Seven thousand miles northeast of Jiancheng, at the end of the world, an ordinary looking man sat in silence, looking at the chaotic sea of fog 3000 feet below the mainland, waiting silently.

The man looked like he was in his thirties. There was nothing special about him. He sat there motionless.

He is twilight, the sword of the barren city.

There is nothing to see beyond the end of the land. Only when you look down can you see the endless sea of fog at 3000 feet.

This is the face of the world. If Ning Chen were here, he would be shocked and speechless, because he is totally different from the world in his heart. The world has an end.

The dusk white is waiting for the fog sea to condense. Chaos is invisible. If it condenses, it is the best weapon material in the world.

Since the sword in the world is easy to break, we should find materials outside the world to forge the sword.


as dusk came, he looked at the figure at the end of the world and said respectfully.

"You shouldn't come here, you still have unfinished things in the world." the evening white didn't turn back, light way.

"I have paid off the favor owed by the barren city. Now, I have no worries any more," says mu Chengxue.

"There's still love, you haven't returned it, go back"

the words fall, the wind and cloud of heaven and earth change, a sword Qi with dusk into snow out of the end of heaven and earth, until thousands of miles away just dissipated.

"Forgetting doesn't mean seeing through, your Tao is in the world, not here, and you won't have to come again in the future"

the last voice reverberates between the heaven and the earth. In dusk Chengxue's eyes, there is a blur. Has she forgotten anything important? If it is important, why does she forget it.

Nether world, rather Chen looking at the Far East, quietly standing, for a long time did not move.

Is she OK?

I don't know what happened. I went deep without any reason. When he found out, she had forgotten.

An hour later, the figure in the hell disappeared, sitting in the ghost sedan, southbound.

Love for children, always let people can't help but lose themselves, he still has things to do, can't be distracted.

The ghost sedan car went south and disappeared in a flash. Half an hour later, it fell outside the palace.

Ning Chen put away the ghost sedan chair and walked towards the palace step by step.

Guard of the forbidden army, a see Ning Chen's appearance, immediately get out of the way, respectfully salute.

"Marquis Wu"

with the pace of Ning Chen, he knelt down one by one and continued to the outside of Tianyu hall.

Longwei knelt down and looked calm and respectful.

In the summer, perhaps only in front of the Long Wei, always firmly believe in their Hou.

Xiaming is still in the Tianyu hall. Like the former Emperor of Xia, he reads the memorial day and night.

For thousands of years, except Xia Rui, Xia emperors of all dynasties can be said to be Mingjun, which has to be said to be a miracle.

Just before the upheaval, Xia Rui was also a hard-working king. Unfortunately, he became a tyrant because of suspicion and suspicion.

Xia Ming ascended to the throne for a short time and met with turbulent times. So far, he has shown a good bearing. However, there are not a few kings who can share weal and woe but not wealth. No one knows whether Xia Ming is such a person.

Ning Chen doesn't care about these. In addition to Xia Ziyi, the most respectable of the four princes of the great Xia Dynasty is actually the third prince. However, it is not necessarily suitable for the position of Xia emperor to be talented.

Xia Yanwu is too confident, and once Xia Rui general, always think that everything can be controlled in their own hands, the only difference, Xia Yanwu ability is stronger.

Therefore, in the face of fan Lingyue's solicitation, he will not hesitate to agree.

Xia tomorrow is on the contrary. Compared with the third prince, Xia tomorrow is better at forbearance and more cautious. Of course, it was forced by the situation at that time.

In the past, Xia Yanwu might have been a better choice for the emperor of Xia, but now, in troubled times, there is still a moon in the world. Xia Yanwu's conceit will become a disaster for the great Xia.

In the Tianyu palace, Ning Chen and Xia Mingming talk for a long time. The guards and eunuchs in front of the palace are all removed. No one knows what they talked about.

Two hours later, Ning Chen left and went directly north.

Seven hundred miles out of the ghost sedan, a beautiful shadow passes by at the same time. The white dress is better than the snow. There is no emotion on the perfect face, just like the relegated Fairy on the nine days. It's so extraordinary that people dare not look directly at it.

"Dusk into snow"

Ning Chen feels the familiar atmosphere ahead, stops the ghost sedan and gets out of the way.

If it's just a chance encounter, do not know.

He was waiting for her to leave. Unfortunately, dusk Chengxue stopped.

Eyes opposite, through the curtain of the ghost sedan chair, who used to protect life and death, now become the most familiar stranger.

Indifferent eyes, still without any waves, Ning Chen heart scab wound was torn again, in addition to pain, or pain.

"Girl, please get out of the way" rather Chen bear heart pain, mouth way.

"Return the volume of life, I'll give you a way to live," said dusk Chengxue."Impossible" Ning Chen refused without hesitation.

He can not have the scroll of the earth, can abandon the scroll of the heaven, only the scroll of life, absolutely impossible.

If he returned it, there would be nothing between him and her.

Get a negative answer, dusk into snow body movement, shadow sheath, the world's fastest shadow, instant hundred Zhang, has arrived in front of the sedan chair.

