Wenxuan palace, on the eve of the peace talks, mu qianshang and Luo Xingchen, Jian Er appears to say goodbye. Before that, he left his own business to help. Now it's time to leave.

Lime brought wine, even if it didn't disturb the four.

Men's feelings, women often do not understand, do not need to understand.

Yin'er sits in front of the door, holding her small head in both hands, looking at the four people, bored and dazed.

"Know your destiny, respect your good friends" Ning Chen starts the wine circle, zhengse road.


when the wine circles collided with each other, their hearts were speechless in the wine. They took a big sip of the wine, bitter and spicy, and tasted their own.

"Zhiming, I will wait for you in the deserted city. After finishing the work here, don't forget our engagement." Jianer put down the wine jar and left first.

"I'll see you later too"

the setting star also put down the wine jar, waved and walked away.

"Good friend, take care"

finally, mu qianshang said goodbye, immediately looked at yin'er and said with a smile, "yin'er, grow up quickly and be a bride for brother qianshang"

"I don't want to"

yin'er quickly shook her head and refused.

"It's so shocking"

mu qianshang laughed and left freely.

"Take care"

in front of Wenxuan palace, Ning Chen looks at the three people's disappearing back and whispers.

It's hard to see each other and it's hard to say goodbye. I don't know when to say goodbye this time.

"These people are growing up really fast," sighed Ling as she walked out.

"The pride of heaven can't be lost to anyone. They are the only ones left in the once prosperous land of China," Ning Chen sighs.

Master, Daokui, mubai, master of Yongye, Jianyi, Marquis of triumph How many peaks of martial arts, even if restricted by heaven and earth, cultivation is difficult to inch into, however, the final achievement of martial arts, still proud of the world.

If they are still alive, there is no fear of anyone in China.

"Where are you going after the peace talks?" Asked the lime.

"Find Tianfu xingzun to talk about it, and then continue to look for the whereabouts of the immortal corpse tour," Ning Chen replied.

"What about me?" The sound opens its mouth and declares its sense of existence.

Ning Chen squats down the body, rubbed to rub the hair of small wench, light voice way, "sound son, you come out of time is not short, want to go back?"

Yin'er patted off her big hand and pursed, "you're tearing down a bridge across the river"


Ning Chen said with a smile, "you can follow me, I'll teach you martial arts, the real martial arts"

on one side, the lime smelt the words, and her face coagulated, and understood what it meant.

"Have you decided?" Asked the lime.


Ning Chen nodded and said with a smile, "besides chi'er, I haven't really accepted any disciples. Didn't sister Qingling say that I have to bear the responsibility of being a man? If I owe the sword master the kindness, I'll give it back to yin'er"

"can I not call you Shifu?" The sound son tries a way.

"Yes, whatever you want to call is OK. I asked you to call elder brother Ning before, but you haven't called it either." Ning Chen chuckled.

Yin'er nodded happily and said, "then you have to accompany me back to the sword casting villa and tell the sword master's grandfather about this"

"well, after the peace talks tomorrow, we'll go," Ning Chen said.

"I'm going to prepare for the ceremony," said green.

"Don't be so troublesome"

with that, Ning Chen waved his right hand, and on the table in the hall, a wine glass flew in front of the little girl.

"Yiner, give me a glass of wine," Ning Chen said.

Yin'er picks up the wine jar, pours a cup, and immediately brings it to the front of the former. With a smile, she says, "don't go back"

Ning Chen smiles, takes the wine from the little girl's hand, drinks it all, and officially recognizes the disciple.

Next to him, lime shook his head helplessly. What a messy ceremony.

"Teacher worship ceremony!" At the end of the ceremony, yin'er spread out her little hand and said with a strong sense.

Ning Chen stretched out his hand and gently touched the little girl's forehead. All of a sudden, the complicated scriptures didn't enter the latter's spiritual consciousness.

"What is this?" Sound son shook to shake small head, don't understand a way.

"Book of heaven" Ning Chen whispered.

Sound smell speech, big eyes flash a strange color, Tianshu? I seem to have heard of it.

"Don't tell anyone that a lot of people want to rob it, understand?" Ning Chen reminds a way.

"Well, I understand"

Yin Er nodded his head and answered.

After finishing this, Ning Chen thought about it, got up and looked at the woman in front of her, and said, "sister lime, in case, I mean in case, my identity is accidentally exposed, and I'll ask you to take care of all the religions in the world again"

"don't say anything frustrating, there won't be such a day," she said softly.

Ning Chen smile, no more said, future things, who also don't know, the existence of the devil, after all, is not allowed by the world.

"Sister lime, what are you talking about?" The sound son listens to of misty, don't understand a way."Some little things, yin'er, don't disturb your master's rest. Go to sister Qingling today," said Qingling.

"Good" voice nodded.

Soon after, Qingling leaves with Yiner, and Ning Chen stands alone in front of Wenxuan palace, thinking in her eyes and passing by.

