In Prajna City, the Zhiming Marquis comes and comes with a killing machine. The Wu Marquis, who has lost his benevolence, is no longer what he used to be and becomes more terrible than Shura.

Three thousand Confucians retreated again and again, and their blood flowed in the city of Prajna, which thoroughly washed this ancient city that has been handed down for a long time.

The plunder of the sword light and the flood of blood made the rebellion become a one-sided massacre.

"Zhiming Marquis, how can you live up to the spirits of marquis Wu of all ages when you kill innocent people"?

the angry Confucians questioned that they are just, they are acting for heaven, they are clearing away evil obstacles, they are sweeping away evil things, and they are bringing about a great summer.

However, in response to him, it was just a cold sword light. The silence of autumn water remained in the Confucian dragon garden. Today's sword is just the most common iron sword. In the hands of Shi Qingse, it is comparable to any magic weapon.

Spilled blood, into blood, dripping on the Confucian face, bloody pungent, attracted more fear.

In the face of one person, more than 100000 people and 3000 Confucians completely lost their fighting spirit. In addition to fear, they were still afraid.

There was no reason, no emotion. From the moment of arrival, there was only killing, bloody and cruel suppression.

The Da Xia soldiers behind even dare not go forward and look at the fallen bodies one by one, their faces are very pale.

Among the several Marquises in the great Xia Dynasty, Zhiming marquis is the one with the shortest time to be granted Marquis, but the one with the most controversy.

In just four years, Zhiming Hou has experienced too many things. From being spurned by the world to being wronged, Daxia's feelings for him are the most complex, with awe, respect and guilt.

However, they almost forgot that compared with other Marquis Wu, the one who knew his destiny was the one who killed the most.

At this moment, even the soldiers who had experienced the battlefield in Daxia deeply felt the terror of Zhiming Hou, and their faces became more and more pale.

It's useless to beg for mercy, to cry and to abuse. It's only useless to kill, or to kill. The eyes are red and the cry is loud.

When the gate of the city is closed, there is no way out. The road of the Confucians is completely cut off, and the road of the common people, because of their own choice, has no chance to regret.

In the attic of the Lord of the city, Prince Hua looked at the terrible massacre and said goodbye. He knew that the scene in front of the Tianyu hall had completely angered the young people in front of him, and there was no way to turn around.

At the end of heaven and earth, Mijie mountain, eternal night cult, twilight, Buddha on earth, and even for thousands of years, you can see the blood mist shrouded in the summer sky, and you can feel the terrible karma thousands of miles apart.

Hundreds, thousands and thousands of figures fell down, but the iron sword was still sharp, and the stone blue uniform of marquis Wu was stained red again and again with blood.

On all sides of the battlefield, the five Marquises Kaixuan, Qinghe, Jiyu, Taiping and Zhongyong were all silent, and they were told to return, so the other five Marquises stayed in the battlefield.

Marquis Wu of the great Xia Dynasty has tied his life and death to the battlefield. He really doesn't want anything to happen behind him.

Buyi and Ziyang didn't die on the battlefield, but they fell down because of the Confucianist rebellion, which made several Marquis really cold.

"Lord Wu, forgive me..."

The voice of begging for mercy, has not yet said, will disappear forever in the front of the sword, the scenes of the past hit, let ningchen hands of the sword, more cold three points.

On that day, in the palace of the heavenly Oracle, the words of parting were all in the heart.

"Ziyi, be careful, Prajna city will be used by others, and your appearance, although it hasn't changed much, just"

"friends, don't worry, if my people can't trust me, what's the use of my Xia emperor"

interrupting words, he didn't say it that day, but it became the reality that he was most afraid of, Ning Chen regretted and regretted He never thought that when he came back, it would be like this.

They can't save Xinyu, and they can't take back Ziyi. They can't even find the bodies of the two Marquis Wu. Leng Mang, who killed Su, cuts through all the blood with anger, and sends all the beggars, Sophists and cursers to the yellow spring.

There is no reason, there is no mercy, there is no justice, there is only slaughter.

In the past, the emperor was kind and thought that he would always be sincere, but he didn't expect to be forced into the evil way by his son Minsheng.

In the past, the emperor was upright, waiting for evidence, ruling the imperial dynasty by law, but he was forced to abdicate by those who did not want to speak the law, in the name of Hades.

Today, these so-called people want to beg for mercy, heart and reason. Unfortunately, those who are willing to listen to them are no longer here.

Ning Chen is not a good friend son clothes, in the heart of kindness, never willing to more than half.

A sword across, blood gushing like a spring, surging more than a Zhang high, unwilling, resentment, regret, the world's elephants, in the last moment of life, revealed so clearly.

Stone green figure, in the crowd magic move, each sword will be a large figure fell, full of blood red, flowing in the city, like a river, dazzling.

"Marquis Wu, please forgive me"

in extreme fear, one after another, kneeling, weeping, kowtowing, hoarseness and regret.In a short time, tens of thousands of people knelt down in fear and pleading, and were completely frightened by the people in front of them.

