Southern Xinjiang, unknown territory, the dragon is turbulent, blocking the sky.

On the wasteland, the figure with white hair and plain clothes sits on the ground, concentrating on refining dragon Qi.

"Man, you don't keep your word!"

In the dragon spirit, the Dragon roars into the sky and says angrily.

Ning Chen opened his eyes and said calmly, "what did I promise you?"

"You said you would set me free! Are you going to break your promise

Roared the dragon, in a deep voice.

Ning Chen sneers and says, "think about what I said. I don't remember that I promised you to let you go."

With that, Ning Chen closed his eyes and continued to refine the Dragon Qi.

The dragon was shocked. A moment later, he roared angrily, "you are deceiving me, despicable human. You are too cunning!"

With the sound of words falling, the Dragon suddenly screams violently, and the Phoenix Fire rises all over the sky, burning the dragon's soul.

Gradually, the sound of the dragon's howling became weaker and weaker, and became slightly inaudible.

"Rao Life

In dragon Qi, when consciousness is about to disappear, the dragon asks for mercy weakly.

Phoenix Fire, rather Chen up, no longer devour the power of Qi, calm way, "swear allegiance, I keep your life."

Before the crisis of life, the Dragon did not dare to resist and swore to heaven.

"Little gourd."

Ning Chen opens his mouth and calls.


Hearing the call, the little gourd staggered and flew out. The young face was puzzled and asked, "what's the matter?"

"This loach is in your charge."

Ning Chen calm way.

Little gourd smell speech, big eyes looking at the front of the dragon, face showing excited color, way, "fairy long said is true?"

"Well." Ning Chen nods a way.

Hulu excitedly flew forward, patted the dragon's head with his little hand, and said, "big loach, you should be obedient in the future."

The dragon was just about to struggle. When he saw the man's cold eyes, he gave in immediately.

The tap is low, and let the gourd reach for it.

The first time I touched the real dragon, little gourd's excited little face turned red, looked at the host, and said happily, "thank you, fairy."

"Little gourd, where do you want to go?"

Ning Chen looks at the strange divine world earth in front of him and asks.

Little gourd thought about it, pointed to the West and said, "I want to go there."

"The west?"

Ning Chen smile on the face, way, "why want to go there?"

The small gourd pinched to pinch own Cape, some embarrassed way, "I casually point."

"Ha ha!"

Ning Chen laughs and says, "OK, I'll take you to the West."

Since he is a devil, he makes the world without Buddha!

On this day, the white haired demon in plain clothes set out for the West. On his shoulder sat a small child as big as a palm. Behind him, the Dragon followed him with an extremely respectful manner.

In the Western Buddhist world, a hundred schools of thought contend, numerous great religions stand in the forest, and many great temples stand on the mountains, resulting in the flourishing of Buddhism.

On a thunderstorm night, in the Western Buddhist world, in the desolate mountains, the figure with white hair in plain clothes came, wet all over, and looked a little embarrassed.

"Immortal, there is a temple there."

Small gourd hand holding a large leaf, block the rain, white tender hand out, pointing to the broken temple not far away, loud voice.

"I see it."

Ning Chen nods and walks towards the broken Temple ahead.

"Hoo Hoo."

In the wild mountains, the wind whistling, in this rainy night, it seems a little creepy.

Little gourd heard the wind, shrunk his shoulder, afraid of the way, "immortal, will there be a ghost?"

"You are a fairy vine. Are you afraid of ghosts?" Ning Chen soft voice way.

"I'm afraid."

Hulu grabs the collar of the former and looks around.

Ning Chen light smile smile, dark as ink eyes looking at the night, cold color flash.

Maybe there is a ghost.

"Hoo Hoo."

The mountain wind roared. Around the broken temple, a white shadow appeared. His face was pale and his mouth was spitting. He looked terrible.


Ning Chen shoulder, small gourd suddenly cried out, scared into the collar of the former.

Small gourd's shout, startle mountain forest birds and beasts scattered, rather Chen looking at the front woman in white, step by step forward.

"Immortal, there is a ghost!" The little gourd tensed.


Ning Chen calm should a, continue to go forward.


In front of the broken temple, the long tongued woman roared with a ferocious face.

"Back off!"

Ning Chen opens his mouth, light way.

The long tongued woman roared. As she was about to step forward, she suddenly trembled and stepped back in fear.

In front of the stone steps, Ning Chen stepped up and entered the broken temple.The broken temple is not big. It is extremely dilapidated and overgrown with weeds.