"Devil, you shouldn't take her as an apprentice." forty nine men and women's voices rang out and said.

"I want to do what, need not you tube" rather Chen cold voice way.

"The more you care about, the more impossible it will be for you to survive. This is self destruction," taishangtianjing said.

"Isn't that what you'd like to see?" Ning Chen satirizes a way.

"You have not done harm to the world, and you have made great contributions to the world. It's too God to be a person who can't distinguish right from wrong," the 49 people said in unison.

"What do you think, I don't care. When it's over, I'll keep my promise and find the right body for you. After that, you and I don't owe each other," Ning Chen said lightly.

Heaven was silent. After a moment, he sighed softly and said, "demon, please advise me that no matter what the reason, your identity can't be exposed. Don't test people's heart, because people's heart can't stand any test"

Ning Chen didn't answer again. He looked at the sky and thought silently.

The next day, at the front line of the two armies, the supreme leaders of the two territories appeared together. The leaders, chaotianxi, Xiao bieli, Zhao Liusu, lishanzun and others, looked at each other and sat down to discuss the peace talks.

The two sides had a whole day's discussion on specific matters, during which there were quite a lot of disputes, but they finally reached a consensus.

Outside the camp, Ning chenjing did not participate in the negotiations.

Peace is hard won. He has done what he should do. Whether he can really maintain this peace depends on the sincerity of Tianfu and all the religions in the world.

As the sun was setting, chaotianxi and Xiao walked out of the barracks with emotion. Anyway, the war was over.

"Heaven, order to go down, the whole army retreat," chaotianxi whispered.


Xiao bieli took the order and immediately went to the army of Tianfu.

Chaotianxi saw Zhiming not far away, thought about it and walked over.

Ning Chen looks at the sky mansion star Zun that comes, a tiny smile, way, "these soon talk over?"? I thought that it would take several days to talk "

" as long as the people in our territory can be peacefully accepted in the world, the rest, no matter how much concession they make, will be worth it, "Chao Tianxi whispered.

"If there were more people like xingzun in the five regions, I think Tianfu would have been defeated in this war," Ning Chen said with a smile on his face.

"Zhiming Hou, my territory has never lost to the boundary, just lost to you," said Chao Tianxi calmly.

Ning Chen faintly smiles and says, "it's meaningless to talk about winning or losing. Xingzun, I hope my identity can be kept secret. It's not good for anyone"

Chao Tianxi nods his head gently and says, "I understand, but I'm really not worth it for you. In this way, Zhongzhou religions are not worth helping them"

"I've never helped Zhongzhou"

Ning Chen looks at it After the negotiation, he said calmly, "xingzun, up to now, I might as well tell you the truth. If Tianfu's strength is only equivalent to a Zhongzhou, I will never participate in this war. However, Tianfu's strength exceeds Zhongzhou's too much. Maybe xingzun is not belligerent. He just hopes to find a place for Tianfu's people. However, other Tianfu people, after successfully fighting Zhongzhou, will be happy Can you stop them when they lose, but can you stop them when they win? People, after all, are not saints. They are always chasing more interests. This is their nature and can't be changed "

Chao Tianxi is silent. After a moment, he whispers," knowing your destiny, your understanding of people's heart is really frightening "

" you have experienced more and more, it's hard to understand It's just a lesson to remember, "Ning Chen said.

Since he became Marquis, he has seen too many things, such as fickleness, betrayal, slander, praise, gratitude, expectation In this world, the most valuable is the heart, the most filthy is still the heart.

"Xingzun, there is one thing I don't understand all the time. Why was your injury more serious than that in Jingfeng city Ning Chen turns head, don't understand a way.

In the first World War ten days ago, they were able to win something unexpected. Originally, in his prediction, their chance of winning was at most 50%.

"Half a month ago, the immortal corpse parade passed through Tianheng city and collided with our territory. I had to stop it. Unfortunately, it still failed," Chao Tianxi said truthfully.

Ning Chen look a shock, way, "immortal corpse cruise?"? Where are you going?

"in the East, it should be the eastern China," Chao Tianxi said.

Ning Chen hears speech, in the eye bursts out dazzling ray of light, calculate time, at that time he is also in East region, missed?

"Zhiming Hou, I still have something to arrange. Let's go first and see you later"

looking at the changing look of the former, Chao Tianxi didn't ask much and said goodbye.

"See you later" Ning Chen returns to his mind and answers.

Chaotianxi took a look at the Western sunset, and immediately followed the direction of the retreat of the army.Ning Chen looks at the figure that the former goes away gradually, lightly a sigh, finally, all ended.

At this moment, the eyes that Ning Chen stares at suddenly ruthlessly shrink, the facial expression changes dramatically.


in the distance, chaotianxi is unprepared. Behind him, two figures appear, one is purple, the other is gold, and the other is majestic.

The blood sprayed into the sky reddened the sky, and even reddened the expectation of peace. Looking back, Chao Tianxi looked through them and looked at the distant Zhiming Hou. At this moment, he was full of false faith and regret.

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