The whole city of Prajna is just like the hell of Shura, which makes people unable to resist any more.

There is no expression on Ning Chen's face. Just when the sword in his hand is about to move again, a slender hand appears and presses the edge of the sword gently.

"Stop, that's enough"

lime appears and looks at Ning Chen, who is covered with blood, with tears in his eyes.

Prince Hua, with the help of the general, came here. Looking at the young figure with the blood sword, he said, "I'll take care of the rest. Even if you kill them all, what has happened can't be pulled back"

Ning Chen looked at them, waved his hand, and the iron sword flew out and banged into the wall.

"Let's go, go back to the palace"

with that, Ning Chen turned around and left without turning back, leaving countless scared eyes, and did not dare to get up for a long time.

Weiyang palace, after the change of the palace the day before yesterday, Ning Chen went back to the palace for the first time. Looking at the eldest grandson in front of the bed, he knelt down deeply.

"Niang Niang, Ning Chen came back late"

the words of guilt reverberated in the room. She was as smart as Ning Chen. This time, she didn't expect such a big change. When she left, she asked, but now all of them have become bubbles.

Chang sun stretched out his hand and stroked the face of the person in front of him. The real touch just made his heart a little warm.

"Niang Niang please don't worry, I will definitely bring Xinyu and Ziyi back." looking at the haggard face of the eldest grandson, Ning Chen is in great pain and promises.

Half an hour later, Ning Chen left Weiyang palace and went straight to Hou Fu.

The collapse of Tianyu hall, so dazzling, let the far away figure, a killing Su, deep into the blood and bone.

In the first temple of the Yongye cult, a general stands on the throne. A figure with white hair sits in silence. The magic mark on the eyebrows is as red as blood. The deep and dark eyes always give people a heavy feeling.

"Welcome the devil" below, vertical Qianqiu bow a courtesy, way.

"Welcome the devil"

below, the generals knelt down and said respectfully.

Longitudinal Qianqiu opposite, Princess Luo quietly looking at the figure on the throne, beautiful eyes as usual, as plain as water, can not see any sadness.

"Step back"

the figure on the throne said.


the generals took the order and immediately got up and withdrew.

Zong Qianqiu and concubine Luo also left, the door of the temple was closed, and the light in the temple was dim. The young face on the throne still looked at the distance, and the deep eyes could not even overflow the sadness.

"For thousands of years, what about the summer rain?" Outside the first temple, Princess Luo stopped and said faintly.

"Zong Nu should know the importance of the Qijue style to the deity. Naturally, she is dead," Zong Qianqiu said with a smile.

"Zongqianqiu, what you do, don't think I don't know, there is no next time." Princess Luo said flatly, and then walked away.

Longitudinal Qianqiu turned his mouth, looked back at the temple behind him, and immediately walked towards the dark abyss.

Under the image of the demon God, the dark atmosphere rises, and a row of sarcophagus looms in the black air. The breath is surging and frightening.

"Longitudinal thousands of years, people can bring" in the dark breath came a supreme voice, calm way.

"I have brought it back to you, but after all, he was the emperor of the great Xia Dynasty. Is it believable?" Zong Qianqiu kneels down and says respectfully.

"No problem, his mind has been completely engulfed, it is impossible to wake up again," said the breath in the dark.

When Ning Chen returns, Liu Ruoxi steps forward and takes off the blood stained clothes of marquis Wu and changes them into plain clothes.

"Mr. Hou, I'd like to see you," said the old housekeeper respectfully.

"Let him in," said Ning Chen.

The old housekeeper took orders, and soon entered with Kong Yu, then retreated.

"Marquis" Kong Yu saluted respectfully.

"What's the matter?" Ning Chen asked.

"The evidence of the Confucianists' embezzlement of the state treasury, collusion for personal gain, and intent to rebel has been collected, but the Luohua and youtanhua, who poisoned the kings, have not been found," Kong Yu respectfully said.

"Didn't I leave you a military commander?" Ning Chen cold voice way.

Kong Yu hesitated for a moment and said, "it seems that this person has gone crazy. After being tortured for a long time, they are just some crazy words"

"have you ever seen half step congenitally who is scared to be silly?" Ning Chen snorted coldly and said, "how to let him recruit? Don't let me teach you. You are the chief of Taili now"

"my subordinates know their mistakes." Kong Yu lowered his head.

"I don't have time to manage these things. No matter what method you use, I just need to see the results. In addition, I'll send someone to Zhongyong hou to help him pay attention to a woman named forgetting worry. I'll send the portrait to you as soon as possible," Ning Chen said coldly.

"Yes," Kong Yu said respectfully."Step back"

"my subordinates are leaving"

Kong Yu saluted and left immediately. The moment he walked out of the Houfu, his heart slowly fell down. It was less than half a quarter of an hour, but his back clothes were almost soaked.

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