Ning Chen didn't use the ink sword. He didn't want to be recognized. As for the appearance, the beard and the scar, who knows who.

He's not pan an, and people can't forget him at a glance. Besides, people all over the world know that he's dead and can't die any more. If anyone thinks about him, he really has nothing to say.

The caretaker of Qing family came out quickly. He saw Ning Chen with a stubble beard and a ferocious face. He frowned unconsciously. He was so ugly.

"May I have your name, please".

"Mr. Yu Mian, Bai Yutang," Ning Chen said with his head raised. The scar on his face wriggled. It looked scary and even more puke.

"White brother, I don't know what happened when I came to the house of love." the manager of the house of love held back his disgust and continued to ask.

"I didn't say just now that I'm here to be a guest Qing!" Ning Chen didn't see his face, still go his own way, the arrogant way of nostrils.

After thinking about it, Ning Chen added, "I'm also here to marry qingwushuang, the little girl of qingwushuang"

he knew that there was a young lady named qingwushuang in Qingjia. At that time, he wondered why there were so many cheeky people in the world. There was a qinwushuang in wushuangcheng Qinjia and a qinwushuang in BEIMENG Qingjia.

However, as soon as Ning Chen's words came to an end, he heard a cold voice coming from the house, saying, "somebody, throw him out to me"

between the words, a cold looking woman walked out and looked at the ugly man in the courtyard, with a strong look of disgust in her beautiful eyes.

"You are matchless?" Ning Chen surprised a way, just, this surprised facial expression matches the scar on the face to appear too ferocious.

"Miss" love home management has not yet been advised, nine men in black have come out, Ning Chen will be surrounded.

"Come on, I've been itching recently. I'm worried that I can't fight. I'll teach you a lesson when I clean up these grandchildren"

Ning Chen pulls out the broken iron sword on the ground, turns the wheelchair and walks forward for two steps. Fortunately, as soon as I enter the city, I buy a stronger wheelchair. Otherwise, I can't fight today's fight with the thing made by ah Hu.

The sword is a broken sword. As soon as Ning Chen injects a trace of Qi, he feels that there is a sign of fragmentation in the body of the sword. He quickly draws back the Qi and wraps it outside the body of the sword.

Ning Chen's arrogance makes everyone on the scene very angry. Nine men in black attack with machetes. The machete style is fierce and the move is crucial.

Qin Wushuang's cold face has no unbearable emotion. It's unforgivable for him to break into Qingfu without permission. He dares to speak rudely. He's just impatient.

Nine people cooperate with each other. One knife is fiercer than the other. One knife is more dangerous than the other. Ning Chen laughs and swings away with a sword. The three people attack each other. He looks very rampant and says, "come on, good!"

The words sound square falls, rather Chen whole body seven goods breath all open, the sword potential is not reasonable of big open and close, nine people very quickly lose, dye blood to fly out one after another.

See this, feeling matchless, a cold hum, lotus step move, instant to Ning Chen body, a palm toward the latter's heart.

At the critical moment, Ning Chenning points out, and the palms of his fingers collide with each other. With a thump, the wind blows around them, and the fight between the foundation and the cultivation is going on. The corners of their mouths turn red. When Wei Dun is shocked, the stones under his body are broken, and the stones are flying.

Regardless of up and down duel, let two people in the heart is a surprise, rather Chen Mou son cold down, love home as expected Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, however, today even if it is a tiger's den, he also want to break through.

Feeling unparalleled, the same heart shock, but do not dare to force, breath again urge three points.

Ning Chen cold voice a hum, work body burst out, don't let.

The brilliant battle attracted the attention of several big figures in the family house. Immediately, a strong hand appeared, separating the two deadlocked people.

All over the dust, a middle-aged man appeared, looking at Ning Chen, calm way, "you want to marry matchless?"

"Just thought, now don't want to, later see mood" rather Chen or put the face that owe beat, infinite clamour Zhang way.

The middle-aged man frowned and said, "whether you want to enter the family, you have to pass the test of the family and abide by the rules of the family first"

"what test, what rules" Ning Chen said suspiciously.

"The test is very simple. Defeat a disciple in green. As for the rules, wait until you pass the test." the middle-aged man explained, and immediately turned and walked towards the back hall of the mansion.

"Can't wait for" rather Chen carrying the hand of the broken iron sword, also followed in the past.

"Er" after two people leave, the feeling matchless body suddenly a stagger, a mouthful of blood vomit, unexpectedly is the previous duel lost half a point.

"Young lady" in charge immediately stepped forward, showing concern.

"Don't get in the way" feeling unparalleled waved his hand, said unimpeded, but a flash of fear flashed in her eyes, just now she looked down at this young man called baiyutang.

She has been in the eight grades of martial arts for a long time, but she didn't expect to suffer a hidden loss in this person's hands. With such a foundation, the whole northern Mongolia can't find a few.

