After Su Yi and Yang Xu chatted for a while, Su Yi didn't bother to see that Yang Xu was hurt. Before leaving, Yang Xu solemnly gave Su Yi the small package he had brought with him in advance. Among them are the book "Mozi" and a large number of mechanical drawings developed by the descendants of the Mohist generation.

The heirs of the Mo family believe that even if Su Yi is not interested in the meaning of "Mo Zi", but for the sake of the drawings, he might be able to help the heirs of the Mo family. These machines seem to be strange and ingenious to other scholars, but Master Su should be able to see their value. Especially now is the eventful season.

After Su Yi returned to his room, after taking a few glances at the drawings and introductions, he knew what they were useful for. He did not intend to directly deliver these drawings to His Majesty the Emperor. Su Yi is now thinking about writing out the basic chemistry and physics knowledge he knows. Biology just forget it for now. Because it involves the human body, you can only continue to study when you open your mind later. But if there is a more enlightened and smart doctor to cast, he can also come up with something first.

Because Su Yi himself is a Taoist priest, even if he did not make any declarations and did not deliberately convene anyone, he has become the leader of the Taoist priest. Su Yi could teach the basic knowledge of chemistry to Taoists with a little brain, and then let them continue to study on the grounds of studying alchemy through refining tools.

It's just that you can't make anything in this way. If the group of Taoist alchemists bluff and deceive under the banner of Su Yi, it would be very embarrassing. If there are Taoist priests who just want to study and don't want to come up with something, that's not bad.

Basic knowledge of physics is definitely no problem for the Mohist group. This time, shipbuilding and so on can also just allow them to join in. I think they are willing to participate in these big projects.

Su Yi was thinking while looking at the drawings. He didn't know, his expression and his elder brother Su Jin, who often complained in private, were very imaginative. His lips were pursed and his brows were slightly raised. The expression was called "strategic planning".

No matter how he feels in his heart that he is still a carefree rice bug, he has changed, and it is not happening slowly, but drastically during this time.

Many major actions of the court are related to him, and almost all people with status in the court are inextricably linked to him. Even if my heart hasn't thought about what to do, but being involved in it will always change slowly and gradually become mature.

If the family members see Su Yi's appearance, they don't know whether they should be relieved or distressed.

After Su Yi flipped through the drawings, he flipped through the Mohist classics. The later period of Mohist thought research was mainly on the dialectical relationship between materialism and logic. These are all philosophical categories. These facts did not involve the disputes of Confucian orthodoxy. It seems that at that time, the Mohist had already given up the original teachings. No, maybe it's not giving up, but hiding in my heart. They just hid it, but they still acted like that. Otherwise, the Mo family's progeny will not "consume" so quickly.

The Mohist has been walking in the world, either entering officialdom, or becoming a ranger, or just a craftsman. But they have always existed.

There are some things that you know you can't do, but you still do it.

"Speaking of hypocrisy, knowing that the ideal in your heart is impossible to achieve, but still sticking to it without hesitation is also a kind of romance." Su Yi sighed softly, "but if it is materialism and dialectical relationship, it doesn't matter if you continue to study it. , I don’t think Confucian students will make a fuss about these things. Nowadays, in this world, even though rituals and music are collapsing and are awaiting reorganization, it is still good. Even if it does not reach the contention of a hundred schools of thought, it is feasible for two or three schools to debate."

Only now. Feudal society is on its way up. Although feudal rulers are strengthening their rule, civil society is the most enlightened and open time of feudal society. After that, it's time to add shackles.

"The prosperous age will appear in advance, and there is no need to wait until the Sui and Tang Dynasties." Su Yi put down his things, opened the system mall, and looked at the dazzling array of exchanged agricultural products.

After hearing that the person being rescued was a descendant of the Mohist family, the system prompts that the energy accumulation is sufficient and begins to level up. The system was upgraded very quickly, and the upgrade was successful in only an hour.

The upgraded system page has not changed much, but many new things have been added to the system store. Maybe a new category has been added to the lottery pool. The content of the lottery pool is not public, and Su Yi can't judge.

Su Yi saw that in the exchange mall, there is something that is very practical now, but the price is very expensive.

Originally, Su Yi's points were too many to use up. Only now did he realize that it was only rising rapidly in the early period. When Su Yi took out the potatoes for the first time, the points soared, making Su Yi mistakenly think that every time he took out new food, he would have a lot of points. Later, when several new food crops were brought out, the points increased more and more slowly.

Su Yi guessed that the first time he took out the potatoes was to give charcoal in the snow, and then the icing on the cake. Naturally, its influence on history is different, so the points earned are also different.

However, Su Yi later debunked the "magic medicine", offered cement, tried to sun salt, etc. and accumulated a lot of points, but he exchanged corn and apples, which cost a lot.

Therefore, if I want to exchange it now, I am a little stretched.

