Tianyue holy city, blue and white floating, the city's main house, everywhere a dazzling green flame of color, beautiful scenery intoxicating.

There are two figures sitting in the West Garden Pavilion. Outside the pavilion, the fourth and seventh gods stand still. They look at the young people in plain clothes and white hair in the pavilion with fear.

Although they can't see how the young man's cultivation is, the warrior's intuition tells them that he is very strong, even not weaker than the city leader.

"Mr. Ning should be the first time to cross the city. How do you feel?" In the pavilion, the leader of Tianyue city held tea to respect each other.

"Fairyland on earth, paradise on earth!"

Ning Chen picked up the tea cup, without stinging praise, should be way.

"Just like Mr. Ning"

the Lord of Tianyue took a sip of blue and white tea and said, "although wutianyue is located in a remote area, I've heard a lot about Mr. Ning's reputation. Today, I see that he is really a dragon and Phoenix with extraordinary bearing!"

"The Lord of the city is over praised"

Ning Chen smiles and says, "the Lord of the city doesn't need to add gold to my face. I know how the rumor says that I don't deserve fame, but it's more appropriate to have a bad reputation."

With a faint smile, the Lord of Tianyue said, "hearing is false, seeing is true. If you are as true as rumors, you will not be caught by our city today."

"The Lord of the city laughs. Although my friend doesn't play cards according to common sense, he is not the one who repays the kindness. He steals the holy things of your city. He should only borrow them. He won't really return them." Ning Chen serious way.

"I understand"

the Lord of Tianyue nodded and said, "the Lord of Tianyue has lived for so long, but he has no other skills. He has a good eye for people. The essence of setting stars is not bad, and he has made great contributions to our city in recent years. But this time, he is guilty of stealing the holy mark iron. Let him reflect on it."

"The Lord of the city must have known my friend's idea of making holy scar iron long ago," Ning Chen said with a smile.

Tianyue city master nodded slightly and said, "he once borrowed it from our city master to recast his star Mark bow. However, the holy mark iron is the holy thing of our city, which is not easy to be used outside, so I refused."


Ning Chen laughs and says, "it seems that this time the holy mark iron was lost, the city Lord set up a bureau to make my friend jump. Unfortunately, the boy of falling star didn't know heaven and earth were really in the Bureau."

The master of Tianyue put down his tea cup and said, "Mr. Ning was wrong. Luoxing must have seen that it was a trap, but this was his only chance. He had to jump."

"The master of the city is brilliant!"

Ning Chen gets up, embraces a boxing, praises a way.

"It's not strange that Gao Ming was the first to cross the city and miss the star. Besides, he didn't want to really tear his face with my holy city. He was worried about it. Otherwise, with his strength, it's not so easy to catch him even if the city leader himself." The Lord of Tianyue said with a smile.

"I admire the magnanimity of the city master. It's true that the falling stars made mistakes first. I don't know how to make up for your city in order to offset my friend's mistakes," says Ning Chen.

"Mr. Ning is very anxious to take him away?" The Lord of Tianyue asked.

"There are some things that need his help." Ning Chen nods a way.

Tianyue city master's eyes looked at the young man in plain clothes in front of him and said, "originally, I just wanted to close the setting star for a while, and then let him go with a little beating. Now that Mr. Ning pleads for mercy, it's not impossible to let him go ahead of time. However, if we let him go like this, it will be hard to calm the public. If Mr. Ning wants to take him out of the lock prison, he needs to do something for our city, as long as Mr. Ning wants to help us After that, I immediately ordered the setting of the stars. I could even lend him the holy mark iron for three days. "

"City Lord please say" rather Chen look serious down, the way.

"Therefore, seven thousand miles away, there is a soul abyss, in which the power of the law is extremely powerful, and it is difficult for people and ghosts to enter. However, there is a unique disease King Stone in this life. This stone is unique and very difficult to find. I have been searching for it for hundreds of years, but I have only found a few pieces, which is hard to become a tool. So I hope Mr. Ning can take a trip on his behalf." Tianyue city master zhengse road.

"How many stones does your city need?" Ning Chen congmou way.

The Lord of Tianyue stretched out his hand and held it gently. He said calmly, "just these!"

Ning Chen sees this, Mou son flashed different color, way, "it seems that this disease Wang Shi is really extremely difficult to find."

The Lord of Tianyue nodded and said, "it's not easy to hide from Mr. Ning. However, Mr. Ning is very powerful. Maybe he can go deeper in the falling soul abyss and find enough sick king stones."

"I know what to do"

Ning Chen nodded and said, "I will start to look for it for your city immediately, and ask the city master Haosheng to take care of my friend. Don't let him have an accident."

