Through the chest and into the hand, blood drenched, white cocoon will be born shock out, splashing blood, red xuanzhi whole arm.


the master of quadrupole suddenly opened his eyes. He was surprised and angry in his eyes. He looked at the last person he trusted in this life, but he didn't want to get more betrayal.


With a sneer, xuanzhi pulled out the white cocoon, implicating the heart of collapse. A waterfall of blood gushed, completely dyed the two people's bodies.

The quadrupole master is short of breath, and it's more difficult to breathe. He reaches out his hand and grabs the person in front of him. He's not willing. How can he be so? How can he be so.

"Why, why do you betray me"

the pupil of the quadrupole master quickly loses his look. He doesn't understand why. There's no reason, there's no reason!

The white cocoon is out of the body, the heart pulse is broken, and the vitality of the main body of the quadrupole realm is rapidly scattered. However, he is unwilling to close his eyes. Why?

"Lord, you are too careless. Have you never doubted that the people around you are not your loyal subordinates?"

A smile rose from the corner of xuanzhi's mouth, and he said in a cold voice that the former military strategist of holy land had died before the opening of the two realms under the calculation of Zhiming Hou. Now xuanzhi is the xuanzhi of Yongye God cult.

The rising black Qi of the whole body constantly devours the white cocoon in the hands. In a flash, the white cocoon enters the body and takes root in the heart again.

"You are, you are!"

Looking at the black air in front of me, the main pupil of quadrupole suddenly enlarges, and finally seems to think of something. However, it's too late to say what I'm saying. My arm can't fall down, and a generation of heroes have passed away.

How ironic, how sad, once dominated one side, but finally came to such a bleak end, people have to sigh.

How many grand plans, how many heroic words, now, just like the blood in the soil, never come back.

Xuanzhi glanced at the fallen quadrupole master, waved his hand, put away the heaven and earth's jade, and whirled the moth wings behind him.

In the village, the four people suddenly felt a strong breath rising, and without any hesitation, they quickly moved towards it.

In front of the broken house, the nearest wind and dust came first. With a rainbow knife, the whole broken house was cut open, but a blue figure rushed out, black air surging, and left quickly.

The chaos was just about to stop, but in the cabin, there was a bloody quadrupole, and the master was sitting on the chair with an empty chest.

"Teacher Master "

although he was aware of it, his heart shrank when he saw his death with his own eyes, and his tears fell unconsciously.

At this time, Ning Chen, Meng Xuanji, forgetting his worries, saw the scene in front of him, and his face was shocked at the same time.


Ning Chen responded immediately, and his figure swept quickly, chasing the distant breath immediately.

There is no doubt that the quadrupole master died of xuanzhi's attack, and even the white cocoon under his heart was taken away.

This white cocoon is a great disaster. It must be eliminated. Moreover, there is something wrong with this metaphysical knowledge. The black Qi is not right.

In front of the broken house, forgetting worry looks at the tragic situation of the quadrupole master's death. He gently shakes his head, steps out and chases away.

No matter how much gratitude and resentment you had before you died, it's all gone. Meng Xuanji looks at the dust beside her and sighs softly. He doesn't say anything and goes after her.

"Master, I'm home"

Luan FengChen came forward, picked up the body of the quadrupole master, and went away to the north in silence.

In Daxia, Ning Chen has been chasing xuanzhi for thousands of miles. They can't get away from each other or get closer.

"Zhiming Hou, the master of quadrupole is dead. Are you willing to give up?" in front of him, xuanzhi began to shout.

"He died, but you did not die, I sleep and eat uneasy ah" rather Chen side chase, side indifference should way.

"How can you let me die?" xuanzhi said in a deep voice.

"Let's stop and talk about the retreat of the quadrupole. I don't want your life," Ning Chen said quietly.

Xuanzhi sneered and said sarcastically, "Zhiming Hou, do you think I will believe your lies? Once I stop, do you still have life to talk about?"

"Oh, this Hou so no credibility, or you so no confidence in yourself" rather Chen light way.

"Xuanzhi doesn't deny the reputation of the Marquis, but he should be careful when it comes to his life," he said.

Northwest and the line of the two people, faster and faster, and chase nearly an hour later, Ning Chen looked at the figure in front, eyes flash a light, this direction, can go to only one place.

Eternal night cult!

However, before that, we must pass the Western defense line composed of the great Xia princes.

Palm a turn, snowflakes fall, gradually dim sky, silver, straight into the sky.

In the black water army camp, the triumphant Marquis looks at the rising breath in the southeast direction. His eyes are narrowed. He is the Marquis who knows his destiny.

At the same time, marquis Taiping, marquis Jiyu and Marquis Qinghe saw the silver light rising from the sky, and their eyes immediately fell.The Yongye cult is not far away, so he breathes a little in xuanzhi's heart. A magnificent figure stands in front of him. It's the great Xia army God, the Marquis of victory!

Xuanzhi Mou son suddenly shrinks, and quickly changes direction, but it's too late.

Yaoshi out of the scabbard, Haoshi military power in the world, a knife cut out, heaven and earth.

When his life was threatened, xuanzhi couldn't hide it any more. His body was full of black air, and his moth wings were open behind him. Zhenyuan was united to block the move of the great Xia army God.

