In the immortal realm, the Lord of darkness comes, and the light is in danger.

Beyond the monarch, the absolute power of suppression, as strong as Zhiming, also can not resist.

At the moment of crisis, Xia Ziyi, who was seriously injured, took a life-long practice to fight for a chance of life for his best friend.

A thousand years ago, the great prince of Xia was possessed. However, some things never changed.

Life and death entrusted to the best friend, the moment of life and death, no hesitation.

Twelve crime wings block out the sky, the breath of astonishment continues to spread, followed by a shock scene.

Between heaven and earth, the sky is filled with black flames. In the flames, endless black butterflies appear and turn into twelve wings of sin.

The power of the underworld comes to the same end in different ways. The Magic Butterfly turns the way. The last remaining power in the world is influenced by the twelve sin wings and reappears.

"Thank you very much."

Xia Ziyi felt it. He said it in a deep voice and drank it. He swallowed up the power of the underworld.

Xia Ziyi broke through the limitation and reached a new level.


At this time, in front of a temple with only a few pillars in the last triple heaven far away from the three realms, the holy figure in black divine clothes felt a strange color in his indifferent eyes.

There are people in the world who practice magic skills to such a degree!

"Surprised, human beings are much stronger than we think."

In the sky, the sun appeared. In the sun, the majestic voice came out and calmed down.

In front of the temple, the underworld quietly looked at the distance, looking indifferent and said, "among the thousands of mole ants, there are always outstanding people, but in the face of irresistible strength, being strong is meaningless."

"Seven Jue God, why don't you and I take another gamble? I believe that human beings will survive this catastrophe, just like the previous three times, human beings will not be destroyed." In the sun, the voice of majesty rings out again.

"God's bet, I took it, but I hope this time, God will abide by the rules, do not interfere in human affairs." The underworld light way.

"Of course."

After the words, the sun gradually dissipated and returned to the eighth heaven.

When the gods left, in front of the temple, the underworld stood still, watching the scene of the world, and there were no waves in his eyes.

What will be the performance of this gamble?

God, he's looking forward to the end of the game.

In the human world, in the immortal realm, the power of the underworld comes back to the body. Xia Ziyi's cultivation breaks through the limitation. The madness of doomsday ignites a dazzling demon flame and cuts to the Dark Lord ahead.

"Mole ants, after all, are just mole ants."

The Lord of darkness raised his hand and took over the madness of doomsday. The stagnant heaven and earth could not stop the power of darkness.

In the war, she was attacked by the darkness, and the corners of her mouth were red. She was badly hurt.

Once in the eternal night, the body to the light of the eternal night zongnv, now in the face of the power of darkness, is also so powerless.

In front of him, Xia Ziyi, a burning demon flame, once again drank deeply, and the whole demon flame was sublimated.

Evil Qi devours the soul, Xia Ziyi's eyes turn black, and his body rises again.

"The evil way, how can it be compared with my darkness!"

The Lord of darkness hums coldly, claps it with one hand, and shakes back the former with a thump.

The scattered magic flame burned every inch of the immortal land. With the unyielding will of the possessed, Xia Ziyi stopped a hundred paces away, and his cultivation was still climbing.

The devil's blood, dripping down on the earth, burns the earth to scorched earth. The fiery devil's blood, like the unyielding will of the devil, never dies out.

Endless magic blood, scattered on the earth, nine secluded swallow the sky, forbidden spread.

In desperation, Magic Butterfly will use magic body to cast the last forbidden chapter of Jiuyou.


The Lord of darkness has a feeling and a slight look.

"Is it dark?"

At this moment, suddenly, Xia Ziyi's breath changed and his eyes closed slowly.

Silence, boundless silence, time seems to stop.

The next moment, Xia Ziyi body, a familiar force slowly rising.

Burning the sky and destroying the way, the terrible and despairing power reappears in the world after thousands of years.

Inside and outside the war situation, all the strong men who participated in the first war of sending God trembled with disbelief.


In the collapse of the fairy mountain, Ning Chen staggered up, looking at the figure in front of the flame, look shocked.

On the immortal domain, the real terrible power of the gods and demons, nine days and ten earthquakes, the whole immortal domain, big cracks appear, it is difficult to bear the terrible pressure.

More terrible than the end of the power, separated by endless starry sky, all creatures feel this fear from the depths of the soul, all prostrate on the ground, body shivering.

The divine power, or the magic power, roars and gallops, shaking away the darkness in the sky. The gods open their eyes and look down on the eyes of all living beings. It's just a glance, but it's like the baptism of endless years. Even the world has lost its color.In the true realm of God, all rules and powers are eclipsed.

Ahead, the Dark Lord's face coagulated, his eyes fixed on the changing breath ahead, and he put away his contempt.

Hades, the first martial god in the Ninth Heaven, or the first demon God in the Ninth Heaven!

It is said that heaven has nine levels. Among the nine levels, Hades is the most powerful martial god. Even the God above can't deny this.

After thousands of years, Hades reappeared, shaking the world, shaking the dark.

The underworld opens his eyes, the wings of the twelve evils are open, and the demon yuan is like a huge wave, dispersing all the light and darkness between heaven and earth.

"It's just dark. I dare to compare it with my evil way!"

The underworld raised his hand, and the flame of gods and Demons burned the sky and boiled the sea. Heaven and earth could not bear the extreme magic power, and began to accelerate the collapse.

On the starry sky, countless big cracks appear, the scene of the end of the world, earth shaking.

In the face of the first demon in heaven, the Lord of darkness dare not be careless. He gathers all his power to block the fire of the gods and demons.

The darkness and the magic road collided with each other. In an instant, a terrible scene happened. The immortal land was directly divided into two parts. Countless Immortal Mountains collapsed and were destroyed by this terrible force.

In the war, the devil's flame burns away the darkness, and the Lord of darkness hums and retreats several steps at his feet.

Absolute magic power, just a move, the dark all retreat.

After one move, the underworld didn't do it again, and his whole body became empty, and the twelve wings of sin also scattered.

The sky was covered with black feathers, falling like rain, and Xia Ziyi's body dissipated.

It's not the human body that can carry on the power of the underworld.

"The devil, should not dissipate."

At this time, between the heaven and the earth, the voice of indifference and majesty sounded, and the black plume flowed against the current all over the sky and re melted into Xia Ziyi's body.

Then, in the void, the whirlpool of time and space appears, and the devil's body rises and disappears to the end of time and space.

Below, without hesitation, Luo Fei's figure passed by and entered the vortex of time and space.

Opposite the cracked immortal realm, the Lord of darkness stood still, looking colder and colder.

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