The space turbulence roars and gallops, the figure in plain clothes flashes, and disappears again in the twinkling of an eye.

He has seen what he wants to see. Ning Chen's direction is no longer regular. After ten days of chasing, he can't find it.

At the junction of the northern region and the eastern region, the void is rolling, plain clothes come out and appear in the world.

Ning Chen looked at the surrounding environment. For a moment, he didn't know where he was. He moved to a city not far away.

At the top of the nine heavens, the evil king appeared, but he was not in the original place, thousands of miles away.

"Disaster king, come back quickly"

without the barrier of space turbulence, the imperial edict of the quadrupole master finally reached the disaster king. The imperial edict was very urgent, and it seemed that there was something important to explain.

The evil king did not hesitate much, but turned into a flash of light and quickly went away.

In the hall of eternal life, the evil king returns to the void, where colorful light gathers and an illusory figure condenses. He says, "the evil king, what's the result"

"he escaped, and the border between the two countries has also been exposed." the evil king looks gloomy.

The quadrupole master was silent for a moment, and then said slowly, "since then, this son can't stay. The spies have found out the whereabouts of the general's daughter. I'll send Xuantian to help him. In addition to yuyangtian, Xingyun and Buyu, this time, he will get rid of this son anyway"

the disaster King frowned slightly and said, "is there a fuss in a teacup"

Xuantian is born Even Yu Yangtian, Xing Yun and bu Yu, the strong men of the fifth calamity, were born with the third calamity. In addition, he swept the array to deal with a young man of the third calamity, which was ridiculous.

The quadrupole master shook his head and said, "it's OK, the first thing is to make sure everything is safe"

although the disaster king didn't agree, he still nodded.

After the explanation, the figure of the quadrupole master quickly dissipated. With the last trace of colorful light gathered away, the whole hall also regained its silence.

When the quadrupole master left, a figure in black just came out of the hall. The disaster King took a look and said in a voice, "how about finding Meng Xuanji's whereabouts?"

"I have no news from the Lord of the palace," the man knelt on the ground and replied.

"A group of waste, continue to look for" the disaster king said coldly.

"Is" black figure up, quickly out of the hall.

Meng Xuanji is suspicious of the hall of eternal life and the four polar holy land. He refuses to show up all the time, which is really testing his patience.

However, his patience is very limited. When he runs out of patience, the whole jiuxiao will be buried with her because of her stupidity.

In the city at the junction of the northern and eastern regions, Ning Chen stayed for half a day, and finally understood where he was thrown out of the space turbulence.

The disaster king should not be able to catch up. There is no time and direction in the turbulent space. The probability of two people appearing in the same place is too small to be ignored.

The junction of the two places has been made clear. Ning Chen wanted to continue to search for Meng Xuanji. However, after hearing rumors about the whereabouts of Meng Xuanji and his predecessors, he can't help but stop.

Some is not right, rather Chen mind clear, soon detected the abnormality.

In quadrupole, no one will risk offending the Holy Land and pass false news to help him and his predecessors.

This kind of thing, the elder generation can't do, he thought, just haven't had time to do.

Now, someone has done it first, and the only explanation is that this person needs to attract the attention of the holy land with the false news.

Ning Chen walked on the busy streets in the city, thinking quickly about what was going on.

The evil king and he just separated soon, it's easy to tell the truth of these news, and they won't be deceived. The Holy Land and the hall of eternal life must be connected, that is to say, the holy land will not believe these rumors.

Naturally, those who spread the news didn't know about it, and there was a gap between them and the holy land. In fact, the target has been well confirmed.

Lihuo dynasty!

Think of here, Ning Chen eyes slightly narrowed, if he did not guess wrong, from fire Dynasty should have what big action, don't want to be known.

His friendship with Li Youwei is not bad, and this woman is still credible. He is wondering whether it is necessary to remind him in the past.

Perhaps, he can take this opportunity to ask the master craftsman to help him repair the sword in his hand, and take a look at the cultivation of the heart.

In Lihuo Dynasty, in Lihuo gorge in the north of the Imperial City, the casting of soldiers has been started for more than ten days. Li Yan, Li Youwei, Li Lao and a royal worshipper all look at the craftsmen of the casting platform solemnly.

Sweat mixed with firelight, splashed in one drop hammer after another, the craftsman looked more focused than ever before, and each hammer was accurate to the extreme.

This is the result of day-to-day practice. There is no shortcut. Whether it's casting ordinary weapons or magic weapons, the craftsman's effort is the most critical factor to determine the quality.

The outstanding craftsmen in the holy land have been handed down from generation to generation, but the Lihuo Dynasty has produced a craftsman for hundreds of years, which is why the Lihuo royal family is so eager to build its own army of Qi and fortune.In Dijiang mansion, the snow stopped soon. In the courtyard, little boy and Jiangxin are practicing seriously. Xiaoyu is young and is prone to make mistakes in many places. At this time, Jiangxin will stop and explain patiently without any impatience.


at this moment, the horse's hooves sound, and a man dressed as a bodyguard stops his carriage in front of the Dijiang mansion, shows his gold medal and enters the mansion.

