Shoushan palace, candlelight throughout the night, the atmosphere of sadness, a few women stood outside the hall, tears, can not help themselves.

"Yifei, hold on"

Xia Ziyi stood beside the bed, his heart was aching, he turned his hands to condense his Qi, and he continued to concentrate his genuine Qi on Shoushan king. However, the rapidly disappearing vitality can no longer be retained, even if he was born strong, he could not return to heaven.

"Brother Huang, if it's possible, Yifei really doesn't want to die, but this time, brother Huang really can't hold on"

Shoushan King's mouth is overflowing with black blood. He grabs the former's hand, and reluctantly shows a smile at the corner of his mouth. He has been struggling for more than 20 years. Today, he finally comes to the end.


the emperor mourned and hated the merciless God, and even more hated his incompetent self. If he could not protect his blood and bones, what was the use of his hard practice all his life.

"Brother The coming summer Yifei can't see... "

"Under the yellow spring Emperor's brother will pray to heaven again May the emperor be blessed Create a hundred generations of great Xia Dynasty again... "

The last words reverberate in my ears. My hands are close to my eyes. I try to hold them, but I can't hold them any more.

Xia Ziyi had a sharp pain in his heart, and his breath was in disorder. His long black and white hair was calm, and the magic atmosphere was flowing, quietly eroding the emperor's mind.

"Brother" Xia Xinyu came, anxious color way.

"Have a good burial"

Xia Ziyi gave a hoarse instruction, and immediately took a final look at the figure on the bed and left in silence.

Far away from the back, step by step, as if a thousand pounds in the pressure, before no longer straight, continuous blow, let the emperor's shoulders more and more heavy, who do not know, this strong summer emperor, how long can support.

At the dragon garden of the Confucian school, the three leaders frowned when they heard the reward from their followers, and they couldn't figure out why for a moment.

"Is it just a coincidence?" Yue zhangzun's face is heavy.

"There is no such coincidence in the world," Li zhangzun said with a cold smile.

"Send someone to check, you Tanhua is not common, not likely to be a coincidence," Bing zhangzun said.


Yue zhangzun nodded. This matter really needs to be handled seriously. In any case, the royal family should not be suspicious of Confucianism.

In the palace of imperial edict in the summer, Xia Ziyi, who came back from the palace, was sitting on the Dragon chair. There was a trace of evil air between his eyes and eyes. As a result, the emperor's face changed a little, a little more cold and a little less gentle.

Under the hall, a haggard old man in different clothes knelt down and respectfully said, "meet your majesty"

"Gu Lao Ping Shen" Xia Ziyi whispered.

"Xie Bi Xia" Gu Lao gets up, Xie Zhi says.

"What did Gu Laoke find out?" Xia Ziyi asked.

"Report to your majesty, according to the Gudian of Xijiang, the poison of the former Emperor should be Luoluo flower poison. This flower was not a highly toxic thing originally, but once it met with youtan pollen, it would immediately produce extremely terrible toxicity, and there was no medicine to save it," Gulao respectfully said.

Xia Ziyi frowned and continued to ask, "where's Shoushan king?"

"It's the same as the former Emperor, it's the flower poison of Luo," Gu Laoying said.

With a loud bang, Xia Ziyi's whole body Qi broke out, and the Dragon case in front of him was directly blown out, smashed under the hall and fell into pieces.

Gu Lao was afraid. He knelt down and didn't dare to say another word.

A moment later, Xia Ziyi suppressed the rising murder in his heart. With a wave of his right hand and a gentle force, he lifted the old man up and said, "old Gu, please step back first. I'll send someone to invite you if you have something"


old Gu bowed himself and left quickly.

After the old man left, Xia Ziyi went down the hall, looked at the scattered memorials on the ground and silently bent down to pick them up.

Outside the hall, a eunuch maid saw the situation inside, but no one dared to go in. She had to wait anxiously.

I don't know how long later, a voice finally came out of the main hall and said calmly, "come on, clean up these things"

three eunuchs and a maid in waiting rushed into the hall to clean up the damaged dragon case, brush and ink, and broken porcelain pieces on the ground. They didn't dare to delay the carving.

When the maid of honor picked up her things, she subconsciously looked up at the emperor in front of her. When she looked at him closely, she trembled unconsciously and lowered her head again.

For some reason, she always felt that her majesty had changed a lot. Although she could not see much difference in her appearance, she felt different from before.

After the four had finished packing, they immediately stepped back. They were afraid, and it was hard to hide.

Everyone in the palace knows that his majesty is a very kind man today. He always feels peaceful and peaceful, as light as autumn water. It's the first time that they see such an angry situation.

In the hall, Xia Ziyi thought in silence and did not say a word. After a long time, he said in a deep voice, "come here"

"in front of the Imperial Dragon Guard", respectfully.

"Xuantai manager came to discuss the matter," Xia Ziyi ordered.

