After Su Yi made up the plan, Mu Yan began to send people to implement it.

Although coastal areas are not difficult to buy because of the barren land. However, the land of Qilu has been producing salt since ancient times, and there are many salt vendors entrenched here. It is more difficult to collect and pay one by one. After Mu Yan thought about it, he asked the emperor to give the emperor a quick step, saying that he would set up a pilot for Qingzhou to see if he could implement the tightening of the salt policy as the court said. If Qingzhou's implementation goes smoothly, it can be implemented slowly across the country; if Qingzhou's implementation doesn't go smoothly, North Korea and China might make plans again.

Salt and iron have always been the top priority. Chaozhong had quarreled countless times about the salt administration, but now it was caught in the footsteps of the war in northern Xinjiang and opium, and it stopped arguing. After Mu Yan handed it up this time, the DPRK and China quickly passed it unanimously.

Sooner or later Mu Yan wanted to experiment with the salt administration matter in Qingzhou. This would be beneficial to the imperial government's policy implementation.

There have been local pilot projects since ancient times.

At this time, the power of the local officials was still very large. The governor's military and government were unified, and when many policies were implemented, they did not even need to report to the central government. If it is far away from the capital and the central government decree reaches a difficult state, the governor is like a native emperor.

The emperor has been thinking about this. However, even if he wants to reform the official system, he will start from the central government, so the local government will not move for the time being.

Mu Yan could actually make the decision directly by himself, without reporting to the court. However, since Mu Yan can become the emperor's confidant, these aspects are well grasped. As far as major events are concerned, he would rather exhaust a few horses than make decisions. If it is necessary to seize the opportunity and it is too late to report, then it must be done while sending someone to tell the emperor, by the way, the reason why he did not report in advance, and plead guilty.

Although the emperor always said that Mu Yan was too roundabout, but Mu Yan's method obviously made him trust and value it more and more.

The Yanzheng matter was not in a hurry, so Mu Yan waited for Jingcheng's reply. However, he has not been idle for a while, buying land near the coastline in his own name. In addition to preparing for salt production in the future, he also had to cover for shipbuilding.

And with the emperor's generosity, the salt he bought from Zhuangzi must belong to him.

Even if the court agrees, he is just gathering the land in the hands of scattered salt households, and the land of the wealthy clans affiliated with officials cannot be just accepted. This is the unspoken rule implemented by the decree.

But Su Yi was full of confidence. Feudal society is power, and there is no worry about nail households when expropriating land. Originally, he thought that he had to take it slowly, but Mu Yan wrote a letter directly and went to Da Sheng to listen to it, which directly became a government action.

With so many sites, Su Yi firmly believes that he can produce a large amount of high-quality salt. What will be the local wealthy family? In business, business, and business, all are defeated.

Why was the salt drying method discovered during the Yuan and Ming Dynasties only used by a few scattered salt farmers in Fujian and other places until the end of the Qing Dynasty? Because drying salt requires a lot of places and overall labor. Drying salt is not something that a small family can do.

It's the same as farming. Even before industrialization, farms and farmers were different. If farmers compete with the farm, it is impossible to compete. With a large farm area, various agricultural production activities can be coordinated, and manpower and material resources can be saved to the utmost extent.

This is scale operation.

The word "sun" for salt drying shows that the sites and facilities it needs cannot be done by small households. It requires early investment and more manpower.

Ordinary salt users can only boil salt in a pot. The output is low, the amount of labor is large, and the labor cost is extremely high. After the implementation of the salt monopoly system, salt households are basically the target of exploitation, and they are coolies.

Although Su Yi doesn't know much about management, he has never raised pigs, eaten pork, and seen pigs run. He can still manage a little bit simpler.

How to make salt drying facilities, to advance its technology to the most advanced level before industrialization, and how to arrange the division of labor, these are all possible.

Moreover, Su Yi felt that with his arrangement, Mu Yan would definitely have a good reputation. Because in this era, corvee is an obligation, not only do not give money, but also to provide their own dry food. Even if it were not for corvee, the heavy tax burden was enough to overwhelm the salt households. However, the people on the seashore have no other means of earning a living except salting and going out to sea. They can only rely on this.

In Mu Yan’s salt-bake shop, Su Yi was planning to “recruit workers” instead of enlisting corvee. He wanted to pay wages and provide board and lodging.

When Su Yi said this, he couldn't understand Mu Yan, the old feudal ruling class. In Mu Yan's view, these are all unnecessary expenses. After Su Yi explained to Mu Yan the benefits of doing this to him in various aspects ranging from prestige to work enthusiasm, Mu Yan agreed.

Although it looks like a lot of expenses, if the profits of salt making are nothing but a sliver of money, it is considered to be a good reputation for oneself.

