Hongluan star field, Phoenix wings, streamer speed across, toward the direction of Butian Pavilion.

In front of the Bunian Pavilion, the red light dissipated, and the two men appeared, their faces covered with the evil face of Yama to hide their own breath.

"Ning Chen, is there really no fourth realm in BuTian pavilion?" Yin'er looks at the ancient heritage in front of her and asks suspiciously.

"I used to worry about it, but now I worry about it." Ning Chen soft voice way.

"Is that true?" Yin'er continued.

"I don't think so."

Ning Chen shook his head and said, "before the battle with butiange, I didn't dare to force it too much. I was worried about the existence of the fourth realm in butiange. Later, from the situation of Foshan, Jiange and magic palace, the possibility of the existence of the fourth realm is really slim. Maybe a long time ago, butiange really existed in the fourth realm, but now it's still alive, less than one."

While they were talking, in front of them, a disciple of butiange flew to them. When he saw them, he was on guard.

"Hell, please see the Lord of Butian Pavilion."

Under the mask of Yama, Ning Chen looks at all the disciples in front of him and says.

People in Butian Pavilion look dignified after hearing the speech. Who are you from the hell?

"Just a moment, please."

Among the disciples, one of them hugged his fist and immediately turned to the front Pavilion.

One person went to ask for help, and the rest of the people were still on guard in front. The name of hell is like thunder in the ears these days. It's a mysterious existence that can compete with the devil's palace. Every one of the ten halls of hell is a top master.

After a while, the disciple of Butian Pavilion who went to ask for orders came back, looked at them, saluted them, and said, "the Lord of the pavilion, please, two distinguished guests, please follow me."

"Thank you very much."

Ning Chen light should a, took side wench to follow up.

Bunian Pavilion, three people forward, in front of the temple, the Bunian Pavilion disciples who led the way saluted again and retreated first.

In the temple, the Lord of butiange sits on the main seat. Below, all the elders of butiange come together. They look different when they look at the two people coming.

"I've met the Lord of the pavilion."

Ning Chen steps forward and salutes.

On the main seat, the Lord of Butian Pavilion looked at Yanluo in red below, gazed at him for a moment, and said with a smile, "you don't need to be polite when you come. Come and see the seats and offer tea!"


four disciples of butiange walk in and move in two seats opposite the elders of butiange.

"Thank you, my Lord!"

Ning Chen should a, take the tone son to come forward to sit down.

"I don't know why the two distinguished guests came to my Butian Pavilion today?" On the main seat, Butian Pavilion opens its mouth.


Ning Chen didn't procrastinate and said what he wanted.


Hearing this, the leader of Butian Pavilion said, "how to form an alliance and why?"

"The Lord of the pavilion should be clear that the magic palace has captured Foshan now, and it is only a matter of time before the unification of the celestial realms. The ambition of the magic palace will certainly not stop there. Next, it will continue to send troops to fight. The hongluan Xingyu, where the Bunian Pavilion is located, is adjacent to the heavens. If the Bunian Pavilion does not make preparations early, it will probably become the second Foshan." Ning Chen smiles a way.


On the other side, an old head of Butian Pavilion showed his anger and said, "how dare you compare my BuTian pavilion with the destroyed Foshan? What's your intention?"

"Don't be rude!"

On the main seat, the Lord of Butian Pavilion raised his hand to stop the former from going on. He looked down at the red Yan Luo and said calmly, "Why are you so sure that the next attack of the magic palace will be the red Luan star realm, and the adjoining star realm is not only the red Luan one realm."

"What the LORD said is true. Hongluan is not the only star realm adjacent to the heavens, but the most likely one for the demon palace." Ning Chen light way.

"Oh? How to say that. " The Lord of Butian Pavilion frowned.

"There are lingxu, hongluan, Tianlan and crape myrtle, which are the four star realms adjacent to the heavens. Lingxu has Ji's family and Ming Palace. It is the strongest of the four star realms. At this time, the possibility of the demon palace choosing lingxu is almost nonexistent. The pavilion owner will not deny that." Ning Chen asks in reply.

"That's true"

the Lord of Butian Pavilion nodded and said, "although the magic palace is strong, it doesn't want to fight Shangji's house and Mingdian at the same time. However, even so, there are Tianlan and Ziwei star realm. Why did you think that the magic Palace would choose hongluan star realm?"

"One out of three, each is possible"

under the seat, Ning Chen showed a smile and said, "however, in the current situation, the possibility of the magic Palace's selection of hongluan star field is not one out of three."

Speaking of this, Ning Chen slightly a meal, way, "cabinet Lord, can you notice, the magic palace four road expedition army, who is responsible for the expedition of the north?"

"The first Dharma protector of the magic palace, you ask the sky." Butian Pavilion master's face slightly coagulates down, the way.

