There is no divine world, 80000 miles high, the Dragon roars and soars up 90000 miles.

Ten thousand swords opened the way, and the Dragon roared nine days. Suddenly, the law of heaven and earth separated the dragon through ten thousand swords.

The scattered aura returns to heaven and earth. When Ning Chen's figure falls, the ancient sword flies out of his hand.

Ning Chen's figure steps on the ancient sword and flies to the imperial sword.

Around the ancient sword, the sword flows to the sky, and the guard knows his destiny to walk the last way to heaven.


Finally, nine thousand miles above, thousands of sword flow hit open the sky, Ning Chen figure then rushed out.

The Phoenix is singing in the world. Once the shackles are scattered, it spreads its wings and soars in the Ninth Heaven.

On the starry sky, ten thousand swords move forward, in ten thousand swords, Phoenix move forward, and stay away from the undead world at a high speed.

Half a day later, on a lonely star meteorite, Ning Chen came with atheism and took a rest.

Atheist meditation, a surge of God yuan, to repair the injury.

Ning Chen stands aside quietly without disturbing.

In a short time, the whole body spirit of atheism converged, and the body temporarily recovered 30%.

Ning Chen feels atheism to wake up, calm way, "at this point separately."

Atheism got up and looked at the beautiful starry sky around him. The streamer in his eyes flashed by.

Is this the outside world?

"Where are you going?"

A moment later, atheism converged, looked at the white haired young man in front of him, and asked.

"Save people." Ning Chen light way.

Atheism smell speech, Mou son tiny coagulate, did not ask more, nod a way, "that then separately."

"See you later."

Ning Chen calm said a, no longer stay, whole body Phoenix Fire rising, incarnation Phoenix, extremely fast away.

In the rear, atheism looks at the Phoenix's shadow across the starry sky in front, and his eyes flash again.

Phoenix, the legend of the bird, actually exists in the world.

In the starry sky, Ning Chen is moving faster and faster.

After some delay in the godless world, the flame of the big sky green lamp became weaker and weaker. Obviously, the spirit of aman, who had supported for a hundred years, was gradually exhausted.

"Ah man."

Ning Chen worries more and more in his heart. He speeds up and continues on his way.

On earth, the Ninth Heaven reaches to the end of the world. Ning Chen comes from the divine world. After passing through the separable heaven, he is infinitely close to the third heaven.

It is said that in the nine heavens, one of the top three places in the sky, gods and Demons coexist, and its strength is extremely terrible.

Under the direction of the big sky green light, the spirit of aman is in front of him. Ning Chen looks at the endless sky ahead and looks dignified.

He is very clear that once he enters wujitian, he will face more and more dangers.


The day before Wuji, Ning Chen drank deeply, and his sword flowed out in a torrent, constantly bumping into the front space-time barrier.


Jidao sword will collide with the law of time and space, the terrible shock will ring, and the moment when the barrier of time and space fluctuates, it will be Phoenix shaped. All the strength will be concentrated, and the combination of man and sword will crash into the flaw of the barrier of time and space.

With a roar, the sword light disappeared into the barrier of time and space.

At the same time, Wuji Tianjing, who has lived for endless years, feels that his eyes slowly open. Suddenly, the sky changes and thunders.

The terrible vision, in the boundless heaven, the people were frightened and looked at the sky one after another.

"What a strong sword."

Among the supreme heaven, an old man in a green robe opens his mouth, sits on his legs, and an ancient sword rises and falls, constantly asking for war.

Qingyu Tianzun, who controls the two laws of heaven and earth, can reach the realm of heaven infinitely. If we prove it again, we can become the three realm Tianzun.

The rare achievements in ancient and modern times are extremely rare even in the boundless heaven, where the gods come forth in large numbers.

In the void, Ning Chen's figure moves forward rapidly. Suddenly, his body is shocked.

What is the meaning of this sword?

Ning Chen looks back, and the divine sense feels the sharp rising pressure of the sword below, and his look condenses.

Not good!

There is little time left, not willing to fight again, Ning Chen immediately convergence a sword pressure, speed up the speed.


In the distance, Qingyu Tianzun felt it. He raised his hand and pressed the ancient sword which he had been fighting in front of him. His brow was slightly wrinkled.

Avoiding the war?

It's strange that swordsmen avoid fighting!

Kendo is an indomitable way. Anyone who practices Kendo has been looking for an opponent who can prove his sword all his life. His sword cultivation is not weak, so he chose to avoid war.

"That's all."

Qingyu Tianzun said faintly, his eyes closed, and his sword intention also converged.

"Thank you very much."

In the distance, the voice of thanks came and soon went away.


At this time, a proud voice sounded in the void. On Ning Chen's way, ten thousand swords soared into the sky. On ten thousand swords, a figure in white came to defend the sword. The amazing formation attracted the attention of all parties."Little Tianzun, the lone sword."

In the boundless heaven, a demon looks at the sky and his face is different.

It's said that Dugu sword is a real reincarnation of ancient great power. He can cultivate his sword all his life and kill the real God before entering the heaven, so he has the title of little God.

In the void, xiaotianzun came here with his own sword, paving the way for thousands of swords and showing off well.

"The swordsman avoids the war, you shame the sword!"

On WAN Jian, Du Gujian looks at the young man with white hair in front of him and says in a cold voice.

Ning Chen didn't pay attention to it, and the speed didn't decrease at all.

