Alienated from the mountain, the conflagration of sky fire and the rising of fire light form a scene of burning sky. It is a terrible scene.

In the light of the fire, jiuying's huge snake body rolled violently, hitting one piece of ancient wood after another. The roaring sound of collision was deafening, which made the whole alienated mountain tremble.

Nine baby body, rather Chen with ink sword fixed his body, with the snake body constantly rolling.

The sky fire burned the sky and destroyed the earth. The shrill cry of the baby came out in bursts. However, no matter how hard he struggled, he could not escape the burning of the sky fire.

Jiuying realized that it was wrong to swallow the human just now. She opened her mouth and tried to spit out the human in her abdomen.

The black poisonous water gushed and fell on the earth, and the surrounding rocks, plants and trees immediately turned black and were corroded into a mess.

Nine baby belly, rather than retreat into Chen, full depth of the snake belly.

One person, one monster, is more powerful. One goes inside and the other spits out, falling into a deadlock.

The sky fire is still burning, nine baby's vitality is tenacious and frightening, burning for most of the day, still struggling.

All over the world, many people have seen this incredible scene. The flame in the sky has been burning and never extinguished.

No one knows what happened. No one can survive such a long time if there is a inborn being robbed.

Nine baby drag burning body, constantly toss, rather Chen life and death do not come out, more drill more lean to inside, has been deep.

Half a day later, jiuying's struggling range became smaller and smaller, and the baby's cry became weaker and weaker. It seemed that she had lost her strength.

On the alienated mountain, a huge snake body straddles most of the mountain, and it doesn't move. Only the flame keeps burning on the snake body, and there is no tendency to extinguish.

Ning Chen doesn't know where he's gone. After feeling that nine babies are no longer struggling, he just has the energy to look around.

The scene around him was different from that in the snake's belly before him. The flesh and blood gradually disappeared and became something like a rock.

Ning Chen thought of when he entered the gluttonous belly, what he met was this kind of situation.

I don't know how long later, Ning Chen found another nine baby's body, which was very similar to what he looked like when he was swallowed. The difference is that the snake's body is stone.

Gradually, the third snake, the fourth, the fifth Ning Chen found all nine snake bodies, the same as the second one, the same stone, not flesh and blood.

This huge monster seems to live in another way, turning flesh and blood into stone and sleeping for years.

The only body of flesh and blood, I do not know why did not sleep, still keep awake, in the alienated mountains entrenched waiting.

Ning Chen's mind was slightly shocked. In the two primitive places in the world, there are fierce beasts in the legend. If it is a coincidence, it's hard to say.

Are they willing to sleep here, or are they sealed?

If such a thing really awakens, it will bring disaster to the world. I'm afraid even the inborn strong of the three disaster situations can't subdue it.

What worries him even more is that there are two places in the primitive world, whether there are monsters of this level.

Taotie and jiuying are all notorious beasts in myths and legends. They caused a lot of troubles in ancient times and were eventually subdued by the gods and their whereabouts were unknown.

He can accept those who have martial arts, congenital or even monsters. However, when the gods talk about it, he would rather believe it's just a legend.

If there is a God in the world, it's really the worst thing.

The noumenon of jiuying seems to be a huge space. On the noumenon, the nine snake bodies spread out separately, without the head and tail.

It's dark outside. After sunset, the sky fire dissipates. According to legend, each head of jiuying represents a life. Ning Chen doesn't know whether the head that swallowed him is still alive. He doesn't want to take risks and decides to wait another day.

From time to time, there are some human artifacts in jiuying's body. After endless years, almost all of them will be ashed and can no longer be used.

Of course, not all things have been destroyed. Ning Chen also found some relatively intact artifacts, such as a war dagger, a bronze tripod and an iron sword. They are all rusty and seem to break at any time.

The three things are not far apart, and the battle is damaged and broken, telling the story of what a fierce war the master of the battle experienced in his lifetime.

However, Ning Chen still feels an unspeakable chill from the top of Zhan Ge, which is similar to the feeling when he met Jingye Taichu before, but not exactly the same.

There is no doubt that the war is extraordinary. Even if most of the edge has been eroded by the years, there is still a trace of residual strength left.

As for the bronze tripod and iron sword, Ning Chen also put it away, no matter whether it's useful or not, take it away first.

When the sun rose the next day, the sky fire came again. The body of jiuying's flesh and blood began to burn from the inside. A day later, there was no movement.

Once again, people all over the world don't know what to say when they see the fire in the sky. Strange things happen every year, especially this year. For the first time in thousands of years, it's said that the sky fire disaster can burn for two days.The flaming fire is shown in Jiutian. Jiuying's petrified body has long been integrated with shulishan. He has no response to the sky fire. Only a body of flesh and blood keeps burning. It slowly goes out after dark.

