In the backyard of the Marquis's residence, women often appear. Their beautiful and worldly temperament makes people dare not blaspheme.

"Zhiming Hou, you put yourself in such a mess again"

the woman often glanced at the man in front of her and said helplessly.

"Love has to be" Ning Chen said with a smile.

The woman often understood that the person in front of her didn't care about these things and didn't give much advice. She looked at the woman in purple and asked, "who is this girl? Are you a new disciple?"

Ning Chen shakes his head and says, "Amethyst is the maid of the moon. Although she is a maid, she is no different from elder sister Chang. Now there are many hidden dangers in the northern Mongolian court. I'm worried about the safety of the moon, so I let Amethyst learn something"

the woman often looks strange. First of all, she says, "let a girl with clean hands learn your killing methods. Do you really want to know To "

"... "

Ning Chen choked and couldn't speak. After a moment, she said with a bitter smile, "I'll see you smile. I only know that. You should know that my things are learned from killing. Besides, I can't teach anything"

"you can't teach me, it doesn't mean I can't teach you. Let me come," she said.

Ning Chen was surprised when he heard the speech. He immediately turned his eyes to Amethyst and said in a soft voice, "Amethyst, thank you for your help"

"thank you for your help"

Amethyst bowed her confusion and gave thanks.

"Nvzun is the master of the ancient land of Changling. She has been stepping on immortals for many years. If she teaches you, you will get twice the result with half the effort," Ning Chen explains.

Amethyst heard, first surprised, immediately flashed the color of respect on her face, and saluted again.

"The girl's aptitude is not bad, but she hasn't been instructed by a real strong man. I've always been curious. The martial arts aptitude of people around you is better than that of others. Why are you so ordinary?" she said with a slight bend of her mouth.

"Don't tease me. I can't decide this. It's not a gentleman's behavior to always expose people's scars." Ning Chen's face is full of helplessness.

"Talk about gentleman's behavior with women, know your destiny, are you stupid to practice martial arts?" she often smiles.


Ning Chen choked speechless, has been the sophistry, at this time also can't use.

One side, Amethyst listen to the dialogue between the two, can't help but secretly smile, her eyes Zhiming Hou is always omnipotent, did not expect, some people can let it eat shriveled.

"If you want to laugh, smile, be careful to endure internal injury." Ning Chen has no good airway.

Amethyst covered her mouth with a smile, her shoulders trembled and she endured even harder.

"Nvzun, teach her a lesson, I don't care"

Ning Chen waves and goes to one side, leaving the space for them.

It's time to get down to business. The girl and Amethyst look serious and don't joke any more.

"Amethyst, don't keep your hands," she said.


the Amethyst nods, the real yuan moves, and the figure sweeps out in an instant.

In the fight between Pu and Hao Yuan, they moved lightly under their feet, but their slender hands were powerful. At the moment of the fight, they were extremely powerful.

As soon as you are ready, Ning Chen will open the Forbidden City and protect the Marquis's residence.

"Hundred flowers frost burial"

if you don't want to keep your hand, the Amethyst raising your hand is the ultimate move. The purple ice crystals around you gather, float silently, and freeze in an instant.

"Extremely cold body?"

As soon as the girl's eyes narrowed, she stepped on the lotus step and turned her palm into a finger. She gathered heaven and earth's sharp awns and stepped forward to break through thousands of crystal awns.

Move to touch, Amethyst step back, body side, avoid sharp awn.

One type loses power, and the moves are restricted. Without ten moves, one palm is printed on the chest, and the Amethyst figure flies out. After ten steps, he can barely stabilize his body.

Women often wave their hands to get rid of the breath on their palms.

Outside the war situation, Ning Chen saw the battle between the two, and his eyes flashed with emotion. Even if he ignored the problem of cultivation, the gap between Amethyst and nvzun was still not small.

"Amethyst, if you know your destiny, I will pay a high price even if I can hurt him seriously. Do you understand?" She often looks at the woman in front of her and corrects herself.

Amethyst nodded in silence. She knew that there was a gap between her and the real strong. Today, she just knew how big the gap was.

"The experience gap, the familiarity with the moves you have learned, and the thoroughness of the martial arts itself will affect your strength. The level of cultivation is really important, but the factors other than cultivation can't be ignored," nvchang seriously guides.

Amethyst listened quietly, and wrote down what the former said one by one. She didn't dare to miss a word.

Ning Chen is also listening. Everyone has his own opinions on martial arts. This kind of experience is even more precious than any skill. Few people are willing to teach it unless they are close relatives or disciples.

"Let's not talk about the experience for the moment. It needs a lot of fighting accumulation. It can't be improved in a short time. Zhiming Hou knows this best. However, there are not many monsters like him. If you encounter them, you don't have to think about anything and run away immediately.""As for the second point, you need to study hard and practice hard to be familiar with the moves you have learned. Only by turning every move into instinct can you exert the greatest power. When you face the war of life and death, the most useful move is always the one you are most familiar with, not the strongest one."

