There was nothing to say between them. They used to talk about each other, but now they are speechless.

They are not simply different in their standpoints, but they have the opposite idea of seeing things and doing things. If the means of listening to the moon are too fierce, Ning Chen is not happy. If Ning Chen does things, he thinks too much about the past, so he is not ashamed of listening to the moon.

Ning Chen can't refute fan Lingyue, and can't even prove whether her practice is right or wrong.

There are not so many right and wrong in this world. The biggest right and wrong is always the heart.

If Lingyue succeeds, a hundred years later, she will be a good minister in the eyes of the world to create a prosperous world. If she fails, it will only be a curse on her shoulder.

Unfortunately, she doesn't care about it. What she cares about, as she said, is that the world is peaceful and the people are rich.

Ning Chen never doubted the sincerity of fan Lingyue. He satirized her just because he didn't like her way.

At last, the two of them stopped, Ning Chen sighed and said, "let's go here"

"well," it's time to stop when Lingyue nods.

Although they are similar people, they are not fellow travelers and can not go on forever.

"I'm curious, how are you going to get rid of me here?" The cold wind blows, Ning Chen narrows his eyes, he never guesses what her trump card is.

There were only two of them here. Although he was seriously injured, he was more than enough to deal with a weak woman who had no strength to bind a chicken.

He never liked to have someone come behind him, but fanlingyue was an exception. One reason was that they really had a good talk before, and the other was that fanlingyue was not good at martial arts.

"Soon you'll know"

before the words are heard, all the people who listen to the moon turn their palms to lift their Qi and immediately imprint their palms on Ning Chen's heart. The majestic Qi bursts out suddenly, leaving no vitality.

Surprise this palm, come without any sign, is the most unimaginable result, time at this moment put Buddha slowly stop, can no longer move forward.

"How can" the words in Ning Chen's heart can't be said in time. He counts thousands of times, but he doesn't count that every Lingyue can be martial.

He thought that he had attached great importance to her, but he did not expect that in the end he still underestimated her, the woman who even cheated the world.

Who said that the North Mongolian military division could not be military? Now it seems that this is the most stupid thing in the world.

However, the moment of surprise after Ning Chen or smile, smile of brilliant, smile of full face bloom.


the next moment, an earth shaking explosion sounds in the dark, like thunder, and the dazzling light can be seen from a hundred miles away.


"military division"

several miles away, he has been paying attention to the change of the look of the lime and the young general here. With a stomp of his foot, he quickly sweeps towards the explosion center.

In front of the camp, Chang sun stood outside the tent, watching the eyes of the North shrink, and a very ominous premonition rose in his heart.

The night is charming, the bright moon is hanging high, and the waterfall is cold. The people in the distance guide the way forward. The two figures, one from the South and the other from the north, come at a high speed, just like two meteors in the night, which is shocking.

Cold wind, fell to the ground comatose two people can no longer see this scene, the body around only the eyes of the scars, quietly telling the bleak night.

Ning Chen didn't expect that any disorderly volume of Lingyue could cover up any breath. He didn't expect that gunpowder would explode under strong pressure besides detonating with fire.

He couldn't guess her trump card, so he wore a suit of gunpowder and several torches, which were used to protect her life at the critical moment. However, he didn't expect that she would save any trouble by being in charge of the moon.

Lime and the young general arrived at the same time, glanced at each other for a short time, slapped each other, immediately rolled up the figure on the ground, turned into a streamer and left.

Daxia barracks and BEIMENG barracks soon fell into chaos. The furious eldest grandson and the young general almost overturned the whole barracks. They poured a panacea into the mouth of the people on the bed, hoping to save their lives.

However, both of them were seriously injured, and the usual panacea is now as useless as waste.

One day later, the news that the North Mongolian military division was seriously injured and comatose spread all over the world, which shocked everyone.

No one thought that the military division of northern Mongolia would be injured at this time. This is a great event. Once the army of northern Mongolia lost this military division, the threat would be reduced by at least half. Daxia would be able to take a breath and even free up his hand to deal with the Yongye cult and the seven cities chaos.

The seven city leaders are in a state of turmoil. This sudden change has disrupted all their deployment. The northern Mongolian army has an accident, and no one can hold back most of the energy of Daxia. Once this invincible and powerful imperial dynasty is out of breath, I'm afraid they will be the first to deal with.

Prince Yue's face was very blue. He didn't expect such a thing to happen. Now, he can't hide it. If the seven city leader loses, he can't escape the fate of being confessed.

He is a person with royal blood. Now the life and death of the Xia emperor is unknown. Under this banner, he may have a chance to fight.Half a day later, a great war broke out in Prince Yue's mansion. Under the cover of seven nine strong men and two half step, Prince Yue finally escaped from Prince Yue's mansion.

