Cold night, stars embellish, under the moon, three figures pass quickly, and disappear in the night.

Behind them, the sound is faster and faster, and the anger in their eyes is gushing out.

After three hundred miles of chasing, a broken Temple appeared in front of them. They plundered into it and disappeared.

Yin'er catches up. As soon as she steps into the broken temple, she feels that the world around her changes, and the white fog fills her way.

At the same time, over the broken temple, there was a faint and bright sky. Black sharp arrows came down from the sky. The cold air on the arrows was threatening and there was poison.

There is a sense of the sound. The sword is in the air. Suddenly, the red light is strong. The sword Qi is crisscross all over the sky, blocking the black arrow rain falling from the sky.

After the arrow rain, I saw the palm force breaking through the air. In the white fog, I didn't know where it came from.

Yin'er waves his sword and shakes away his strength. As soon as he steps, he sweeps forward.

The white fog is more and more thick, and there is no end to it. The strange array blocks the way out, making it difficult for people to get out.

In the array, a coquettish woman's sneer flashed across her mouth. This is the unique array of Yin GUI sect. As long as there is no sunshine, the fog will never disappear.

One night's time is enough for them to exhaust this woman's strength and let her go.

At this time, over the broken temple, the green lotus bloomed, and a green blue magic gun burst down into the air, suddenly dispersing the fog.


They looked surprised and said.

On the void, the blue and beautiful shadow from the sky, killing in the eyes, forced to come.

Two people take the move, a drama shock, Qi Qifei out.

"Sister Qingling, master is in their hands"

when they see someone coming, yin'er shouts.


lime nodded and stepped forward step by step, looking cold and saying in a cold voice, "where are the people?"

"In it"

the coquettish woman replied in horror, how can there be real-life strong people here? Who are these people?

"Yin'er, you watch them, I'll go inside to have a look"

looking at the old hall in front of her, she frowned slightly and told her to walk towards it.

Yin'er looks at them on guard. These two guys are very cunning and can't let them run away.

"What to do?" The enchanting woman whispered.

"Before that woman finds out, run away separately," the man said in a deep voice.

Pay attention to make a decision, two people no longer hesitate, with a palm, immediately fled in two directions.

In an instant, the blue light flashed, the Dragon broke the city, and a shot pierced the man, bringing out blood all over the sky.

On the other side, yin'er's sword stands in front of the coquettish woman, and her pretty face flashes anger.

The woman wants to resist, but sees the blue color God gun to sweep, throat an inch before stopped.

"Where did you hide him?" Lime's face became colder and colder.

"You'll never find him"

there was a crazy flash on the woman's charming face, a dull hum, and the black blood in the corner of her mouth spilled silently.

As soon as her face changed, she stepped forward. It was too late to save her.

On one side, yin'er didn't dare to stand there panting. He knew that he was in trouble and didn't dare to say a word.

After exploring the woman for a moment, she frowned more and more tightly. Although her accomplishments were not weak, her breath was mottled and disordered. She was not a decent person.

"Yin'er," said lime, looking back.

"Sister lime"

Yin Er nervously steps forward and answers.

"You go and find out what big schools there are in this area. These two people are not weak, and they are not from small schools," she warned.


hearing the sound, he nodded his head and left immediately.

Standing in the broken temple, Qingling opens her mind and looks for every inch of the area.

I don't know where, a hall with a peculiar shape is located. In the hall, the strange Yin Qi is filled with. A woman with exposed clothes is laughing and having fun. The rage makes people excited.

Suddenly, in the hall, a strange light rises, and a figure with white hair in plain clothes appears and falls to the ground with a thump.

A woman in red put away her smile, got up and stepped forward. When she saw the snake like mark on her plain clothes, she was disappointed.

"It's the blood food of Hun Ji. It's a real disappointment," said the woman in pink.

A woman in green came forward and looked at the white hair figure on the ground. She was puzzled and said, "it's strange, how can she send a sick seedling back"

"who knows, no matter who she is, take this person down and take care of him. Don't starve to death?" the woman in pink waved impatiently.


the two young men dressed as little fellows bowed their heads, walked in, raised their heads on the ground and wanted to go out.

"Wait a minute"

at this moment, a soft voice came, and the women immediately bowed down and saluted respectfully.

"See the saint"

in the voice, a touch of enchanting and moving image came out, light pink dress showed exquisite and attractive posture, thin pink, eyebrow like willow leaves slightly curved, forehead light point vermilion, charming and moving, crystal clear falling Earrings dropped, with the pace gently swaying, scattered around the shoulder of the green silk with blood red hairpin up, obliquely inserted into the cloud like black hair Every smile and smile charms all living beings."There's something wrong with her," said Yin GUI.

