefecture."

"And leave?" Lime frowned.

"When the demon body returns to the original demon realm, the ghost sword is damaged in the battle. Ten years will soon pass. I must find a suitable sword as soon as possible." Ning Chen answers a way.

Lime smell speech, gently nodded, "this matter really can't delay, you go, underground here, you don't have to worry."

"Sister lime, thanks for having you all the way. Thank you very much."

Ning Chen looks at the woman who has been accompanying him for a hundred years before him, zhengse road.

Lime stretched out her hand, tapped the head of the former, and said, "well, don't be so numb with me. Go to see aman. It seems that you haven't had time to talk to her since you've been back so long. That girl has been waiting for you for so many years, and I can't bear it."


Ning Chen nodded and said, "I'll go now."

Finish saying, rather Chen has no more delay, step toward the front impermanence temple to walk.

Wang Dianzhong, lime looking at the front of the far back, heart sigh, this guy, or so reassuring.

Impermanence hall. When Ning Chen came, aman stood in front of the hall, cute and charming.

"Out for a walk?" Ning Chen light smile way.

"Good." Aman replied with a smile.

"I haven't looked around since I've been here for such a long time, have I?"

Two people go forward side by side, Ning Chen temporarily put down the burden, to accompany the woman around to enjoy the scenery of hell.

"I've seen some, and I haven't seen some." Aman said honestly.

"Where do you want to go?" Ning Chen looks gentle way.

After thinking about it, aman reached out and pointed to the huge mountains in the distance. There was a wonderful way in his eyes, "there."

"Hell in the sea."

Ning Chen followed the former's eyes and said with a smile, "that's the boundary I opened up for the GUI nationality. Since you want to go, let's go and have a look."

Two people forward, shoulder to shoulder, the woman's face is pretty, not gorgeous, not enchanting, but the spirit of the utmost, people can't bear to blaspheme.

Beside the woman, the man has white hair and plain clothes. Although his face is young, his eyes are full of traces of time.

Only a hundred years ago, two people of similar age seem to be more and more different.

Years have changed too much.

Yin sea ghost prison, Ning Chen with aman come, in front of, huge cracks appear, deep not see the bottom.

"Here it is."

Ning Chen reminded a, light voice way.

Aman looked at the bottom curiously, but he couldn't see through the ghost valley.

"Come on, the ghosts should have known we're here."

Ning Chen steps forward, the figure falls slowly.

Aman followed and drove to the bottom of the canyon.

At the bottom of the canyon, the elders of the GUI nationality are separated on both sides. In front of them, the white bone throne rises and falls. On the throne, the king of the GUI nationality sits on it. His face is old, but his breath is fierce.

At this time, a ghost scout quickly stepped forward, saluted respectfully and said, "tell my king that the thirteen Prince is coming."

"Please." The ghost king said.

"YesThe ghost scout took the order and got up to leave.

Not long ago, in front of the ghost's hinterland, two figures came forward, a man and a woman, talented and beautiful, just like the Bi people coming out of the painting.


All the ghost elders saluted respectfully.

"Don't be polite. I just came to have a look."

Ning Chen smiles to answer a, the vision sees to the ghost king on the throne, opening a way, "ghost king, long time no see, don't come to be all right."

"In just a few years, the strength of his royal highness 13 has been close to that of the emperor. It's really incredible." The ghost King sighed.

Ning Chen smiles and says, "the cultivation of the ghost king is not inferior to others. It is not impossible to prove the supreme position of the emperor's way in time."

"I'm old."

The ghost King sighed and said, "half step of Huangdao is my limit. Unless there is a big chance, you can't make any further progress in this life. Thirteen highness, you are different. You have been practicing for less than 200 years and are at the peak of spring and autumn. As long as you go on smoothly, you will surely be the most respected emperor in the world."

"Inherit the ghost King's good words. If one day, I promise the ghost king that I will never break my promise." Ning Chen responds.

"I can trust your Highness's reputation."

