In the polar region of western Xinjiang, the wind is fierce, and the visible storm is sweeping the sand, destroying anything tangible.

Prince Yan took aman into it. On the sword stand, the green and red swords flew out and surrounded aman. The meaning of the sword turned into a circle of ripples, blowing away all the sand.

In the strong wind, the black sandstorm blocked most of the sight, making it difficult for people to see things in front.

Prince Yan walked forward step by step, not affected by the sandstorm.

There was no fear on aman's pretty little face. He looked left and looked again. He followed behind cleverly.

Surrounded by green and red, the storm was blocked by the sword and could not enter. In a small circle, it became the safest place in western Xinjiang.

After watching for a long time, aman curiously reached out his hand and wanted to touch the sand outside.

"Don't be naughty," Prince Yan whispered.

Aman immediately took back his hands, embarrassed to put two small hands behind him, and continued to follow forward obediently.

Two people have been moving forward, I do not know how long, the storm is getting bigger and bigger, black gravel circling in the wind, forming a huge whirlpool.

On the green and red double swords, the sound of Jingling is caused by the gravel breaking through the sword's will and hitting on the sword. At the deepest point of the western Xinjiang polar region, the storm has reached a terrible level, and even the green and red double swords are beginning to struggle.

In front of him, Prince Yan waved his hand, and the Zhige sword flew out. The three swords joined hands to protect aman.

The moment of distraction, Prince Yan's face, a piece of gravel, suddenly, a drop of blood, dripping on the green clothes.

At this moment, the horror of sandstorm is fully revealed.

There are many crises in the four polar regions of the four polar regions. Even those who are strong in the three disasters dare not easily set foot in them, not to mention carrying the little oil bottle of aman.

Prince Yan has not entered the three calamities, but sometimes the realm is not absolute.

Just like the sword of the barren City, even if you don't know whether to step into it or not, it still makes every one of the three disasters afraid.

Of course, such people are rare in the world.

If it exists, it is a legend.

On Xuanji peak, Ning Chen doesn't know that Prince Yan has brought aman to this strange realm. He still practices quietly everyday, ordinary and simple.

The news of the attack on the main peak was spread to jiuxiao palm sect by the disciples on the mountain in a secret way. Wuzun soon rushed back from the holy land. When he saw the main peak, which was badly damaged, he didn't look good.

The two disciples told the story carefully, including the emergence of chaos and the help of the mysterious strong.

In front of the taixuan hall, Chang Jiang looks away from Xuanji peak and tells her intuitively that the person who shot that day is Ning Chen on Xuanji peak.

Li Huarong was brought out. His face was pale, and his breath was as faint as a thread. Before his left chest, a terrible sword mark ran through his heart. Half of his heart was destroyed. If it had not been for the strong vitality of his innate state, he would have died long ago.

However, everyone knows that this person has been abandoned.

The meaning of the sword left on the mark has destroyed Li Huarong's life, and there is no possibility of saving him.

The sword master came forward, reached out his hand and touched the scar on the wound. In a moment, a small cut appeared on his fingertip. He was hurt by the residual sword intention.

"What a sharp sword"

Yao Zun and Hua Zun's eyes are all narrowed. Apart from those at the longevity banquet, they really can't think of anyone else in the world who has such a powerful sword cultivation.

"This man is so hurt that he can't live. The hall of eternal life will not give up. In recent days, we should be more careful." jiuxiao Zhangjiao said.

"What does the palace want?" Yao Zun frowned and said.

"It's not important, just be careful," Meng Xuanji said calmly.

"I'll go back first"

the words fell, Meng Xuanji's Lotus steps moved gently, and disappeared in a twinkling of an eye.

"Let's go too"

Huazun and yaozun sighed and turned away. Maybe this will be the last peaceful day. Facing the disaster king, jiuxiao was not sure that they could stop him.

On Xuanji peak, Meng Xuanji appears. Seeing Ning Chen who is still practicing meditation on the peak, the light in his eyes keeps beating.

The second product of the day after tomorrow, there's no hiding. What's going on.

There's also this strange smell. What's the relationship between him and Changsheng hall.

Meng Xuanji thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't understand why. He couldn't explain why.

Is it really just a coincidence?

However, no matter how coincidentally, the smell of Phoenix blood should not appear on an ordinary person.

Meng Xuanji returns to Xuanji hall. She doesn't think much about it any more. In recent days, the king of disaster is likely to come to jiuxiao mountain. She must restore her accomplishments to the peak as soon as possible.

As the days went by, jiuxiao mountain kept silent all the time. It seemed that nothing had happened in the past.

Li Huarong was locked in the stone room, hanging the last breath with pills. He could not wake up or die.Surprisingly, the Changsheng Palace also thought that it had never happened, and did not care about Li Huarong's life and death.

No one will think that the palace of eternal life is silent because of a guilty heart. The most important reason is that the evil king is in charge.