In the back hall of Qingfu, Ning Chen follows the middle-aged man and comes in. What he sees at a glance are four old men in blue. The breath is more and more terrible, and the lowest one has nine grades."Into the den of Thieves" Ning Chen murmured in his heart, and his face subconsciously showed a bright smile. However, he forgot that he was an arrogant rammer now, and even more forgot his ugly face.

As a result, the smile became a little terrible. The four parents were so tough that they were upset. How could there be such an ugly person in the world.

"You who up, or together" rather Chen hand iron sword a finger, a face two hundred five way.

Qingwushuang came in and saw the former's rampant appearance at first sight. This time, he didn't say anything. Instead, he went to one of the old men in blue and whispered a word.

"Elder, leave him"

the elder was stunned, frowned and asked, "why?"

With his accomplishments, we can naturally feel that young people's accomplishments are just in the realm of seven grades. Although they are the best among the young generation, they are not so desperate to win over.

"I lost just now," he said.

Hearing the words, the elder's eyes narrowed and he tried to digest the shock brought by this sentence. He knew better than anyone that his unique strength was about to enter the eighth grade. With the special skill of love family, even the real eight grade strong could not be defeated. Unexpectedly, he lost to such a ugly man today.

"Old seven, you try him," big elder thought a turn, opening a way.

"Big elder, this doesn't accord with the rules" the middle-aged man who brings Ning Chen in frowns slightly, interjects a way.

According to the rules of Qing family, if you want to enter the Qing family, you only need to defeat a disciple in Qing Yi. If you change to an elder, it's really difficult.

Ning Chen is also a little Leng, he just said, they really plan to send a nine grade old man out?

You want to be shameless?

"As long as he can hold up five moves," the elder said faintly.

The middle-aged man frowned again, but he didn't continue to argue. The four elders were in charge of Keqing's assessment, and he couldn't interfere too much.

Qichang is always a younger old man, but no matter how young he is, he is still an old man.

Ning Chen is not angry in the heart, he wants to also be nine grades, affirmation beat this guy his mother all don't know, the problem is, he just seven grades!

Can an old man of nine grades bully a disabled person of seven grades?

"Who's afraid of who, come on" Ning Chen suddenly came to a voice, to his airway.

"Young man, please" the seven elders walked out and said with a smile.

"Don't mention it, old man"

between the words, Ning Chen pats the wheelchair, flies out, stabs straight, and starts the battle for the first time.

"Young people, they are always too impatient"

in other words, the seven elders reached to Ning Chen's right hand to hold the sword. However, they felt that the blade of the sword turned in the air and sealed their throat.


the palms of the sword meet, the seven elder's hands make a great effort, and the body of the sword is suddenly broken. The poor material makes it clear.

Three liang of silver is gone, Ning Chen's heart is not willing to give up, and it's too late for the flesh to hurt. He sees seven long veteran's hand wave, the broken sword fragments into streamers, and the way is pressing, merciless.

Ning Chen, who was still in the air, had no time to dodge. The dark yellow cyclone was running in the air sea, and the thick earth air was quietly acting. Immediately, his whole body suddenly fell down to avoid the streamer.

Seven elder eyebrows a wrinkly, stretch out a hand to grasp again to rather Chen, but see the latter make an effort to clap the floor, the body bends into a strange angle, the sword finger is empty to coagulate, a finger breaks heart pulse.


the seven elder's horizontal arm resisted, and the nine grade cultivation burst out, which just shook off the deadly blow.

Ning Chen flies upside down and goes back to the wheelchair, looks at the old man who bullies the body, smiles brightly and says, "five moves already!"

Elder seven stops, snorts and turns back to his seat. The boy's moves are so unaccustomed that there is no sign to find. It seems that every move is just thought of temporarily.

All the people present can see some clues. This young man is really not simple.

"Baiyutang, from today on, you are the guest Qing of the Qing family. All the rules are taught by Wushuang himself," the elder said, setting the outcome of the battle. The Qing family needs this strong man with potential.

One side, feeling matchless also no objection, people is she want to accept, naturally by her to teach.

"Come with me" feeling unparalleled saw a Ning Chen, indifferent way.

"Little Niang skin, don't be arrogant. Sooner or later, I'll clean up the clothes for you." Ning Chen muttered, but intentionally or unintentionally didn't cover up, so that everyone on the scene could hear clearly.

The chill in qingwushuang's eyes flashed away and sneered, "you want me to be obedient, wait until your surname is Qingfu"

the backyard of Qingfu is an independent small courtyard. Ning Chen is led into it. Qingwushuang throws down a word and never wants to face this ugly face again.

"Tomorrow, go to the main hall and wait for me"

the figure leaving is so indifferent that Ning Chen doesn't care. He enters the room, closes the door and closes his eyes wearily. He pretends to be the most tired.He was shocked by the strength of Qing family. There were only four elders above Jiupin, and they didn't seem to be all of them. Unexpectedly, the Qing family in the imperial court of northern Mongolia had such a deep foundation. In this way, what he had to do was more troublesome.

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