Changsun knows very well that she can't go back to changsun's house now. Since the assassin knows about his leaving the palace, he will surely wait on her way back to changsun's house.

It's hard to believe that the power behind the assassin has penetrated into the imperial city and even the palace. The successive assassinations are more and more dangerous. This time, if it wasn't for Qingling's life, she would not have escaped.

Ning Chen and Qingling haven't woken up yet. The eldest grandson always feels that Ning Chen is a very special child. She has this feeling since she first met her. They all say that it's too cold to be aloft. Since she became Queen Xia, she has been experiencing this feeling all the time, and even her close relatives have a faint sense of respect when they face her.

She brought it out by herself and was very close to her, but it was this kind of relationship that made her more respectful than intimate. If there were other feelings, maybe more grateful.

The first time she saw Ning Chen, she watched a tiger headed boy running after him. Curious, she didn't disturb him. Who knows that the boy bumped into her arms. The last question was just chasing a copper coin.

From Ning Chen's eyes, she didn't see the compliment, hypocrisy and even fear when everyone saw her. Although she felt guilty, it was obvious that there was some embarrassment when she bumped into her. After she took his copper money, the little guy even wanted to come back.

Later, she asked Ling Ling to take Ning Chen to Weiyang palace. She knew that such a child would definitely cause trouble in other places. However, to her surprise, Ning Chen seemed ungrateful. She still remembers the reluctant appearance when she saw him again.

The next thing that Yinghuo Shouxin did was beyond her expectation. For this reason, she specially called Ning Chen to confirm the truth of the matter. She knew countless people in her life. If she had lived for decades, she might be able to hide it from her, but Ning Chen was only 15 or 16 years old. She knew at a glance whether her words were true or false.

It's nothing to keep Yinghuo's heart, but it's a big thing to appear at this delicate moment. The emperor of Xia has decided to send troops, and the emperor of Qin knows that Yinghuo's image is coming, but he chooses to hide it. His purpose is even more chilling.

Today, she went out of the palace to return to changsun's house. She was surprised and didn't ask anything.

What really surprised her was Ning Chen's performance today. From the time he took her away to the time when he asked the shopkeeper for sulfur and nitrates in the pharmacy to make something that he didn't know. Later, she asked the shopkeeper to go to the place where they were assassinated, where half of the streets were blown up beyond recognition. When the officers and soldiers arrived, they found a lot of broken blood and bones.

Ning Chen's unexpected performance made her more and more surprised. She even asked the shopkeeper about the blood transfusion of lime, but the shopkeeper made it clear that the world had never heard that blood transfusion could cure diseases or wounds, and even there was no record in medical books. However, whether she believed it or not, the pulse of lime was gradually stabilizing, and it was obviously over It's a dead end.

However, this time, the eldest grandson decided to hide the fact that Ning Chen had saved her, and to reduce the credit of Ning Chen's reminding her of Yinghuo. This is not a suppression, but a means of protection. After all, the foundation of the latter is too weak, so it's easy to be envied and framed.

I think the story of her assassination has spread to the palace. Ning Chen takes her to escape into the crowd, and then saves the lime. That is to say, no one knows their whereabouts now.

She once thought about asking the shopkeeper to report to the changsun mansion, but then she gave up the idea. If someone noticed, I'm afraid someone would come to Du'an pharmacy just after the shopkeeper arrived at the changsun mansion.

In fact, Ning Chen is the best person to report to Chang sun's house. Unlike the shopkeeper, many people know the identity of the shopkeeper of Du'an pharmacy. Even if they are noticed, they will not guess where they are.


at this moment, Ning Chen half opened his eyes and called out vaguely on the bed.

Hearing Ning Chen's voice, Chang sun returns to his senses, pours a glass of water at the table, goes to the bed, carefully lifts Ning Chen, and then hands the water to the latter's mouth.

Ning Chen is in a daze, which knows the person in front of him is the eldest grandson that he fears most. He slightly raises his body, drinks a few water, then pushes open the cup, turns around and continues to sleep.

The eldest sun had no choice but to smile. It was the first time in her life that she served people like this. Even the Xia Emperor didn't have such a good fortune.

On the other side, there is still no sign of waking up. After all, she is so badly injured that she can't wake up for a while. Fortunately, this is a pharmacy. There are all kinds of medicinal materials. Only when she is out of danger, she can get better sooner or later.

Unconsciously, the day has turned dark, and night has come. The eldest grandson, worried about the matter of Yinghuo, went to the window and waited for this moment.

At the same time, Xia palace, Tianyu hall and Xia emperor stood in front of the hall alone and looked up at the sky. A Dragon Robe fluttered with the wind in the night. The night was cold and dewy. However, no one dared to remind him.

On the southern sky, the star of xinsudi is as bright as ever, and the light on one side is still as dim as last night. It seems that there is no change. However, those who want to observe it find that the distance between the two is really close.In the west of Xia Dynasty, in an unknown deserted temple, a seemingly ordinary young man can no longer walk out. It's just an ordinary step, but he doesn't know how far he has gone. However, just as the Taoist walked out of the temple, the barren area disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

The world doesn't know that the lost temple is the first temple of the Yongye cult, let alone that the young man walking out is the God son of the cult.