The ghost king said, "there's one thing I shouldn't have asked. However, since your Highness has come, I still want to ask if the six samsara, the sacred instrument given to your highness by my family, has been damaged?"


Ning Chen nodded and apologized, "I'm sorry, the six samsara was destroyed in the war with the emperor of the hundred ethnic groups not long ago. It's my fault that I didn't protect the holy instrument of the GUI ethnic group."

"No wonder your highness."

The ghost King sighed, "the six samsara is just a tool of the king. Naturally, he can't bear the war of the emperor level. His Highness's strength now has surpassed the boundary of the king's realm, and it's very difficult to bear the power of his highness."

"The ghost king is knowledgeable. I wonder if there is any divine material in the world suitable for casting swords?" Ning Chen inquires.

"At the bottom of the ocean, in the depths of the stars, and in the center of the earth fire, there are rare materials that can be used to refine weapons. If your highness wants to forge a sword, it will take a lot of effort." The ghost king said quietly.

Ning Chen hears the words, and the color of congealing flash in his eyes. The three places mentioned by the ghost king are all places that ordinary people can't reach. Maybe they can really find divine materials.

When they talked, on one side, aman looked curiously at the hinterland of the GUI nationality, and didn't care about their conversation.

"If the little girl is curious, she can walk around. There are not so many rules in our GUI clan, so she can look around." The GUI nationality noticed the Yuxiu woman beside the thirteen Prince and said with kindness.

"Thank you, master ghost king." Aman said with a smile.

"Do you walk around by yourself, or do I take you?" Ning Chen asked softly.

"You take it with you." Aman replied.

Ning Chen nods, just about to start, was stopped.

The elder of the GUI clan stood in front of him and shook his head. He said, "Lord, there are many rules of the GUI clan. You'd better let the girl turn around by herself."

Ning Chen look a Zheng, immediately dumbfounded smile, looking at the side girl, helpless way, "aman, you turn around, turn back."


With a smile, aman immediately walked forward.

In front of the white bone throne, Ning Chen looks at aman's back, with a gentle smile.

"Your Highness is very concerned about this little girl?" The ghost king said.

"Her safety is greater than my life." Ning Chen light way.

"Zhong lingyuxiu is a marvelous genius. I have a bad word to say. I hope your highness won't blame me." Ghost King tone hoarse way.

"It doesn't matter what you say." Ning Chen calm way.

"Your Highness, of course, has the talent of the emperor. However, the potential of this little girl is still above her highness, and Her Highness is not worthy of her." Said the ghost king.

In a word, all the elders of the ghost clan were surprised. What did the ghost King say?

Ning Chen smiles and doesn't care. He says, "the ghost king is not the first one to say this, and he won't be the last one. I want to know, does the ghost family really have so many rules?"

"Yes, your highness."

The ghost king said calmly, "Your Highness is too smart. It's frightening to be smart. Although our GUI people have taken refuge with your highness, they always have to leave some means to protect themselves. Therefore, in many places, your highness should not look at it."

"It seems that I'm really unpopular."

Ning Chen laughs at himself and says, "don't worry, as long as the GUI don't betray the Terran, I won't fight against the GUI. Similarly, I won't sacrifice you."

"Thank you very much." The ghost king answered.

Half a day later, Yinhai ghost prison, Ning Chen and aman go out, toward the direction of the twelve halls of hell.

"Is there anything strange in the GUI clan?" Ning Chen asks a way.

"There are so many strange things." Aman replied.

"Say it." Ning Chen continues to ask a way.

"There are talking bones, flying stone monsters, well, big trees with arms." Aman said with a smile.When they left, the bones gathered, the rocks piled up, the trees pulled out, and the fierce breath revived, and the power came to the emperor.

"Good Zhong Ling's wench, what a terrible devil." The white skeleton opens his mouth and sinks his voice.

"We have to guard against this." The giant piled up with stones should answer.

"If you're afraid, it's impossible to prevent." Said the tree.

"Sanzun, it's not time for you to wake up. Go on sleeping." On the throne of the white bone, the ghost King opened his mouth and calmed down.

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