In the world, heaven and earth have changed at the beginning. Daqing royal family, a prince, was born in a big storm.

In the tenth generation, the immortal Lord reincarnated and became the prince of Daqing.

The Qing Dynasty, a small country in an area, is not a big one. It faces the Wu Dynasty in the north and the Nuzhen Dynasty in the West. The two dynasties are both big countries. Because of mutual constraints, the Qing Dynasty just managed to protect itself.

However, in the past 100 years, the talent of the northern Wu Dynasty has withered, and the national strength has declined seriously.

When the balance was broken and Nuzhen was the only one, Qing Dynasty was in danger.

Qingsheng, the tenth incarnation of the immortal Lord, was named by the Qing Emperor himself, implying that the person who could bring vitality to the Qing Dynasty was directly named prince after he was born.

Sixteen years later, the celebration grew up. In my memory, the emperor was in war all the year round. Every time his father came back from the war, he was exhausted.

However, even though the Qing emperor was brave and good at fighting, the territory of the Qing Dynasty was still reduced day by day, and it was difficult to stop the Nuzhen Dynasty's cavalry.

I've been practicing martial arts since I was a child, so that one day I can fight against the enemy and defend my country.

The 16-year-old coming of age ceremony is coming. The Qing emperor deliberately came back from the front line. When he came back, the banners swayed, because the Qing Dynasty rarely won a battle.

As if heaven had eyes, the Qing Dynasty temporarily beat back a wave of invasion of Nuzhen, so the celebration of the 16-year-old rite of passage was very lively, it can be said that the whole country was jubilant.

However, the rite of passage for celebrating the birthday has just come to an end. The battle report comes from the front line again. Nuzhen makes a comeback, and 100000 troops are on the way to the city.

Qing Dynasty palace, the Qing Dynasty emperor who had a short rest had to put on his armor again and fight personally.

Before leaving, the Qing Dynasty emperor looked at his grown-up son and said calmly, "birthday, when you grow up, you should learn to protect our hometown and relatives in the future."

Birthday nod should be down, write down the words of his father.

The emperor of Qing Dynasty left, and once again he drove himself.

One year, the Qing Dynasty emperor did not come back for a whole year. The queen arranged a wedding for her birthday. Ji Hui, the daughter of a king of different surnames, liked to wear red clothes and was born beautiful.

Ji Hui saw the birthday celebration, fell in love at first sight, and agreed to get married without hesitation.

As for the celebration, after knowing the mother's arrangement, she was silent, did not nod, but did not oppose.

He knew that as the prince of Qing Dynasty, there were some things he could not choose for himself.

The wedding of Qingsheng and Jihui comes quickly, because the queen hopes that the wedding will bring good luck to Qingguo.

On the day of their great joy, the palace was full of red eyes. The two newlyweds knelt down. Just as the ceremony was about to be completed, a bloody general rode into the palace.

In front of the hall, the general rushed into the hall, looking at the empress in full dress, and knelt down crying, "empress, your majesty died in battle!"

With a word, the bustling hall suddenly quiets down, and the saluting birthday party shivers violently, as if it were another life.

"Your Highness, there is one last gift." Under the red cap, Ji Hui said softly.

After returning to God for the birthday celebration, he looked at the quiet hall and the empress mother on the main seat, reached out and pulled off her red silk, went to one side, picked up her sword, and walked out of the hall.

"General Yun, protect the empress."

The words sound down, celebrate a birthday to ride on the general's war horse, the longitudinal horse rushes toward the imperial palace outside.

Three days later, the prince led reinforcements to the front line. When the despairing soldiers of the Qing Dynasty saw the flag of the Qing Dynasty, their morale was shocked and they burst out with an amazing desire to survive.

The front-line army of Nuzhen was fiercely obstructed by the soldiers guarding Xinjiang and reinforcements of Qing Dynasty, and retreated again and again.

Qingsheng led the army to take advantage of the victory and pursue the enemy, hoping to wipe out the front-line army of Nuzhen.

Just when the front-line army of Nuzhen was defeated, the rear was full of iron cavalry, and the back-up army of Nuzhen arrived. 100000 soldiers were like a torrent of molten iron.

In front of the army, a woman in white came galloping on horseback. When she was near the battlefield, she patted the horse on the back with both hands and jumped up.

The famous sword Qifeng, a sword startles the world, stabs the front Qing Dynasty prince.

The resentment that lasted for the tenth generation broke out again today. Princess Jurchen and Prince Qingguo met for the first time in the battlefield.

Amazing sword, shock everyone, just like flying fairy, let people avoid.

In front of the army of Qing Dynasty, the first ten Jurchen soldiers opened their eyes with their swords. They looked at the sword flying in front of them. They looked down and stepped on it. They didn't dodge. They firmly attached the sword to the front.


The two swords are handed over, the right arm is numb and the foot is half back.

In the air, the woman in white took advantage of the power to change her sword. Her attack was continuous, leaving no gap.

Qingsheng side to avoid the sword, raise hands to buckle to the woman's throat.

As soon as the body of the woman in white was folded, the two figures passed by, and the same indifferent face showed their murderous opportunities.

Three steps away, the figure of the woman in white stopped, looked back and swept out.

Among thousands of troops, the battle between the two, the martial arts of the mortal world, is even more dangerous at this moment.

Qing Dynasty men are brave and good at fighting, Qing Dynasty emperors are like this, today's birthday is like this.In order to protect the Qing Dynasty behind him, even though he was surrounded by thousands of troops, there was no fear on his face.

Behind him, under the impact of the Nuzhen army, fewer and fewer soldiers survived in the Qing Dynasty.

Surrounded by thousands of troops and horses, the wounds on Qingsheng's body became more and more serious, and the armor was stained with blood.


Celebrating the birthday, he yelled angrily, holding the sword in both hands, and shaking back the woman in front of him.

Ten steps away, the woman in white stopped again and looked at the prince Qingchao in front of her. Her beautiful eyes were full of murders.

"Shoot the arrow!"

In the rear, a Jurchen general spoke and said in a cold voice.

It's just like the God of death, coming down from the sky.

On the battlefield, a bloody birthday, looking at the sky arrow, a pair of eyes without any fear.

What's the fear of death!

Unfortunately, he can no longer protect the emperor behind him.

Mother, son minister unfilial!

Thousands of arrows through the body, bring out a waterfall dazzling scarlet, so startling.

At this time, in the distance, a woman in a red wedding dress came quickly. When she saw the amazing scene in the Nu Zhen army, her eyes shrank.


The woman in red looks up to the sky in pain and roars. Her beautiful eyes fall down with two drops of blood and tears.

Ten reincarnation, waiting for ten, after all, everything is empty.


The sky was thundering and the rain was pouring down.

The prince of Qing Dynasty was born with heavy rain. When he left, it rained heavily.

In the battlefield, ten thousand arrows pierce the body to celebrate the fall, looking back on the last human eye, is full of regret.


The memory of the tenth world goes back quickly. In the world, thousands of troops and horses have become illusions. On the void, a terrible crack appears. Time seems to stop at this moment.

Heaven and earth disaster, all sentient beings cry.

At the critical moment of human life, in the void, a mortal figure returns, and his plain clothes are not exposed to the dust.

The immortal master takes the hand to hold the sky and prevent the disaster of heaven and earth.

And in the far north fairy world, the Lord of the North fairy world broke through the barrier and came out with his hair on his head. His eyes turned red and roared wildly.

Not far away, the corner of the young man's mouth in Tsing Yi bends a cold radian, which makes people shudder.

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