In Mingzi guest room, they have been talking for more than half an hour. Xiaoyue seems to know everything about hongluan Xingyu. In just half an hour, Ning Chen has a general understanding of this Xingyu.

Ning Chen thought for a long time and said, "the last thing, is there a way to bring the dead back to life?"

In his sad eyes, Mo Shao flashed a strange light, nodded slowly, and said, "maybe. It's rumored that in ancient times, the Lord of the eastern fairy kingdom tried to revive a woman, and it's said that the immortal peach tree of the queen mother of the West was snatched by the Lord of the eastern fairy kingdom at that time"

Ning Chen frowned and said, "is there more than one fairy kingdom in the eastern fairy kingdom?"


Mo Shao nodded sadly and said, "the sky is vast, and even the real immortals can't cross it. It's not surprising that there will be four fairylands. However, among the four fairylands, the strongest one is the East fairyland, because the leader of the East fairyland at that time was the strongest one in the four fairylands, and there was no one to rival."

"has the method of resurrection of the East fairyland been handed down?" Ning Chen doubts to ask a way.


Mo Shaoai shook his head and said, "after the destruction of the four fairylands, the leader of the East fairyland also disappeared. Since then, no one has seen his trace, and the method of death also disappeared"

Ning Chen is silent. In this way, the fairyland where the fairy temple is located should be the East fairyland. But who is the plain white figure that covers nine days and ten places and whose breath is comparable to the underworld The Lord?

"Brother Ning, if you want to know more about the fairyland, you can go to Moxing. In hongluan star field, Mozhu is the closest to the real immortal," Mo Shaoai suggests.

"Thank you" Ning Chen nodded.

"It's just a fair deal. Brother Ning, is it time to fulfill your promise?" Mo Shaoai said calmly.

"When does it start?" Ning Chen asked.

"It's ok now"

Mo Shaoai put down his glass and said, "hongluan"

after ten minutes, the door creaked and opened. The veiled woman came in and saluted respectfully, saying, "landlord"

"hongluan, open the veil and let Mr. Ning have a look." Mo Shaoai said.

Red Luan hears speech, the body trembles, but dare not disobey the former's words, raised a hand to open the veil on the face.

When the veil was opened, it was a shocking scene. On the original white and moving face, a ferocious and terrifying sword mark crossed the whole face, destroying the appearance of the whole face. The flesh and blood turned out, making people look hairy.

Outside the room, the sound son quietly followed to come over, came to rather Chen side, when waiting to see red Luan face, the small hand that grasps big hand unconsciously trembled for a while.

"Sword is good" rather Chen didn't care about the appearance of red Luan, looking at the sword mark, light evaluation way.

"How, are you sure?" Asked Mo Shaoai.

"Ten percent" Ning Chen said slowly.

"Ask brother Ning to do it." Mo Shaoai gets up and says.

Ning Chen nodded, stood up and waved. In the dazzling blue light, Tai Shi appeared sharp and Ling's spirit scattered.


it's too early to react. It's amazing. It's so fast that it's gone in a twinkling of an eye. Looking back, it's too early to stop and disappear.

"Yin'er, gone"

Ning Chen greets a little girl and says.

"Ah, oh!"

The sound son reaction comes over, hurriedly trot to follow up.

Keng, in the room behind him, the sound of the string rings. In the hands of Mo Shaoai, a trace of silver appears, which turns into streamer and seals the wound on hongluan's face.

The gossamer flew up and covered her face. Most of them stopped and said with a smile, "well, in three days, your face will be restored."

Hongluan's eyes are filled with tears and says, "thank you, master"


with a smile, she says, "thank you so lightly. In order to restore your appearance, the master Ning has taken away a lot of secret information. Hongluan, you should work hard in the future and earn more money to make up for today's loss"

hongluan Breaking tears into a smile, he said, "hongluan must live up to the expectations of the landlord"

"Tian" guest room, yin'er lying on the tea table, fiddling with the tea cup, and said, "Ning Chen, do you think hongluan's elder sister's appearance can be restored?"

Ning Chen stood in front of the window and thought about things. Hearing the little girl's question, he said, "can you"

"how do you know?" The sound son doubts a way.

"The owner of Xiaoyue building is a businessman, and he will not do business at a loss"

Ning Chen said calmly that since he has paid the reward, he can't work in vain. Businessmen are always haggard.


the sound seems to be incomprehensible. It can be cured anyway, and other things are not important.


Ning Chen looks at the little girl and says calmly, "I'm sorry"

he owes Yiner this apology. He promised to take good care of her. However, he abandoned her that day on Luojia mountain.

Yin'er was stunned. Tears flashed in her eyes. She immediately gave a brilliant smile and said, "I forgive you.""Yin'er, you haven't seen what your teacher looks like, have you?" Ning Chen turns to look out of the window and asks.


yin'er shakes her head in surprise.

