In the devil's land, in the temple, there are many figures standing still. In the middle, one person bows down and kneels down to accept the guilt. No one in the hall dares to say a word. The atmosphere is so oppressive that people can't breathe.

Before everyone, Xie Tiance looked coldly at the people kneeling in front of him and said, "I sent you four at one time, but they were defeated so badly. You really make me look at you with new eyes!"

"Saint's forgiveness"

fengxinzong bowed his head and whispered.

Xie Tiance turned around and stepped up the steps of the hall. He said calmly, "I'll give you a chance to explain. Go ahead."

"Among the four men who came with the ninth son of mohmen, except Shenji and Baiyue, there were two women. One of them suddenly used jiuyoutuntian devil Scripture in the battle. We didn't expect that. When we reacted, Yunxiao had been badly damaged." Fengxinzong told the truth.

On the steps, Xie Tiance stepped forward, turned around, looked at the people below, frowned and said, "do you mean that some of the people brought by the ninth son of the Mohist family also have the nine secluded heaven swallowing magic Sutra?"

"It's true. I dare not deceive the saint." Feng Xinzong respectfully said.

Xie Tiance thought about it and said, "get up and talk back."

"Thank you, saint!"

Fengxinzong saluted respectfully and immediately stood up.

"Details will be provided." Xie Tiance calms down.


fengxinzong said in detail the previous battle.

In the main hall, the other three Dharma protectors, the seven sin sect and the magic palace, listened to the former, and all of them flashed in their eyes.

In addition to butterflies in flowers, there are people who practice the nine secluded swallowing demons Sutra, and their martial arts attainments are not below them.

"What do you think?"

Xie Tiance looked at the three old men in old and strange clothes on the right side of the hall and said.

"No wonder Fengxin and Yunxiao are the best in the world. Even if we meet them unprepared, we will suffer a lot, not to mention the four of them," one of the three elders said.

Xie Tiance nodded and said, "since yueyaozong has interceded for you, this time, I won't pursue it any more. You go down to heal first."

"Thank you, saint!"

Fengxinzong saluted again and immediately turned to withdraw from the hall.

"Sheng Si!"

Yuezhinu stepped forward and said respectfully, "this time, the hell, butiange and the ninth son of mohmen are well prepared to make our demon palace lose a lot. This ugliness, we must not give up. Otherwise, the world's awe of the demon palace will be greatly reduced, and the loss will not be just 50000 demon troops and two criminals."

"What the moon weaver girl said is true. Shengsi, we ask for orders to lead the army to continue the northern expedition, enter hongluan, and slaughter the Butian Pavilion. It's a shame before snow!" Bai forgot to come forward and ask for help.

"Not right"

among the three crimes, Yue Yaozong said, "the army of the North Road has just been severely damaged. Now, if we want to launch the northern expedition, we have to dispatch troops from other places. In this way, it takes time and effort, and we don't have to choose butiange to build power. Shenjifeng and the moon worshippers are also involved, so are they."

"There's only one Shenji on Shenji peak. Apart from worshipping the moon, the moon worshipers can't be afraid to destroy them. However, although it takes time and energy to dispatch troops from other places, these costs are not worth mentioning compared with the benefits of destroying butiange!" Your highness, Bai forgot to argue.

Yue Yiu Zong frowned and said, "Bu Tian Ge is one of the 11 heritages. Even if it's not as good as Buddhism, it won't be too different. My demon palace has just experienced a big war. It's not easy to pick up an ancient inheritance at this time."

"It seems that yueyaozong has been closed for a long time, and he doesn't know about the situation outside"

Bai forgetran's face flashed a trace of ridicule, and said, "BuTian pavilion was badly damaged by the ninth son of mohmen and the owner of Xiaoyue not long ago, and its strength has been greatly damaged. It's not hard for the demon palace to take them down. If we don't move at this time, we have to wait until we can make it up Does Tiange regain its vitality? "

Hearing the former's words, yueyaozong's look gradually subsided. Fengxinzong, a disciple of fengxinzong, was more and more presumptuous. He used to be respectful to them, but now he dares to speak rudely in front of him.

"Don't argue!"

Xie Tiance opened his mouth and stopped the quarrel between them. He looked at the figure in Shuiyun battle suit who had not opened his mouth in the main hall and said, "you ask the sky, since you have recovered from your injury, you will be back in the northern army. When the army is assembled, you will fight in hongluan star field immediately!"

After a word, all the people on the scene were silent, and Bai forgot to show a slight smile. It seems that the Sheng Si is very dissatisfied with the seven crimes sect and his attitude is quite different from that before.

In the hall, the king asked the first half step in the sky and calmly took orders to say, "yes!"

Just when the magic palace decided to send troops to the northern expedition of hongluan Xingyu, the maple leaves on Shenji peak, which is a distance from hongluan Xingyu, fluttered. The year was like autumn, and the maple was red all over the sky.

On the peak, two people look at each other and sit, playing chess silently, a game of life and death, the danger of killing.