All the girls were shocked when they heard the words. She had some accomplishments in the middle stage of the virtual world. Even if she was not the most powerful, as long as she didn't meet the old monsters in the real world, it was not a problem to protect her life.

Yin GUI Saint looked at the white haired man in front of her and said, "is this man sent back by Huan Ji?"

"Back to the virgin, this man is really a phantom girl"

the woman in red replied respectfully.

Yin GUI Saint went forward and looked at the white haired man who was sleeping in front of her. After a moment, she casually said, "since the phantom concubine is dead, you can deal with this person"

with that, Yin GUI Saint said nothing more and turned to leave.

"Ladies and sisters, if no one wants this man, leave it to my little sister to try the medicine." the woman in green looked at the other women and said with a smile.

"Yo, since the fourth sister is so anxious, the elder sister is not good to fight with her sister. You can take this man away," the woman in red said with a smile.

"The younger sister would like to thank her sister"

with a salute, Danji waved past the white haired man and walked towards her side hall.

"Four younger sisters seldom take the initiative to be important. Is there anything special about this person?" A woman in yellow came forward and asked.

The woman in red shook her head and said, "I have just checked that this person is not different from ordinary people, otherwise, the saint will not give this person to us for disposal"

"it is said that the fourth elder sister has refined several kinds of pills to improve her ability, but the toxicity is too great. Ordinary people will bleed and die immediately after taking them. I think the fourth elder sister wants this person to try the medicine." next to her, a woman in blue opened the pill Mouth.

"Poor man, falling into the hands of four younger sisters, it's impossible to even enjoy before death," the woman in yellow said gloating.

Dan room, under the huge Dan stove, the flames are beating, and the amazing temperature distorts the surrounding space. In the place where Yin GUI Danji has been making pills all the year round, I don't know how many bones have been buried, and even the body has never been left.

He threw the white haired man to the Dan stove. Danji went to the Dan shelf, took a bottle of refined Dan medicine and came back.

"Don't die so soon"

Danji took out a pill and put it into her mouth, laughing.

The entrance of pills, into the abdomen, Danji operation body to help it absorb the power of pills.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour More than half an hour later, the body of the man in plain clothes still has no change, and the pills that melt into the abdomen seem to sink into the sea without making any waves.


Waiting for a long time, did not see the situation in the imagination, Danji eyes flashed a different color, stretched out his hand to explore the pulse of the former, query the reason.

After counting the breath, Dan Ji stops and frowns slightly. It's strange that even if this person can bear the toxicity of Dan medicine, the real Qi will soar. Why is there no movement.

After thinking for a long time, it's hard to figure out the reason. Danji took a different pill and put it into the former's mouth and continued to try.

Half an hour later, the result of the imagination still did not happen, Danji explored its vein, look dignified down, not right.

This person's body is like a bottomless hole, no matter how much medicine is swallowed, there is no overflow.

"Fourth sister, is that man dead?"

Just then, outside Dan's room, a charming voice rang out. Danji recovered and wanted to hide the man in front of her. It was too late.

Meiji walked in, dressed in a red transparent dress, beautiful face with a charming smile, people dare not look directly at.

"Big sister" Danji got up and saluted.

"You're welcome, my sister"

Meiji nods with a smile and looks at the white haired man in front of the red stove. Her smile changes gradually.

"It seems that my sister has tried the medicine"

next to the white haired man, two opened pills bottles explain what happened before. Meiji kept smiling and said, "I didn't expect that my sister really picked up the baby"

Danji restrained her smile and politely said, "please keep a secret for my sister. My sister also knows that my sister has found someone to try the medicine It's not easy. This person's physique is very important to her younger sister "

Meiji laughs and says," they are all my sisters. My younger sister is too outsider. Come and let her see what kind of treasure my younger sister has picked up "

while talking, Meiji steps forward and probes into the quiet pulse of the white haired man. After a moment, she is surprised.

It's really strange that there is no poisoning and no change in the body.

"Did my sister really feed him pills?" Meiji looks up, surprised.

Danji nodded and said in a soft voice, "a Juntian pill and a Huazun pill"

after hearing the words, Meiji was even more surprised. She knew that the two kinds of pills refined by Si Mei, one can make ordinary people enter the congenital world directly, and the other can make the strong of the third disaster enter the great circle directly. However, the side effects of the two kinds of pills are equally amazing. After taking them, they will die in less than half an hour Doubt.

"Sister, it's better to let sister enjoy such a treasure." Meiji raised her hand and stroked the man's pretty face, and said with a smile.Danji looked slightly surprised, and immediately said with a smile, "sister, this person is just a special physique, and has no accomplishments. Even if some Yang is not in the eye of her sister, why fight with her sister"

"maybe my sister just finds out that this person is pretty now, and I think his Yang is also different. My sister will give it back to my sister after two days." the smile on Meiji's face is more and more charming , Tao.

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