"She's called ghost girl, the master of the contemporary hell. She's very beautiful and kind. She's kinder than all human beings. When she wakes up, you'll love her." Ning Chen's deep eyes flashed a flash of memory and whispered.

"What happened to her?" The sound son doesn't understand a way.

"I can't wake up for a while, but the master is trying to wake her up." Ning Chen looks back and tries to show a smile on her face. I don't know why, but she can't smile any more.

Yin'er, who is sensible, doesn't ask any more. She gets up and walks to the former, holding the big hand with her small hand, and says in a soft voice, "yin'er will work with you"

in the Mingzi guest room, most of them are drinking a glass of wine with a sigh in their heart. Behind each demon, there is a past that they don't want to mention. This man is the most special demon he has ever seen. He lost his heart, but he still tries to keep his promise.

"Yiner, let's go" Tianzi guest room, Ning Chen said.

"Where to?" Asked yin'er.

"Ink star, looking for fairy fate" Ning Chen should say.

Two people hand in hand out of the room, go downstairs, no farewell, no greetings, life passers-by, meet is fate, fate, will eventually fate.

Before Xiaoyue Chang'an, thousands of guards with swords came quickly. Because of the death of general Yinjia, they surrounded the whole restaurant.


the sound of the silk string rings out and sounds sweet. At the next moment, the heart of a guard standing in the way blooms and falls down.

A song from the war, farewell.

The brilliance of life, in the moment of disappearing, so dazzling, Xiaoyue landlord with the world's most beautiful scenery, farewell to Chang'an guests.

In the cold wind, before the dawn of Chang'an, the whole earth was stained with blood, and no one could stand.

Starry sky, when not chasing the immortal corpse, Ning Chen didn't walk so fast again, and walked away step by step with the sound.

The first time to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the starry sky, yin'er's face was very happy with a smile. She let go of her big hand and floated around by herself.

Ning Chen quietly follows behind, and there are no waves between his looks. Yin'er's foundation has been washed by Feng's blood. Although his cultivation is still shallow, he is not as strong as the ordinary postnatal.

"Ning Chen, hurry up" sound son turns head, Jiao voice shouts a way.

Ning Chen nods, the pace is faster a few minutes, followed up.

The starry sky is boundless. At a glance, you can't see the end. When people walk in it, it's like standing in the ocean. It's hard for the small naked eye to distinguish.

Go tired, sound son then lie prone on Ning Chen's back snore big sleep, change back to originally that heartless little girl.

Although Zhongzhou Zhujian villa is not the top strength, it is difficult to achieve any strength in the education of future generations.

A sword maker with the world in mind taught the word tolerance to later generations by taking himself as an example.

The kindness of yin'er becomes the only warmth around Ning Chen. Although it's hard to open the fallen devil's heart, Zhiming has to remember his promise all the time.

The little girl's hair hangs in front of her body and floats in the starry sky. Ning Chen gently pulls it behind her, and her feet become more stable, so that the little girl can sleep more comfortably.

The flash of black clothes in the starry sky swept towards the deep of hongluan's star field. On that day, the big hand covering the sky appeared from a distant star, which was shocking. If it wasn't too far away, it would be hard for him to retreat.

The master of ink in Xiaoyue's mouth, whose cultivation is close to the real fairyland, may be able to answer his long-standing questions.

As for hongluan star and yaochi Shenshui, he thought that he didn't need to worry about it in a short time.

Although he did not know what had happened, the Phoenix body had gone to hongluan star.

That sword, ruthless, not like Phoenix body style, but the real appeared in front of him.

As for the Phoenix body, he has absolute confidence. Among the three bodies, the Phoenix body is the master of wisdom. There is no influence of emotional factors in the heaven outside the body. The Phoenix body is the most difficult one to deal with.

Even in the face of irresistible danger, with the world's fastest Phoenix body, at least you can protect your life.

The agreement of three bodies, even if it is always difficult and life is not like death, we should do whatever we can to live. Because since the beginning of the integration of three bodies, life no longer belongs to one.

In this life, unless the ghost girl wakes up, the way to know her fate will go on.

"Ning Chen, how far is it?"

I don't know when, yin'er wakes up, pokes the face of the former with her hair, and asks in a delicate voice.

"Soon" Ning Chen soft voice way.

"To the ink star, you teach me to practice sword," yin'er continued.

"En" Ning Chen nods and answers.

In the deep of hongluan star field, on a huge life star, an old man in a white robe sits on the altar of Taoism. His body is full of colorful splendor and looks extraordinary.Mo master, the contemporary master of Mo star, is also the closest person to the true immortal in the whole hongluan star realm.

Under the Taoist altar, a well-known practitioner sat down and listened to master Mo's sermon.

Just at this time, on the ink star, an ethereal aura appeared. The aura possessed by different emperors and great religions was indistinct and indistinct. Even the most powerful on the big star could not see it.

On the Taoist altar, the ink master opened his eyes and looked at the abnormal atmosphere in the sky. There was a flash of light in his eyes that no one could understand.

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