Jiumiao Lihe flower is a rare flower in the world that can regenerate from amputated limbs. It can regenerate all over the body except the internal organs and the head. It's a magic medicine that even the congenital eye is red.

If placed in other places, this flower will certainly cause great trouble, but this is the imperial city of the summer, with 330000 forbidden troops stationed, and the congenital strong people sitting in the town. No one dares to make trouble here.

In order to find this flower, the eldest grandson did his best. Fortunately, he was able to fulfill his wish.

At the auction, the price soared from 100000 gold to more than 300000 Liang, and it was still rising.

The main competitors are just three or four boxes, with a price increase of 120000 taels, without hesitation.

"500000 Liang"

in one box, a cold voice of a woman came out, which raised the price by more than 100000 Liang, and immediately calmed the other boxes.

Hear this voice, rather Chen eyebrow a wrinkly, always feel some familiar, think carefully but strange extremely.

In the box of congenital bidding, a white dress is better than snow, and the beautiful appearance does not take the slightest emotion. It's mu Chengxue who comes from BEIMENG camp.

Dusk into snow is congenital, as long as don't want others to recognize her, who can't do, Ning Chen also can't.

"Five hundred fifty thousand taels" and a box to participate in the bidding, shouting out a price that people can not afford, this time, is Ning Chen.

Dusk into snow did not speak again, quietly standing in the box, looking at the opposite direction, eyes cold as ice.

At the "600000 taels" auction, a new competitor appeared again, bidding.

"700000 taels", a box that has always been silent, finally opened and made a big splash.

The price of 700000 Liang is too high for anyone to add. After the woman on the auction table inquired three times, the bell rang the wooden hammer in her hand.

"Moon, we have money," Ning Chen said with a smile.

Xiao Mingyue is full of paste, and Liu Ruoxi doesn't understand it either. There are very few people in the Marquis's mansion who know about it, and the two people around him just don't belong here.

Soon the woman came in and signaled the maid to go out.

"Mr. Hou, this is Chiyang iron and 690000 taels of gold ticket, because you are our VIP of Qilin Pavilion. This Chiyang iron will be sold at a starting price of 10000 taels, and Jiumiao Lihe flower will be exempted once as an exception for Qilin Pavilion"

"how funny this is"

it's hard to say. Ning Chen's hands are not embarrassed, and he takes the gold ticket and Chiyang iron with a smile .

Qilin Pavilion is polite, and Ning Chen naturally doesn't grudge good words. They quarrel with each other for a long time. After hearing that Mingyue and Liu Ruoxi are almost asleep, Ning Chen says goodbye to the woman.

It's not hard for buyers to guess that Jiumiao Lihe flower is bought. Not everyone in the world can come up with such astronomical amount of gold. At least, Ning Chen, the Marquis of Wu, can't.

Two days later, a letter was sent to Zhiming Houfu, which was sent by the third prince.

Ning Chen went out of the mansion alone. This time, no one took him. He went to Yanwu palace alone.

Xia Yanwu, good at martial arts and good at martial arts, is the second one among many princes to be a king. He has the title of martial arts.

The third prince seldom goes back to the mansion, but usually stays in the barracks. This time, he is invited to the mansion.

Ning Chen walks into the hall of Yanwu palace. There is only one person and one flower in the hall.

People are Xia Yanwu, flowers are clutch flowers.

"It's time to make a decision," Xia Yanwu said lightly.

"I just want to ask one thing, what agreement have you reached with the North Mongolian military division?" Ning Chen said calmly.

"She helped me to ascend the throne, I should take her a safe way to withdraw troops," Xia Yanwu said honestly.

Ning Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and said, "Your Highness, have you ever thought that this might be the scheme of all those who listen to the moon"

"if Daxia is in my hands, I will not be afraid of any conspiracy." Xia Yanwu showed his edge and said haughtily.

"Your Highness is good and confident," Ning Chen exclaimed.

Xia Yanwu didn't want to entangle more on this issue. Zhengse said, "I've shown enough sincerity, I hope you don't let me down"

Ning Chen chuckled and immediately stretched out two fingers to point to the way of heaven. "I'd like to swear that I will do my best to help the third prince ascend the throne. If I disobey this oath, I will be rewarded by the fire of heaven"

Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang oath, Chaoyang Witness, as soon as you enter Jiupin, you will arrive at the place closest to heaven. How can you swear easily.

"Ha ha"

in the hall, the arrogant laughter spread all over the palace.

Heaven has eyes, and the vow will be answered. This is something anyone who is above nine grades knows. This oath is more reliable than any guarantee.

Today, the ten princes are in great danger.

A decision, in exchange for a flower, a win-win situation, also means that the chaos of the two kings of the great Xia Dynasty is finally coming to an end.

Lingyan Pavilion, Su Feiyan's hand is no longer calm today. The worst thing happened.

Ten princes sit in front of the table, brow light wrinkly, in the hand of wine cup after cup, never stop."Please cherish the feather, maybe there is a turn for the better," Su Feiyan suggested.

Xia tomorrow nods gently and immediately gets up and leaves.

