In Tianheng City, the unconscious jianzun is lying in a wheelchair, and a maid pushes the former out to breathe.

In the first battle of wufengyuan, the only sword on the two swords was the end of the sword, which transcended the boundaries of the world. However, the two swords were subject to the physical body and could not bear the sword beyond the boundaries.

In the end, Yaoguang king died in battle, Mu Changge's spirit was severely damaged, his meridians were broken, and he became a living dead man.

With the loss of Yaoguang king, the peak fighting power of all religions in Zhongzhou was severely damaged. Similarly, Tianfu could not bear such a huge blow.

The God of war in Tianfu is the belief and status of thousands of warriors in Tianfu, even no longer under the star worship.

Not far away, Chao Tianxi came, looking at Mu Changge sleeping in his wheelchair, with a dim look. For the future of Tianfu, together with jianzun, they have lost ten human supremacies and thousands of inborn strongmen.

The war of survival should not be retreated. In order to give Tianfu people shelter, Tianfu must win this war.

"Star Zun" East tour, the venerable came forward, respectful way.

"Is it really impossible for jianzun to recover from his injury?" Chaotianxi opens his mouth.

The eastern patrol master was silent and nodded. He had tried his best. He had tried danta's medicine, but this time, it was useless.

Innate, after all, is not really immortal, recovery ability has a limit, once the injury is too heavy, it can not regenerate.

"I know, you go down first," chaotianxi waved.

The leader of the eastern patrol took the order and turned back.

"Changge, the strength of the industry, is much stronger than imagined. My body is seriously damaged, and it is difficult to exert my full strength. What's more, Tianfu time is running out, and I can't shut up for a long time to heal. Changge, I need your help," Chao Tianxi sighs.

A whisper echoed in the quiet courtyard, but the sword Zun in the wheelchair didn't respond and didn't move.

In the past, the God of war in Tianfu could no longer stand up.

Jingfeng City, Wenxuan palace, Ning Chen stands in front of the window, looking at the night sky outside, eyes light constantly flashing.

Tomorrow, I hope it will be the last war. As long as Tianfu star is defeated, this war will be over soon.

"How can you help this human world, demon, you make the heaven more and more unable to understand?" the voice of mixed men and women rang out and said.

"Why not?" Ning Chen asks in reply.

"I can feel that you don't care about the rise and fall of this world. Why do you want to help?" Too God does not understand the way.

"It's just a promise with one person," Ning Chen said quietly.

"Devil, never a trustworthy race, you make me look at each other with new eyes again," 49 men and women said in unison.

"You don't need other people to judge your words and deeds. If you don't want to disappear in this world with me tomorrow, you'd better help me." Ning Chen said lightly.

"The Tianfu star Zun, if the injury is really like what you said, you will have at least 60% chance of winning tomorrow's battle by calculating with your mind.

"A strong man in fairyland is not in fairyland if he loses so easily. Do you really think we have a 60% chance of winning the battle tomorrow?" Ning Chen is indifferent.

"When you are in danger, you can give me the leading power of your body, and I will help you out of danger," suggested Tai Shangtian.

"Do you think it's possible, or do you think Zhiming is stupid to such a degree that it's too God. Now you and I are one, with all the glory and all the loss, hiding clumsiness, it's not good for you and me," Ning Chen said sarcastically.

"Devil, the greedy nature is hard to change after all. You have mastered Liangyi array, and you have Fengyuan and Moqi with completely opposite attributes in your body at the same time. You alone can start the battle. Tomorrow's battle, even if the three of them are killed, you will be fine," the supreme heaven replied.

Ning Chen smiles coldly and says, "there are so many people in this world who claim to be just. However, in the end, it's me, the devil, who is going to run for the world. You are not qualified to judge me. No one is qualified. In addition, mu qianshang won't fight to death, and they have no obligation to fight to death. I'm here, the whole world They won't die when they're all dead "

" madman "said 49 people in a deep voice.

"Too God, don't measure a demon with human thinking. I'm willing to keep my promise, just because I'm willing. However, the demon's patience is limited. When I don't want to, you will know what the real demon is," Ning Chen said coldly.

"You can't kill heaven," 49 people said calmly.

"Is it?"

Ning Chen sneered and said, "I can't kill you, but stepping on fairyland, do you think that if I withdraw from this war now, in exchange for peace in the eastern region and your life, will Tianfu xingzun agree?"

Forty nine Taoist leaders were silent. After a long time, they said, "what do you want?"

"Absolute law of life protection, not only my life, but also their life of muqianshang" Ning Chen cold voice way.

"Daomen taboo, Taishang forbidden sword" 49 people slowly way.

……The next day, in the meeting hall, all the dignitaries gathered together. Ning Chen looked at one of the human dignitaries in front of him and said, "let's go"


all the dignitaries took the order and immediately left the hall together.

"Military strategist, don't you really need the help of the highest level of combat power in the world?" Zhao Liusu worried.