However, none of the seven Jiupin strongmen and two banbu congenitally survived. Prince Yan's green and red swords were covered with blood, and he mercilessly killed all the people who stopped him. From then on, all the experts Prince Yue had recruited for many years were exhausted, and there was no one left.

Soon, Prince Yue came to light and became the monarch of the seven cities. He ordered the rebels to fight to the imperial city of Daxia.

However, at this time of crisis, the summer emperor who had been missing for many days appeared.

The emperor of Xia returned to Tianyu hall without any explanation. He directly took back all the government and military power, and immediately ordered the victorious marquis to send troops to suppress the rebellion in the seven cities.

The military God came out and the situation changed. The power of the 100000 black water army shocked the world again. The 257000 rebel troops in the city were as vulnerable as tofu. In three days, they were defeated again and again.

The old eunuch Pei around the emperor of Xia killed all the strong men in the seven cities. Even half a step of congeniality was not spared. People all over the world were shocked to find that the old eunuch who didn't show mountains and water around the emperor of Xia was born.

No one knows how the old eunuch deceived the world, but there is no doubt that the old man is really a congenital.

In the end, the chaos of the seven cities went up to the city leader and down to the general who was slaughtered. The emperor of Xia declared his return in this ruthless way and completely subdued the people in the world.

Prince Yue's ears and nose were cut by the Xia emperor for the crime of rebellion. He fell on the city wall and hanged alive. The sad cry lasted for three days. The frightened children kept crying in the middle of the night.

In the great Xia Dynasty, there was silence, and there was no different voice. All the courtiers were afraid of the Xia emperor on the Dragon chair in the Tianyu hall.

People in the world and even the people of Daxia didn't find out until this time that all the embarrassment and vulnerability of Daxia was just the weakness of the emperor of Xia, in order to lead to the hidden danger inside Daxia. Now, the hidden danger is removed, and the emperor of Xia who has endured for a long time finally shows his fierce fangs.

On the second day after the end of the rebellion, the triumphal Marquis and the black water army went all the way to the East, heading in the direction of the heavy riding of the God.

On the northern battlefield, 200000 troops gathered in the thirteen cities quickly rushed to the Taiping Marquis barracks for support, to completely annihilate the northern Mongolian army before the military division woke up.

The eldest grandson of Taiping Marquis camp, who has been attacked one after another, looks very haggard at the moment. He holds a letter in his hand, and tears pass through his beautiful eyes.

This is the letter that Ning Chen stays in the account. When he leaves, he still doesn't trust her and makes the final advice for her future work.

"Niang Niang, if I don't come back, it means that I have failed. Remember what I said to you, I must stick to it. Fanlingyue doesn't want to fight with us. Sticking to it is the best choice"

"in addition, fanlingyue is a very smart person, and she will have a back hand. If something irreversible happens, Niang Niang must remember to destroy the bridge, and the horse is different from others After all, he is afraid of water. Even if Lingyue finds the boat, it is useless "

" in the end, the emperor of Xia is probably not dead. The empress just needs to stay until the emperor of Xia comes out again. You are the queen. No matter how ruthless the emperor of Xia is, he can't watch you have an accident. He will send an army to help you "

" ningchen, you are the last

The black and white words in front of him were still fresh in my mind. The tears in Chang sun's eyes finally fell down. Why did he always listen to her.

"Niang Niang"

Qingling stood aside, trying to endure her sadness, and advised, "Niang Niang, he is not dead yet. The letter has arrived at Prince Yan, and I believe that Prince Yan will come soon"

Prince Yan is congenital, and at this time, I can only hope that Prince Yan, who is congenital, can do something to save his life.

Although she knew that the opportunity was slim, although she knew that she was deceiving herself, she still didn't want to believe that he would die like this.

He is always so fateful that he has escaped one disaster after another, and this time must be no exception.

One day later, Prince Yan arrived and took Ning Chen away without saying anything.

ManChao, the princess left the courtyard. Aman sat on the bed with her heart covered. Her face turned white. She felt that something had happened to him, and it was a big thing.

She wanted to go to him, but she promised her father not to go to him for the time being.

He said, what he said must be true, she can't let him down.

She doesn't want to worry about her father, so she has been eating, drinking medicine and sleeping obediently, but she really can't fit it

In the northern Mongolian military camp, fanlingyue was still lying on his bed, looking pale. Next to him, the young general was silent, waiting day and night.

At the end of the day, when the moon was in full swing, the whole body was protected by the true Qi, and the volume of chaos also appeared as the protector, but he was still shocked by the violent explosion and fell into a coma.

When the morale of the northern Mongolian army was at its lowest, it lost its military division, and no one thought that they could go on.

Ten thousand soldiers led by qingwuyou arrived a few days ago, stationed in the barracks, waiting silently for the military division to wake up.

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