Jingfeng City, the moon is bright and the stars are rare. In front of Wenxuan palace, the red clothes stand still, and the thoughts in the eyes keep flashing.

From today's battle with Xi piaozhu, it can be seen that the influence of the evil robbery on him is more serious than expected. The unstable body will bring him unpredictable danger.


Ning Chen whispered that there was only one real devil in the world except him.

Thinking of this, Ning Chen turns around and walks into the hall, directly toward yin'er's room.

The little girl was holding a big pillow and had a good sleep. It didn't look like she was going out at all.

"Sound son, wake up" rather Chen shook to shake small wench, call a way.


yin'er snorts, her eyes are awe inspiring, her face is wrinkled, she pushes away the person in front of her, turns around and continues to sleep.

"I want to go out, you go with me." Ning Chen continued to call.

"No Go "

yin'er pulls up the quilt, covers his head, and wraps himself up.

"Be obedient, sleep on the road"

Ning Chen pulled the quilt, took the little girl out of it and said in a soft voice,

"didn't you just come back, how did you go out again"

the sound of half asleep and half awake wrinkled her face and tried to fight back.

"Something's up, let's go"

Ning Chen picked up the little girl by force, took one side of the dress, put it on, and said.

"Can't you go by yourself"

the sound is like an octopus winding around the former, saying a word, and then falling asleep.

Ning Chen puts on clothes and shoes for her. Just as she puts them down, the little girl climbs into bed consciously and sleeps soundlessly.

"Women are all in the same trouble"

Ning Chen picked up the little girl, put her back behind her, and immediately walked out of the hall.

If he didn't worry that the bald donkey would feel the lack of human breath in him, he really wanted to throw the little girl out of the window.

Outside the Yanyun mountain, the ancient Golden Buddha Temple, under the Zhenyao tower, Bodhi sits upright, and his body is circled one by one, repairing the injuries of the first World War of the new year.

In the golden light, there is a trace of black evil spirit, which conflicts with the Buddha's power, making the immortal body of Buddha have irreparable defects.

In the past, the head of the three Buddhists in the western region has now come to the point where it is difficult to distinguish between human beings and ghosts. Who is to blame and who can tell.

Buddhists are selfless, dedicated to the common people in the world, killing demons and demons. They have never been more than half utilitarian and selfish.

The way of Buddha is becoming more and more difficult day by day. Gradually, I don't know where I am.

Outside the Golden Buddha Temple, a beautiful shadow in a blue and white dress stands still. The demon worships Bai Yun Lian and waits for the enemy of the demon Qi Luo for many days, waiting for the Bodhi to come out of the tower.

At this time, the little girl in red appeared with her sleeping on her back, stepped on the stone steps in front of the temple and walked to the temple.

Wrong body but pass of moment, rather Chen stop, looking at the woman of one side, calm way, "still waiting?"

"En" white cloud practice nods, way.

"You can't kill him now"

Ning Chen told the truth that Bodhisattva is the supreme peak in the world. Although after the demonization, the Buddha and the devil collide and the body power declines, it's still out of reach.

Baiyun practice silence, a moment later, the way, "can you help me?"

Ning Chen shakes his head and says, "now I can't help you. Once again, I advise you that revenge is not urgent. Even if he is injured by jianzun, no one can kill him as long as he is still in the Golden Buddha Temple"

the demon suppressing tower has too much help for Bodhisattva's body. Unless the suppression tower is destroyed, otherwise, the Golden Buddha Temple will be the forbidden place for demons and demons.

"What are you doing here?" The white cloud practices don't understand a way.

"You said earlier that you once worked with a demon to deal with Bodhisattva, and I want the whereabouts of him"

Ning Chen replied that Xia Ziyi was seriously injured and was rescued by two women. Bai Jiao entered the world for the first time, and he was not familiar with the strong man in the world, but Bodhisattva must know.

Xia Ziyi has been on the road of demonization for a long time. Maybe he can get some inspiration from it.

"That person won the hand of Bodhisattva, probably won't live," Baiyun Lian said in a low voice.

"Is dead is alive, see just know, I went first" rather Chen way.

"If it's not convenient, yin'er can stay with me first." Baiyun Lian looks at the little girl on the back of the person in front of her and says.

"No need"

Ning Chen shook his head and immediately opened the temple door and stepped into it.

In front of the pagoda, Ning Chen comes and looks at the pagoda with golden light. His eyes are slightly narrowed.

Seeing the pagoda, he thought of the impregnable green tripod turtle shell of the Phoenix.

It's not easy to destroy the tower.

"Amitabha, benefactor, it's too late today, please come again tomorrow." a little monk kept coming forward to block the way.

Ning Chen waves his hand. A jade talisman appears in his hand and hands it to the little monk. He calmly says, "send this talisman into the tower."The little monk was puzzled. After feeling the strong pressure on the jade amulet, he realized that he couldn't deal with it. He took the jade amulet and walked quickly to the tower.

In the Zhenyao tower, Bodhisattva, who was still suppressing the wounded, felt someone entering the tower, opened his eyes, looked at the little monk coming, and said calmly, "what's the matter?"

"Tell the venerable, someone outside asked his disciples to send this talisman." the little monk handed out the jade talisman and said respectfully.

Bodhi Zun took it, a little light flashed in his eyes, alliance talisman.

"What does the person who asked you to send the amulet look like?" Bodhisattva said.

"It's a young man in red with a sleeping girl on his back. There's nothing special about it," the little monk replied.

"Young man in red"

Bodhisattva whispered that he had a certain understanding of the identity of the bearer. There could only be one young man in red who could have this talisman, the magistrate of Daxia.

Thinking of this, Bodhisattva got up and walked out.

After seeing the Buddha walking out, Ning chenjing said with a smile, "Bodhisattva, I haven't seen you for a long time. Don't be hurt"

"Zhiming Hou, do you want revenge?" Bodhisattva waved back the jade talisman and asked.

"Wrong, I'm here as a military strategist of the five regions alliance. I'm asking you about it." Ning Chen takes over Yu Fu and answers.

Bodhisattva looked calm and said, "what's the matter?"

"The whereabouts of Xia Ziyi, the identity of the person who rescued him that day, you don't know," Ning Chen said lightly.

After a moment of silence, Bodhisattva said, "at that time, there were two people, one of them, I don't know. As for the other, he was far away from the war and didn't make a direct move. However, according to his breath, we can vaguely judge that his identity was probably Luo Shen and Mi Fei"

"Oh, it's her?"

Ning Chen in the heart tiny startle, again is this mysterious and unpredictable woman.

"What's the origin of this person?" Ning Chen returned to his mind and said.

"Luoshui God" Bodhisattva replied truthfully.

Ning Chen smell speech, Mou son a MI, God?

These two words are not commonly used in the human world, just like the four elephant gods, they are strange beings coexisting with heaven and earth.

Of course, without any modification, when the word "God" is used, the only person to refer to is the one who transcends everything, namely, Hades and Qijue heaven.

I didn't expect that Luoshen was not a human being. No wonder this woman was only in the semi Zun realm, and she knew what to say and how to follow.

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