On the Yunluo moat, there was a lot of fighting. The black sword light broke through the air and chopped at the magic butterfly.

No one could react to the sudden scene. No one thought that the holy division of the magic palace would attack his subordinates.

The Magic Butterfly returns to his senses and looks at the light of the sword. He wants to dodge, but it's too late.

Life and death, but see plain clothes figure quickly swept to, without hesitation, directly blocked in front.


the sword light comes into the body, and a waterfall of poignant blood flies up, fogging the sky and the eyes of butterflies.

The staggering figure in plain clothes fell in front of the butterfly, close at hand, full of splashing bright red, so shocked.

Flower butterfly stood there, motionless, memory was erased, however, the instinct of both hands subconsciously held the person in front of him.

Gushing blood, wet their clothes, flower butterfly heart pain, pain can't breathe, pain is difficult to breathe.


With a long, shrill roar, the butterfly in the flower, a demon, rushes to the spirit of heaven and dances wildly. Driven by the instinct of her body, her eyes are full of hatred. She steps out in one step. Before the holy division of the magic palace, the tears of burying the flower are cut off and the thunder is thundering.

"The following offense, butterfly in the flower, do you want to rebel?"

Xie Tiance looks coldly at the woman in front of him. With a grip of his left hand, the black chess sword comes back from the distance.


in the harsh cracking sound of clothes and silk, the black chess sword cuts over the shoulder of the magic butterfly, bringing out a dazzling waterfall of blood. The mirror method reproduces the world and forces the magic butterfly.

However, if the butterfly in the flower doesn't feel it, it is full of light, nine secluded swallowing the sky, and the magic power is amazing.

"Your moves are all in one form. We all know it. How can you dare to challenge my authority?"

The white sword blocks the move, the black sword returns the move. Between the attack and defense, the magic butterfly is dyed red again.

Outside the war, the female often passes by, holding the yuan of the magic power, and attacking the magic palace together.

Two to one, Jiuyou swallows the sky and shows his power. However, in the hands of the two men, Xie Tiance does not dodge. He has two swords to block and two strong swords. His mirror shooting method is extremely advanced, and he is born invincible.

On the void, the snowflakes are falling. They are told by the sword of the holy Department of the demon palace. Their eyes are closed tightly. Ling Li is in the void and tries his best to heal.

Chest, the black sword through the wound, in the wind and snow gradually frozen, healing more than half.


on Ning Chen's shoulder, little gourd's face looked tired and his voice was tender. "I can only do this."

"Thank you very much."

Ning Chen's eyes open, his eyes look at the war situation below, step out, and his figure disappears instantly.

In the war situation, the figure in plain clothes, who was swept to the sky in a flash, began to wave and chop. With the great sword power, the sky collapsed.

Xie Tiance's eyes were fixed, his steps passed, and his figure instantly withdrew from a hundred feet away.

"If you can fight again with your sword so soon, it seems that you still have some secrets that we don't know."

Xie Tiance flashed a cold color on his face. He looked back and said calmly, "Lord, it's your turn."

In the distant sky, the magic clouds rolled, and a terrible force swept through the sky, beyond the boundaries of heaven and earth, shaking the people present.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, the hell, the Ji family, the ninth son of the Mohist family."

In the majestic voice and the magic cloud, a huge magic eye appeared. Under the terrible magic light, the whole cloud moat vibrated.

"Barren sky forbidding style, gods at dusk!"

In a word, the realm of the forbidden God opens again. In the turbulent evil spirit, the devil comes out and releases his demons. On the cloud moat, the heaven and the earth suddenly become dark, and the brilliance of the heaven and the earth seems to be stripped off, and no light can be seen.

"Today, the spirit does not exist, you have no place to die!"

In the dark, the cold and heartless voice spread all over the world. After a short silence, the terrible pressure fell down. On the battlefield, thousands of strong people burst out, which made it difficult to bear the ultimate magic power.

"Not good"

outside the battlefield, a Yan Luo saw this, his face changed slightly, his figure flashed by and rushed to the battle situation ahead.

In the field of forbidden God, Ning Chen stands in the air, looking at the devil in front, with a cold look, he really comes.

The injured fourth realm is still the fourth realm. The fact that the world is invincible has never changed.

White streamer swept to, impermanence mask, dusk into snow face flashed dignified, looking at the front, asked, "how to fight?"

"The old rules"

Ning Chen said in a deep voice, "I'll block it and you'll attack it. Yin'er is ready to attack at any time."


mu Chengxue nodded and said, "is your body still strong?"

"The same injury in the body, to see who can not hold the first."

Ning Chen calm should a, the foot instantaneous move, again open to kill evil war situation.

"Well come!"

In the second battle, they knew what they could do. The devil didn't try again. His hand was a move beyond the limit. In the rolling evil Qi, the ancient fierce beast coagulated, opened its mouth, swallowed the sky and ate the sun.With a roar, the fierce beast rushed by, but a huge bronze chariot appeared to block the fierce beast.

In the aftershock, the bronze chariot shakes violently. In the shocking scene, the seemingly dilapidated chariot actually inherits the move of the Lord of the demon palace and fails to collapse.

"The chariot of the gods?"

Seeing the huge chariot appeared on the chariot, the devil's eyes coagulated. In his hand, there was the Zhushen chariot of the Western fairyland.

The next moment, on the chariot of Zhushen, the blue light rises, the blood is refined, and the chariot of Zhushen shows its magic again. In the harsh sound of friction, the chariot's shape changes, a black phoenix appears, the Phoenix spreads its wings, and the cold wind roars.

Ning Chen's figure flashed by, and Ling Li was on the body of Mo Huang. He drank deeply, and his whole body was sublimated. He drove Ming Huang to the head of the demon palace in front of him.


seeing this, the demon master stepped down, and his whole body changed dramatically. A hundred Zhang Troll showed up in the world, and his fist burst out, shaking the ancient chariot of killing gods.

The Phoenix and the devil collided, and in the earth shaking shaking, the forbidden God field shook violently, the remaining waves swung away, and the chariot collapsed and fell apart.

Plain clothes fly out, thousands of feet away, stop body shape, mouth red overflow, silent slide.

"The shadow of the remnant wind"

in an instant, in the war situation, the body moves with the wind when the dusk becomes snow.

Speed sword, speed shadow, fast to the limit, fast to perish.

The Demon Lord raised his hand to raise yuan. He wanted to block the sword. Suddenly, he felt his heart sank. He just collided, causing another injury.

The hand is weak, and the evil spirit shakes violently. The beautiful shadow in white flickers several times, and then concentrates. The sword edge penetrates into the evil spirit, and inch by inch breaks through the wound of the devil's heart.


a sword enters the body, and a dull hum rings. A touch of pain flashed in the devil's eyes. He raised his hand to raise yuan and forced to return.

"Heaven's punishment"

at this time, in the war situation, Yin er's eyes suddenly open, two drops of blood and tears fall, and in his hand, a holy Scepter appears, and the breath of terror rises madly, helping the power of heaven.

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