In the end, Yaoguang King stepped into the Jedi, his sword meaning rose endlessly, separated nine days, cut off the world of mortals, the most amazing sword, shocked the whole central region, and the whole world looked sideways.

The supreme man in the world praised him with all his strength and helped the White Emperor shake the light to resist the death of the Dragon burial Jedi. In the eyes of the public, the White Emperor gradually disappeared.

Seeing the legend of a hundred years ago go to death, the Supreme Master of all religions can only shake his head helplessly and retreat temporarily.

They don't have the supreme help in the world, and they don't have the amazing power of Yaoguang king. Today, they are doomed not to enter.

As the sun sets, chariots leave in the void, waiting for the day when they are ready, Zaisi will join hands to break into the forbidden area.

"Immortality is useless, immortality is foolish"

looking at the corpses scattered before the Jedi, the butterfly in the flower said a little, not light or heavy, only two people could hear it.

Ning Chen is silent and doesn't evaluate anything. It's really useless to live forever, but her life hasn't started yet. How can she sleep in the coffin.

He didn't ask her a lot, for example, why she always liked to wear a red wedding dress, and why she always wore a red cap. She was so beautiful that she was more beautiful than any other woman in the world.

Unable to see someone's calm appearance when he was young and mature, huazhongdie stepped forward, pulled a smile out of someone's face, and said, "you see, I say you are not a good person. With one piece of news, how many great masters have been harmed"

Ning Chen managed to get rid of the devil's claw, thought about it, and gave a smile reluctantly, and said, "go back, there's no trouble in tears, It hasn't been solved yet "

" Oh, I thought you were just trying to hurt people and forget that little girl, "Hua zhongdie joked.

"Can't forget"

Ning Chen said in a soft voice.

As for the devil's wheel sea, since it is known to the world, I believe that from now on, more and more people will come. Not everyone can resist the fear of death and the temptation of longevity.

These great religions, which have been handed down for thousands of years, always need some skills. He will watch and wait for them to break through the immortal temple.

In the palace of Bauhinia, red without tears sat on the couch with her knees in her hands. Her eyes were dull, silent, silent, and even motionless.

Purple king came, looked at the figure on the couch, sighed gently, a touch of gentle color rose on the beautiful face, and said, "no tears, is your body better?"

Red without tears raised his head, immediately again low, from beginning to end, look no change.

purple king as like as two peas, she is almost the same as her mother, stubbornly distressed.

"What happened in the end, say it out, Lianyi is in charge for you." Purple King sat by the bed, stroked the former's hair and asked softly.

She could see that Wu Lei was very afraid of the young man who came to visit that day. She could not pretend that fear.

At the same time, the two figures in the dark king's palace sat opposite each other, drinking wine and talking to each other.

"Thank you for your letter," the dark king said quietly.

"Polite, just, dark king failed to red no tears back, really let me some accident" rather Chen picked up the glass, light sipping way.

"Purple King's strength is stronger than expected. In addition, in the Bauhinia palace, there is a steady stream of blessing. It's not difficult to defeat her, but it's not easy," dark king said honestly.

Ning Chen's eyes flashed a different color, put down the wine cup, looked up at the scholar like king in front of him, and said seriously, "the death of the red king, the dark king thinks, who is in charge of it?"

"Purple king, or Green King" dark king.


Ning Chen laughs, and the clever answer is that there are only two kings in the world except himself.

"What does the dark king think of the red king?" Ning Chen asks at will.

"Proud, brave, but too sharp, and too trusting of others, in a word, Mangfu" dark king tone with a trace of irony, said.

"It seems that the evaluation is not high. It's said that the dark king is the best friend of the red king. This answer is surprising," says Ning Chen.

"Friend two words, is that Mangfu said, this king has never admitted" dark king light way.

"In this way, the dark king may also be the murderer who unites Luo to kill the red king." Ning Chen turns his mouth and says.

"If I want to kill him, why should I join hands with others?" the dark king said coldly.

"Dark king is so confident," Ning Chen said with a smile.

The dark king didn't want to say anything more about this topic. He drank a glass of wine and said calmly, "the gossip has been finished. Should you explain the purpose of this trip?"

Ning Chen smiles and says, "I'm here to make a deal with the dark king"

"what deal" is the dark king's way.

"I help the dark king to deal with the Green King or the purple king. When the murderer is put to death, Wang Jie belongs to me." Ning Chen refills the two people's glasses with wine and says.

The dark king's eyes narrowed and said, "how do you know who is the murderer"?

"who is the murderer in the hands of the red Yuan Wang Jie?" Ning Chen said faintly.

"What if I don't"Dark king tone suddenly turns cold, way.

Ning Chen didn't care, and said slowly, "if the dark king doesn't agree, then today, I'll tell the Green King or the purple king who the murderer is. It doesn't mean anything to me. My goal is just a king's ring, so if I'm not lucky and choose the murderer as an ally, I'm really sorry. I won't care if I kill a king in vain"

hearing the former, The dark king's eyes were even colder. After a long time, the coldness disappeared and he said, "deal"

"I wish you a happy cooperation. I'll leave first. I'll see you in front of the Green King's palace at midnight tonight"

Ning Chen finished the wine in his glass, immediately got up and said with a smile.