"Yes" the soldiers of the Dragon Guard take orders and leave quickly.After a while, Kong Yu came to see Xia Ziyi, who had been waiting in the palace. He knelt down and saluted respectfully, saying "see your majesty"

"master Taili, send someone to check all the people in and out of the Shoushan palace these two days, especially those who are in charge of the Shoushan King's living room or who have entered the Shoushan King's room. If there is anything suspicious, report it immediately," Xia Ziyi said in a deep voice.

"Comply with orders" Kong Yu's eyes flashed a different color and received orders.

In this imperial city, there are only a few people who are qualified to go in and out of Shoushan King's side, and their status can be imagined. If we go on this investigation, we can find out the person who has poisoned. He doesn't know, but many things that are tacit in our daily life will be exposed. How to investigate, or to what extent, is really a big problem.

"Kong Yu, you are recommended to me by Zhiming Hou. You should know what to do and what not to do. Don't let me and Zhiming Hou down," Xia Ziyi said with a warning.

Hearing this, Kong Yu immediately knelt down again and said, "I'm sure your majesty will live up to your trust"

"let's go down" Xia Ziyi nodded and said plainly.


Kong Yu got up and left with his heart full. In front of his majesty today, he felt so much pressure for the first time. It was an opportunity but also a test. The Marquis had clearly promised him the position of marquis Wu. If he didn't feel excited, it would be a lie.

The great Xia Marquis Wu is famous in China, symbolizing the supreme glory.

For thousands of years, generations of marquis Wu have exchanged blood and life. The word "Marquis Wu" represents not only power and status, but also a kind of belief.

For thousands of years in the great Xia Dynasty, the territory of all directions has been dominated by a Marquis of Wu in all dynasties. No one can compare his deterrent power.

The reason why Daxia has been able to support the imperial court of northern Mongolia, the Yongye sect, and the four polar realm has been attributed to several Marquises.

In troubled times, heroes are created, and Marquis Wu of Daxia is the hero in the hearts of Daxia and even the world.

He admitted that he longed for power and the admiration of others.

The promise from the Lord is an irresistible temptation to him. In addition, he knows more about the ruthlessness of the Lord. If he goes wrong, the Lord will kill him mercilessly.

As far as he is concerned, there is only one choice. He should go on firmly according to the present road. Even if he offends other important officials in the imperial court, he must not waver.

The reason is very simple. No matter how ruthless an important official of the imperial court is, he can't be as ruthless as a magistrate.

There are tens of thousands of Buddhists in Mijie mountain, 4000 bandits in Yunling stronghold, and the whole family of the sketching sect who refused to surrender not long ago. He has to remind himself that no matter what, he should not go to the opposite of the marquis.

In the hall, Xia Ziyi looks at Kong Yu leaving, and his thoughts flash in his heart. He uses this person, on the one hand, because he is the head of Taili, on the other hand, because he loves power, fame and life.

Ning Chen has also reminded him that this person can use, but need to beat, love power is not shameful, as long as you can grasp the bottom line, that is enough.

The position of marquis Wu needs absolute credit. There is no exception. If he can give an opportunity, it depends on whether Kong Yu can grasp it.

In sijijing, the hurei Dynasty, the most powerful of the four dynasties was angry this time, and it was bound to get justice for the previous humiliation.

Emperor hurei personally ordered the generals, and the two royal worshippers were incorporated into the army, which was the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces.

Blue and white is the oldest aristocratic family in Hulei empire. The contemporary blue and white Duke grew up with Hulei emperor since childhood and has a close relationship. However, he went to the far north a few days ago, so he failed to catch up with the emperor's wedding.

Different from Tianjiao, the blue and white man has always been very low-key, and no one has ever seen him do it. However, everyone knows that the blue and white man is a real congenital strong man, and can't do it.

"Blue and white, if you can't win, you don't have to come back." suddenly, Emperor Lei looked at the young man in front of him and said in a deep voice.

"If your majesty said that, it would make blue and white very difficult," the blue and white man said with a smile.

"Needless to say, I believe in your ability, and I will fight against the pressure from the holy land. You just rest assured to fight. No matter what, you must not lose the face of the Hulei Dynasty," he said.

"Your Majesty said, blue and white will bear in mind"

the blue and white Lord bowed his hands and immediately turned to look at the black soldiers in front of him. He said calmly, "go"

with the sound of words, horns and flags waving, the army set out to march along the northeast direction.

Not far away, Ning Chen looked at the vast army, eyes flashed a glimmer of brilliance, this suddenly thunder emperor courage is not small, said to fight, even the face of the four polar holy land.

Now, different from the past, the quadrupole has almost become unified. No matter what the various forces think in their hearts, they are still subjecting to the holy land of quadrupole on the surface. It is conceivable that emperor Lei will bear the pressure for his move.

The next moment, plain clothes scattered, disappeared.Yunming city over the river, a seemingly ordinary mansion, Ning Chen appeared, after a step, into which.

If there is no accident, Jiang Hua should have guessed his identity. It's time for him to talk with Jiang Hua.

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