The more silent the hall of eternal life is, the more people like jiuxiao Zhangjiao and Meng Xuanji feel that something is wrong. They always feel that something is wrong.

Just at this time, a bolt from the blue came that climbing the fairyland was destroyed overnight. No one survived until he was in charge of teaching and ordinary disciples.

Yin Yang jade was seized, and the whole fairy mountain became a dead place.

When the news reached jiuxiao, Yin Shuangshuang fainted on the spot.

Everyone thought of one person at the same time, disaster king!

In the world, in addition to the Lord of the holy land, only the evil king and the hall of eternal life have the strength to destroy the whole fairyland overnight.

However, the four inborn strongmen in Wonderland, together with the four Xiang Fengmo array with Yin Yang jade as the core, should have the power to fight even in the face of the three disasters. How could they be defeated so miserably.

After hearing the news, Ning Chen thought for a moment and said calmly, "there is a traitor"

Yun shisan was shocked and immediately woke up.

This is the only explanation. When Yun shisan looks ahead, he has a doubt in his heart.

Last time, is Ning Chen inadvertently words, let him think of a lot of things, this time, it is Ning Chen reminded him.

The first time may be coincidence, but the second time, it can not be explained by coincidence.

Cloud thirteen eyes flashed a strange color, the first time to have doubts about the identity of Ning Chen.

"It's late, I'll go back first"

Ning Chen saw the color of doubt, didn't explain anything, and got up to leave.

He doesn't worry that Yun shisan will think more. Now it's not only Yun shisan who doubts him. Meng Xuanji and the woman named Chang Jiangli are all doubting his identity.

However, doubt is suspicion after all. As long as he does not take the initiative to reveal his identity, the three of them can only guess in their hearts.

Today, he is more concerned about the quadrupole Lord and disaster king.

These two strong men are the root of all the worries. He must be careful.

The evil king of Changsheng palace has already started to take action, which is not good news for him. Climbing the fairyland, jiuxiao mountain and Xihua Palace are the biggest forces to balance Changsheng palace. Now that climbing the fairyland is destroyed, it is estimated that it will be jiuxiao mountain or Xihua palace next time.

The evil king obviously wanted to unify the quadrupole, suppress all the disharmonious forces, and then burn the flames of war on the land of China.

There are endless disasters in the war between the two regions. It is impossible for all people to agree with it. The most likely ones to oppose it are undoubtedly climbing the fairyland, jiuxiao mountain and Xihua palace. The move of the disaster king is to prevent future disasters.

If the three sects are destroyed, there will be no sects in the whole quadrupole who dare to oppose the war between the two.

On the second day of the destruction of the fairyland, the Holy Land sent messengers to investigate.

Everyone knows who did it, but no one dares to touch the brow of Changsheng hall without evidence.

Five days later, the master of Xihua palace sent his disciples to invite Meng Xuanji to discuss important matters.

Before Meng Xuanji starts, he takes a look at the young figure on the peak and says, "you go with me"

with that, Meng Xuanji doesn't give Ning Chen any chance to speak. With a wave of her hand, she assimilates one of them into a streamer.

The Xihua palace is more than 3000 miles away from jiuxiao mountain. There are many famous mountains and rivers in the middle. The invitation of the master of Xihua palace is obviously to discuss with the Changsheng palace.

Climbing fairyland was washed out overnight, which shocked the two factions. No one wants to be the next target. Alliance is the only choice.

Neither faction had a strong opponent against the evil king. However, with the help of hehuanling and gilding, there was no chance of victory.

However, they should be on guard against such tragedies as climbing into Wonderland.

After many days of consideration, they also guessed that there might be a traitor in the wonderland, otherwise, they would not be slaughtered overnight.

Xihua palace is a school composed entirely of women. Like jiuxiao mountain, it has five inborn strong men.

Among them, the one with the highest accomplishments belongs to the contemporary flower sparing palace master.

As soon as they entered Xihua palace, they were received respectfully by the disciples of Xihua palace. The master of Xihua palace soon appeared. She was a beautiful woman in her thirties. She still had the charm of her youth between her eyes and eyes.

When the master of Xihua palace sees Ning Chen beside Meng Xuanji, she is slightly stunned. She didn't expect that Meng Xuanji would bring others.

Ning chen'an sat quietly drinking tea and said nothing.

A disciple whispered a few words in the ear of the master of Xihua palace. The latter reflected and knew the identity of the young man in front of him.

At the beginning, after the great ceremony of worshiping teachers in jiuxiao mountain, this person's story was very popular, and she had heard of it.

She has never understood that Meng Xuanji must force an ordinary person with ordinary qualifications to be an apprentice.The master of Xihua palace unconsciously took a look at Ning Chen on the seat to see what was unusual about him.

Ning Chen didn't feel any unnatural, sitting there quietly drinking his own tea, without saying a word, how do you like to see.

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