When we came near the golden pillar of light, the vision of heaven and earth had gradually disappeared. Not surprisingly, it was just a vision, not the sun. It could not shine for ten days and a half months.

Ning Chen looks at the big crack on the ground, the brow is wrinkly again wrinkly, really don't go down of interest.

He is looking for treasure, not for death. Even if there is a big crack, even if there is a treasure, there is a life to go but no life to return.

Ning Chen wants to go, but the little white horse is holding Ning Chen's sleeve.

"You're a horse, how can you be so curious"

Ning Chen frowned and yelled, this guy is more and more humanized, but you're a horse, humanization is useful.

However, no matter how Ning Chen scolds, the little white horse still doesn't let go, and even drags Ning Chen to the crack.

Have you ever seen anyone bullying the disabled? Ning Chen has seen many, but it's the first time he's seen a horse bullying the disabled!

"Do you really want to go?"

Ning Chen heart a burst of fire big, impatient tunnel.


the little white horse makes a wheezing sound in his throat, indicating his attitude.

"Let's go"

Ning Chen replied that he was not afraid of a horse. What else was he afraid of.

The crack is very steep and looks very deep. Ning Chen pulls out the ink sword and inserts it into the frozen soil in the cold winter. He immediately unties the reins on the head of the little white horse and binds it to the wheelchair along his waist and abdomen.

Then, Ning Chen on wheelchair with small white horse calmly jumped down the crack.

Who is the most terrible person in the world?

Not horizontal, not Leng, but not lethal!

Today's Ning Chen and small white horse obviously directly beyond the horizontal and Leng, directly rose to not fatal.

After jumping down the crack, Ning Chen takes the ink sword and plunges it into the frozen soil of the crack.

"Hua La"

the ink sword drew a half foot long fan, and then it stabilized. For a moment, the dust was flying everywhere.

Below, the pony was hanging under the wheelchair, playing a swing, and his body was bloodstained by the reins.

"It's time for you to lose weight"

Ning Chen said upset that he would play around with this beast. He really lost his mind.

The little white horse suffered a lot. He was tied by the reins, but he was stubborn and didn't make a sound. This is very similar to someone. When he was stubborn, he was more stubborn than a donkey.

Ning Chen pulls out the ink sword, the body suddenly fell down again, then, a firewood knife inserted in frozen soil.

This time Ning Chen miscalculated. The place where he had been bent by the old eunuch was twisted again. In a moment, the wood knife was bent into a strange arc, like the fried Mahua.

Then, one man and one horse failed to stop the fall and continued to fall.

"It's really cheap, but not good"

Ning Chen throws away the firewood knife, complains about the Academy, and immediately the ink sword goes up again.

In this way, I don't know how long, a man and a horse finally fell to the bottom of the crack, Ning Chen tossed all over the soil, the horse hair on the little white horse was also a lot of rein.

The Phoenix without hair is not as good as the chicken, and the white horse without hair is not as good as the donkey. The handsome little white horse just now looks like it has just been boiled and plucked.

"What do you think we've done?"

in the dark cracks, Ning Chen and Xiao Baima stare at each other, feeling extremely unhappy.


the little white horse refused to answer, turned to go, but bumped into the stone wall with a straight mouth.

"It's time"

Ning Chen took out a fire fold from his body, blew it, followed the light of the fire, ignored the little white horse, and went to the only road ahead.

It's a long, long, very long, endless road. Ning Chen is a little tired of walking, and his attitude towards little white horse is even worse.

Little white horse dare not big resistance, occasionally a voice on behalf of unconvinced, but was more violent storm to suppress.

About half an hour later, when huozhezi was almost finished, Ning Chen finally saw a ray of light in front of him.

A person a horse excited, accelerate speed, come to bright front, rather Chen takes Mo sword, a sword split by rock soil block of cave.

Bang, the rock and soil collapse, into the goal of the scene instantly shocked two pairs of big eyes.

In front of me, it's hard to describe. It's like the meridians in a person's body. There are cloisters everywhere. The blood red soil is very different from the previous rock and soil. It looks gloomy and even terrible.

"We are not going to hell"

Ning Chen looked at the dark red world ahead, turned his head and asked difficultly.


the little white horse answered, and he didn't understand. However, from the expression on the horse's face, it can be seen that the horse is shocked now.

"Keep going"

Ning Chen is afraid of farting when he bites his teeth. People die and birds will never die.

There are many roads ahead. Ning Chen doesn't care about anything. He directly chooses the biggest, the widest and the brightest. Anyway, he doesn't know what's ahead. It doesn't make any difference for him to choose which road.Little white horse is what opinion all have no, rather Chen take which road, it follow which road.

Two quarters later, one person and one horse came back.

So the road ahead is dead, nothing

"Which one to choose, you say"

Ning Chen looked at the rest of the road and gritted his teeth.

The little white horse hesitated and wandered in front of each road for a while, and finally chose the smallest, narrowest and darkest road.

"Are you sure?"

Ning Chen asked reluctantly.


little white horse responded.

