The dark golden light above the meteorite platform lights up the night. Ning Chen accepts the fight and turns his sword into a swirling sword light. He rushes straight to the sky for a chance. At this moment, he has no reservation. His sword will lead Prince Yan to stay in the fight. With one sword, heaven and earth will open.

The most powerful sword was destroyed and decayed. It fell to the divine platform and could not bear the huge force. Eighteen iron ropes fell out of control and fell from the nothingness of tianduan and into the pool of eternal life.

Not far away, the evil king's face changed, and the streamer passed by and swept towards the Changsheng pool.

However, it's too late, but I heard the sound of a phoenix that rang through nine days, the water of Changsheng pool quickly turned up, and the red faded away. In a moment, the flame rose to the sky, a red shadow spread its wings in the flame, and the Phoenix fire spread rapidly, dyeing the world into a beautiful red.

"You deserve to die!"

When the foundation of ten thousand years was destroyed, the evil king was angry and his whole body was killed to the extreme. When he turned his hand and photographed it, the whole world exploded.


the two phoenixes sing together to fight against the three disasters. They stand in front of Ning Chen and win a breath for the latter.

In a critical situation, Ning Chen moves thousands of feet away. With a wave of his hand, two green jade trees appear, and immediately absorb yuan. The vast vitality turns into a continuous force, which is swallowed into the body and rapidly improves his cultivation.

Sapphire wood disappear, rather Chen mouth a big drink, anger break through daze bound, hunting dance.

In an instant, his accomplishments soared to the top of the eight grades. At the last level, he was forced to suppress.

The remaining vitality made the Zhiming sword tremble in the body. In a moment, it was engulfed in the sword. The body of the sword was further refined. The blood lines on the green sword body were fleeting, and it was still far away from the date of leaving the body.

The battle between Shuangfeng and the evil king has reached a climax. Within the scope of Changsheng hall, the evil king's power is beyond imagination. The reincarnation appears. Every time the light sweeps, Shuangfeng will be extremely scared.

Ningchen holding Zhige sword, plunder to the war, single sword cut down, and Shuangfeng together with the war disaster king.

"Originally, you are also from the eastern China"

the evil king recognized the sword in the former's hand, and his eyes were even colder. He felt the familiar smell of Phoenix blood, and he knew most of it in his heart.

The Phoenix blood of Changsheng hall never appeared in the quadrupole. The only five drops sent out were all in the eclosion valley of eastern China.

The sword palms meet each other, causing a sound of gold and stone. The evil king is covered with flowing armor. With the three disasters level of martial arts, the sword is hard to hurt.

Under the light of reincarnation, Ning Chen quickly turns back to avoid the terrible mirror light. He has seen the description of this mirror in ancient books, and he knows what the tragic end will be.

Cold night wind, sword light, mirror light, fire light crisscross, sword and palm of the battle, in heaven and earth to draw a brilliant brilliance.

Ning Chen with the help of double phoenix cover, to Zhige as a tool, barely to the extent of the disaster King fight, but still very hard.

On the Zhige sword, the golden light is shining, showing the last intention of the sword. How fierce the consumption is against the three calamities. In a short time, there is little power left in the sword.

One by one, the flame blocked the sky and turned the whole war situation into a sea of fire. Shuangfeng, with tens of thousands of years of anger, kept hitting the human beings in front of her.

However, the huge gap in strength can't be made up by anger and hatred. The disaster king in front of the palace of longevity is almost invincible. He is reincarnated and invincible. One person and two phoenixes are constantly suffering.


Ning Chen cut down with one sword and yelled angrily at the two phoenixes. With a strong sword, he opened up a hundred Zhang torrent.

The evil king waved it with one hand, and with a bang, it was scattered. In the wild haze, a waterfall of blood splashed down and dyed the sword red.


the two phoenixes sing together, the wings vibrate, and the blue flames rush out, engulfing the king of disaster. At the next moment, the red sea of fire retreats, rolling up the wounded Ning Chen on the ground and leaving quickly.

The disaster King snorted angrily, and the blue flame came from his palm. Looking at the disappearing Shuangfeng, his eyes were full of murders.

I didn't expect that so many people came to the eastern China, which really surprised him.

Today's feud will be paid back by the eastern region.

Thousands of miles away, in the barren land, Shuangfeng puts Ning Chen down and sings a few words to express her gratitude.

Ning Chen coughed violently with his sword and wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth. He said in a soft voice, "I don't understand, but give me a few drops of blood. It's urgent"

the two phoenixes hissed, one of their wings suddenly shook, and a drop of golden blood flew out of the center of their eyebrows and quickly disappeared into Ning Chen's heart.

Blood drops into the heart, in an instant, a surge of unparalleled power straight to the limbs eight skeletons, a body injury, instant recovery as before.

Phoenix lost this drop of golden blood, Phoenix eyes obviously dim a lot, extremely tired.

Another Phoenix flew around Ning Chen. On the tail plume, a red and glittering plume fell into the latter's hands.

Ten drops of red blood with the Phoenix plume, floating in the air, emitting a strong force.

