Mortal more than a month's journey, two people really walked more than a month, all the way forward, no longer a warrior, but just the most common mortal.

Along the way, from winter to spring, everything is gradually revived, green everywhere, blooming the most initial beauty of life.

Unprecedented calm time, no have to face the battle, injured, running, let Ning Chen abnormal treasure, always with a warm smile on his face.

Dusk into snow can't see him smile, so, has been walking in front, eyes out of sight for net.

As the night fell and the chill began to rise in the wilderness, Ning Chen stopped and whispered, "have a rest"

hearing the words, dusk Chengxue also stopped, saying nothing. She has been used to it for a month.

The bonfire on the wasteland kept beating, dispelling the chill of early spring. Although both of them were born, they were not afraid of cold.

Ning Chen looks at the campfire, slightly a little dazed, he knows that he can't drag on for long.

He has recovered from his injury, and the road to the academy is almost over.

Dusk Chengxue sits quietly by the campfire, looking at the man in front of her through the beating fire, and there is light light in her beautiful eyes.

She's not stupid. She can't see that he's procrastinating, though it doesn't make sense to her.

"Is your wound healed?" Dusk Chengxue asked.

"En" Ning Chen returns to his mind, sighs in his heart, immediately nods his head and says, "it's almost done"

he thought it was "no" again, but he didn't expect to get a positive answer for the first time. Mu Chengxue's expression is slightly stunned. Just about to say something, he swallows it subconsciously.

"We'll start tomorrow morning," Ning Chen said with a smile on his face.


at dusk, the snow answered and said nothing more.

As the quiet night passed, when the eastern sky lit up, Ning Chen waved and put out the bonfire, got up and said, "let's go"

the next moment, two white lights across the sky and rushed to the direction of the Academy.

In tiancang academy, the master turned his head and looked into the distance. There was no light in his old eyes.

The long years of the millennium have exhausted all the strength of the old man, but they are still trying to support until the day of destiny.

Not far away, in another small courtyard, Dean tiancang also felt the two breath coming from the East and walked out of the wooden house.

A moment later, Ning Chen and dusk into snow appear, fall down together.

"Has it been decided? I should have said that if you are not sure, don't take risks easily. "Dean Tian Cang took a look at them and said calmly.

"Also ask the dean to instruct" Ning Chen zhengse way.

In the shadow, the great yinqingque comes out of its sheath at the same time, and the sound of the sword resounds through the Academy. The extremely cold air turns the surrounding thousands of feet into a world of ice and snow.

At the same time, Xia Ziyi wakes up, opens his eyes, sits up from the bed, and his long black-and-white hair falls down.

"Oh? Finally wake up, "Luo imperial concubine corners of the mouth a silk let a person not understand of smile, open a way.

Xia Xinyu, who just came in with the medicine, saw the figure sitting up on the bed. His eyes flashed the color of excitement and cried with joy.

Before long, the news of King Haowu's awakening spread all over the Imperial City, and many people were secretly relieved, especially the Confucians, who sent up and down the worship Posts one after another.

Since the last early Dynasty, guangluqing, the representative of Confucianism in the court, has obviously attracted the anger of the current Xia emperor. However, due to his public awareness, he did not tear his face in public.

The influence of Confucianism in the court is now in danger. Fortunately, King Haowu wakes up in time, which may be able to recover this unfavorable situation.

However, when a great figure of Confucianism gathered in HaoWu palace, Xia Ziyi had already left.

In Weiyang palace, the eldest sun looked at the figure kneeling in front of him and said, "have you ever thought about it?"

"I have made up my mind, don't stop my mother," Xia Ziyi said slowly.

After a long silence, the eldest grandson sighed and waved, "you go"

"empress Xie"

Xia Ziyi kowtowed respectfully and immediately got up and left.

Behind the eldest grandson, lime's eyes flashed a light sadness. She felt that after waking up this time, King Haowu had changed a lot.

In the deepest part of the palace, the artifacts of Zhenguo were up and down, and the boundless air was filled. At this time, a figure of Xuanyi Wangfu came straight up, and soon disappeared into the purple air.

The roaring sound of opening the door rang out. A moment later, it closed with a bang. From then on, there was no news from the great Xia Haowu king.

With the purple air rolling, a huge stone gate looms. It was once one of the most important places in the summer. However, after nearly a thousand years of evolution, it has become the most dangerous forbidden area in the world.

Xia Ziyi went in. After 300 years, someone came in for the first time.

In front of the immortal night cult, the abyss of darkness and the huge magic statue, there is still no movement in a coffin, only the strong breath diffuses and fills the whole abyss of darkness.Zong Qianqiu came over, knelt down respectfully and waited quietly.

The Yongye cult, the Lord of the main temples, has equal status. No one can be above others. The Lord of the second temple kneels down, which is shocking.

All of a sudden, a dark breath beyond heaven and earth appeared, suppressing everything, noble and cold. At the moment of appearance, everything trembled and crawled.

