In the netherworld, before the gate of death, after endless years, we welcome the first person. Ning Chen stops and looks at the front, and the waves surge violently in his heart.

as like as two peas in memory, the long memory is coming to the heart of the life.

In the most distressed and painful time in the past, the beautiful shadow in red always accompanied me silently. It was difficult to understand and unforgettable.

Shaking hands, push on the stone gate, even if the heart is like steel, this moment, also can't keep calm.

With the sound of rumbling vibration, the history buried for tens of thousands of years reappears in the world. After the gate of death, a huge space appears. The familiar altar, but the dusty magic sword can no longer be seen.


Even though he is wise and resourceful, even though he is civil and martial, in the face of these inexplicable scenes, Ning Chen's eyes can no longer be clear, puzzled, puzzled, shocked, and all kinds of complex emotions haunt his eyes and mind.

Step by step, Ning Chen looks at the altar in front of him. On the altar, the traces of the sword can be seen. Obviously, endless years ago, this was the place of Chen Bing.

"Ning Chen"

suddenly, a gentle voice behind him rings, so familiar, familiar unforgettable.

Ning Chen's body trembles fiercely. He looks back in disbelief. A woman in a red wedding dress is standing there quietly. The red cap on her head has been taken off. Her gorgeous face makes people can't move their eyes.

"Ghost girl"

her mind is out of control and her body is shaking. Ning Chen raises her hand and can't help taking it back in a moment. She feels inexplicable fear in her heart. Fear is just her own dream, which will be broken at a touch.

"I'm back"

in a soft voice, in front of her, the ghost girl's face showed a gentle smile, so bright, as if to comfort the young man who was in a panic in front of her, who was not a famous young boy.

Hearing this familiar voice again, Ning Chen's right hand trembles and stretches forward, and his palm touches his face. It's so clear that it's like a trickle flowing into his heart, which warms the heart of the rock full of holes.

"Ghost girl!"

Can't help it any longer, the woman in front of the body into the arms, Ning Chen trembling body still can't calm, tightly embrace the warmth of the arms, a moment also refused to let go.

"I'm back"

in a soft voice, the gentleness on the ghost girl's face becomes more and more intense. She holds the man in her arms with too white and slender hands, and does not struggle or speak much, waiting for her to calm down.

I don't know how long later, the waves in Ning Chen's heart gradually subsided. He stepped back and looked at the woman in his arms and said softly, "are you ok? I heard from sister Qingling that when you followed the immortal corpse on the cruise, there was something wrong with your state, and you didn't seem to recover your consciousness "

" I'm OK "

the ghost girl said softly with a gentle smile.

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

Ning Chen opens his mouth.

"It's hard to say. I'll talk about it later. Why are you here, sister lime?" Ghost female soft voice way.

"Sister Qingling, they have returned to the boundary for the time being. I came here to look for the sick king stone and exchange for the stars." Ning Chen truthfully returns a way.

"Sick king stone?"

The ghost girl hears the speech, in the eye flash over the spot splendor, lets the human be difficult to understand.

"What's the matter? Do you know the whereabouts of Wang Shi?" Ning Chen doesn't understand a way.

"I don't know"

the ghost girl shook her head and said, "I just heard about it, but I haven't really seen it."

Ning Chen heard of it and nodded his head slightly. He didn't think much about it. It's really hard to find it. He almost turned it over and found only a piece the size of his thumb. You can imagine how much he cherished it.

"I've been in a coma for a long time and I don't know a lot of things. Can you tell me something?" The ghost girl whispered.


Ning Chen's eyes are very gentle.

"When you had an accident, you were in the troubled times of quadrupole. The quadrupole master..."

Just when they said that in the past, in the abyss of the earth, the falling stars were descending rapidly, and their hearts were inexplicably uneasy, and more and more intense.


strong uneasiness lingers around, the setting stars are all explained, the divine arrow opens the way, the figure flashes away, and moves down.

Ten li, hundred li I don't know how long ago, black pillars appeared in front of me, hundreds of feet high, majestic and impressive.

The remnant fire yuan can be felt vaguely. The setting stars let go of their consciousness. They noticed the remnant Phoenix Fire breath in the void. They looked down at the huge crack without stopping and went down again.

One hundred Li, two hundred Li, three hundred li As the distance from the ground gets farther and farther, the power of the law between heaven and earth becomes more and more powerful. The sky breaking arrow shines brightly, forcibly separates the light, and opens up a road of life and death.

Down thousands of miles, the star has begun to appear around the body cracks, blood overflow, red clothes.

However, if you don't feel the falling stars in your heart about your best friend, ignore your body which can't bear the power of the laws of heaven and earth, and continue to drive down.Another hundred Li, the light suddenly flourished, such as the surge of the arrow light, burst to pieces, difficult to cross the pass of heaven.

"Star trace, give me a hand!"

It's not far away to feel the breath of friends. With a whisper of falling stars, blood overflows from both hands, and the fierce bow is dyed red. At the next moment, the bow is full of stars, and the bloody arrow is shining into the sky.

With a roar, the gap appeared in the steaming light, and the falling stars quickly swept past and disappeared into it.

Underground world, forest ghost hell, falling star shadow swept to, looking at this self-contained underground world, look between flash shock.

What is this place?

Never seen the scene, gloomy and frightening, the stars did not have time to think, a step, follow the fate of the remaining breath continue to move forward.

On the Bank of the weak River, the bottomless wooden boat flashed with purple light. A hundred miles ahead, the huge stone gate appeared, and the breath of time was pressing.

I feel the breath of my best friend inside. The setting star is a little relieved. He comes to the stone mansion and looks at it. Suddenly, his eyes shrink fiercely.

In the Guimen pass, Ning Chen accompanies the ghost girl and tells the story of the past in a soft voice, from calming down the chaos of the four poles, to suppressing the Yongye cult, to the war of sending the gods, the upheaval in Zhongzhou, and the battle of the ancient battlefield One earth shaking thing after another has filled the long century.

On one side, the ghost girl listened quietly, with a gentle smile on her gorgeous face.

At the end of the story, Ning Chen looks at the woman around him with a gentle look and says, "this is what happened in your coma for a hundred years. There are some other little things. I'll tell you later."


The ghost girl nodded with a smile, looked at the people around her gently and said in a soft voice, "so many things have happened in the past hundred years. I really want to listen to you for a while. Unfortunately, I have no chance!"

The words sound square falls, the ghost female eye suddenly appears the blood color, in the hand a purple gold long sword appears, does not have the sign, a sword penetrates in front of the human heart.

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