Dark king nodded, calm down.

Outside the palace, the butterfly in the flower was waiting. Seeing Ning Chen coming out, he appeared in front of him and said in a soft voice, "how about it?"

"Tonight hand" rather Chen should way.

"Didn't you say that King Qing was the least suspect? Why did you start with him first?" The butterfly in the flower does not understand to ask a way.

"The existence of the Green King is the key to ease the relationship between the three kings. When the Green King has an accident, the opposition between the dark king and the purple king will become more superficial, and the red yuan ring in the hands of no tears will be more valuable," Ning Chen replied.

Today, the three kings are at odds with each other and distrust each other. That's why his three letters can play the most important role. Tonight, many things will slowly come to the surface to break the triangular balance.

"That wench will be ok?" the butterfly in the flower has a little worry, way.

"Can't, now this wench is the safest, at least, before the red Yuan Wang Jie appears, no matter purple king or dark king, temporarily won't let her have an accident" rather Chen should way.

As night falls, the moon comes to the center, and the cold wind blows the withered trees. In front of the Green King's palace, the king in gray clothes is still waiting. Not long after, the beautiful shadow of blue clothes appears, step by step, wearing the moon.

"It's you?" Dark king recognized the person, this is the woman who sent the letter that day, the strength is unfathomable, even he can't see the depth.

"Let's go," said the butterfly.


the dark king nodded and didn't ask much. It's enough to have this woman to cooperate with him.

In the QingWang palace, all the officials under the king perform their duties as usual. In the palace, the young kings in Qingyi are also meticulous in handling political affairs.

All of a sudden, a cold wind came up, the killing opportunity was coming, the void in front of the hall was rolling, two figures came out, and the strong breath made all the ministers present look dignified.

Before the table, the king of Qing was giving instructions on political affairs. He put down his pen, got up and looked at the ministers in the palace. He said calmly, "you all go down"

"my king"

the thirteen ministers of the king changed their looks and said in a hurry.

"Back down"

the blue eyes were cold and cheered.

The king's order should not be violated. Although the ministers in the temple were worried, they could only respectfully accept the order and reluctantly withdrew.

After the ministers retreated, the Green King calmly looked at the dark king in front of him and said, "is that you?"

"No," the dark king denied.

The Green King stared at the former for a long time, but didn't say whether he believed it or not. He stretched out his hand and pulled out his sword. He said faintly, "you want to get rid of me, dark king. Are you ready to pay the price?"


with one step, the dark king's breath rises sharply, and at the next moment, it turns into a gray streamer to the palace.

In the battle between the sword and the palm, the aftershocks are everywhere. The sword and the ring are reflected, showing a dazzling brilliance. In a moment of stalemate, the long sword is awning, the narrow sword is sharp, and the sword is deadly.

Wang Jian turns his power, blocks the light of the threatening sword, and immediately turns his hand to meet him, and then shakes the power of dark Wang Xiong's hand.

There was a loud bang, the king's Hall trembled, and the lines were broken. It was hard to bear the power of the three strong men on the top, and quickly dispersed.

See the opponent extraordinary, butterfly figure flashing, foot strange step, knife line strange, extremely fast knife, never seen, everywhere machine front lock point.

Strange martial arts, surprising, Bi Chengkong with one enemy two, look unprecedented concentration, Wang Jian magnificent, refused to give way.

Outside the hall, above the void, the red clothes gather and watch the battle quietly.

The king fought bravely, and his strength could not be shaken. The king's sword and the king's precepts were blessed with strength. The invincible king did not show any weakness.

"Dark king, don't you take it seriously?"

Ning Chen looks at the war situation and says to himself that the butterfly in the flower will only take out half of his strength, and can't do it with all his strength. The key to this war is the dark king.

In the palace of the king, with a bang, the sword palms fight again. The remaining waves open, and the three of them step back together.

"Bi Chengkong, offended"

with a sound of offending, the stone slab of the dark king collapses and rises. At the next moment, the terrible air blows away, and a black magic weapon appears, which looks like a knife but not a knife, or a sword but not a sword. The oppressive breath stirs up the clouds above the palace, and the king's utensils that haven't been produced for a hundred years reappear in the world.

"Sunset flying alone"

seeing the magic soldiers coming out, the Green King's face was frozen, the king's sword was flying, the green light was shining, and a bright sword crossed the king's palace and swept the front.

The dark king holds the army, moves and kills, and the divine edge shakes the king's sword. Suddenly, the dazzling red drops down his highness."Green King, you are defeated"

the blade appears silently, one inch in front of the king's throat, cold and sharp, just like a poisonous snake, and seems to pick someone to bite at any time.

"The king is defeated by the bandits. There is nothing to say. Let's do it"

as soon as the king was stiff, he relaxed again. He took a look at them and said plainly.

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