Seeing the young man's arrogant appearance, dugujian looked very angry and pointed to the imperial sword, which cut him forward.

Ten thousand swords break through the void with great power. They cut through the void and cut to the front to know their fate.

Ning Chen is to ignore, the figure flits by, don't dodge don't avoid, directly rush into ten thousand sword.

In the distance, Qingyu Tianzun opened his eyes again and looked at the sky.

At the same time, all parties of the non polar sky, several supreme heaven standing on the top of the big world, also looked at the sky and watched the battle with great interest.

Xiaotianzun's reputation is very strong in wujitianjing. After all, the genius who can challenge Tianjing is always admired by young people.

All parties pay attention to it. In the void, two figures pass by each other. The figure of Zhiming goes on without any pause.

"What happened?"

One of the gods and Demons showed a strange color and did not understand the way.

However, the words have not yet fallen, on the void, a waterfall of blood splashed out, fogging the sky.

"No way!"

The broken arm flies down. It's unbelievable. Dugujian's face is in a cold sweat and he can't kneel down.

I've been practicing swords all my life, but I don't know how to use them.

In front of him, the figure in plain clothes moved forward quickly, and disappeared in a short time.

"Amazing swordsman."

In the distance, Qingyu Tianzun's eyes burst out a strong sense of war. This man's sword is enough to become his opponent.

"Qingyu can't sit still."

All sides of wujitian, a god standing on the top of the world, felt the rising sword spirit in Qingyu mountain, and his face showed different colors.

It's hard to find an opponent. Qingyu Tianzun has been waiting for the certificate for more than ten thousand years.

In Qingyu mountain, Qingyu Tianzun gets up and leaves with his sword.

In the east of Wuji heaven, one of the most glorious divine lands, the largest divine Dynasty in the third heaven is located. Wuji divine Dynasty is famous in all directions.

Today, Zhiming's figure comes down from the sky, taking the big sky green lamp as the guide, looking for aman's figure.

In the land of Wuji God Dynasty, Ning Chen urges the big sky green lamp, and the green light diffuses and spreads in all directions.

At the same time, in the Wuji Dynasty and the Imperial Palace, the Wuji emperor felt the powerful power in the whole dynasty, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Evocation, someone evokes spirits in the divine Dynasty.

"If you have to, please forgive me for disturbing your court."

At this time, outside the Imperial Palace, a voice of apology rang out, echoing in the hall.

In front of the throne, Wuji emperor heard the words, and his indifference gradually dissipated. He said calmly, "be careful, sir. Spiritualism may affect the safety of ordinary people."

"Emperor Wuji, please rest assured that I will be cautious in my actions and will not affect the people of your Dynasty." Outside the main hall, the voice of knowing one's fate rang out again and responded.

"It's the best."

The Wuji emperor nodded his head and said nothing more. He could tell him in advance and give him enough face. He could not be aggressive. Even if he was a master of this level, he would not easily offend him. To sell face would be good for each other.

On the land of Wuji God, Ning Chen told Wuji emperor that he would do whatever he wanted to do and try his best to find the trace of aman.

On the big sky green lamp, the green light spread continuously and gradually enveloped the whole Wuji Dynasty.

"Found it."

All of a sudden, a very few breath of feeling came, Ning Chen look move, without any hesitation, rapid northbound.

In the north of the Wuji Dynasty, in a black forest, the spirit of the barbarian wandered among them. For a hundred years, the soul was extremely weak.

The black forest looks strange. Except for trees, there are no animals or birds in the forest.

The black forest, the largest forbidden area of the Wuji Dynasty, has never been dared to enter for thousands of years. However, aman, who gradually lost his consciousness, could not feel the danger of the black forest and entered it by mistake.

Before long, outside the black forest, Ning Chen's figure passed by. Just as he was about to enter, he was surrounded by a majestic voice.

"Sir, please stay!"

In the Wuji hall, the Wuji emperor opened his mouth and said in a voice, "the former convenience is the black forest. There are fierce beasts left over from ancient times in it. The strength is extremely terrible, and there is a strong sense of territory. Don't enter it by mistake."

Ning Chen hears speech, facial expression congeals next, way, "thank great emperor to remind, just, the person that I want to look for is among them, have to go in."

Finish saying, rather Chen didn't say again what, foot a tread, swept into the black forest.Ning Chen's figure gallops past in the black forest stretching for 100000 Li. Guided by the big sky green lamp, he searches for the trace of aman.


Deep in the dark forest of ningchen, a terrible roar came out to warn people.

Ning Chen doesn't care, the figure continues to move forward, and doesn't stop for a moment.

Deep in the black forest, the earth was rumbling and shaking, and a fierce beast the size of a hill stood up and roared up to the sky.

The ferocious beast is extremely ferocious. It is black all over. There are nine of them. They are covered with black scales. The nine of them roar and change in surprise.

In front of the fierce beast, a delicate figure stood there in confusion, unaware of the danger.

Ten days later, the fierce beast didn't kill the wandering girl, just like human disdain to step on an ant.

However, the moment Zhiming stepped into the black forest, the fierce beast felt the threat, looked up to the sky and roared, with black flames all over his body.

Suddenly, deep in the black forest, the demon fire swallowed the sky, and the scene was shocking.

In the distance, Ning Chen has a feeling. His face changes, and his Phoenix is full of fire. He turns into a phoenix and sweeps toward the deep of the black forest.

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