In the middle of the night, Ning Chen struggles to get out, summons the ghost sedan chair, and leaves the ghost place immediately.

Jiuying's huge snake body has destroyed the main peak of shulishan mountain. It is extremely desolate.

After the river of the water demon, Ning Chen takes back the ancient land and leaves immediately.

The weak water is obviously no longer alienated from the mountains. Now the only hope is the extreme East.

This place is frightening to death. Even if he has a ghost sedan, he may not have time to come back.

Tonight, no matter what.

After returning to hell, Ning Chen just breathed a sigh of relief. If it is possible, he really doesn't want to face these things beyond common sense. It doesn't mean that he can survive this time.

Deep in the hell, the ghost girl is still closed. It seems that she won't come out until she is born.

Ning Chen very much hopes to see the ghost girl get out of the pass as soon as possible. Mingzi takes away the ancestors of the king's family. The longer it takes, the more dangerous it will be. In this world, only the ghost girl can find Mingzi's whereabouts. There is always a special feeling between the disciples that is hard for ordinary people to understand.

He didn't have much contact with Mingzi, but he could still feel the horror of the strange number in the underworld. This horror didn't refer to Mingzi's strength, but the latter's capricious character, no rules and moral ideas, all behaviors were arbitrary, crazy and unpredictable.

If such a person is allowed to break through the inborn, it is really a very terrible thing.

The only one who can kill the congenital is the congenital. However, once Mingzi enters the congenital, it is absolutely not the common congenital environment that can deal with it.

In the northern battlefield, the ancient town of Shaoling has been defeated by the northern Mongolian army. Without any accident, 20000 iron cavalry have returned and are stationed with the army again.

Nearly ten thousand heavy riders and eighty thousand iron riders echoed head and tail, and the banners were linked together. It was black and heavy, and it was hard to breathe.

Jingwu Gong and Xueyi Hou were finally able to gather troops outside the ancient town of Shaoling, and 130000 forbidden troops lined up to resist, striving to block the northern Mongolian army here.

After the night falls, Ning Chen doesn't rush to the extreme East, but arrives at the military camp. His affairs and so on. Before that, he should finish the battle first.

Shuai Zhang, Jingwu Gong see Ning Chen, nod, Ning Chen back a gift, then no longer say anything.

He admires Jingwu, but it doesn't mean that the relationship between him and Jingwu can be further improved.

The third prince is the only disciple of Jingwu, and he forced the third prince to death. This gratitude and resentment has nothing to do with right or wrong, and there is no possibility to resolve it.

Jingwu Gong obviously had the same attitude. Overnight, he only talked about the war, and he didn't say anything else.

The Marquis of blood gives the power of commanding the whole situation to Jingwu Gong, and his return to the position of general is also his best thing.

The title of Xueyi was killed in the battlefield, but after it was granted, it was limited.

In the Imperial City, it's not very peaceful in recent days. After Ning Chen was abolished the title of marquis Wu, many people who were dissatisfied with him in the past had to find out Ning Chen again and again.

However, several people who understand the truth all know what the truth is. Even Xia Ming, the Marquis Wu's residence, did not open his mouth to take it back. Instead, he secretly sent a lot of people to protect it.

Those who dare to gossip, or connive their subordinates and descendants to make trouble in the magistrate's residence, will be punished for their salary. In serious cases, they will be demoted from the imperial city and exiled to the frontier wasteland by Xia Ming Ming for various reasons.

At the beginning, many dignitaries didn't see what was going on. They thought it was just a coincidence. Later, they felt something was wrong. While taking care of their own mouths, they strictly restrained their subordinates and never provoked the magistrate.

In between, Chang sun did not say a word, really far away from the government, do not interfere in any decision Xia tomorrow.

Gong and Hou, who were far away in the north, didn't care about it at all. Every night, they seriously discussed the future war under the light, striving for the last hope for Daxia.

Ning Chen, Marquis of blood clothes and Duke Jingwu have not rested for three consecutive nights. They try their best to think about the layout and countermeasures.

Today, the situation of Daxia is so bad that it can't be suffered any more. The opponents they have to face are the most wise man in the world and the powerful northern Mongolian cavalry, which can't tolerate any more omissions.

Since the war between the two Koreas, the North Mongolian military strategists have frequently appeared, which makes it impossible for people to defend themselves. This time, they should try their best to guard against any accidents and bring the war back to the initial tactics and forces competition.

In the ancient town of Shaoling, a woman in a blue dress stands in front of her. Her beautiful face is a bit morbid pale. The night wind blows, and she coughs twice from time to time. Her tender appearance is distressing.

If it wasn't for the tattered territory of Daxia, who would have thought that this beautiful and delicate woman would be the first wise man in the world, the northern Mongolian military strategist who made the world afraid.

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