Ghosts lock the heaven and earth, and it's hard for gods and demons to walk in an inch. When the ghost girl shows her martial arts handed down from the underworld, she is extremely powerful and shocking.

The evil spirit is blocked, and the gap appears. The ghost girl moves under her feet and passes by to help Ning Chen.

"Remnant wind, Chinese make-up" longitudinal Qianqiu mouth way.

At the command, the green and white armor appears on the battlefield. The sword and halberd join hands to cut the ghost girl. The armor of Guanghua is extremely powerful and powerful.

The ghost girl's advance was immediately blocked again. The ghost shook the two soldiers, and Zhenyuan was shocked. The sonorous voice was heard all the time.

The suppression of the array, which is added to the special skill of the ghost girl, has no effect at all. For a moment, the war situation is in the most intense stalemate.

On the other hand, the battle also fell into a white heat, with powerful hands, awe inspiring killing opportunities, and pressing for life step by step. It is the trend to end the legend of knowing one's fate.

"Zhiming Hou, how much strength do you have?" xuanzhi shook back the former and sneered.

"Heaven and earth are dark and yellow, heaven and earth borrow the Dharma, and the flame of birth and separation"

the reappearance of strange incantations surges out of the array, and different arrays and dharmas complement each other, forming a flame of burning heaven and engulfing the surrounding of ningchen.

"The scroll of the earth"

seeing this, Ning Chen turned his hand to accept the scroll of the earth. In an instant, the earth rocked and rose, forming a barrier around him to block the fire.

"Stupid" xuanzhi's body moves, one palm shakes open the barrier formed by the earth, and the extreme fire rushes in and engulfs the people in front of him.

However, at this time, in the broken earth barrier, endless cold surged out, the world was still for a moment, and the flame of separation quickly became ice crystals.

Xuanzhi's eyes shrank, but before he could react, he suddenly saw a red knife and dyed the earth with blood.


Anger, shocked look, with incredible, dyed red blue Chinese clothes, completely stimulate xuanzhi murderous, step on the foot, angry.

Xuanzhi's hand turned, the jade of heaven and earth flew into the sky, drawing a dazzling four-color light, just like a dragon rising into the sky, powerful and powerful, shaking heaven and earth.

"Heaven and earth are the four poles, and nature brings forth the beacon smoke"

thunder, ice, anger, strong wind, the original power of the four poles, clouds breaking through the sky, and the treasure of the world, appear in the world for the first time. Suddenly, heaven and earth can not bear the terrible power, fall apart, space distortion, earth collapse, and a scene of the end of the world.

Not far away, seeing the terrifying power of heaven and earth's jade, the dazzling light flashed in my eyes for thousands of years. This transaction is really right.

Seeing the power of heaven and earth's jade, Ning Chen moves under his feet. His figure is like a fantasy, reappearing the unparalleled martial arts of Xiying.

Thunder light, angry flame landing, but see water light disillusionment, residual shadow if true, fine second extremely body method, avoid a thunder fire force.

At the last moment, marquis Wu of the great Xia Dynasty inherited his martial arts. Ning Chen stepped on the water light, one step at a time, and made every effort to deal with the power of heaven and earth.

"The volume of heaven"

when the volume of heaven moves, the blue light on the pure white blade lights up, and the shadow of the blade comes to xuanzhi's body.

"Fearless struggle" xuanzhi eyes a cold, right palm turn, the power of nature add body, break the palm power swing out, shake the book of heaven move.

Bang drama shock, Ning Chen feet back three steps, looking at the sky of heaven and earth jade, eyes slightly narrowed.

"Zhiming Hou, you can't fly today." in the roar, xuanzhi urged heaven and earth to create jade, add exotic treasures, and light up the whole array with four poles of original brilliance, which shocked everyone present.

The method of trapping ghosts first broke down, and the evil spirits rushed out of the cage, and the sword, halberd, axe and Tomahawk chopped at the ghost girl.

Ning Chen steps on the water light shadow body again, bypasses xuanzhi, and wants to stop the four evil gods. At this moment, Zong Qianqiu, who has never done anything, finally moves. Haoyuan urges him to kill.

The purple fur flashed, and when the figure in plain clothes gathered, it was welcomed with a bang.

In the short period of stagnation, xuanzhi gathered around again to stop the people in front of him.

Together with the power of the array, two of the best magic powers, the four polar holy land and the eternal night cult, will surely kill the situation, and there will be no breakthrough.

Not far away, the ghost girl was besieged by the four evil spirits, canfeng and Huazhuang, and the war was extremely fierce. Even if she was incomparable in ghost power, she could not escape for a while.

"Yan Yin and Yang, Hua Si Xiang, no sun in all directions, true flame"

"heaven and earth are dark and yellow, heaven and earth borrow the method, fire burns the city wall"

double skill urges together, the fire burns the sky and destroys the earth, the heaven and earth create jade move at the same time, the wind and thunder help the fire, and the ten mile bright moon lose its color.

In the face of their extreme moves, Ning Chen raises his hand and points out that he can push his whole body to the limit. The wind and snow surge and spread rapidly.

"When it snows fast, the sword snows three thousand li"

the ice and snow resist the sky flame, the raging waves sweep the sky and the earth, and in the loud bang, Ning Chen retreats several steps, his mouth turns red, and the victory is decided.

The hope of success is right in front of us. Xuanzhi's figure comes out, and he immediately bullies his body. When his strength reaches the limit, the battle will be completely ended.

Unexpectedly, Zong Qianqiu's face suddenly changed, and he said, "be careful."However, it was too late to remind. A sharp sword appeared quietly, and immediately came out of xuanzhi's heart.