On this day, Duke Xiyu went to Taizhi mansion to discuss the choice of the throne.

Two hours later, Jingwu Gong also arrived. Sangong got together and discussed until sunset.

Jingwugong's view is still unchanged, supporting the third prince, xiyugong supporting the tenth prince, but taizhigong's opinion has changed.

Duke Xiyu said clearly that the third prince and the northern Mongolian side are likely to be involved in secret. Duke Jingwu didn't believe it. He thought it was the plan of the northern Mongolian. Duke Taizhi didn't believe it or not. He just said that the tenth Prince is more suitable.

Among the three gongs, two of them supported the tenth prince, which made the situation turn upside down again.

Two days later, there was news in the Weiyang palace that the empress was also more inclined to the ten princes to ascend the throne. This made a thousand waves. All the empresses who had not made a statement said that the new throne would soon come to an end.

"What's the matter?" next to Yanwu palace, there is a humble courtyard. Xia Yanwu sits on the main seat with a heavy look.

Under the seat are all the powerful officials of the third prince. There are Mingchuan, the commander of Shenfeng camp, Jiyu and Zidian battalions, as well as seven nobles holding great power. There are ten people in total.

Ten people did not speak, it is clear that this is not to ask them, but to ask the front of the magistrate.

"Should be a rumor, today I have entered the palace, but the queen ordered not to see" rather Chen face dew don't understand, way.

Xia Yanwu frowned. He wanted to ascend the throne, but he would not grudge other ways if he could not.

"True or false, since even you can't enter the palace, it shows that there are some problems with the empress," Xia Yanwu said in a deep voice.

Ning Chen was silent for a long time, and slowly said, "I'll try again tomorrow"

Xia Yanwu nodded and said, "everything should be prepared with two hands. You know your destiny, as a marquis, you have the right to mobilize 100000 troops, and you should be ready to deploy troops at any time"

Ning Chen was stunned, and said, "Your Highness, please think twice, deploying troops without reason is like rebellion"

"who says that without reason, the ten princes intend to plot On the contrary, I am just suppressing the rebellion, "Xia Yanwu said coldly.

"Is it too urgent" seat, a noble Marquis slightly worried.

Another nobleman shook his head. "Your Highness has a good reason to think about it. Once Sangong and the empress really issue an imperial edict to make the ten princes emperor, it will be really late. The name is not right and the words are not right. Even if they raise troops, they have no chance of winning"

"ah" the other noblemen sigh lightly. If possible, no one wants to go to this step.

The three grand commanders frowned. A moment later, Mingchuan said, "Your Highness, there are still some problems. The four gates, two of which are in the hands of the empress and the Grand Prince, one in the hands of the tenth prince, and the rest in the hands of the Nangong marquis. Even if the army arrives, it will not be able to enter in a short time"

"this king has already made arrangements"

The next moment, a young figure came in, saluted and said, "Your Highness, the Nangong Marquis's house is always waiting for your Highness's assignment"

seeing this, the eyes of the people on the scene shrunk fiercely, this son, Nangong love!

It turned out that the Marquis of Nangong had already taken refuge with his highness.

Ning Chen sighs that the 11th battalion of the forbidden army and the Fourth Battalion are occupied by the third prince. It's hard to believe if you don't see it with your own eyes.

Xia Yanwu's bottom card is far beyond his estimation.

The crowd dispersed and left at night. Ning Chen also went back to the magistrate's mansion and plunged into his study, but he didn't come out all night.

The next day, Ning Chen entered the palace again, but he was stopped again in front of Tianyu hall.

"Don't embarrass your subordinates, marquis," said one of the soldiers.

"Why didn't the queen see me?" Ning Chen said in a deep voice.

"The empress didn't say it. She just said it. If the Marquis enters the palace, he will never see each other," the soldiers said helplessly.

"Empress Niang, Ning Chen asks to see" Ning Chen retreats two steps, the gas sinks Dan Tian, drinks a way.

The sound of asking for help rumbled and shook the whole palace. However, in the deep Imperial Palace, it was still calm and there was no sound.

"Marquis, please go back," sighed the soldiers.

"Hum!" Ning Chen's sleeve swings and leaves in anger.

Zhiming Hou was once again refused to be seen in front of Tianyu hall by the empress. The news spread quickly among the Manchu dynasty like crazy. Zhiming Hou's family background was very clear, not to mention that it was taught by the empress. Now, Zhiming hou can't even enter the gate of Tianyu hall. You can imagine how angry the empress is.

It seems that the event of Zhiming Hou standing in line completely angered the queen. However, it also made everyone see one thing clearly. It turned out that the Queen's candidate for the throne was the tenth prince.

For the sake of Jiumiao Lihe flower, Zhiming Hou stands on the side of the third prince. No one can say anything. Such an opportunity will only come once. If it is lost, it will never come back.Two days later, Sangong and changsun met again in Tianyu hall. They talked for a whole day, but no one knew. However, this time, Jingwu sent a letter to the third prince. The letter was very simple, only five words.

"The teacher has tried his best"

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