Crape myrtle God, before the peak, Zhiming static stand, a station is 400 years.

Four hundred years, long and quiet, high and cold loneliness, only standing at the top, can we deeply understand.

The strongest one in the world is the first one in Ziwei's divine realm for thousands of years. The power of knowing one's destiny has surpassed the limit of the world and shocked the world by one's own strength.

In the past 400 years, the world has become more and more brilliant, treacherous and furtive. Under the awe of Ziwei's divine realm, they all choose to bear it.

In the human world, at the end of the distant star field, a demon in dark red war clothes stood still. His whole body was in chaos and his evil spirit was turbulent. Four hundred years later, he completely swallowed up the power of the original demon monarch.

However, in the past 400 years, xuanluo has never done anything. He knows that Zhiming Hou is too strong now, and he is invincible.

The end of Heifeng is the best lesson.

No one can stop that sword, neither can God.

After watching for a long time, xuanluo's figure disappeared again, masking all the breath.

Crape myrtle spirit, peak, Ning Chen feeling, eyes look to the distant star field, eyes flashed cold.

Is it an illusion?

Four hundred years of frequent major events in the world have passed quickly in the fire of war and glory. With the arrival of the fifth century, peace has gradually returned to the world.

The pain of the evil disaster has been completely forgotten by the world. Except for the strong people who had experienced the battle of killing the evil, few people still remember the terrible disaster.

Time is always the best weapon to erase the pain. Five hundred years is too long for ordinary people.

On crape myrtle's sacred peak, Ning Chen looks at the world and sees the world for 30000 Li, witnessing countless joys and sorrows, and a pair of eyes, more and more vicissitudes.

For five hundred years, a peach tree has taken root on Ziwei peak. Every March, peach blossom blooms and its fragrance is intoxicating.

In the past 100 years, the world has been relatively peaceful, and there are not many major events. In the peaceful 100 years, the world is peaceful.

Under the Ziwei mountain, the repressed Heifeng wakes up. The iron rope locks the body. On the iron rope, the civilization is destroyed, and the body of Heifeng is suppressed.

"Crape myrtle master, you hypocrite, you must die one day!"

The black phoenix roars, the sound reverberates in the crape myrtle divine realm, hates the idea to the bone, lets the human be creepy.

On the peak, Ning Chen stands still. If you don't hear it, 500 years of ups and downs, a heart can't lift any waves.

"Master of the realm."

In the rear, peacock came in a wheelchair and saluted.

"What's the matter?"

Before the peak, Ning Chen opens his mouth.

"My time is up."

The peacock whispered.

Ning Chen hears speech, the body is tiny a shock, in the Mou sad a flash but die, nod a way, "you go."

The peacock smiles and turns the wheelchair to leave.

At the end of this century, the peacock turned into a Taoist. The peacock born in response to the robbery came to an end and returned to heaven and earth after the end of the evil robbery.

On this day, in the realm of crape myrtle, five colors of divine light illuminate the sky, and the virtual shadow of the huge peacock is revealed, which is beautiful and heartbreaking.

In front of Shenfeng, ningchen looks at the peacock's shadow fading away from the sky. His hands are clenched tightly, and a little blood oozes from the finger front, so dazzling.

The years are merciless to urge people to grow old, and the youth fades in a flash.

Even if it is dazzling like a peacock, it can't stop the reincarnation of heaven.

Peacock Road, a symbol of the end of an era in the world, a new era, quietly opened.

The sixth century will follow.

At the beginning of the new era, martial arts once again ushered in a new glory in the human race and martial arts.

On the big stars of life, the gates of shenchao and wudaozong have sprung up one after another, and the golden age has been fully opened.

In this century, the new emperor once again gave testimony to the truth. The thunder and disaster spread for tens of thousands of miles, and the scene was shocking.

However, for hundreds of years, due to the fact that crape myrtle has become more and more low-key, it has basically disappeared before the eyes of the world, and the new emperor of the human race has not visited again.

Six hundred years later, the emperor continued to testify in the world, and the prosperity of the martial arts of the human race gradually no longer needed the existence of the divine realm, which was enough to frighten the primitive magic realm.

At the end of this century, the peach blossom tree, which has been with Zhiming for a hundred years, suddenly stopped flowering, and its branches began to wither.

In the last year of this century, the withered peach blossom trees have blossomed again, so beautiful that the fragrance of flowers permeates the whole peak.

In front of the peak, Ning Chen looks at the peach blossom tree not far away and sighs.

"Thank you very much!"

A thank you, peach tree suddenly swaying up, peach flying, floating all over the sky.

This year, the peach tree died and came to the end of life.

The seventh Centennial is coming in the sky, leaving the old to welcome the new. After hundreds of years of peace, great things have finally happened in the world.

At the beginning of the century, a Terran emperor died suddenly, and his blood was scattered in the starry sky, shaking the world.

"Master of the realm."Ziwei God peak, the son of Xiaobai appeared, salute road.

"Go and find out what's going on."

Before the peak, Ning Chen opens his mouth and says.


Childe Xiaobai nodded, his figure disappeared and left from the divine realm.

When the Dragon Emperor left, Ning chenjing stood in front of the peak, and the color in his eyes flashed away.