The sword of death, so suddenly, no one expected that it was silent and shocking.

"Meng Xuanji, are you still alive?" Xuanzhi vomited blood in his mouth. He couldn't believe it.

"Unexpected? This sword is for you "

Meng Xuanji snorted coldly, and his right palm breathed out the person in front of him.

Zong Qianqiu is very angry. He urges Nu yuan to kill a strange woman.

However, the sword light from Lin's killing can't let his predecessors cross half a step. After playing with them for a long time, Ning Chen has already endured the hard work. At this moment, he finally let go of his hands and feet, and the sword's force changes sharply and fiercely.

Zong Qianqiu immediately felt the pressure on his body increased, and his body was full of danger.

"To help the ghost girl" Ning Chen drinks lightly.

Dream Xuan Ji should a, the figure passes by, a sword swings to open the halberd light that cuts off, come to ghost female side.

The battle of encircling and killing is completely reversed because of the sudden appearance of Meng Xuanji. Even though Qianqiu looks at xuanzhi in the pool of blood, he knows that the situation is gone.


at the command of Qianqiu, his hands immediately made a strange mark. Suddenly, the big bang burst out everywhere.

Not far away, with the help of evil spirits and burst array, canfeng and Huazhuang quickly quit and no longer love war.

When Ning Chen sees that the person in front of him is going to leave, the light of the sword sweeps quickly, and the net of the sword becomes dense, so he wants to leave it behind.

"Zhiming Hou, you won this time, but next time, you won't be so lucky"

the explosion of the array blocked the light of the sword. With a flash of his figure, he took xuanzhi in the pool of blood and quickly left.

"If you want to go, is it so simple"

Ning Chen's body is transformed, and he has to catch up to avoid successive explosions.

However, at this moment, the ear of crazy laughter came, the foot suddenly stagnated.

"Ha ha..."

The sharp and piercing laughter rang out not far away. The ghost girl's breath was disordered and surging. The ghost force scattered the red cap on her head, revealing her beautiful and abnormal appearance.

"Ghost girl"

as soon as Ning Chen's face changed, she swept in the direction where the ghost girl was.

Around the ghost girl, Meng Xuanji doesn't know what's going on, so she is shocked by one palm and takes a few steps back. She vomites vermilion.

In the night, the ghost girl's figure was destroyed several times. The next moment, she rushed out and headed for the north.

"You go back first, I'll go after her"

Ning Chen gave an advice, and without saying more, he quickly chased the ghost girl in the direction of disappearing.

"Be careful"

Meng Xuanji doesn't try to be brave either. Her body hasn't recovered completely, and her cultivation has not recovered by 30%. Now, if you take another slap, it won't help.

In the north, two fast-moving figures, one in front of the other in the back, scurry past and fall into a crazy ghost girl. Her eyes are as red as blood, her green silk is dancing wildly, and her face is evil in hell.

Ningchen heart anxiety abnormal, figure again accelerate three points, trying to chase the temperament big change ghost girl.

The two figures are too fast to see clearly. They disappear in a flash. In front of the fog forest outside the hell, Ning Chen finally catches up with the ghost girl. Before he opens his mouth, he encounters a fierce attack. The ghost force is startling and the killing chance is awe inspiring.

Ning Chen was forced to take the move, but he was afraid to hurt the woman in front of him before his old injury came back. There were many reservations between the moves. After only a few rounds of fighting, he became red.

The ghost girl who has lost her original intention is merciless. Every move is a killing move, which is hard to avoid.

"Ghost girl, offend"

if you keep your hand when you see it, the consequences will be even more unpredictable. Ning Chen looks like he's going to stop his sword and his fingers. He's going to attack and defeat the enemy, and he's going to catch him quickly.


The voice of the war came out. In the fog, a beautiful figure in dark blue armor opened his eyes and disappeared in an instant.

Ning Chen tries his best, and the ghost girl shows her clumsy image. Just when she is about to be captured, a figure joins the war, and the situation changes again.

"My dear fellow practitioners, are you finally willing to wake up?"

Familiar voice, familiar smile, Mingzi urges Mingyuan, turns his hand to shoot, evil force surging, crazy gushing out.

Ning Chen's palm forces meet, bang ground a, the world a burst of violent shake.


seeing the person in front of him, Ning Chen '.

The blade is pure white, but there is a little blood flowing at this moment. Ning Chen slashes the source of the disaster with his knife, and he has no mercy. Mingzi's palm coagulates yuan, and he connects with the powerful weapon. However, the blade of sharp edge can't be connected with the body. A touch of blood blooms, and the blade turns red.

On one side, the ghost girl's palms urged them to clap at them. Then she moved at her feet and quickly went away.

Ghost force adds body, Mingzi receives a palm again, the corner of the mouth is dyed red, but the smile on the face is more brilliant, no matter the ghost girl who leaves, Ning Zhang kills the person in front of him again.

"Dear fellow practitioners, don't forget the tolerance of Mingzi today.""Go away"

Ning chenzhen scattered the ghost girl's palm strength and looked at the plundered Mingzi with a look of rage. As soon as the blade turned, it was bright and brilliant, and the volume of the sky was pushed to the limit, and the dazzling blue light lit up the world.

The light of the sword was cut down, and the power of the sky came out. Mingzi stood in the way of the move, and he was shocked more than ten feet away with a bang. Blood was spilled on his feet, and he stepped in the air and left.

Ning Chen saw one eye to disappear the figure in misty, ignore no longer, continue to chase toward the direction of ghost female far away.

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