Ning Chen took a look at the three people waiting outside the hall and said, "they are the most powerful fighting forces"

although these friends who used to work together in the same boat are only half of them, their fighting power will not be inferior to anyone. In addition, the most important thing is that they are trustworthy.

Tacit understanding requires absolute trust. Only with these people can he confidently hand over his back in battle.

Outside the meeting hall, Ning Chen walks out, looks at the three people and says in a soft voice, "as soon as the time arrives, start right away"

"what if you can't fight?" Mu qianshang asks.

"Don't worry about anything, run," Ning Chen said without hesitation.

"Zhiming, have you really learned sword from master?" Jian Er sighed.

"Compare me with master mubai, that's to discredit master mubai. Brother Jian, don't expect too much of me." Ning Chen smiles.

"It's OK, I support you." Luo Xingchen patted the former on the shoulder and said, "if you can't fight, you can run. It's only natural that you can save your life"

Jian Er shook his head helplessly. He who is close to the ink is black. Now he is about to be brainwashed by these guys.

At the front line of the two armies, the supreme combat power of the alliance suddenly went into trouble, and the Tianfu army, which had the advantage, immediately fell into crisis and gradually retreated.

In the city of Tianheng, Xiao bieli, who is repairing and transmitting the great array, received the battle report and immediately ordered to mobilize the supreme combat power of the ten cities to support the front line.

One of the most important people left. At this time, a secret message came to chaotianxi.

The content of the letter is very simple, with few figures, but it is the most expected result.

I'm going to the front line of the two armies!

"Prime minister, you guard Tianheng City, I will kill Zhiming Hou." chaotianxi walked out and said.

Xiao bieli's eyes flashed a touch of condensation color, and said, "xingzun, the situation is not right, it is likely to be a plan"

"it's an opportunity, their supreme fighting power is restrained by our supreme, it's hard to get away. As long as you get rid of Zhiming Hou this time, the war will soon end," Chao Tianxi said coldly.

"It's better to send someone to test him first, so that you can know the danger of him going out of the city," Xiao said.

"It's too late. Heaven is at ease. Even if I'm injured, there are not three or five nobles in the world to stop me. Moreover, the nobles in the world of the Allied forces can't be too many out of thin air. Even if I can't kill the Zhiming Marquis, I won't be in danger"

as I speak, chaotianxi steps up in the air and disappears into the northern sky in a flash.

Xiao had no time to stop him. Looking at the north, his eyes became more and more worried.

In the north of Zhongzhou, thousands of miles away from the front line of the two armies, Ning Chen went forward alone. Suddenly, the air pressure of heaven and earth suddenly dropped, and the boundless pressure dropped. It was just clear, and the sky was covered with dark clouds.

"Heaven is coming"

Ning Chen whispers that the strong man who steps on fairyland really surpasses the supreme one in the world. Before he shows up, he has such amazing breath.


just at this moment, a blue arrow straight into the sky, powerful power, instantly shot the dark cloud out of a hundred Zhang square gap.

The next moment, the power of the arrow dissipates. In the gap, a woman who looks like a banished immortal falls. She dances in white, and her green arrow smashes.

"Only the four of you?" Chaotianxi opens his mouth and calms down.

"Kill you, that's enough"

mu qianshang and Jian walked out, one left and one right.

In the distance, the sky bow of star trace, the convergence of star light, and the cyan arrow light show up again.

"Zhiming Hou, you are wise all your life, but today's mistake will make you bury your bones here forever." chaotianxi's eyes are cold, he says.

"It's no use saying more, let's do it," said Ning Chen lightly.

"As you wish"

the words fall, the moon is white and the light is shining. Chaotianxi takes the initiative and breaks through the air.

"Liangyi, open array"

Taishi comes out, Liangyi appears, ningchen points to Ningyuan, crosses the sword body, bathes qianshang, and the two swords cooperate with luck at the same time. In an instant, two lights of black and white rush into the sky, above the void, Taiji reappears, and Liangyi array opens.

The combination of yin and Yang in the array, reincarnation rotation, endless, chaotianxi square into the array, standing feeling pressure hit, palm instant weak for several minutes.

With a resounding sound, the two formations rotate. Mu qianshang takes over the sword first. The flames of the landscape sword rise, and the strength of the palm passes by. Most of the power is weakened. Then the Yin formation turns to the light of the sword, and the sword comes out in the cold.

A move differentiation, two people take the move, yin and Yang, powerful palm power Mi Hua in No.

The extraordinary array and exquisite fighting method, just a move, make chaotianxi look dignified. What a wise Marquis, not only brings the Yin Yang array out of Jingfeng City, but also evolves it to such a degree.This person must not stay.


thinking of this, Chao Tian Xi's voice condenses his Qi, regardless of the injury in his body, and forces on his body. In an instant, Qingsi breaks through the shackles, dances wildly, and steps on the immortal's power.

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