In these 600 years, there were three Royal doctrines in the human race. It is reasonable to say that the original strength between heaven and earth is not enough to support the three Royal doctrines.

From the second emperor's testimony, he felt strange. Now, it is basically certain that the unknown changes are taking place in the world. Perhaps, in the near future, there will be more emperors in the human race.

The sudden death of the Terran Emperor may have something to do with the change of the world.

Star space, white dragon gallop past, toward the distant star domain swept.

A few months later, in the depths of the starry sky, young master Xiaobai appeared, looking at the emperor's bones scattered all over the sky, his eyes narrowed slightly.

There's no sign of fighting around. Is it a kill?

In this world, in addition to the master of the realm, can anyone do so?

Childe Xiaobai came forward and looked more dignified after checking the emperor's bones.

This force is so strange that it has never been seen before and does not seem to belong to the world.


At this time, the star space, huge cracks appear, spread rapidly, devour.

The sudden upheaval, childe white look a sink, body white dragon, rapid retreat.

At this moment, in the crack, a giant hand came out, across a hundred Li, and captured the white dragon.


There is no way to avoid it. Young master Xiaobai looks up to the sky and roars. The Dragon breathes and shakes his hand.


In a moment of crisis, the whole body of young master Xiaobai is full of gold, and the dragon imperial sword comes out to protect the Lord.


The sharp crack of the sword sounds, and the artifacts of the dragon clan collapse. It's hard to bear the terrible power.

After a moment's delay, Xiaobai flies thousands of miles away to avoid pressing for life.

A hundred miles away, the figure of young master Xiaobai showed up. He staggered and vomited blood.

The Dragon Emperor's sword was destroyed and killed himself. Young master Xiaobai looked at the huge crack in the rear and was shocked.

Just now, what's that?

The way of heaven, or the devil!

Crisis in the bank, childe Xiaobai dare not stay, the figure passed, quickly away.

Crape myrtle, peak, Ning Chen feel abnormal fluctuations at the end of the sky, eyes slightly squint.

What happened?

A few months later, in the divine realm, the whirlpool of time and space stirred, and the young man Xiaobai fell from the sky, banging down on the sacred peak.

The Dragon Emperor, who was stained with blood, suffered a heavy injury to his inner organs. Even in the battle of killing demons, he did not suffer such a terrible injury.

Ning Chen turns around, frowns lightly, and raises his right hand. Suddenly, in the divine realm, the aura of heaven and earth is surging, and it keeps flowing into the front childe Xiaobai's body.

After a long time, young master Xiaobai opened his eyes and looked at the Lord of the divine realm in front of him. He saluted respectfully and said with a pale face, "thank you for your help."

"What happened?" Ning Chen opens his mouth to ask a way.

"The end of the Vientiane star field..."

Childe Xiaobai explained in detail what happened a few months ago. That big hand was so terrible that even the Dragon Emperor artifact that he repaired with his life could be destroyed. It was really incomprehensible.

Ning Chen listens to finish, in the eye flash congealing color, the change of the world, still began.

Is this a blessing or a curse for the Terrans?

"Go back and rest. I'll deal with it myself." Ning Chen opens his mouth.


Young master Xiaobai took orders and retreated.

Dragon Emperor retreats, rather Chen saw a distant floating island, light voice way, "I deal with a little thing, soon return."

"You go."

On the floating island in the distance, the woman in blue nodded.

Get promised, Ning Chen step out, figure into the void, disappear.

Six hundred years later, Zhiming left the divine realm for the first time. Outside the divine realm, the figure with white hair and plain clothes came out. Although his face was still young, it was full of years of wind and frost.

In order to explore the secret of the changes of heaven and earth, you should know your destiny and go out in person. After a few breath, you will disappear into the depths of the starry sky.

At the end of the Vientiane realm, huge cracks crisscross the space, each of which is tens of thousands of feet long and deep.

On this day, before the collapse of time and space, Ning Chen appeared, looked ahead and stopped.

It's not the first time to see the familiar scene. Ning Chen raises his hand, and the sword Qi gathers all over the sky, breaking through the air.

The ordinary sword directly breaks into the crack of space and sweeps to the unknown place.

The deep and bottomless space crack, the sword Qi swept into, without the slightest waves, was swallowed up.

Ningchen hands, eyes micro coagulation, static stand before the big crack, waiting for variables appear.

For decades, the world has been prosperous for several times, and the cracks in space remain unchanged.Ning Chen sighs, no longer waiting, turns and leaves.

Not long after Zhiming left, deep in the rift of space, a powerful force appeared and disappeared again after a few breath.

Crape myrtle divine realm, Ning Chen returns, on the distant floating island, the woman in blue dress opens her eyes and whispers, "are you ok?"

"A false alarm." Ning Chen responds.

"If you don't mind."

Lime nodded and asked no more.

Before the peak, Ning Chen came, looking at the far-off star field, eyes condensation color hard to cover.

The giant palm mentioned by the Dragon Emperor can destroy the Dragon Emperor's sword, which shows its terrible power. Such existence must have its own will. If he intends to avoid him, it is difficult for him to find out.

In the restless hundred years, the Terran emperor fell and the Dragon Emperor was severely damaged. However, with the passage of time, everything was gradually covered by time.

The eighth century is coming unstoppably

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