"That's right"

Ning Chen reached out and picked up the tea on the table, and said, "which realm is the star realm adjacent to the northern part of Zhutian? I don't have to remind you again. Do you think it's just a coincidence that the magic palace arranged this way?"The Lord of Butian Pavilion heard the speech, and his face was even more heavy, but he didn't answer.

Ning Chen smiles and doesn't care. He goes on, "now the army of the demon palace is trapped in Foshan, but you still don't help him. What is he thinking about?"

"If you ask the heaven, you will be hurt. Even if you don't do it, what's so strange?" The main voice of Butian Pavilion said.

"Is it really so serious that you ask for heaven's injury, or is there something more important to do?"

Ning Chen said with a smile, "Lord of the pavilion, these days, Yanluo, the tenth Hall of my hell, has been on guard against the first Dharma protector of the magic palace. Unfortunately, he has not been able to wait for this person before Foshan."

"Just say what you want. Why beat around the Bush?" The Lord of BuTian pavilion has a deeper look.

"Then I'll be frank."

Ning Chen took a sip of tea and said, "the Lord of the pavilion should know that the real master of the magic palace is the one who has never been seen. Now the holy division of the magic palace is in trouble. According to the truth, the devil will not send someone to help him. However, since you have not shown up yet, you will be able to let the magic palace give up saving the holy division of the magic palace for the time being. If it is not for heaven's great interests, I'm afraid No one will believe it, and how many benefits can the magic palace have in this world? In other words, who controls the most resources in the major star domains? My Lord, do you need me to make it more clear? "


On the main seat, there was a slight crack in the teacup of the master of Butian Pavilion. Below, the faces of the elders of Butian Pavilion were quite ugly. Everyone knew that no matter hongluan, Zhutian, or ZIWEIXING, their ancient heritage controlled the most resources, and only what they had in their hands could make the demon palace fight for it.

After a long time, butiange put down the tea cup, took the white towel handed by the maid next to him, wiped his hands, and said, "even if it's true as you said, why isn't it qitiange in ZIWEIXING? Or the religions in the sky and sky

"Of course, persimmons are soft. How stupid!" Beside, the sound timely inserted a, Jiao voice way.


Your highness, an elder of BuTian pavilion was very angry. He clapped his case and said, "where's the girl who insulted my Butian Pavilion so much?"

Ning Chen's eyes moved and looked at the elder in front of him. He said faintly, "the little girl is straightforward. Why should the elder be so angry? The elder was attacked by the ninth son of mohmen and the Lord of Xiaoyue, and his vitality was greatly hurt. It's no secret. Does the elder really think that people in the world and the demon palace don't know about it?"

On the other side, the elder's face changed again and again.

"Elder Qi, don't be rude!"

On the main seat, the Lord of Butian Pavilion opened his mouth and said, "please go on, Mr. Yama."

Ning Chen nodded and said, "now, the eyes of all parties in the world have been on the demon troops trapped in Foshan. They have forgotten that the real strength of the demon Palace should be far more than that. If the hidden combat power of the demon palace comes out at this time, what will the consequences be? I think it's far better than the magic palace holy department. People all over the world are on guard, and the effect is much better. "

The Lord of BuTian pavilion was silent, thought for a long time, and said, "thank you for your reminding. I will take precautions."

Ning Chen's face peeps out a sneer, is really don't see coffin don't shed tears.

"Pavilion master"

Ning Chen stood up, looked at the Lord of Butian Pavilion in the hall, and said, "I come here with the sincerity of alliance today. If the pavilion master still doubts my words, it's a pity. I know that the pavilion master doesn't want to provoke the demon palace, but the devil is the devil after all, and they won't understand the pains of the pavilion master."

So far, Ning Chen left a turn, a black token appeared, flew to the main seat before.

"This is the order of hell. In seven days, we will wait for the reply from the cabinet leader. In seven days, I'm afraid we can't wait any longer. At that time, we can only choose another person."

Finish saying, rather Chen didn't stay more, take side wench to walk toward the temple outside.

Outside the main hall, a group of strong people in the Butian Pavilion look at the pavilion leader on the main seat, waiting for instructions.

Inside the hall, the Lord of Butian Pavilion gently shakes his head and signals everyone to let go.

Among those who are strong enough to mend the sky, Ning Chen moves forward with a sound. The colder the corner of his mouth is, the more he is attracted by the public attention.

After they left the temple, the faces of the elders of butiange became more and more ugly. Although they didn't believe what they had just said, it was very uncomfortable for someone to say these words in front of them at this sensitive time.

Outside the Bunian Pavilion, as soon as they walked out, yin'er could not wait to hold the arms of the people around him and raise his head for praise.

Ning Chen chuckles, patted the head of the girl beside, way, "do well."

The sound son once heard, giggle, way, "rather Chen, they can believe?"? I don't think they have the courage to take the initiative to provoke the demon palace. "

"Of course, they don't have the courage, so next, we'll give you another dose of strong medicine. It's not up to them to decide whether to go or not." Ning Chen smiles a way.

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