Half a month later, Ning Chen's hair began to turn white, not much, black hair mixed with wisps of snow color, only when the cold wind blowing can see.

Hands of the fingers can no longer shed blood, tear blood scab is the same, Ning Chen hand a row, cut the right wrist, finally, there is blood flow down again.

Ningchen's blood was left everywhere on the lake, but the legendary rhombic crystal flower still didn't appear.

On the 20th day, the vitality of Ning Chen's body gradually faded. His hair was no longer white, but it was still not too much white. The difference was that no matter black or white, he was dyed with a touch of lifeless gray.


on the QianXue lake, Ning Chen coughed constantly, with severe pain in his internal organs, but he had no vomiting and bleeding recently.

The dry skin continues to crack in the cold wind. It's not blood, but more dry flesh. The next day, the life hanging by Dan has gradually dried up.

The effect of heartbreaking grass is getting smaller and smaller. It can last nearly two days and months at first, but now it can only last less than one day.

"Your vitality has already begun to fade, and the possibility of planting rhombic crystal flower is very small. If you can't save him (her), you will eventually destroy yourself." Mu qianshang came again, looking at the Red Lake, calmed down.

Ning Chen tired ground laughed to smile, didn't speak.

As long as aman lives, nothing else matters.

After a month, Ning Chen's blood seemed to run out, and none of his fingers and wrists could shed any more blood.

Fingers, wrists, a blood scab was opened again, however, opened the blood scab, some are only Bai Sensen's flesh and blood.

In fact, Ning Chen has already died, but with the existence of the next day Dan, he can't die.

If not he still can't die, rather Chen perhaps really already didn't want to persist to live again.

The wind is cold and the valley is green and frosty. The lonely swordsman is still lying still. His black-and-white cloak hunts with the wind. On one side, the snow sword is lying on the sword platform. Let the wind and frost blow, the sword tip occasionally drops red and falls to the ground, dyed red and white snow.

"Do you want to give up?" Mu qianshang half closed eyes opened, silver eyes flashed a touch of brilliance, light language way.

If there is no blood to grow, there is no hope.

All of a sudden, mu qianshang's body suddenly trembled, and his face changed for the first time.

"Lunatic" cold eyes look back, a startled color.

On the QianXue lake, the silver light around ningchen rises, and the majestic vitality slowly overflows from the heart. The long black and white hair is swaying in the cold wind, and in the dazzling light, a drop of extremely red blood flies down. When it falls into the snow, ningchen's face turns pale, and no blood color can be seen.

This is the essence of the heart, with a drop less than a drop, Ning Chen can survive today, all by unparalleled foundation, at this moment, forcing out the blood of the heart, no doubt self destruction foundation.


with a long hum, Ning Chen's whole life scattered at the speed visible to the naked eye, and his long hair was flying and dark.

The next moment, the cultivation of the seventh grade falls quickly, and returns to the realm of the fifth grade again, and it is still falling.

Broken heart grass is not much, this time, still haven't had time to take down, rather Chen then fainted.

Mu qianshang is silent, looking at Zhu Yan dripping from the snow sword, motionless.

The snow sword across the valley is still quietly across the Qingshuang Valley, like a natural moat, blocking the boundary between life and death. Outside the valley, the world is warm and cold, inside the valley, the world is hot and cold, and the life and death of Ning Chen are unknown. To live is luck, and to die is life.

In the Yueqin palace of Southern Xinjiang, Prince Yan continued his life day by day for aman, and was waiting day by day. One month later, he did not see the figure coming back. His calm eyes finally flashed a touch of sadness.

It has been more than a month, but he failed in the end.

Prince Yan sent out a letter that had been written long ago. He knew that Ning Chen had only one elder in the world, so this time, it was time for him to see him for the last time.

At the same time when the letter was sent out, the four month war between Daxia north, the Royal Court of northern Mongolia and Daxia finally began. After seven years of recuperation, the strength of the Royal Court of northern Mongolia reached a peak. This is the seven years of listening to the moon and being good at dancing. The wise men in the world were eclipsed.

The first battle of the Royal Court of northern Mongolia was successful. Most of the 100000 soldiers in beizhangyuan were killed and injured in the great Xia Dynasty, and they returned to the city of Yangui in confusion.

Once again, the name of military strategist spread all over the world.

The northern Wuhou guards the city of Yan Guicheng, and the Qinghe Hou guards the xingchaoguan, blocking the two roads that the northern Mongolian cavalry must pass southward.

The garrison of Yangui City, together with the 40000 soldiers after the defeat, integrated 170000 people and directly blocked the northern Mongolian army. The 100000 people brought by Qinghe Marquis from Qinghe city were stationed in xingchaoguan, which was also well prepared to prevent the northern Mongolian army from circling.

When the swordsman realizes the sword, the snow sword flies up and falls into the hands of the swordsman. The world of wind and snow is transient, and a mountain of water and ink painting is unfolding. The sky falls, the edge of the sword goes into the sky, and the black mountain white water is in the artistic conception of the sword.

The amazing swordsman is writing a legend. Under the waterfall, the swordsman dances and cuts across the sky with a sword. The snow color is bright and the water is still.