The ghost sedan, which is one foot long and one foot wide, has become the most cruel battlefield.

Ink sword out, Keng to a, block in front of the shadow sword, double sword touch, I wave open, ghost sedan immediately scattered.

Ning Chen quits three steps and falls slightly.

"Jiupin peak" Mu Chengxue's eyes flashed a different color, and his heart was slightly shaken. When he first met in a deserted city, he only saw liupin the day after tomorrow. Unexpectedly, only half a year later, he had reached the peak of the next heaven.

"Girl, please get out of the way." Ning Chen looks complicated and says again.

No response, only the light of the sword like electricity, forget the past, a cold light on the sword, merciless, broken feelings.

Ning Chen sighs in a soft voice. He doesn't say much anymore. The ink sword is frosting, and the wind and snow make the way to heaven.

Sword to sword confrontation, is fast, or fast, dusk into the snow, the volume of the body with the line, speed unparalleled in the world, fast even shadow can not see.

Ning Chen hand ink sword, nine points offensive, one point defensive, in addition to stab to Dantian Qihai sword light, the rest regardless.

At dusk, the snow looks colder and colder. As soon as it comes to the sky, the shadow turns rapidly, and the wild haze turns into a gathering of sword Qi, forming a beautiful snow color feather behind it.

"The sword left a mark!"

In the twinkling of an eye, the beautiful shadow in the air disappeared, a sword left a mark, penetrating into the body.


Ning Chen snores. Regardless of the pain in her heart, she grabs Chengying and cuts it off with the ink sword.

Dusk into snow figure back, came ten Zhang away, looking at the former, eyes squint.

"Immortal body"

"you can't kill me"

Ning Chen pulled out his heart's shadow sword and said slowly. As he spoke, the black blood flowed down from his chest and spilled on the ground. The plants withered quickly and the vitality was lost.

Chengying trembles, resists the blood on the sword and refuses to give in.

Ning Chen sighs in the heart, his left hand shakes, dispels the blood on the sword, and immediately waves his hand to send the sword back.

Dusk into snow took the shadow, frown slightly, for a time, there is a trace of hesitation.

"Girl, if you want to get back the book of life, it's not urgent for a moment. I took the spring flower, and I won't live long. The barren city has been waiting for more than a thousand years, and it's not bad for the past few months," Ning Chen said softly.

"Do you know who I am?" Dusk into snow eyes flashed a touch of cold, the road.

"I used to be the head of Taili for a period of time, and I can always find out something that ordinary people don't know. The girl's surname is mu, and the royal family of Ziyin Dynasty also has the surname of mu. More importantly, the whereabouts of shengzhijuan were never known after the fall of Ziyin Dynasty. Daxia couldn't find it for a thousand years, but the girl could clearly know its location, which is really doubtful"

the author of this paper has made some suggestions on how to find shengzhijuan< At this point, Ning Chen raised his head, looked into mu Chengxue's eyes and said, "if I'm not wrong, the girl and the elder of Huangcheng should be the Royal descendants of Ziyin Dynasty."

Hear these words, dusk into snow eyes rise fierce murder, figure a flash, instant to the former in front of.

Keng ran was loud and his fingers blocked the sword. Ning Chen released the sword between his fingers, stepped back and said, "girl, you still can't kill me, and I'm not the only one who doubts or even knows about it. It's unnecessary to kill people"

"what do you want to say in the end?" said Mu Chengxue coldly.

Ning Chen thought about it and said, "I want to make a deal with the girl"

"what deal?" It's a snowway in the evening.

"It's very simple, a life for a life, the girl with me, one day, if in a critical moment, I hope the girl can help once, in return, after a few months, the girl can kill me without any effort, take away the volume of life," Ning Chen suggested.

Dusk into snow did not speak, quietly weighing.

"Plus the volume of the earth" Ning Chen let out the breath of the volume of the earth on his body, and added the way.

Dusk into snow, with a trace of hesitation.

"Still have the volume of the day" rather Chen continues to entice a way.


Dusk into snow nodded and made a quick decision.

After the negotiation, Ning Chen does not look happy and sad. He waves his hand to gather the ghost sedan again, and immediately continues to go north.

"Where do you come from so many heavenly books?" Mu Chengxue asks the first question in her heart.

It took a thousand years for a deserted city to get a page of the book. In this world, it's not easy to have a Book of heaven. Who would have thought that young people would have three books of heaven.

Ning Chen said honestly, "the scroll of life is given by you, the scroll of earth is picked up, and the scroll of heaven is stolen from the tomb"

mu Chengxue frowned and said, "I don't know you"

"I knew you before, but later you forgot," Ning Chen said slowly.Dusk into snow closed his eyes, do not want to talk.

Ningchen mouth slightly bent, across a tiny smile, these months, can keep her around, also very good.

As for a few months later, if he really has poisonous hair, it's useless to leave these three volumes of heavenly books with him. It's better to give them to her.

He would like to thank his predecessors for giving him six or seven months of sober time, living a long life, and seeing dusk and snow in his lifetime. That's enough, really enough.

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