After giving thanks, Shuangfeng let out a cry again and flew to Jiutian without looking back.Ning Chen sees two phoenixes leave, and immediately looks down at the red phoenix plume in his hand. What's the use of this thing?

Don't understand, rather Chen no longer think, hand a wave, put away the ups and downs of Phoenix blood, also ready to leave.

The task entrusted by the old craftsman can be completed. The most important thing is that he can make the disaster king and the hall of eternal life lose the Phoenix that has been suppressed for tens of thousands of years, which is the biggest harvest of his trip.

Ning Chen moves to the southwest. He needs to get to Xuanling Pavilion as soon as possible to bring back the Chiyang iron. Otherwise, once the Changsheng hall has an action, it will be very troublesome for him to do anything.

At this time, on the road ahead, the void rolled, a touch of green shadow appeared, Lingli in the air, a light smile rose on her soft face.

Looking at the beautiful figure in front of him, Ning Chen's eyes flashed alert and said with a smile, "forget your worries, it's a coincidence that I have something else to do, so I'll go first"

with that, Ning Chen walked around from one side and left quickly.

"Young master, can you give me a drop of Phoenix blood"

the figure of forgetting worry disappears, and when it appears again, it blocks the front again, with a gentle smile, a deliberative voice, and no threat.

"Ha ha, forget worry girl, I don't have Phoenix blood, now I'm worried about how to make a job." Ning Chen smiles and lies.

He didn't want Phoenix blood, and he didn't want to die either. He wasted so much energy that he was almost killed by Phoenix and the king of disaster. Then he got these drops of Phoenix blood. Why did he give them away.

If it's aman, grandson, lime, moon, ghost girl, senior Thinking, Ning Chen starts to fight suddenly in the heart, how can there be so many people, is this ten drops of Phoenix blood enough?

"Childe, if you don't give it to me, I'll take it myself." he said with a smile.

Ning Chen's eyes were more alert, and he said, "forget worry, with our friendship, it's not good to do it, or you'd better let me go first, and I'll send you a drop or two when I get the Phoenix blood in the future"

forget worry, the corner of his mouth is slightly bent, no more words, the slim hand is raised, the wind and cloud gather, forming an invisible chain winding by.

Ning Chen green ink start, a sword cut chain, without saying a word, run.

Lotus step out, body shape, such as floating willow, chasing.

Ning Chen tries his best to escape in front of him, but he doesn't mean to use the Zhige sword. On the one hand, there is only one sword left on the sword. On the other hand, he still has some friendship with Wangyou, far from the point of life and death.

However, friendship is friendship. If you want him to bleed easily, there is no way.

Ning Chen is thinking about how to escape. It's the second time in two days that he's been chased all over the world. He's very helpless. Who makes him inferior to others? Before he recovers his cultivation, he can't fight with a Taoist body and find abuse.

"Young master, you can't run away." forgetting worry followed, soft voice way.


Ning Chen wants to look back to despise a very much, however, weigh a strength gap, gave up this idea.

This woman is a ruthless person who can be trapped by Phoenix for a short time. He can't fight without using the Zhige sword.

They have been chasing each other for a long time. Seeing that they are not far away from Yunming City, Ning Chen stops and has a headache for the stubborn nature of forgetting worries and tenderness. Running like this, it's really endless.

Forget worry to see the former stopped, but also stopped, smiling to stand, speechless.

"Forget your worries, be a man of reason, a gentleman will do something and not do something, understand?" Ning Chen advised painstakingly.

"I'm not a gentleman, I'm a woman," she whispered.


Ning Chen's heart is blocked, wish to give oneself a slap, this sentence sounds how so familiar, who has said with him before.

"Forget worry, you really want to rob" rather Chen still does not give up to ask a way, now how the woman is so unreasonable, waste between them and friendship.

"If you give me a drop, I won't grab it," she said with a gentle smile.

Ning Chen couldn't help it. He waved and took out a drop of Phoenix blood. He wanted to shed tears and gritted his teeth. "Make a deal. You owe me a favor. I'll give you a drop of Phoenix blood. If you don't promise, I'll swallow it"

after thinking about it, he nodded his head and said, "OK, I promise"

Ning Chen sent Phoenix blood out in a short moment, Several times almost want to go back, take back Phoenix blood again.

Forget worry to collect Phoenix blood, Ying Ying a gift, way, "thank you, young master, forget worry to go back first, see you later"

"take care" Ning Chen has not yet from the pain to ease, hard from the teeth squeeze two words, way.

Forget worry to smile to smile, also no longer stimulate this to suffer from gas of man, lotus step move, disappear.

Ning Chen looks at forget worry to leave, spin even if strength shook to shake a head, quickly astringent mood, turn round to sweep toward cloud Ming City.

He needs to think about how he will go in the future. This time, many people have seen him in order to capture the blood of the Phoenix. Moreover, the disaster king has recognized his identity, and will certainly go after him with all his strength.Now, he needs to recover as soon as possible, otherwise, the road in the future will be very difficult.

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