Yinghuo Shouxin, a hundred years of dark night on earth!

It's a sign of eternal night. The same sign appears in the ancient Mongolian court in the north, the duer temple in the southwest, and the tiancang Academy in Daxia.

At this moment, the most amazing change in the sky finally appeared. Originally, the dim star Yinghuo suddenly brightened up quickly. The two stars were bright and red all over the sky.

"Heaven's will"

Taizhi mansion, the imperial master looks at the sky and sighs softly. The disaster star rushes to heaven, which indicates the coming of great disaster. This time, I'm afraid it's hard to avoid summer.

"It's so smart, you look like it!"

With a slight smile, a gorgeous figure came. He was only about thirty years old, and his face was like a crown jade. He was one of the three gongs, Xiyu Gong.

"Good friend, you are not here so late to ridicule too much knowledge." the emperor saw a person in front of him, light way.

"I know that my best friend must be in a bad mood tonight, so I come to accompany him to ease his good friend's mood," Xi Yugong replied with a smile.

"Oh? Thank you very much for that Emperor Shidao.

"Oh, you're welcome," Xi Yugong said with a smile.

"Nearly 100 years old, you are still so shameless," the emperor said sarcastically.

"Good to say" xiyugong still laughs.

That night, the world was in chaos, and everyone's eyes were attracted by the two red stars in the sky. In the Tianyu palace, the Xia emperor felt a sense of weakness. Some people noticed that over the Xia palace, the real dragon spirit which could not be shaken for thousands of years was rapidly weakening. The invincible Xia Dynasty was no longer unbreakable, and the innocence of China was about to change.

Qi Yun is a general trend that is hard to express in words. At the beginning, when China was divided and war broke out, the Xia Dynasty came out to sweep the world. A hundred courtiers were obedient and established the immortal imperial power for thousands of years. Even the immortal night god religion, which has existed for thousands of years, had to stay away from the edge and hide in the dark. This thousand years is indeed the thousand years of the Xia Dynasty, be without rebuke.

But now, the luck of summer is really weakening. What does it mean?

All the wise people in the world know that this means that Daxia is no longer invincible.

Fortunately, the whole world can see this is not much, after all, can really be crowned wise person, a slap can count over.

"What a beautiful star

In the inner courtyard of Du'an pharmacy, just as Chang sun's brow was locked and he was thinking about the solution in the future, Ning Chen, who should have been lying on the bed, secretly saw the situation of lime, and then, bored, wrapped up in a quilt and lying by the window, looked at the stars leisurely.

Eldest grandson immediately a brain black line, this time can say this also this guy.

However, the eldest sun has to admit that, leaving aside the significance of Yinghuo Shou Xin, at this moment, the scene of double stars fighting and blood red sky is really beautiful.

Changsun suddenly remembered that yesterday ningchen also secretly climbed to the roof of the lime tree to see the stars. By chance, he reminded her of Yinghuo. This boy seems to have a great interest in watching the stars.

"Ning Chen, do you like watching stars very much?" Having nothing to do, Chang sun asked curiously.

"Yes," Ning Chen answered distractedly as he counted the stars.

"You are not sixteen years old, are you?"


"your home is not in the Imperial City, is it?"


"when I asked you yesterday, you made up the expert you mentioned"

"yes Ah, it's not "

speak out. Ning Chen just responds. He turns his head and looks at his eldest grandson. He's very upset. Jiang is really old and spicy. He doesn't warm up enough compared with his eldest grandson.

The eldest Sun took a look at the guilty Ning Chen and said slowly, "for the sake of saving the palace and the lime today, I don't care about it. You have made two great contributions. How many requests can the palace consider to grant you?"

"Any of them?" Ning Chen two eyes a bright, hard cover excitement asks a way.

"How many do you want?" Chang sun was amused and asked.

Ning Chen struggles in the heart to turn over, carefully stretches out a palm, after waiting to see eldest grandson that dangerous look in the eyes, and quickly put away three fingers.

"Two will do?"

"Say it," he nodded.

"I don't want to be a eunuch, I want to go out of the palace." Ning Chen opens his mouth and his eyes are shining. After brewing for so long, he finally has a chance to run away.

The eldest sun was stunned. She didn't expect that Ning Chen's request would be this. After thinking for a moment, she shook her head and said, "no way"

in a hurry, Ning Chen jumped out of bed and argued, "a gentleman's word is hard to catch up with. You're the queen. You can't say it without saying it."Hearing Ning Chen's questions, the eldest sun was not angry. He said slowly, "my palace is a woman, not a gentleman. Besides, my palace only said that I would agree, but I didn't say that I would agree"

Ning Chen's face turned pale and speechless. He sat on the bed and sulked.

"This is invalid. You have another chance to ask for it," Chang sun reminded.

"No more"

Ning Chen was in a bad mood. She turned around and got into the quilt, covered her head and said in a dull voice.

"Don't worry, what thing to think of to tell this palace again" looking at Ning Chen eat shriveled, eldest grandson mood is very good, opening a way.


two sobs came from the quilt, which seemed to be a response, but more like a silent protest

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