Ning Chen looked at the roof and came to a place where there was no rain and made a fire.

The little gourd came up to the fire and roasted it. There was still a color of fear on his face. He said, "immortal, will that ghost come again?"

"I don't think so."

Ning Chen added some firewood to the fire and said, "I'm sorry.


Before the words were heard, the door of the broken temple was blown open by the strong wind. In front of the door, the woman in white floated and did not dare to approach half a step.

"Immortal, I'm afraid."

Little gourd raised his head and said timidly.

Ning Chen raises his hand, and the aura of heaven and earth surges into the woman's body.

A moment later, the woman's soul quickly solidified, and her twisted face also changed.

The woman in white, who has recovered her face, looks like a girl next door.

"Leave, or I'll kill you!"

Ning Chen opens his mouth and looks indifferent.

The woman in white trembled, saluted and quickly retreated.

"She's gone."

Ning Chen stretched out his hand to pat the head of small gourd, smile way.

Little gourd saw the woman disappear in the rain, young face and some can't bear, way, "fairy, outside the rain is so big, she will be OK."

"Aren't you afraid of her?" Ning Chen asks a way.

"I was afraid just now. I'm not afraid now." Little gourd whispered.


Ning Chen light a smile, way, "she is a ghost, not afraid of heavy rain."


The little gourd nodded thoughtfully. The simple little head soon put it down and sat in front of the fire to keep warm.

On a rainy night, the woman in white stood far away from the broken temple, shivering. Her only residence was occupied and homeless.

In the broken temple, the little gourd sleeps in front of his own gourd, and Ning Chen quietly guards aside. Once he sits down, it's a night.

It was the first time for him to really feel the horror of the strong in the fifth realm when he fought with the dragon head of Confucianism.

Even if Dayu's imperial spirit was added, he was still powerless in the face of the strong in the fifth realm.

The fifth realm is really an incredible realm.

Now, he is still far away from the fifth realm. The most important thing is that he has not yet become a God.

The moon god once told him that the fourth realm is the end of human cultivation. If we want to enter a higher realm, we must upgrade our internal strength to a higher level.

How to transform God will be a matter he needs to solve as soon as possible.


In his sleep, the little gourd turned over and smacked his mouth, "I want to eat lingcao."

Ning Chen returned to God, a faint smile, the spirit of all things, simple heart, but live carefree.

The long night gradually passed. In the East, the rising sun dispelled the cold of the night.

Outside, the heavy rain gradually stopped, the little gourd woke up in a daze, hugged Ning Chen's arm and fell asleep again.

Ning Chen gets up, puts the small gourd on the shoulder, and walks towards the broken temple.

A hundred steps outside the broken temple, under a big tree, the woman in white hid in the shade with a face of fear, and did not dare to let the morning light shine on her soul.

Homeless ghosts, before the coming day, become so helpless.

Ning Chen came and saw the woman in the shade of the tree. He said calmly, "go back."

The woman in white looks shocked when she hears the speech. She looks at the broken Temple behind. It's only a hundred steps away, but now she seems to be far away.

Ning Chen raises his hand and leaves fall all over the sky, turning it into a barrier to block the dawn.

"Thank you, fairy!"

Seeing this, the woman in white knelt down excitedly and saluted respectfully.

Ning Chen didn't say anything more and walked away.


Shoulder, small gourd half awake to open his eyes, looking around, way, "dawn ah."


Ning Chen nods and says, "it's dawn."

"Where's the ghost?"

Little gourd looked back at the broken Temple behind him and asked.


Ning Chen calm way.

Little gourd heard of it, and then let go.

Shortly after they left, in the mountains, the monk in green, holding a Zen stick, came forward with a charm in his hand to trace the ghosts.

"Found it!"

In front of the broken temple, the monk in green stopped and looked at the bright and indeterminate charm in his hand. The color of condensation flashed in his eyes.

Inside the broken temple, the woman in white felt the killing outside the temple, and her delicate face changed slightly.

In front of the temple, the monk in green stepped into the broken temple and scanned the temple to find the hidden ghosts.

"Come out."

The monk in Green said coldly.

In the dilapidated temple, there was no sound and it was very quiet.

"Toast, no penalty!"The monk in green clothes hummed coldly, and his Zen stick shook to the ground. Suddenly, a powerful Buddhist power swung away, and the ghost gas around him was scattered.


In the temple, the shrill cry rang out, the Buddhist power was added to the body, and the body of the woman in white collapsed quickly, and her soul was shattered.

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