"Long time, slow down"

the sound of distant and near sounds, can't tell where it comes from, but it gives people an unprecedented pressure to surpass any strong and let people feel their own insignificance.

"Lord, atonement" Zong Qianqiu kowtows and pleads guilty.

"No volume, how to find it?"

"There is no news yet. Because of the chaos, the eternal night Scripture has been disturbed. It may take some time to sense its trace," Zong Qianqiu replied.

"Do it as soon as possible, hope next time, don't let me down again"

"yes" Zong Qianqiu said.

The breath of darkness dispersed, and a blue figure fell down. It was xuanzhi who should have died in the hands of Meng Xuanji.

A sword pierces the heart. Even if it's inborn, it can't be saved. The scene in front of us is really hard to understand.

Zong Qianqiu gets up and looks at xuanzhi whose eyes have gradually returned to his mind. His eyes are slightly narrowed.

Xuanzhi, the "Lord of the temple", knelt down and worshipped the way.

"Get up, you are still the mysterious knowledge of the quadrupole holy land, don't show your flaws" longitudinal Qianqiu light way.

"Subordinates understand" xuanzhi respectfully.

"Inform the quadrupole master, prepare to open the two territory channel" zongqianqiu road.


xuanzhi immediately got up and left.

Tiancang academy, the edge of double swords, is becoming more and more sharp. Even Dean tiancang also feels strong pressure.

After all, Ning Chen's injury was completely healed. His body recovered and his injury was removed. For the first time in two years, he was able to do his best.

With three volumes of body and a unique foundation, and with the extreme speed of dusk Chengxue reaching the peak, Dean tiancang had to fight with all his heart. The battle was extremely fierce.

Although both sides have their own reservations and their moves are not complete, the edge of the war is still rolling, and the sand between heaven and earth is long and covers the sky.

Dayin green sparrow sword trembles constantly, lifting light as heavy, shaking the sky, splitting the ground.

It's hard to distinguish the snow in the dusk. The sword's edge can't be seen in the shadow, but it's the reincarnation of more than ten swords.

Half a quarter of an hour later, both sides stopped. Dean tiancang waved away the dust and sand, and the split earth closed slowly.

"I can only help you so much, but if Wu Junzhi can be above me, you should be careful. If the war situation changes, don't force yourself to get out in time"

"thank you very much," Ning Chen said politely.

"Ning Chen, come here" at this time, an old voice came, hoarse way.

"You also come here." at the same time, the master's voice rang out in Mu Chengxue's ear.

Ning Chen is a Zheng, looking at the small courtyard in the distance, don't understand why the teacher is looking for them at this time.

Dusk into snow eyes slightly squint, did not expect, tiancang academy has such a strong.

"Master told you to go," Dean tiancang obviously heard master's voice and reminded him.

Ning Chen nodded, with dusk into snow, quickly toward the master's courtyard.

In the courtyard, the teacher rarely went out of the door, looking at the two people coming, the light fatigue flashed on the old face.

At the same time, Xia Ming, who was discussing the war with the ministers, was about to get up when he suddenly staggered, spilled black blood in his mouth and fell back.

"Your Majesty"

shocked, Taishigong and others immediately stepped forward and said in an urgent voice.

"Call Call... " Xia Ming's mouth is full of black blood. As soon as he says two words, he faints.

His Majesty's officials were in a panic. I don't know why such an accident happened.

Outside the Tianyu hall, many maids, eunuchs and patrolling bodyguards saw this scene. At this moment, they were terrified, for fear that they would be killed.

"Come on, let's go to the imperial doctor. If anyone dares to talk more and kill the nine ethnic groups," Tai Shigong stepped forward and protected Xia Ming's last breath with his innate Qi. He immediately ordered in a deep voice.


a hidden Dark Dragon Guard appeared and disappeared in the hall.

The emperor of summer is in crisis, and the officials are in a panic. Taizhigong's eyes are sharp, and he is quick to figure out the possible murderer in his heart.

The biggest suspect must be the Yongye cult, but the people around Xia tomorrow are all the people who have been strictly examined, and the possibility of being a spy of the cult is very small.

The doctor came soon, and his face changed after he passed the pulse.

"Please cooperate with me and help seal your Majesty's heart pulse"

the imperial doctor took out the silver needle and quickly needled several important points in Xia and tomorrow to disperse the poison.

Taishigong listened to Taiyi's advice and protected the heart with genuine Qi to prevent the heart from being attacked by severe poison.The Taiyi, surnamed Li, was the supreme doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in the great Xia Dynasty. Even compared with the ancient sages, it was not weak at all.

However, Xia Ming's poison was obviously unusual. When Li Tai Yi was practicing acupuncture, his forehead was hot and sweating, which made him feel very tired.

Half an hour later, Dr. Li put away the silver needle and said in a deep voice, "I've tried my best. I hope the public will be ready to set up a new emperor for the summer as soon as possible."

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