In the primitive magic world, the cold moon rises at the beginning. On the wasteland, the figure in plain clothes walks slowly. After a day, he still can't walk out.

In the night sky, animals roar in the sky, and the wilderness full of crisis has always been a forbidden area for women and children of all ethnic groups.

In the distance, the roar of the earth's sinking beast sounded, and soon hundreds of wolves came rushing to surround the Zhiming group.

On the wasteland, Ning Chen stood still, looking at the wolf step by step, and his face did not change.

After the wolves, a huge two headed grey wolf, with four eyes staring at the plain figure in the wolves, was fierce and alert in its cold eyes.

Standing still for a moment, Ning Chen didn't stay any longer, and went directly to the direction of the head wolf.

In a flash, more than a hundred wolves roared up to the sky and rushed forward like a torrent.

"Be careful"

in the distance, the sound of arrows breaking through the air came, one after another. In a flash, they shot into the wolves, bringing a waterfall of brilliant blood.

Ning Chen stops, eyes looking at the direction of the arrow, eyes in the different color flash.

Into the eye, burst of crack empty sound, a shadow quickly came, not long, already to a hundred Zhang away.

The five strange looking men and women have never seen their faces and clothes before. The two small sharp corners on their heads show that they are not human.

The five men and women of different races came. In addition to the wolves, there was a look of fear in the black wolf's eyes. They looked up to the sky and roared, and immediately turned and ran away.

The wolves took orders, and the team dispersed and ran to all sides.

"Little brother, are you ok?"

The first of the five foreign men and women, a middle-aged man in blue, opened his mouth and looked at the young man in plain clothes in front of him, caring.

"I'm fine. Thank you for your help."

Ning Chen observes the five people in front of him. It's not unusual whether they are in Tianwaitian or in the boundary now. However, most of the people who are out of the original demon realm are hostile to the human race. The purpose of the invasion of Tiantian is to fight for territory and resources. It's not surprising that they are hostile.

While Ning Chen was observing the five people, the five men and women of different races were also observing the young man in front of him. Judging from the young man's clothes and appearance, he should not be local, or he didn't know what race he was and where he came from.

The five men and women of different races did not doubt that the young people in front of them were human race. In the primitive secret world, the human race was the lowest race, enslaved by the major royal or royal families. The young people in front of them had extraordinary temperament and did not look like slaves.

As for appearance, it is not uncommon that there are many ethnic groups with similar appearance.

"Little brother, why are you still wandering here at this time? There are many beasts at night. It's too dangerous."

The middle-aged man in blue spoke again, reminding him.

"I lost my way and couldn't get out for a while."

Ning Chen light smile smile, should way.

Next to the middle-aged man, four men and women looked at each other and nodded. It was easy to get lost on the wasteland. This young man didn't look like a dangerous person. He was born of his heart, and his eyes were clean and comfortable.

"It turns out that the little brother is lost. How about this? Let's go with him. Our village is nearby and we will be there soon." The middle-aged man looked gentle.

Ning Chen is silent for a moment, immediately lightly ordered to nod, way, "that then bothers everybody."

"You're welcome, little brother."

The middle-aged man answered with a smile and immediately turned around to lead the way.

Ning Chen steps to follow, follow five people to walk forward.

In the night, the six people were on their way faster and faster, and the five men and women of different races were obviously people who had some cultivation roots. Their figures were fast, and the sound of breaking the air was constantly flashing.

Ning Chen follows behind, showing a trace of cultivation, but not completely exposed.

The middle-aged man at the head didn't think much when he saw that the young people in the rear could keep up with him. In the primitive magical world, martial arts were advocated. Even ordinary people had some accomplishments, which was not surprising.

More than half an hour later, in the distance, the fire is burning. Before we get close, we can feel the heat wave brought by the raging fire.

Ning Chen sees this, Mou son tiny coagulates, not quite right.

Sure enough, after the five people saw the fire burning in the distance, their faces changed dramatically. Without saying a word, they rushed to the front.

Ning Chen follows behind, also speeded up speed, drive toward front.

A quarter of an hour later, in front of the village, six people stopped and looked at the burning fire in front of them, their faces were shocked.

"Green candle"

the middle-aged man recovered and rushed into the fire like crazy, looking for his wife and daughter.

The other four rushed forward, each toward his own house.

Before the fire, Ning Chen quietly looks at the fire in front of him. In the fire, five men and women of different races break through the fire trees, frantically looking for relatives who may survive.

"Help me"

in the fire, there was a faint cry, weak, low and miserable, which made people shiver.At this moment, in the distance, suddenly saw a traveler, wearing a red sword, reciting Dharma mantra, hunhun and the heavenly language.

In a flash, nine days above, thunder, thunder broke the air, pouring rain from the sky.