But Mu Yan decided that this reputation could not be brushed for himself, but should be brushed for His Majesty and Su Yi.

Mu Yan decided that he would preach that this is Su Yi's benevolence, to benefit the people, and want more people to eat salt. Because this was not an act of the court, His Majesty the Emperor agreed to Master Su's request. This is a personal act of kindness and cannot be regarded as corvee.

When the time comes, these people are grateful to Dade, so let's be grateful to the emperor and Su Yi.

Su Yi now knows that no matter how high his reputation is, he will not cause the emperor’s suspicion. As for the prince... first he trusts his younger brother, and then when his reputation reaches a certain level and does not interfere with the government, the next generation of rulers will treat him politely. . In contrast, Mu Yan's high reputation is not good. So Su Yi agreed.

But Su Yi felt that he could add another fire. He decided to downplay his own existence and give his emperor father his prestige with all his heart. To this end, he deliberately engaged in a set of modern cult-like, no, religious rituals.

That is, don’t you have to take care of board and lodging? This place to eat, turn it into a cafeteria. Before each meal, the workers were organized to shout slogans such as "Thank you for the gift" or "Long live your majesty". Then what results are produced, such as the first batch of salt, organize an event. I provided food here, let the workers put on their best clothes, held a celebration ceremony, and bowed down to the capital. Thank you, His Majesty, for the gift.

Although it was a rule before, it will become a habit after a long time. After becoming a habit, these thoughts will really go deep into the mind and become deeply ingrained.

Look, evil... No, don't religions all do this?

When Mu Yan heard Su Yi's words like this, he just thought that this was probably to prevent this maverick behavior from being resisted by other tycoons who squeezed the salt households, so he pushed everything to his Majesty the Emperor.

Su Yi smirked: "You don't understand, I want to shape a golden body for His Majesty the Emperor in Qingzhou."

Although Mu Yan didn't quite understand what Su Yi meant, he thought it might become very powerful.

"Then I will wait and see." Mu Yan said.

Su Yi said: "In just a few months, you will find that the mental outlook of those who work will be completely different. If you admit this, do the same when building ships and glass."

Mu Yan hesitated.

Mu Yan is already a person who cares about the people very much, but at this time, when people really ask the people to do things, they still care about food, housing, and even wages. However, if what Su Yi said was true, it would indeed be more beneficial than giving that thing.

After all, these are not servitudes such as building roads and cities, but projects that can make a lot of money by themselves. If the follow-up income is used to make up for this part of the expenditure, Mu Yan is still willing.

From this point of view, Mu Yan was already considered a man of advanced thinking among the feudal aristocracy. If it is someone else, they must feel that these can be saved, why not? Originally, those ordinary people worked for nothing.

Although Mu Yan also considered many issues such as prestige, he also had the idea of ​​reducing the burden on the people of Qingzhou as much as possible, so he would accept this approach.

Su Yi thought, as soon as Mu Yan came here, he already had the consciousness of his parents and officials, and he had a love for the people of Qingzhou.

Even without herself, Mu Yan would definitely be a good official.

Yes, myself, Mu Yan, this is the rhythm that lives on through the ages. Su Yi thought proudly. Of course, he must be famous for the ages and can't run away. Maybe after he died, he would build a temple.

It's a pity that I can't have descendants, otherwise, like the descendants of Confucius, I will get a hereditary nobleman who is given to each dynasty. Other celestial masters have similar inheritance.

But Su Yi just thought about it. He didn't want his children and grandchildren to do things under his own banner. Originally, I didn't have any dark spots, but when the descendants got involved, I lay down and got an arrow in the knee. It was so miserable.

For example, Confucius had no black spots in his life. His thinking was already relatively advanced in that environment. But after the feudal imperial court used the Confucian family as a tool to consolidate its rule, the colleges and universities from the Confucian family were taken for granted, and personal efforts were concealed by the brilliance of the family. The scum of the Confucian family made Confucius scolded.

Confucius once said, "It is not a ghost to sacrifice it, and it is flattering." He knew what was going on behind him, so he would sigh and shake his head.

So instead of shaping herself a golden body, Su Yi might as well shape the emperor's majesty. In feudal society, the personal worship of a Ming monarch can maintain the stability of the country to a large extent.

Although the emperor's father is very scumbag in some aspects, very scumbag, especially for the love of men and women. This is probably a common problem with many feudal men. However, as an emperor, even if he has not been on the throne for a long time, he has gradually shown the same demeanor as those Mingjun in the past.

Therefore, the people worship him personally, which is beneficial and harmless in feudal society.

Su Yi originally came to Qingzhou for a "vacation" to relax. He didn't expect that after arriving in Qingzhou, he soon began to be very busy.