"Don't worry, Mr. Ning"

the Lord of Tianyue replied, "in Tianyue City, as long as the Lord is there, no one can hurt his life. Mr. Ning will encounter a lot of troubles when he goes to the soul abyss. I'll let Xiao Qi send you there. On the way, I'll tell you something about it in detail for you!""Thank you to the city master"

Ning Chen didn't refuse. He got up and said, "it's too late. I'll leave now, so that I can reach the falling soul abyss before sunset."

The Lord of Tianyue nodded slightly, looked at the seventh God general outside the pavilion, and said, "Xiao Qi, please accompany Mr. Ning."


the seventh God general gives a fist and respectfully takes orders.

Ning Chen steps out of the pavilion, the seventh God general comes forward and says, "Sir, please!"

Ning Chen nods and continues to walk forward.

Two people immediately start, without any delay, together toward the holy city outside.

In the west of the holy city, the two figures galloped by faster and faster, and soon disappeared under the setting sun.

As the sun sets, in front of an abyss stretching thousands of miles, the two figures stop. The seventh God will look at the abyss in front of him and say, "here, Mr. Ning, be careful. If you feel you can't support him, come out as soon as possible."

"I understand, girl, go back first"

Ning Chen answered lightly, stepped on her feet and jumped into the abyss ahead.

Tianyue holy city, in the small pavilion of the west garden, the Lord of Tianyue stands still, looking at the setting sun in the west, his eyes flash with different colors.

"Lord of the city"

outside the pavilion, the fourth God hesitated for a long time. Finally, he could not help his doubt and said, "do you really trust Mr. Ning? In the world's rumor, this man's reputation is not very good. He will not have any other attempts to come to the holy city?"

"I don't know if there are any other attempts, but the only thing I can be sure is that Mr. Ning is not a big traitor as rumored"

the Lord of Tianyue said calmly, "you must have known about the destruction of Qilin Pavilion. How many percent of the possibility is that he would intervene in the situation today?"

The fourth God will be silent. After a moment, he shakes his head and says, "I don't know."

"It's possible that there's no one to stop him"

the Lord of Tianyue said faintly, "this son's strength has surpassed me. In other words, no one can stop him unless the real fourth realm moves, even those old monsters corroded by time."

The fourth God General's face was shocked. After a long time, he was shocked in his heart and said, "what the city master means is that this son's strength can really match the fourth realm?"

The Lord of Tianyue nodded and said, "maybe there is still a gap between the fourth border and the real one, but this gap is no longer very different."

The fourth God rose again in his heart and said, "Lord of the city, didn't you say that an old monster as bloody as kylin's ancestor can't be regarded as the real fourth realm?"

"I have said that, but even so, the fourth realm is the fourth realm. As long as he has reached this height, his martial arts knowledge and understanding are beyond the reach of ordinary people. This Mr. Ning can defeat such an old monster without being fatally damaged. At least, it shows that his real strength is superior to that of old Qilin. No one knows how much more." The Lord of Tianyue sighed.

"A hundred years ago, in the ancient battlefield, he calculated that star statues in various regions were fashionable and needed the help of prohibitions and immortals. Unexpectedly, in just a hundred years, he was already proud of the world's most powerful." The fourth God will show a complex color, Tao.

"What you have is what you have achieved. On the other hand, it's the same. Today's speech, behavior and behavior are absolutely worthy of the evaluation of a generation of arrogance. Today, who can remember that Mr. Ning is just a young man who has practiced martial arts for more than a hundred years, not to mention the younger generation of all religions in the world, even those who have lived for thousands of years How many people can live up to him if he is immortal? Most of the gossip of people in the world is caused by jealousy and fear. If we look at people in this way, what's the difference with those people? " Tianyue City Lord calms down.

"The lesson of the Lord is that his subordinates know their mistakes!" The fourth God will respectfully line a ceremony, way.

"Trust, sometimes, is also a kind of practice"

the Lord of Tianyue turned around and looked at the fourth God General behind him, saying, "people gather in groups. If today's setting star didn't steal the holy trace iron, Mr. Ning came to our city as a guest, can you change your impression of him? In the same way, since you could trust Luoxing in the past, you should be punished now. Of course, if you make a mistake, you should let him reflect on it for a few days in Suo Tian prison "

the fourth God hesitated for a moment and said," Lord, Suo Tian prison has always been in charge of Qi Mei. His subordinates are worried that with Qi Mei's temper, Luoxing will suffer a lot. Now with this Mr. Ning in, do they need it Warn seven younger sisters

"Oh, no"

the Lord of Tianyue said with a faint smile, "it's better to let him suffer. Don't you see Mr. Ning's attitude? If he really knows right from wrong, he has already helped each other. They are friends of life and death, not friends of wine and meat. This friendship is not as shallow as you think. He would rather go into the abyss of falling soul for the falling star, but he doesn't want to I'm willing to rescue him by force. Why? Because he doesn't want his friends to bear a life-long reputation like him

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