With a bang, blood spilled down, dyed red and blue, xuanzhi retreated ten feet, vomited out a mouthful of vermilion, which was hard to defeat the triumphant power.

The green sparrow sword comes after him, leaving no room for him to force his soul to take his life.

Xuanzhi leans to his side and narrowly evades the key point, but he sees the sparrow passing by. A waterfall of blood splashes and he is hurt again.

Seeing the impending threat, the jade of heaven and earth in xuanzhi's hand galloped into the sky, and a series of dazzling four-color lights rose, just like a dragon in the sky.

"Heaven and earth are at the four poles, and nature brings forth beacon smoke"

water, fire, wind, and thunder are the original force of the four poles. In this world, the magic weapon condenses and turns into a sharp sword to block the coming sparrow.

Ning Chen Mou son a coagulation, the left hand reads the feeling knife to wave to chop but pass, the cold light is like electricity, in a twinkling of an eye already arrive before the throat.

Xuanzhi retreated in a hurry, and his hair fell down one by one.

Serial forced to kill, no gap, double Hou join hands, a total of more evil.

At this time, forgetting worry and Meng Xuanji, who were chasing in the rear, also came. Although the three men who watched the war did not fight, they carefully stood on both sides and cut off their back.

"Temple master, help me"

in the face of the continuous cold light of the sword, xuanzhi was frightened and frightened, and cried out.

With the sound of words falling, the sky was covered with dark clouds. Between the lightning and thunder, thunders and thunders came down from the sky and fell into the war situation.

Ning Chen and triumphant Hou look a sink, double knife raised, force break angry sea thunder.

"Two Marquis, you're all right"

the light purple fur figure appeared in the sky, and then two powerful figures came slowly, one was brave, the other was cold, and the overwhelming breath spread, which was frightening.

The three Temple masters of the Yongye cult appear together, and Haoyuan is surging, bringing unprecedented and terrible pressure.

Dream Xuan Ji, forget worry face also slightly a change, trouble.

Four on four, the trapped game broke in an instant. Xuanzhi took advantage of the thunder to withdraw ten feet, and temporarily got rid of the sword blockade.

"The Marquis of triumph, the Marquis of Zhiming, and the two guests of sijijing, do you want to fight today?" The master of eternal night came forward and said plainly.

It is the most difficult choice for Ning Chen and the triumphant marquis to fight or not. Intellectually speaking, this victory is not big. However, if he retreats at this time, he will undoubtedly let the tiger go back to the mountain. When xuanzhi completely integrates the power of Bai cocoon, he will be a new enemy.

The strength of Yongye cult is too strong now, and with a mysterious knowledge, the situation will be even more difficult.

"How long can you hold on, master Hou?" Ning Chen said.

"A quarter of an hour" triumphant, Hou Shen said.

"That then spell a time" rather Chen decides a way.

"Good!" The victorious Hou firmly responded.

"Master of eternal night, please give me some advice"

with the sound of words falling, the sabre is rising, the mighty army is rising, the victorious marquis is stepping forward, his figure is coming in a twinkling of an eye, and the sabre is falling, and his power is breaking through.

"The extraordinary warrior, let people respect"

Yongye cult leader's right hand, the former Wu Jun's army, Tianhuang halberd, wave halberd to meet, suddenly, the two people around, dust shock, crazy LAN angry roar.

Ning Chen knows that time is pressing. When his body reaches its limit, his body looks like a dream. When he comes to xuanzhi's body, he is forced by the sword and his soul is swept by the light of the sword.

Xuanzhi holds the magic weapon of nature, raises the sword to block the move, and the two swords merge with each other. In a moment of stalemate, the blade is bright, and once again cuts through the death opportunity.

The body of the white moth was damaged, but it was not fully integrated. Xuanzhi could not exert its power. As soon as the moth's wings were unfolded, half of them were cut off by the knife light.

Seeing that xuanzhi was in danger, Zong Qianqiu immediately urged the magic to help. However, at this moment, the aura of the whole world suddenly disappeared and turned into a barren cage.

On the other side, Meng Xuanji looks at the speechless white haired devil in front of her eyes. Her eyes are slightly fixed, and her whole mind is waiting.

Although this person's breath has not been involved in the three disasters, the pressure brought to people is no less than the disaster King silk who used to be the strong one of the three disasters.

Xia Ziyi stands in silence, with dark and deep eyes looking at the three battles ahead. He only tries to contain them, but he doesn't mean to do anything.

In the three battlefields, the situation is different. The military God of the great Xia Dynasty is against the leader of Yongye cult alone. The battle is extremely fierce. On the contrary, the fight between Zong Qianqiu and forgetting worries seems too quiet. If the space is not constantly shaking, people may even think that they have not made any moves at all.

The most critical point is that Ning Chen tries his best to kill xuanzhi. His sword moves and blood splashes everywhere, leaving no room for the latter to become more and more critical.

Floating snow, dyed red, and finally, a sword through the body, penetrate under the white cocoon, several steps forward, blood scattered everywhere."Er"

xuanzhi held the sparrow sword under his chest in his left hand and cut it down. Then he saw Nianqing waving, the sword fell and his right arm flew up.

At this time, the wounded white moth broke away from xuanzhi and ascended into the air. The huge moth's wings opened, and the terror swept down.

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