"finally, the thoroughness of martial arts is the most difficult, but also the most important way to improve your strength Fast way "

speaking of this, nvchang's tone was a little pause, and her face became solemn. She said," follow the law when you say it, and heaven is coming. Even martial arts such as swords and swords belong to this. To a certain extent, the cultivation of martial arts is not only the application of the true yuan, but also the rules and the extreme Tao. I don't need to say more about the rules. You must have heard one or two of them. Extreme Tao is a martial arts equivalent to or even higher than the rules The realm, when the martial arts to the extreme, self-contained, we will become extremely

"Zhiming Hou, after listening to this for a long time, it's time to make some efforts." the woman often looked at the man and said with a smile.


Ning Chen hears the speech, nods, and the star soul in his hand swings. Without the blessing of Zhenyuan, Fengyun is ordered to move with it and start the sky with one sword.

When the sword is light, the God can't help feeling it. A complex pattern appears to resist the sword's power.

However, under the light of the sword, the God's prohibition, which inherited the war between the two men, quickly disintegrated.

Amethyst shocked, his face is full of incredible color.

"This is the extreme, the extreme on the sword"

the woman often looks at the former and says calmly, "the extreme is hard to achieve. To go on this road is to go on the endless road of preaching, which is extremely difficult. The more powerful the Dao is, the more difficult it is to be proved, and even it is difficult to prove one's own Dao all one's life"

"Amethyst, what the lady tells you is not for you to master all of these things and increase your reality In fact, it's enough to cultivate one of them to the extreme. It depends on how you choose "

with that, Ning Chen waves his right hand, leaves his hand, flies into the study and returns to the scabbard.

Amethyst silent down, face flash hesitant color, for a time difficult to decide.

"Go back and think about it seriously, don't choose easily, but once you choose, you can't regret it." Ning Chen calms down.


Amethyst nodded gently, saluted them and left immediately.

"How do you think Amethyst can enter the supreme realm in a short time?"

Looking at the former to leave, rather Chen's vision moves over, see to the side of female often, opening to ask a way.

"It's hard"

nvchang shook her head and said, "although the rules in the underworld are no longer suppressed after the underworld's boundary is broken, the time of Amethyst cultivation is still short after all. Even if the qualification is good, it's just good. There's still a big gap with your evil friends. It's almost impossible to enter the supreme realm in a short time"

Ning Chen's eyes shine Rising, saying, "in addition to the promotion of cultivation, there are three methods mentioned by the nun. In fact, each of them is not easy for Amethyst"

"the enhancement of strength is not easy. You should be most aware of this point when you know your destiny.".

"Is to know, just don't want them so hard" rather Chen light sigh way.

After a moment's silence, she whispered, "I'll try my best"

"thank you, nvzun"

Ning Chen saluted and said thank you.

"Thank the word, do not have to say again, know destiny Hou, sit down to talk about it" female Chang zhengse way.


Ning Chen nodded.

In the study, the candlelight rises again. The two people who sit facing each other have known each other for 30 years. When they first met each other 30 years ago, they were strangers in fair trade. When they sit facing each other 30 years later, they are friends who don't need to say much.

"What happened?" Women often whisper.

"It's a long story," Ning Chen said.

"Then take your time," she said quietly.

Ning Chen sighs and tells the story of these years bit by bit.

The candle is beating, reflecting the reflection of the two people. The quiet story slowly tells the story of the whole life. The bright moon is like water, shining through the window paper, scattering a little cold.

"Time forbidden"

nvchang's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "can I have a look at it?"

Ning Chen nodded, turned his hand, and the jade slip appeared and handed it to the woman in front of him.

She often took the divine prohibition, swept her spiritual consciousness, and flashed in her eyes. She really deserves to be one of the three divine prohibitions. She is really profound and mysterious.

"If the lady is interested, she will give it to her," said Ning Chen.


After hearing the speech, the lady shook her head and said, "no, I'll study for a few days. This prohibition is extremely complicated. You can't master it in a short time. I think you still need it."

Ning Chen laughed and didn't say anything.

Seeing the former look, the empress was shocked, and immediately thought of something. She couldn't help laughing and said, "forget that the famous Zhiming Hou is the smartest person in the world. It's just a matter of time. How can I say it"

"the empress is too famous, and the three prohibitions are not completely preserved in the world. Otherwise, I can't record the changes one by one." Ning Chen said honestly."Too much modesty is pride"

nvchang answered faintly. She looked at the jade slips in her hands, sighed in her heart, and said with a complicated look, "Zhiming Hou, I have reminded you more than once that you should pay no attention to other things in the past hundred years and concentrate on cultivation, but you just don't listen. Now your body has dissipated, and your foundation is almost destroyed. It's more difficult to step on the immortals than heaven"

"that's enough."

Ning Chen showed a smile on his face and said, "I know my life, no regrets, if there is an afterlife, I am willing to be ordinary!"

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