The seed Su Yi wanted to exchange was the one he was still developing before crossing. Now that it can be exchanged, it should have been successfully developed. That is the legendary "sea rice".

Sea rice is of course not rice that can be grown in sea water, but rice that can be grown in saline soil. Many people criticized Yuan Lao’s high-yield hybrid rice and this sea rice, which had poor taste and poor nutrition. They were not delicious at all, and they were still delicious in the past.

However, the cultivation of these rice by Yuan Lao is not good for you at all. He is to fill up the stomachs of all Chinese people.

High-yield and barren-tolerant rice can produce more food and solve the problem of food and clothing. Eat well if you are full. If you feel that this stuff is not enough to fill your stomach, there are rice cooked in the northeast every year in the supermarket, as well as high-grade rice imported from abroad. As long as you have money, there is nothing you can't eat.

Talking about the taste and nutrition of the rice cultivated by Yuan Lao is like saying that it is thin and ugly as a T-shirt that runs to a street stall and picks up a five-yuan T-shirt. There are fifty, five hundred, five thousand or even fifty thousand yuan of clothes. Who told you to buy five yuan?

Yuan Lao's rice is to meet the most basic needs. This is not necessary for many people, but for China and the world, the merits are in the present and will benefit the future.

Sea rice is also extremely useful at this time. In ancient times, people were on the brink of famine all the time. Basically, even a well-off home only had enough food for one year. In the event of natural and man-made disasters, you will be hungry immediately. What is the taste? What is nutrition? How about drafting root bark Guanyin soil?

Don't think that the bark of grass roots will be dug during the Great Revolution. In this day and age, as long as God is a little bit unbeautiful, and the harvest is a little bit poor, there will immediately be large-scale tracts of people who can only rely on this to make a living.

"Although sea rice cannot be exchanged for the time being, hybrid rice is fine." Su Yi thought.

However, it is best to promote rice in the Jianghuai area in the south. Qingzhou is still dominated by wheat and corn.

If there are enough exchange points, Su Yi will definitely exchange all the wheat and rice. Using the emperor's means to promote high-yield rice in the south is only a bit slower, but it will definitely succeed. But Su Yi worried that the exchange point after the rice promotion was not enough for him to do other things.

If the remaining exchange points cannot support him to continue the exchange, then the earning of exchange points will be cut off.

"Perhaps I can think about what I can do without exchange." For example, this time cement. And after the ship goes out to sea, there will definitely be an exchange point to enter the account. Su Yi fumbled for the paper of the book that Yang Xu had brought, and was already thinking about other things in his head.

While he was in Qingzhou, he exchanged sea rice, and while Mu Yan was still serving as a governor in Qingzhou, it would be easy to promote it.

Su Yi can't remember for the time being, what else could he do without the system exchange. The cement, shipbuilding, glass, etc. almost conceivable have already been taken out. The rest, weapons, etc., after talking with Mu Yan, his position is not as firm as before, but he is still hesitating and does not want to take it out for the time being. For the rest, he couldn't think of things that could affect the course of history.

Su Yi kept searching the system redemption page, and suddenly his eyes stopped at a certain option. He put down the book, slapped his thigh, and chuckled softly: "That's right, this is it! This time the system upgrade actually refreshed this! Just redeem this!"

With a smile, Su Yi spent almost all of his points, and exchanged this seed, second only to sea rice, and didn't feel distressed at all. Even the vegetables and fruits that I wanted to exchange before have been temporarily postponed.

Although it is important to enrich the basket and satisfy the appetite, you must first earn enough points.

The four most basic and most important things in life are the things that earn the most points. What Su Yi now exchanges is cotton seeds.

Su Yi wanted to exchange cotton long ago, especially after winter. However, there has been no cotton exchange option in the system. Su Yi thought about it when he had the opportunity to talk to His Majesty the Emperor. He would take a trip to India to find cotton seeds and farmers who can grow cotton.

Su Yi will tell this about the first official trip to sea. Not only cotton, but other things can be found back.

Now that it can be exchanged, it is unnecessary. Produced by the system, it must be a high-quality product. The cotton exchanged by the system has been improved many times, and it is a high-quality product in terms of yield and resistance to cold and pests. If there is a finished product, the optimization process is omitted from the finished product or the planting.

Shandong happens to be one of the important cotton producing areas in China, and it is just right to plant cotton in Qingzhou. With cotton, most of the "clothing" problem has been solved, and people don't have to worry about freezing to death when they spend the winter.

There is no cotton now, and people’s clothes are linen. Although linen has many advantages in modern times, it is no better than cotton in terms of warmth retention. The common people don't have so much money to buy furs. Even if they slaughter the sheep, they will sell the hides for food. It is almost impossible to keep them at home.

Before cotton, rich people were furs, well-off people were rags, and ordinary people were reed flakes and hay. You can think of its warmth retention.

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