Shenting, Jingtian Pavilion, Ning Chen and his party killed all the guards and broke into it.

Qingjiandou will lead the way, try to avoid the mechanism and array in Jingtian Pavilion, and move forward quickly.

In the pavilion, row after row of scriptures are displayed, all of which are rare and precious skills in the world. However, none of the four people paid more attention to their journey.

With the help of his memory, qingjidou God General searched for the location of Tiangong, and the four went up one step after another to quickly climb over any possible place.


On the third floor of Jingtian Pavilion, Bai forgot to read most of the ancient books, but he still couldn't find the whereabouts of Tiangong. He replied.

"I don't have it here either." Demon month mouth, anxious way.

In addition, on both sides, ningchen and qingjidou will turn over the rest of the place, but there is no trace of Tiangong.

"Remember wrong, not on this floor?" The white forgets the language to coagulate the sound way.


Qingjidou shook his head and said, "it must be on this floor. All the ancient books on each floor of Jingtian pavilion have their own positioning. They will not be placed on other floors."

"Then keep looking."

Ning Chen's vision sweeps around, row after row of ancient books, and his look condenses.

Where will it be?

Four people continue to search, one after another ancient books, dare not miss any corner.

Just then, in the corner of the third floor Pavilion, a voice of vicissitudes rang out and asked, "what are you looking for?"

There was no sign of the sudden sound. In the pavilion, all four of them looked shocked and looked at the corner at the same time.

But behind the bookshelf in the corner, an old man in coarse cloth stepped out with a roll of broken ancient books in his hand, looked at the four people and said, "are you looking for this book?"

The old man, who didn't know the origin, was hiding everyone's attention. He suddenly appeared and shocked four people.

Ning Chen look immediately coagulates, this old man, extraordinary.

Not far away, Qingjian looked shocked when he saw the old man.

Why did he come here before and never see the old man.

"Qingjian, I've seen you." Qingjian salutes with respect.

The old man looked at the former, with a smile on his face, and said, "I have heard about the first battle of the divine court."

"I don't deserve it." Qingjian whispered.

This old man can appear in front of them quietly, and his strength is unfathomable. If possible, it's best not to offend them.

"Are you looking for such a book?" The old man said with a smile.

"Yes." Qingjian replied.

"Take it. You can check it, but you can't take it out of Jingtian Pavilion."

As he spoke, the old man raised his hand, and the ancient books flew out of his hand. In a flash, he appeared in front of the general.

Qingjian was shocked and took over Tiangong. Then he handed it to Zhiming.

Ning Chen turns over Tiangong for a quick look.

Time is not much, he must find out the whereabouts of congenital Qi and chaotic mother Qi as soon as possible.

Not far away, demon month and white forget language also step forward, looking at the old man's eyes in the light of color.

This old man is so weird that they have to be careful.

However, after the old man handed over the work, he didn't say much. He went to the bookshelves and began to sort out the classics and ancient books.

"Today's young people are so impetuous."

Looking at the ancient scrolls randomly placed on the bookshelf, the old man sighed and repositioned the scrolls.

"Who is this old man?" White forgets the language to transmit a voice to ask a way.

"I don't know. I've never seen it before." Qingjidou answered.

"So mysterious?"

Bai forgetting whispered, and looked at the old man in front of him again. He didn't look like an expert, but it was a little frightening to be able to appear in front of them in silence.

"Found it."

On one side, Ning Chen turned to record the source of congenital force and chaotic mother Qi, and immediately wrote down all the words and patterns above.


Qingjian fighting God will sink.

Ning Chen nodded, put down the heavenly work, saluted the old man, and immediately went back the same way.

"Come and go in a hurry, not to mention talking to the old man."

The old man sighed softly, picked up the ancient books left by the four people, went to the bookshelf and put them back.

In the Jingtian Pavilion, the four quickly stepped down from the third floor. They didn't dare to stay for a moment and walked out.

The door of Jingtian pavilion was close at hand. However, they noticed the unusual atmosphere.

It's so quiet!

Maybe it's too calm.

They have been in for quite a long time. It is reasonable to say that the disappearance of all the guards in Jingtian Pavilion should have been discovered. The current situation is too smooth.

"Be careful."Green Jian reminds a, take three people to walk toward the outside of Jing Tian Ge.

Ning Chen, Bai forgetting, and Yin refreshing yuan are ready to deal with the variables that may happen at any time.

After counting the interest, the four walked out of Jingtian Pavilion, and the surroundings were still quiet.

"What's going on?" The white forgets the language to coagulate the sound way.

It's so strange that there is no one, not even a sound.

Ning Chen just about to step forward, suddenly, step back again.

What's the feeling?



A deep drink, rather Chen hand magic sword manifest, a sword into the earth.

In an instant, the earth vibrated and the surrounding dreamland collapsed.

