The legend of the great Xia Dynasty, the Buddha, the earth and the light, met for the first time in tianfo mountain. The sword was on the peak, and the martial arts were supreme. They stood facing each other.

"Why did you come here, benefactor?" Guangzun opens his mouth and says in peace.

"Xia Yan came to ask guangzun to help open the space boundary between the native land of West Buddha and the eastern China," Prince Yan said.


Guangzun's eyes Rose and said, "you should be able to clearly feel the pressure from the eastern region. There is no doubt that the underworld is coming. Opening the space between the two regions at this time will be a great threat to the native land of West Buddha"

Prince Yan did not waver. He calmed down and said, "guangzun should know that he wants to fight with the power of the underworld It's just a matter of raising your hand to open the space barrier between the two domains. You can't solve any problem by blindly avoiding it "

guangzun sighed and said," with my own strength, I can only open a crack at most. The human body can't pass through it. What do you want to send in the past "

Prince Yan's eyes are focused on the way.

In the land of China, the blood moon is hanging for nine days. The day of the war is in front of us, and the atmosphere of Hou's residence is dignified.

Before the appointed time comes, Ning Chen goes out of Hou's house and all the way to the northwest.

Qingshuang Valley, ningchen appeared, step by step into the snow lake.

The array set by Daokui covered all the breath, which made it hard for Hades to find.

Mu qianshang came, looking at the figure in plain clothes on the lake, a sigh flashed over his beautiful face, he still came.

"If you want to think well, your soul is too badly hurt. Once you get it back, it won't last long, and it will dissipate," muqianshang reminds.

"I need to concentrate on the first World War, and this soul here will have an impact on me"

while speaking, Ning Chen raised his hand and gently rowed across the frozen lake, roaring and cracking, to the extreme freezing air.

The volume of life is running, the frost is falling, and the Phoenix body that sinks into the bottom of the lake rises slowly. The next moment, a sleeping red figure appears and reappears.

Fengming looms, and vitality disperses. At this time, Liangyi turns to heaven, and four volumes of reincarnation, the vast vitality penetrates into Fengshen, and forcibly supports the scattered soul.

A moment later, the Phoenix's body is scattered, turning into a little bit of starlight, merging into the noumenon, and the spirit of heaven returns and the whole work converges.

With the gathering of the three spirits, the severe pain gradually disappeared in the divine consciousness. Ning Chen turned around, looked at the young man in front of him, and said, "thank you"

"can I help you?" Wrong body moment, Mu thousand Shang Ning voice.

Ning Chen stops, with a tiny smile on his face, and says, "this time, Ning Chen won't harm his friends any more"

the words fall, and the plain clothes go away. After a few steps, they disappear.

Mu qianshang looks back and looks at the direction of the former's departure. He sighs gently in his heart. How many people should be sacrificed before the end of this human catastrophe.

The deepest part of the imperial palace of the great Xia Dynasty is full of dense and purple air. On a dragon shaped tripod made of purple gold, the whole body of the sword has turned purple, and the thousand year spirit of the emperor has almost completely turned into the sword.

Zhiming came and looked at the magic weapon on the tripod. As soon as he grasped it, the whole imperial city began to shake.

The purple Qi, which symbolizes the great Xia's qi movement, quickly disappears from the central dragon vein and the sky above the imperial city.

In Weiyang palace, changsun felt the vibration of the Imperial Palace and got up to look at the dragon vein. His eyes were dim.

Starting from feeling, the wind and snow surged and sealed the overflow. Under the purple and gold dragon shaped tripod, the earth cracked and heavy breath appeared. The details of the summer for thousands of years now, a congenital or even three disaster level strong man opened his eyes. Suddenly, the space swayed and it was difficult to bear the pressure of this sharp rise.

There are as many as nine Marquis Wu of the former dynasty, who were consecrated one after another. The deepest details of the great Xia Dynasty are not the last force that can not be used for the subjugation of the country.

This kind of information can be found in Daxia, northern Mongolia, and ManChao. It can only be suppressed by one dynasty's spirit that the liquidation of the years can be concealed.

Now that the great Xia Qi Yun has disappeared, all the hidden forces have to be present.

"The underworld"

the first former Marquis Wu, who should have died for hundreds of years, looked at the blood moon in the sky and flashed a heavy color in his old eyes. It turned out that he had come.

"The younger generation knows the fate, and meets the Zhige Marquis" Ning Chen respectfully salutes.

In the thousand year history of the great Xia Dynasty, generation after generation of marquis Wu almost stopped before birth, but there are always exceptions, among which Marquis Zhige is the only one.

The name of Zhige was given by the fifth emperor of Xia Dynasty. It symbolizes the military power and the desire of Zhige in the world. Zhige Marquis lived up to his expectation and helped Da Xia pacify countless wars.

In his later years, Zhige Marquis, after taking off the burden of Wuhou, made a new impact on the martial arts, and finally stepped into the congenital world. Just ten years later, he boarded the three disasters. Finally, because Shouyuan was about to run out, he chose to sleep under the purple gold dragon tripod and turn it into the inside information to continue to guard the summer.