A moment later, the swordsman received the sword, his cold eyes flashed by, and the landscape painting quickly dissipated, and qingshuanggu was restored as before.Qingshuang Valley, in the center of QianXue lake, a figure sits in a wheelchair and does not move. Beside him, a beautiful ice flower blooms in the wind. The heart of the flower is as bright as blood. In the snow, the beauty is breathtaking.

Mu qianshang came slowly and looked at the crystal flower on the lake. With a wave of his hand, the crystal flower turned into a streamer and flew into his hand.

Outside the valley, the sound of horse's hooves came, mu qianshang's brow slightly wrinkled, his figure flashed and disappeared from the center of the lake.

In the carriage, a graceful and noble figure came out, accompanied by a young woman, with an imperceptible sadness on her soft face.

"The palace came to take him home," Chang Sun said, and immediately walked step by step toward the valley.

Mu qianshang's eyes shrank, but he didn't stop him. The dragon and Phoenix's jade crown and the Golden Dragon and Phoenix's tattooed clothes are undoubtedly the empress of today's summer, and the eldest grandson is carefree.

In the center of QianXue lake, Chang sun looks at the sleeping figure in his wheelchair, and the sadness in his eyes can no longer be covered.

"He can only live more time in Qingshuang Valley," Mu qianshang came and reminded.

"No, he came out too long, it's time to go home." Chang sun looked at Ning Chen's gray hair, light way.

Lime came forward, trembling, heart pain speechless additional, carefully picked up the latter, a drop of tears unconsciously from the eyes, whispered, "ningchen, we're home"

mu qianshang no longer speak, watching the eldest grandson and lime with ningchen left.

Quiet good years, merciless time, Qingshuang Valley, mu qianshang left with snow sword, all the way to the south of Xinjiang, empty valley does not take a picture, only the sound of blowing snow, the blood in QianXue lake has been submerged by the wind and snow, no trace can be seen.

He promised to send lingjinghua to southern Xinjiang.

Northwest of Daxia, Qinghe City, Diaolan carriage drove by, all the way to Qinghe Marquis's house.

The Marquis of Qinghe has sent troops to build chaoguan. Today, only the Marquis of Taiping is in charge of the Marquis's residence, and he will soon go to the north of Daxia.

No one can stop this war. There are military strategists in the Royal Court of northern Mongolia. They are so powerful that people are shocked. The once invincible soldiers of the great Xia Dynasty have been defeated one after another, and they are extremely embarrassed.

At this critical moment, the west of the great Xia Dynasty spread the bad news again. Yewujun, the leader of the first Hall of the Yongye cult, appeared in the west of Xiling city. Xueyi Marquis stopped him, but he was not injured. His life and death were unknown.

The heavy armour Knights of the cult are led by three top generals of nine grades. When the marquis in blood is seriously injured, they will step over the last barrier in the west of summer at any time.

The situation in Daxia is in imminent danger. The imperial dynasty, which has been invincible for thousands of years, has a tendency to collapse.

After a series of bad news, in the Imperial Palace, the overworked Xia emperor vomited blood and fainted. The three officials who had been ignoring the government had to come out to take charge of the overall situation, which could stabilize the hearts of the officials.

In the spring of the second year of the new calendar, this is the most difficult time in the history of Daxia. The Royal Court of northern Mongolia and the Yongye cult jointly raised their troops to fight against Xia. In the first battle, the soldiers of Daxia were killed and wounded 60000 and a Marquis was seriously injured.

This is a humiliation never seen in the history of the great Xia Dynasty. The war has just begun, and both the soldiers and the generals have been defeated.

The place where Xueyi Marquis fought with Wu Jun has been completely destroyed. It can be said that Wu Jun is not strong in the summer, but Wu Jun is the first person in the world today. There is no doubt that Xueyi marquis will be defeated.

The invincible military king is still invincible in the world. Few people can be hurt, and they will not die. It can be said that he is the strongest force in the world.

There is a military adviser in the north and a military ruler in the West. For a moment, the future of Daxia seems to have no bright future.

Daxia is now in decline. The forces that have been deterred by Daxia's force have begun to move, and the tigers are swallowing the dragons, which has become an irreversible trend.

Three days later, mu qianshang went to Yueqin palace in southern Xinjiang and sent Lingjing flower to the palace, even if she left.

Prince Yan saw the crystal flower, and his heart was very complicated. This flower bloomed too late.

Aman's breath has almost completely dispersed, even if the flowers bloom, whether it can be saved, no one knows.

Prince Yan put the crystal flower in front of aman's seriously injured heart, immediately turned the Qi, and forced the strange flower out of the blood into the latter's heart. At the next moment, the crystal flower was in full bloom, which made the whole room more colorful.

Aman still didn't wake up. He was still in a coma. Prince Yan couldn't help but continue to comb his body with Qi every day.

Two days later, the man King arrived. He received the letter from a man. When he came to Yueqin palace, he found that he was late.

Manwang took aman away. It seemed that the invincible ruler of ManChao was ten years old, and he couldn't say a word of pain.

At the same time, Ning Chen, with gray hair, was lying on his bed in the Qinghe Marquis's mansion, motionless and cracked. There was no intact place between his hands and arms.

Changsun and Qingling stood by quietly, and none of them said a word.

Time has never been merciless. Two comatose figures, one in ManChao and the other in Qinghe, are more than thousands of miles apart. They should not meet each other, but eventually leave far away

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