The mirage collapses, around, thousands of gods will appear, the first, nine extremely powerful breath ups and downs, the power of terror, the pressure of the divine void are distorted.

The nine fighting generals of shenting are all out to kill the intruders.

"Qingjian, I didn't expect that you had fallen so far. You were with the devil."

Among the nine fighting generals, a man in white holding a folding fan spoke in a cold voice.

"Don't talk too much nonsense. Come on."

In Qingjian's hand, the three pointed and two edged sword came out of thin air. Next time, the violent killing reappeared.

"Your injury has not healed. This time, I'll come."

White forgets the language to step forward, block in front of the body of know life, opening a way.

"I'm not that bad. Come on, let's kill together." Ning Chen sinks a voice way.

The words sound falls, in the hand of rather Chen, the second divine sword appears, the person devil comes out together, the sword power shakes.


Around, the nine fighting God generals opened their mouths at the same time and issued the order to kill.

The word "kill" fell, and thousands of shenting generals swept out, surrounded and killed four people.

Ning Chen's figure sweeps out, double swords wave chop, absolute killing machine, constantly killing the gods.

Blood splashing, Red God court earth, devil body led Zhiming, one move in one form, never half keep hands.

"Kill the devil first."

Among the nine fighting generals, Bai Xiao, who opened his mouth before, said in a deep voice, stepping out step by step and entering the game strongly.

Not far away, chiming and Lvliu joined hands with Baifeng to fight against the generals.

On the other side, Qingjian's fighting God once again attacked the three fighting God generals headed by heaven, and the war situation was very hot.

Six God fighting generals, white forget language swept the war, stopped the last three God fighting generals.

In the fierce battle, the palm is strong and the sword is vigorous.

In the void, the colorful divine light is around, and the incarnation of the Lord of the divine court comes out. He looks at the battle ahead, and his face is cold.

These people are really bold!

In the war, Ning Chen, Bai forgetting language, and Qing Jian fought against the nine strongest fighting generals in the upper shenting court. The situation changed and heaven and earth fell.

"Don't fall in love with war. Take a chance and go at once!"

Knowing the inside information of shenting is amazing, Qingjian fighting God will fight and retreat, transmitting two humanitarians.

"I understand!"

Two people nod at the same time, rather Chen wields a sword to chop open the white Xiao fight absolute being general of the attack, the vision sweeps the demon month not far away, the foot steps over, sweep the body forward.

"The devil's flame strikes the sky!"

The two swords of Ning Chen join together, and the devil's flame surges out. Feihong decides to give blessing, and the attack is roaring.

Suddenly, the two fighting gods, chiming and Lvliu, will be shaken back. In an instant, Ning Chen takes the demon moon and sweeps away towards the war situation.

"Back up!"

Not far away, Qingjian and Bai forgot to fight back their opponents and chase away quickly.

"You can't escape!"

In the war situation, the nine fighting gods turned into Hongguang and quickly caught up with each other.

At this time, in the sky, colorful rays came down from the sky. It was the Lord of the divine court who stopped the four people.

As soon as the whole body sank, the speed slowed down immediately.

In the rear, the nine fighting gods immediately caught up and surrounded the four again.

"God, since you are here, why hide your head and show your tail?"

On the void, Qingjian looked at the sky and said in a deep voice.

"Qingjian, you should have been my most trusted general. Unexpectedly, you would betray me."

The sky, colorful glow, a touch of illusory figure out, extremely powerful pressure, swept nine days and ten places.

"I can't afford the trust of God."

The general sneered and said, "God, you should know what I can do. If you don't come here with me, you can't trap me with these people."

"Arrogance is your biggest weakness."

In the sky, the Lord of the divine court said in a cold voice, "I'll give you another chance to surrender or die!"

"Qingjian will not bend his knees to anyone in the future!" On the void, Qingjian will sink.

"Very good!"

On the horizon, the Lord of the divine court is full of murderous gas, even if he is only the incarnation, to give you a kind of unspeakable pressure."Be careful."

Qingjidou God will remind a sentence, a Shenyuan outbreak, ready to meet the coming storm.

On one side, Ning Chen tears off his sleeves and binds his double swords tightly in his hands. In his deep eyes, the killing is also fierce.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is an important place for book collection. Can we stop fighting for a while?"

Just as the war was about to start again, an old voice came out from the Jingtian Pavilion in the rear, which shocked all the people present.

In the war situation, Ning Chen four people look this time on the contrary calm a lot of, not too surprised.

In the sky, the Lord of the divine court looked forward at the Square Pavilion, and his eyes narrowed.

What's the smell?

In Jingtian Pavilion, the old man sorted out the ancient books on the bookshelf and immediately walked out.

With the attention of the gods, the old man walked out of Jingtian pavilion with a simple atmosphere, which made people not see any abnormality.

However, in the sky, the Lord of the divine court was shocked, obviously recognizing the identity of the old man.

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