To evil to cold breath, so familiar, but powerful beyond the impression, Ning Chen hand broken Shang bow, the moment of bow, a waterfall blood bloom.

Over the royal family, a figure in a dark blue battle suit appeared, evil in the sky, holding the fallen ancestor of the royal family and standing in the air.

At the same time, the silver arrow is shining like a meteor, breaking through the air.

With a smile and a wave of his hand, the evil spirit surged and the arrow was broken.

"Zhiming Hou, live a good life, I am waiting for you in the congenital"

words fall, the shadow of Mingzi fade away, disappear in a twinkling of an eye.

In a flash of change, the blood of the injured Qingling and muqianshang surged, and the real Qi was hard to carry on. They could only watch Mingzi leave with the king's ancestors.

Ning Chen's facial expression is extremely ugly, he thousand calculate ten thousand calculate, still calculate to leak Ming son.

He didn't know what method Mingzi used to have the aura of the congenital realm, but he was sure that Mingzi had never entered the congenital realm.

However, the ghost girl once said that there is a forbidden law in the underworld that devours other people's body. For thousands of years, only this generation of Mingzi has practiced it and achieved it.

The reason why Mingzi is called the abnormal number of the underworld is that he once devoured the cultivation of several powerful people in the underworld and turned them into his own use. This is also the reason why the ghost girl has been afraid of Mingzi.

Now, the old ancestor of Wang family falls into the hands of Mingzi, which is undoubtedly the worst situation.

Thinking of this, Ning Chen weakly put away the broken bow and said, "Ning Xi, you go back first, don't let them suspect. I'll find a way to deal with your lost soul"

LAN Jun's lips moved, but he didn't say what he wanted to call. After a moment, he turned around, stepped on his feet and turned into a streamer.

On this night, the East, Yongqing and Yingcheng were full of killing. The seven emperors of dilou and the 29 most elite killers of dilou completely dyed the sky of the three cities into blood.

The power of the Wang family suffered huge damage overnight.

At dawn, Ning Chen and mu Chengxue go back to the hell. Lime and mu qianshang leave with their injured bodies and go back to heal their wounds.

As for the things outside Tianmen pass, Ning Chen still doesn't know. After returning to hell, he hasn't come out again for three days.

Dusk into snow closed, before the stone room, layers of prohibition separated, completely closed themselves.

On the second day of the robbery of the Wang family, the southeast of the whole summer was in a great shock. Zhiming Marquis and the dangerous building joined hands to severely damage the Wang family. The master of the Wang family and the city master in the East all died in Zhiming Marquis's hands.

People panic, it is difficult to accept such a tragedy, rumors abound.

Jianzong, the Yao family in Yucheng, and other major religions took the opportunity to question the actions of the imperial court.

The imperial court soon had an action, an imperial edict issued, shocked the world.

"Zhiming Hou ningchen colludes with dangerous buildings and kills innocent people without any excuse. From now on, the military marquis will be abolished"

along with the abolition of marquis order, the whole country will arrest the criminal official Zhiming Hou.

After the order of abolishing the Marquis and the order of wanted were issued, the people's fear and anger were slightly suppressed.

in the Wang Family Massacre, the imperial court did not move a single soldier. Once the order of abolishing the Marquis was issued, it completely put the matter away from the imperial court.

Jianzong, Yaojia and other sects can not find a reason, can only temporarily stop.

Before the action of the imperial court was finished, the new east city leader was soon re sealed. Wang Jiaming's secret power was also controlled by the imperial court for various reasons.

After the arrival of the new city leader, four humble generals were promoted to high positions to make up for the vacancy. Many of the generals of the royal family were also promoted and laid aside.

The Royal Court dealt with the affairs of the Wang family very quickly, and the war was bloodless. By the time people reacted, Donglin had changed the sky.

In the summer palace, Xia tomorrow issued several secret orders, asking the dark dragon Wei to collect evidence of the Wang family's involvement in Xiyu Gong's rebellion.

Weiyang palace, the eldest grandson know Xia tomorrow under the abolition of Hou Ling, just as always silent, nothing to say.

Lime's injury is not light. He can't get out. He doesn't know what's going on.

Only Xia Ziyi, after knowing Xia tomorrow's decision, turns around and waves his sleeve. Even though he knows that this is the best solution, he still can't accept Xia tomorrow's cold approach.

On the night of the fourth day, Ning Chen, who had never appeared, finally left the hell and rushed to the imperial city.

He wants to find someone, not Xia Mingming or his eldest grandson, but the shopkeeper.

Outside Du'an pharmacy, Ning Chen appears and knocks on the door of the pharmacy.

The shopkeeper opened the door, and when he saw someone coming, he was obviously stunned. After a moment, he reacted and immediately pulled him into the pharmacy.

"How dare you come here?" the shopkeeper worried.

"Under the imperial edict of abolishing Marquis, Xia tomorrow is really the most suitable person to be an emperor." Ning Chen doesn't care.

"Even if you know everything, you dare to come back," the shopkeeper said.

Ning Chen chuckles and says, "I came back to ask you something.""What's the matter?" the shopkeeper asked.