"Listen to you once"

Ning Chen turned his wheelchair and walked towards the small corridor in front of him.

A quarter of an hour later, one person and one horse came back

Ning Chen black face, straight want to in situ to bake the little white horse.

There are still seven roads left. Ning Chen doesn't know how to choose. He takes a look at the ink sword in his hand and stands on the ground. Then the ink sword falls down.

"Just this one"

Ning Chen pointed to the direction pointed by the handle of the ink sword and decided without hesitation.

One side, the small white horse gently uttered Chi a, to rather Chen this casual extremely of attitude express dissatisfaction.

"Don't follow me if you have the ability"

Ning Chen glanced at the little white horse and said contemptuously.

The little white horse didn't say a word and followed up honestly.

Facts have proved that Ning Chen's random choice is correct. After another half an hour, the scene in front of him has changed again.

A river, a very wide river, dark yellow river, with little bubbles, and even a faint fishy smell.

Ning Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. He thought of a legend in the previous life. A river mentioned in it was very similar to this.

It is said that in the underworld, there is a river in front of the underworld, named weak water.

Weak water 3000, not dead difficulty.

"We're in trouble"

Ning Chen grabs a hair and throws it into the water at will. His hair floats and slowly sinks into the water without any waves.

Seeing this, the little white horse was obviously surprised. The horse's hooves unconsciously stepped back two steps, far away from the weak water.

Ning Chen sneers at this, he believes that this river can certainly cross over, but he has not thought of a way.

It is said that there is a bottomless wooden boat in the weak water, which is the only thing that can cross the weak water. I just don't know whether it is true or not.

Many legends of the past have come true in this world. There are many things, such as ox head, horse face, black and white impermanence, and even weak water. Ning Chen believes that even if there is a bottomless boat, it is not uncommon.

Ning Chen turns the wheelchair to walk in the riverside, suddenly, the body a meal, he saw the thing in the legend again.

Spring flower.

It is said that the strange flower growing at the bottom of weak water can live forever after taking it, but after taking it, the body will gradually rot and become immortal. Therefore, the spring flower is also a kind of poisonous flower.

Ning Chen watched for a long time, but did not dare to pick, in this weak water, no one can guarantee life, he is not afraid of death, but also do not want to die.


just then, the little white horse came to Ning Chen. The horse gave a wheeze, and then bit the latter's clothes to make him look into a pile of garbage not far ahead, about ten feet away from the river bank.

Ning Chen's eyes narrowed, changed the direction of the wheelchair and walked towards the garbage.

It's called a garbage dump, because there are white bones, broken wood, rotten clothes and so on. Among them is a broken ship.

More importantly, the ship is bottomless.

Ning Chen silently pulled the boat out, and then a little bit dragged the boat into the weak water.

Next moment, Ning Chen is more silent.

Sure enough, the boat floated!

This is beyond his understanding. As an atheist, he can't believe the facts in front of him.

Ning Chen silently took a few pieces of broken wood in the garbage heap, took a few landing places in the broken boat, and then led the little white horse to go up together.

Since I don't know why, I'll go on and see what's left behind the weak water.

Ning Chen uses a broken wood as an oar to paddle slowly toward the other side of the river. The little white horse stands on the bed, shivering and looking scared.

Ning Chen frowned and yelled, "what's terrible? It's not for you to jump"

little white horse sobbed in a low voice. Better, he didn't shake, but his hooves still trembled, obviously still afraid.

Ning Chen no longer pay attention to it, while rowing the boat, while quietly paying attention to the other side of the river there is no danger.

At this time, some ghosts and ghosts should come out.

He didn't believe that there would be no danger in such a strange place.

The little white horse can't count on it any more. It can perform well even if it doesn't scare itself to jump.It turns out that Ning Chen thought too much, and there were no ghosts, no ghosts, no ghosts, no even a skeleton frame.

However, the weak water was much wider than he had imagined. It took him a quarter of an hour to get on the broken boat before it floated to the other side.

The broken boat may still be useful. Ning Chen will pull the broken boat ashore to prevent it from being washed away by the weak water.

The little white horse was standing on the bank. His body was no longer shaking. A pair of horses were staring straight ahead.

Ning Chen also feels that the front atmosphere is not right, as if there is something to stare at them again.


Ning Chen sank his mind and immediately walked forward.

No matter whether it's underground or not, they have come here. They have to go in to see whether they are dead or alive.

The little white horse also went up, and the horse's hooves were much heavier.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Ning Chen turned his wheelchair and stopped. Looking at the front door and the four characters carved on the front door, his eyes narrowed more tightly.


the four big characters are not hard to recognize. The characters are penetrating and powerful. They even have an indescribable magic, which makes it hard to move away at a glance.

Ning Chen feels hard to speak in his heart. If anyone is him, I'm afraid it's the same feeling. If it's not the prank of Yongye cult, it's really shocking.

If hell exists, what about the king of hell and the king of Tibet.

If the underworld is true, where is the underworld!

Ning Chen slowly pushed open the front door of the body, he wants to see, what is the world after this nether world in the end!

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