Black chess and white chess have different styles. One is attacking fiercely, and the other is defending without leaking. In just one hour, the game has reached its peak.In the end, a son is sure. The sunspot in Shenji's hand falls. He looks at the young man in plain clothes and says calmly, "you lost."

Ning Chen looked at the chess game. After a long time, he put down the pieces in his hand and sighed, "master Shenji's chess skills are inferior to those of the younger generation."

Shenji got up and looked at the red maple on the peak. He said faintly, "it's not that your chess skill is not as good as me, but that if you don't attack, you can't win. What's the matter here? Let's talk straight."

Ning Chen stands up, looking at the man in front, and says seriously, "master Shenji, I want to go to the ancient land of the moon, and please help me."

After hearing the words, Shenji turned around, frowned and said, "do you want to borrow troops from the moon worshippers?"

Ning Chen nodded and said, "the next direction of the magic palace will soon be clear. Although we have the help of the underground government and Butian Pavilion, there is still a big gap with the strength of the magic palace. The moon worshipers have fought with the magic palace many times, and they know much more about this opponent than us. If they can help, it will be of great benefit to this war."

"I advise you to die. The moon worshipers will guard the ancient land for generations and will never leave anyway." Shenji calms down.

Ning Chen once heard of, eyebrow wrinkly, a way, "why, don't you have to wait until the evil palace soldiers come to each domain, sit and wait to die?"

"I don't know why the moon worshipers refuse to leave the ancient land, but this is a fact that no one can change." Magic machine light way.

"I still want to have a try. Please help me." Ning Chen Gong Jing made a ceremony and said.

Shenji's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the person in front of him. A moment later, when his right hand turned, a purple dragon shaped jade pendant flew up and fell into the former's hand.

"If you give it to Baiyue, she will understand that I can only help you. As for whether you can succeed or not, it depends on your nature!" Shenji looks calm.

"Thank you, master Shenji!" Ning Chen again respectful line a gift, way.

Half an hour later, on Shenji peak, he left. Under the red maple in the sky, Shenji looked at the front and flashed.

Maybe he was wrong.

The northwest of Zhutian and the southeast of Luojia are two areas extending from each other. An ancient secret place is located. Today, Zhiming comes to visit the holy land of moon worshipers for the first time.

In the holy land, tens of thousands of moon worshipers kneel under the altar, praying day after day for the protection of the moon god.

On the altar, a holy moon worshiper kneels in front of the stone statue of the moon god, looks up with closed eyes and prays devoutly.

At this time, outside the holy land of worshiping the moon, a figure in plain clothes came down from the sky, and the strong and abnormal air pressure swept through the sky, startling people.


In the holy land, a strong man of the moon worshiper appeared out of thin air and stood in front of him.

"Ningchen, the Lord of the ninth peak of the Mohist sect, asks to see the worshipper of the moon!"

Ning Chen opens his mouth, neither humble nor arrogant.

"The ninth son of Mohist family?"

After hearing the words, all the strong men of the moon worshipers looked like they were freezing. One of them, a young man in white, said, "wait a minute!"

As the words fell, the young man in white turned and swept away towards the altar in the distance.

Ning Chen stands outside the holy land, and has no intention to wait quietly.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the young man in white came back, saluted and said politely, "Dear guest, please follow me."

Ning Chen nodded and followed.

At the altar of the holy land for worshiping the moon, the young man in white came with Ning Chen, saluted the high priest on the altar, and then retreated.

On the altar, he rose to worship the moon, looked at the people below, and said calmly, "why is Mr. Ning here?"

Ning Chen respectfully salutes, and looks at the woman on the altar. There is a flash of light in his eyes. It seems that this high priest of the moon worshiping clan is not the same as the one he saw before.

It's really strange that there should be such a strange thing in the world.

"When you come to visit the moon, you have a business to discuss."

For the time being, Ning Chen can't figure it out. As soon as he turns over his right hand, the dragon shaped jade pendant appears and flies to the altar.

On the altar, Baiyue took over the jade pendant, and his face was slightly frozen. Shenji gave the jade to him.

"Come on, what's up?" Worship the moon to take back the vision, calm way.

"The magic palace is about to send troops. The next target is likely to be hongluan. If hongluan is lost, the holy land of worshiping the moon will be completely exposed to the influence of the magic palace. So, before, I wanted to invite the people of worshiping the moon to send troops to fight against the magic palace!" Ning Chen calmly tells the pros and cons.

Under the altar, one of the moon worshippers heard the former's words, and his face became ugly.

"Before you come here, Shenji should have said to you that the people of my moon worshipers never leave the holy land."

After listening to the moon, I still look indifferent, light way.

"The power comes from the power. The magic palace will never ignore the gratitude and resentment between the moon worshipers and the moon demons. Once the hongluan star domain is lost, the moon demons will definitely make a comeback with the help of the magic palace. By that time, it will be too late for the moon worshipers to protect anything or have something to hide." Ningchen zhengse road."Young man, we appreciate your kindness, but"

under the altar, an old woman with white hair and crutches came forward and said hoarsely, "the God of the moon has a precept. I'll never leave the holy land. This is the Oracle, and we can't disobey it."

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