The little boy and the general saw that the man was suspicious and didn't know why.

"send a letter from Li Youwei to the heart girl, the Royal Highness Princess," respectfully.

After hearing the bodyguard calling her name, he was surprised. However, when he heard the three words of Princess Chang, he put his heart down again.

There is no doubt that the handwriting on the letter is Li Youwei. After reading the letter, he has no doubt about it. After a few words with the boy, he follows the guard and leaves.

The carriage had been waiting for the outside of the house, and the heart went up. The bodyguard drove up and immediately drove to the south.

The carriage galloping southward was far away from the imperial city and the Lihuo gorge in the north of the imperial city.

In the carriage, the faint fragrance filled the air and quickly lost the consciousness of the heart. Soon, he completely lost consciousness.

The galloping carriage has never stopped, and no one knows where the destination is.

As night falls, green glass city and Princess Chang's mansion, a shadow of plain white body comes out. Lingzhi scans the whole mansion, but finds no one to look for.

Ning Chen brow tiny wrinkly, foot move, toward the west to sweep.

To craftsman house, Ning Chen appears, found in the house only a little boy, heart suddenly rise bad premonition.

"Little fish"

Ning Chen comes to the little boy's room and wakes him up.

"Brother Ning"

the little boy has not yet fallen asleep. When he wakes up and sees the familiar figure in front of him, he cheers and shouts happily.

"Your master and general's heart, how can you be in the mansion by yourself?" Ning Chen asked quickly.

"Shifu has been away from the palace for more than ten days. I don't know where she has gone. Sister Jiangxin has just been invited by Princess Chang's people today. Now she should be in the princess's palace," the little boy said honestly.


Ning Chen looks a change, figure a flash, disappear.

Dijiang mansion is located in the most remote part of the imperial city. Few people come to it on weekdays. Especially after a heavy snow last night, there was thick snow on the ground, which made the wheel marks of the two carriages outside the mansion so clear.

Ning Chen followed the wheel mark to go far, until can't distinguish, but also determined the direction of the carriage to leave.

In Lihuo gorge, Li Yan's face is very cold. He looks at the Qi Yun soldiers gradually forming on the casting platform, and his eyes keep flashing.

After casting this soldier, we can find a way to transfer the hundreds of years of Qi transportation in the dragon vein to it. The fire Dynasty is further away from the control of the holy land.

As long as we can make the army of Qi Yun successful, it is worth sacrificing anyone.

On one side, Li Youwei doesn't know that her most trusted elder brother has secretly made the most heartless decision. In order to successfully cast troops, she has given her heart to Siji holy land.

On the casting platform, there are more than ten kinds of rare divine materials, such as sapphire wood, red sun iron, purple mark divine gold, moon rock, etc., which have been thoroughly tempered by the ink and gold hammer.

All kinds of colors are mixed together, and the final air force is restored to the original white, crystal clear, very strange.

The expression on the craftsman's face is more and more serious. As a craftsman, his life is only for casting the most perfect weapon. There is no doubt that this is his last and only chance.

In the south of the Imperial City, the plain white figure passes quickly. Gradually, Ning Chen feels the familiar breath, faster.

The heart of the Dantian gas sea is he used the volume of life forced to open up, so, for the little girl's breath, he is very sensitive, as long as not too far away, he will have some induction.

In front of Banyue mountain, Ning Chen catches up with the carriage. He feels that there is something wrong with his heart. A hundred feet away, he cuts the carriage and quickly sweeps it.

The guard's face changed greatly. He didn't expect that he had been overtaken by others. Just as he was about to move, he was put in front of his throat by a sword finger.

"Whose order is it?" Ning Chen's face is matchless iron green, chilly meaning stabs bone way.

At this moment, the guard's eyes darkened quickly. He would rather break his own body and mind than reveal half a sentence.

Seeing that the bodyguard's life has been lost, Ning Chen will not delay any more, and will leave soon.

However, at this time, a bloody blade came down from the sky, and suddenly, it was inserted on the earth.

The oncoming figure, dressed in blood and red clothes, with red hair flying in the air, is as cold as the God of swords.

"Return to the holy land with me"

"can't do it"

Ning Chen's right hand is empty, and the green ink is not in his hand. The sword is shaking and shaking.

Swords and swords fight again. A hundred miles away, the evil king and others who have been waiting can not wait for the agreed figure. They are puzzled. Five extremely powerful breath fly up and look into the distance.

There is a strong enemy in front of him, and there is a encirclement behind him. Ning Chen doesn't know that he is on the edge of the most dangerous situation. He uses a sword to fight against Liuguang blood blade, and all the stones fall apart.Luan FengChen also doesn't know that the disaster king and others are hundreds of miles away. This fight against Ning Chen has not started yet, but unexpectedly appears ahead of time.

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