"Young generation, you have surpassed me." Zhige Hou looked at the young people in front of him, and his face was filled with joy. After all, Daxia's generation did not disappoint them."The order of heaven and earth is suppressed by the power of the underworld. We have more time," a middle-aged man dressed as a king stepped forward and said.

"How good it is, or it will be a pity that it will disappear," said one hundred years ago.

"Let's go, finish what we should do before we leave," Zhige Hou said calmly.

"This is the intention" the king should say.

With the sound of words falling, the figures of the nine people turned into streamers and rushed over the Imperial City, like a meteor in the night, so dazzling and dazzling.

Ning Chen bows himself to see off nine people first.

At the same time, inside and outside the palace, lime, xiaziyi and others also bowed to salute, with a dim look, to bid farewell to the ancestors of Daxia.

The nine powerful spirits of the Yongye cult came, broke through the great array of the protectionist cult, and immediately swept into it.

A big war, startles the world, nine strong people join hands, pour the last strength, fight together with Hades.

Defeat is the undoubted result. In the face of the gods, even heaven and earth are suppressed, and the resistance of human beings is quietly disappearing after full bloom.

A broken sword stopped in front of the underworld's chest. The body of Zhige Hou gradually disappeared. It was the last moment.

"Human, your name"

"Daxia, zhigehou"

the final answer is that with the liquidation of years, it turns into ashes and disappears between heaven and earth. Daxia, Wuhou, will die.

Knowing the fate of Hou Fu, Ning Chen looks at the two people around him and says, "let's go, it's our turn"


Xia Ziyi nods at dusk and leaves together. The cold wind at the end of his clothes blows far away in the moonlight. This battle will determine the future of the world. The world needs hope and a glimmer of hope pointing to the light.

The emperor's face is as red as blood, and his whole body is full of evil atmosphere, which has released the evil spirit of suppressing the forbidden area of Daxia for thousands of years. The emperor's final will has been preserved for a long time, even if he is in the endless, no resentment, no regret.

Women are as beautiful as ever. They are extremely beautiful. They are the legacy of the royal family of the Ziyin Dynasty. They forget their past and become the first of the younger generation to enter the congenital world. Today, they also embark on the road of blasphemy. No one knows what they are doing.

The most powerful combination, foundation, speed and destruction gather together. In order to fight against the gods, the three of them put all their money into it, even bet on the future of the whole summer, only to bring a glimmer of hope to the world.

Qizhou mountains are full of black atmosphere. The underworld comes. Behind his hands, he has a cold and flawless face. Without any emotion, the seven supreme gods of heaven come here according to the agreement. Instead of fighting Taotie, they quietly wait for the strongest challenger to come.

It is inevitable that the world will be polluted and destroyed. However, the gods are willing to accept the resistance of human beings. Otherwise, the road to rebuild the world will be boring.

At the moment of the wind, in the distance, the sound of walking, the wind stepping on the clouds, three figures come slowly, one is calm, one is calm, one is indifferent, the strongest three people, today, will challenge the God to the extreme power.

"Finally, it's time for you." the underworld turned around and looked at the three people who came, light way.

At the same time, in the hometown of West Buddha, guangzun stood on the top of tianfo mountain with a holy staff, while Prince Yan and aman stood behind, waiting for the former to take action.

The staff of Buddha is shining, illuminating the heaven and the earth. The young Buddha urges his body to turn his hand and coagulate the yuan, and penetrates into the beacon smoke. Suddenly, a breath of being even with the heaven and the earth flows, not to the void.

At the next moment, the space trembles violently, all things are out of sight, and waves open, and unstable images appear.

"What does the bald donkey want to do"

at the moment when heaven and earth change, the purple heaven palace looks cold, and its eyes look at tianfoshan, and the cold light keeps flashing. At this time, the boundary between the two realms is opened. Is it to attract the attention of Hades!

At the same time, in the demon temple, the demon Buddha also felt the changes on tianfoshan. His face was angry. What the hell was he thinking.

At the top of tianfo mountain, guangzun did his best. The trembling space cracked inch by inch, and the boundary between the two domains was finally opened, showing an endless passage.

"Aman," Prince Yan said.


aman nodded, stepped forward, and flipped his hand. But in the blood mist, a sword with bright green appeared. In a moment, the four sources of water, wind, thunder and fire surged out, and opened up one heavy oppression after another.

Zhiming's constitution is cold and can't merge with the origin of Lihuo. Aman raised the sword on behalf of him. Now the sword is finished, and he will return it.

The edge of the sword flies out, turns into a streamer, and goes into the space crack. In a twinkling of an eye, it disappears.

The land of China, space split, a bloody sword light fell from the sky, sensing the original owner's breath, flying away at a high speed.

Qi Zhou mountain, Ning Chen felt, looking at the sky flying from the sword, eyes flashed a different color, is it.

The sword, which has been separated for a long time, falls from the sky and plunges into the earth. The body of the sword sounds gently, as if it is telling the feeling of missing for a long time.

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