This kind of busyness, if it travels through the previous friendship, will definitely be irritable to death, rolling on the ground every day, and **** away. Technical house, but there is a word "house".

And now, Su Yi is running outside every day, and his riding skills have improved a lot. Even Xiao Zao won't be disgusted with his jet, he is not bored, even very happy.

Although Su Yi didn't realize it, he finally had some passion to actively change the course of history after several passive actions.

From passive to active, it was probably because the opium appeared early, which touched him too deeply.

Su Yi's change is very obvious in the eyes of Mu Yan who has been watching him. Mu Yan naturally wouldn't say it. He knew that after speaking out, Su Yi might retract again.

Mu Yan liked the former Su Yi, and that Su Yi seemed to belong to him alone. But now Su Yi is slowly showing his talent and brilliance, and Su Yi, whom everyone will admire, may seem a little uneasy, but Su Yi deserves it.

Therefore, Mu Yan will do his best to help Su Yi, so that Su Yi can shine on her own under the premise of being as safe as possible, and become the living **** in Yu Chao people's heart.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

When Su Yi was busy, people in Qingzhou and even neighboring counties became anxious.

Su Tianshi actually left the capital to come to Qingzhou to relax.

What's so good about this relaxation? Master Su Tian must have important things to do.

Of course, after the manufactured salt enters the market, and more things happen, they will confirm this.

But now, although they guessed, how could they guess the emperor and the idea of ​​the heavenly master?

Emperor & Su Yi: I'm really here to relax, don't guess.

No matter what Su Yi has to do, it is a fact that he has arrived in Qingzhou. Whether they are suspicious or convinced, many people want to have a glimpse of the celestial master.

However, it is said that in the capital city, Su Tianshi was given special privileges to shut out everyone, including the emperor himself. The emperor also deliberately directed and acted several times, making Su Yi rolled on the couch with a smile, but was kicked in the **** by his own father, coughing, black history.

Are these tycoons and celebrities better than the emperor's majesty? Is it comparable to the big families in the capital? Regardless of whether they are in awe of Su Yi, they must act in awe.

The privileged image created by the emperor for Su Yi made these people afraid to even post to Su Yi.

Moreover, Su Yi still lives with Mu Yan. When Mu Yan was still chatting with Chen Mu, he said that Su Yi lived in his house to help him prevent mundane affairs. In fact, he is also serving as a provincial governor. The butler of Master Su Tian.

This word quickly spread out and reached the ears of everyone who should listen.

Mu Yan has reduced his posture to this point, but who dares to look down on Mu Yan?

Mu Yan’s reputation for “Jade Face Rakshasa” was made in Qingzhou. Some of Qingzhou’s wealthy clan would have nightmares when mentioning his name. Mu Yan was also a well-known celebrity in the Central Plains, and his calligraphy and personal behaviors were praised by many literati and mosques. Respected.

By the way, Mu Yan is still respected as the most beautiful man today. Even if someone didn't believe it, they went to the capital to admire his appearance, but in the end they sighed.

Mu Yan used his reputation and status to create momentum for Master Su, who would dare not buy it?

So many people wanted to see this legendary living god, but no one dared to move.

Su Yi is also rare to be quiet.

However, after Chen Mu completed the transfer of government affairs and was about to leave for Beijing, and the local wealthy and friends gave him a farewell banquet, the curiosity of those people about Su Yi was about to move.

During the banquet, Chen Mu praised Su Yi with exaggerated words and confessed himself. After Chen Mudao became an official, he has been complacent about his political achievements, but he didn't realize that he had become the shameless layman ever.

Why is he an official? Because I want to verify what I have learned, because I want to benefit the people. Therefore, it is his duty to have political achievements. Since it is a duty and something to be done, how can he be proud and complacent because of it?

He was blinded by fame and wealth. During his tenure, he never even read a book, wrote a character, drew a picture, and played the piano once. He didn't look like himself. His eyes could only see fame and fortune, and all other knowledge and morals were thrown aside.

"The wisdom of the heavenly master, when I first met me, he asked me three questions. What is the universe? What is the gathering of sentient beings? What is the life of a human being? I am confused. The heavenly master sighs, learning is endless."

"The heavenly master asked again, who is the king? Where does the king come from? Where is the king going? I am puzzled. The heavenly master sighed and kept on self-examination."

Chen Mu stood up and said deeply to the distance: "The celestial master only glances at me, and he sees through my heart. How lucky to be able to be raised by the celestial master!"

There was an uproar.

Chen Mu is a celebrity who became famous earlier than Mu Yan, and has many disciples and friends. Chen Muqi's arrogant deeds have also been spread among the people, as evidence of Chen Mu's fame and arrogance.