In the burning village, the fire goes out gradually after the heavy rain. When the traveler comes, his sword comes out of the scabbard and cuts down with one sword. The wooden house that has survived suddenly collapses. The light of the sword cuts a way to survive and scatters the remaining light of the fire.


See the person, rather Chen Mou son tiny MI, is his feeling wrong, this traveler, seem not alien.

The traveler came, nodded to the young people in front, and immediately walked to the wooden house in front to rescue the survivors.

Soon, the other five people appeared in black, with sad and depressed faces. Obviously, they did not find their relatives.

In the broken wooden house, the walker looks at the little girl who has been burned beyond recognition. He puts his hands together and sighs. He immediately raises his hand to the little girl's spirit to prolong her life.

The swordsman and the walker, the true yuan is like the rain, and they keep flowing into the little girl's body. However, before the gate of death, the Buddha can't go against the heaven. The vitality in the little girl's body is still passing away and can't be retained any more.

"Yiyi, what happened? What happened? "

The middle-aged man came forward, shaking the little girl and asked anxiously.

"Many officers and soldiers..."

The little girl opened her eyes. Her eyes were full of fear. She only had time to say four words, and her eyes were gradually dark. Her life was gone and her soul returned to heaven and earth.

The walker's face shows helplessness and reaches out his hand to brush the little girl's eyes to close her eyes.


the middle-aged man's face was shocked, and his eyes were more sad.

"Officers and soldiers, how can there be officers and soldiers?"

Among the five, the only woman spoke and said in a deep voice.

"This is the jurisdiction of the sun king. If there are officers and soldiers, they must come from the sun city!"

Another young man spoke with a cold look.

"Sun King!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man's face changed dramatically and said, "don't talk nonsense!"

"Big brother!"

The young man's face showed an urgent color and said, "we can't just forget the hatred of our wife and children!"

"Don't make random guesses until the matter is clear!"

The middle-aged man pressed down the sadness in his heart and said in a deep voice.

Sun King?

Hearing this address, Ning Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. In this primitive magic world, Wang's address didn't seem to be used at will. In this way, not far away, there was a king level terrorist.

In the first World War, he was watching. He realized how powerful the king was. It was a force that people could not resist. At least, now he is far from being able to resist.

"Benefactor, are you a Terran?"

When Ning Chen thinks, not far away, the traveler opens his mouth and asks politely.

Ning Chen once heard of, Mou son deep place kill machine to flash, after a moment, astringent eyeground.

"Why did the master ask this question?"

Ning Chen looks at in front of the traveler, calm way.

"Benefactor, don't worry about it. The poor monk comes from a human race. He doesn't look like a stranger, so he asked me specially." The traveler whispered.

Ning Chen is silent, does not deny, also does not admit.

When the traveler saw this, he didn't ask much. In this primitive demon world, the Terran is a taboo. Few people dare to admit their Terran identity, even among familiar friends.

"I can't waste my time here. I don't want to. I'll go and get revenge on them myself!"

At this time, among the five, the young man grabbed a bow and arrow and turned to the only official road outside the village.

"Stop him"

the middle-aged man's face changed slightly and cried out in a hurry.

Next to her, the woman got up and wanted to stop each other, but she was pushed away by the man. It was too late to stop again.

The young man swept out and rushed to the front.

"Don't let him die in vain. Come with me and stop him."

The middle-aged man got up, gave a drink and immediately chased him forward.

The other three, hearing the speech, got up one after another and followed up in a hurry.

"Benefactor, I'll say goodbye to you and see you later"

the walker bowed himself and left without further delay.

Ning Chen returns a gift and looks at the little girl's body in the heavy rain after everyone has left. He sighs softly and reaches out his hand to dig out a tomb about four feet in the mud. He picks up the little girl and puts it into it.

Suffering before death, I hope I can live in peace after death!

Finish these, rather Chen turns round, looking at the direction that five people leave, step out, walk forward.

Between the village and the sunrise City, a group of more than ten people's cavalry sped forward and took advantage of the night to drive to the distant sunrise city.

In the rising sun City, a pair of cold eyes are looking ahead, waiting for the news of the completion of the task.In the West courtyard of Wangcheng, a young man with delicate features was sitting in the courtyard. On the stone table in front of him, a simple and gorgeous long sword was sealed in the sheath. The sword was introverted with no sharp edge.

In the courtyard, several pretty maids are kicking hydrangeas. You come and I go. There is sweat on the white forehead. After playing for a long time, they are very tired.

"Young master, come and play together."

Panting, a pretty maid ran forward, took the young man by the arm and shook her.

"Sister Mei, please forgive me. I can't play with it."

The young man answered with a smile and said, "you play. I'll just watch."

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