Ning Chen casually found a place to sit down and poured a cup of tea for himself. He hadn't drunk this thing for a long time.

"Don't you remember a man named Yueling?" Ning Chen raises his head to ask a way.

"Remember, what happened to the woman who came with you half a year ago?" the shopkeeper asked.

"Is she really only one year old, and can the thousand year old blood ginseng king let her live a little longer?" Ning Chen asked.

"It's impossible"

the shopkeeper shook his head and said, "her body has run out of oil and the lamp is dry. A blood ginseng king can only make her suffer less at most"

speaking of this, the shopkeeper took a look at Ning Chen and warned, "if you see your friend, you should try to persuade her to have more rest. Too much hard work will only aggravate the burden on her body and worsen the disease"

the shopkeeper said >Ning Chen nodded. This is the best news he has heard these days.

"Shopkeeper, I also want to ask you to do me a favor," Ning Chen whispered.

"Say it," the shopkeeper said.

Ning Chen stretched out his arm and said, "I've been fighting too many times these days, and I've had some problems. Do you think there's any way to make me live a few more days, at least longer than Yueling"

originally, he could last five or six months, but last time in the first battle of Tianhua mountain, he was injured too much, and he also moved the forbidden move of shengzhijuan, which led to the rapid spread of the toxicity of huangquan flower He's not sure how long it's going to last.

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, in case he died, how can he rest assured that Lingyue is still alive.

Hearing Ning Chen's words, the shopkeeper put his fingers on the former's pulse doubtfully. After a moment, his face changed.

"Almost forget, I now have no pulse" rather Chen thought of what, apologetically take back the arm, said.

"How can it be"

the shopkeeper's face is full of unbelievable colors. As long as people have meridians, how can they live without pulse conditions.

"The story is a little long, I'll make a long story short"

Ning Chen simply told the story once again. The shopkeeper is a famous doctor in the imperial city and even in the world. He has to try whatever he can.

"It's unbelievable that such legendary things as huangquan flower and Phoenix blood really exist"

after hearing Ning Chen's story, the shopkeeper's face was extremely surprised. There are all kinds of strange things in the world. However, the existence of huangquan flower and Phoenix blood is still unbelievable.

"To put it simply, I come here to ask you to find a way to help me suppress the toxicity of the spring flower. I don't want to become an unconscious monster so soon"

for the rest, Ning Chen doesn't say that he has made an agreement with mu Chengxue. Once he loses consciousness, it's time for her to kill him.

In the present situation, he believes that this will happen.

The volume of life is the thing of Ziyin emperor. She once sent it to him, but now she forgot it, so she naturally wants to take it back.

The shopkeeper frowned and paced back and forth in the room. He had been cured all his life and cured countless people. Today, he was really baffled.

You can't ask for the medicine king over ten thousand years, and he doesn't have it. Besides, what else can slow down the spread of the toxicity of the yellow spring.

Ning Chen doesn't worry. He waits patiently. He doesn't want to live too long, just a few days longer than every listening month.

To be honest, he is really tired.


The shopkeeper's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said, "the other side flower"

the peanuts of the yellow spring are at the bottom of the weak water, while the peanuts of the other side are at the other side of the weak water. He once read in an ancient book that the yellow spring and the other side are mutually reinforcing things, which may have an effect.

Ning Chen saw the shopkeeper exclaim, thought there was hope, however, when heard the other side of the flower three words, a heart and sink down.

The flower on the other side of the hell was destroyed by Mingzi a hundred years ago. He tried to find it, but he couldn't find it.

"Hell has no other shore flower" rather Chen slowly way.

"Weak water may not only exist in the underworld, but also be removed by people with great magic power in the myth and legend. Since so many legends have become a fact, it may be true," said the shopkeeper zhengsedao.

"Do you know where the legendary weak water source is?" Ning Chen doubts to ask a way.

"There are three places, the end of the extreme East, the estranged mountains of the Royal Court of northern Mongolia, and the Qizhou mountains of Daxia. Each legend is different, and I'm not sure where it is," the shopkeeper said.

Ning Chen sighs softly, these three places are more and more dangerous.

Needless to say, he has been to the Qizhou mountains and has never seen any weak water at all.

The weak water in the prefecture is a long river without head and tail. As the source of the weak water, it must not be smaller than the prefecture. According to this, the legend of the weak water in the Qizhou mountains is likely to be false.

As for the end of the estranged mountains and the extreme east of northern Mongolia, he had never been there, and it was hard to judge.

Ning Chen thinking, the shopkeeper back to the hall, after a long time, carrying a pile of bottles out, on the table.

"You can take all the pills here. Anyway, you can't eat them now. If you have nothing to do, just take a few bottles. They will be of some use," the shopkeeper said helplessly."Thank you"

Ning Chen was not polite. He took all the pills away and asked casually, "how much silver?"

He is now a rich man, and it's like playing when he takes out 1080000 taels of silver.

"You can't afford it, keep accounts," the shopkeeper said.

"I have silver" rather Chen takes out a stack of gold tickets, way, this is he last time return Hou Fu, specially take.

The shopkeeper glanced at the golden ticket and said, "it's too bad. You'd better keep the account"


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