Chen Mu is twice as much as Su Yi. With such a high evaluation of Su Yi, he seems to have regarded Su Yi as a life mentor, and his words and sentences come from the heart, which makes people have to believe that Su Yi is indeed well-deserved.

After Su Yi knew, she was speechless.

He said this when he first saw him, and he was obviously chatting with Chen Mu, so he didn't feel divergent. These are just six famous philosophical questions, which are the questions he used as the finishing touch to his whole remarks. Which ones are used to directly ask Chen Mu?

Mu Yan couldn't help but chuckle with his sleeves.

In Chen Mu and Qi Yun's eyes, Su Yi's words in front are foreshadowing, and the words in the back are what really needs to be said. If he didn't know Su Yi in particular, he would think so too.

Master Su, how can you say something useless?

Su Yi was helpless. Forget it, he is used to it often.

However, after Chen Mu gave Su Yi a reputation between half drunk and half awake, those people couldn't hold back their desire to see Su Yi. Moreover, many people who believed and doubted began to believe in the authenticity of the legend about Master Su Tian. Even the last person who had doubts only doubted the authenticity of the miracles performed by Su Yi in the legend, but believed in Su Yi's own talent and virtue.

So these people finally started to move.

Although they can't directly post to Su Yi, saying they want to meet, they can always post to Mu Yan.

Mu Yan is also a celebrity, and Mu Yan is still a new governor. Whether it is to visit his parents or learn from Mu Yan, he can post to him.

Since Su Yi and Mu Yan live together, when you see Mu Yan, are you worried about not seeing Su Yi?

Even if Su Yi hid, as long as he was approved by Mu Yan, with Mu Yan's temperament, how could he not introduce people to Master Su?

Since Tianshi Su came to Qingzhou, it seemed that he had to stay for a while, and it was definitely not that he would not be seen behind closed doors.

So soon after Mu Yan moved into the government office, the post received by the concierge was already waiting for her height. And these have been screened once.

Mu Yan looked at the posts and laughed: "Kangle, Kangle, do you think I should be wronged. I am also a famous person, but how many of these posts are for me? This really looks down on me. "

Su Yi gave Mu Yan a blank look: "You look down on yourself, right? These posts must be given to you first, and then to me. Show me what you can get? You, a great provincial governor, are the object of their fawning. what."

Mu Yan smiled and said, "I don't think so. At least half of them are given to you specially."

Su Yi said: "You said yes. So what are you going to do next? You don't really want to see each other, right?"

Mu Yan said, "Why didn't you see me? Since I have been living in the official office, I always have a big banquet for the housewarming, right?"

Su Yi said: "It's troublesome..."

Mu Yan said: "When the time comes, you will have a rest in Zhuangzi. I will borrow the banquet and see everyone."

Su Yi said amused: "Are you really my butler?"

Mu Yan said sternly: "It's true."

Su Yi said, "Thank you, Heqing, then, I will continue to shine for your money bag, right?"

Mu Yan laughed and said, "It's as if I don't give it to you."

Su Yi said: "If you don't give it to me, I will ask your majesty. If you want to come, your majesty will definitely not be stingy."

Mu Yan sighed with a smile.

Who said that Master Su treats the world as dung? Obviously a mouthful of money is very vulgar.

After Mu Yan made this decision, he screened the guests and started posting posts one by one, inviting them to participate in the housewarming.

Every time a new official takes office, it is an unspoken rule of officialdom to hold a banquet for people to recognize the venue.

There were many guests at the banquet, and the government office was slightly crowded. The place where Mu Yan held the banquet is in Natural Zhuangzi. That Zhuangzi was purchased from Chen Mu. Not only is it located in the city, it also has a beautiful view. At this season, you can enjoy the plum blossoms.

Literati and innocent people like to enjoy flowers, especially in winter.

Mu Yan invited people to appreciate the plum blossoms, and all the invitations were all slightly talented literati. As for those guests in politics and business, we have to wait for the next time.

Mu Yan himself is a great celebrity. Only when he acts like this makes his identity and arrogance even more apparent. It also makes the rest of the people praise him and feel that Mu Yan is very celebrity demeanor.

Su Yi didn't quite understand what this celebrity style was, maybe he was proud?

In addition to the people who Mu Yan invited to post to him, there were many others who were on the sidelines, or were arrogant and disdainful to come forward. Regardless of the prominent clan, as long as there is a reputation, Mu Yan invited them one by one.

As for whether you will come or not, that is another matter.

But Mu Yan's reputation is there, no matter whether he has a good impression of Mu Yan himself, none of the people Mu Yan invited refused.

As Su Yi said, these people will come only because of Mu Yan himself, and it has nothing to do with him. He was just incidental.

Even if this incidental is very important.

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